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(function($) {
$.entwine('ss', function($){
* Vertical CMS menu with two levels, built from a nested unordered list.
* The (optional) second level is collapsible, hiding its children.
* The whole menu (including second levels) is collapsible as well,
* exposing only a preview for every menu item in order to save space.
* In this "preview/collapsed" mode, the secondary menu hovers over the menu item,
* rather than expanding it.
* Example:
* <ul class="cms-menu-list">
* <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
* <li class="current opened">
* <a href="#">Item 2</a>
* <ul>
* <li class="current opened"><a href="#">Item 2.1</a></li>
* <li><a href="#">Item 2.2</a></li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* Custom Events:
* - 'select': Fires when a menu item is selected (on any level).
togglePanel: function(doExpand, silent, doSaveState) {
//apply or unapply the flyout formatting, should only apply to cms-menu-list when the current collapsed panal is the cms menu.
if (doExpand) { //expand
$(this).children('ul').each(function() {
if ($(this).data('collapse')) {
} else { //collapse
$(this).children('ul').each(function() {
$(this).data('collapse', true);
this._super(doExpand, silent, doSaveState);
toggleFlyoutState: function(bool) {
if (bool) { //expand
//show the flyout
//hide all the flyout-indicator
} else { //collapse
//hide the flyout only if it is not the current section
$('.collapsed-flyout').find('li').each(function() {
//if (!$(this).hasClass('current'))
//show all the flyout-indicators
var par = $('.cms-menu-list ul.collapsed-flyout').parent();
if (par.children('.child-flyout-indicator').length === 0) par.append('<span class="child-flyout-indicator"></span>').fadeIn();
siteTreePresent: function () {
return $('#cms-content-tools-CMSMain').length > 0;
* @func getPersistedStickyState
* @return {boolean|undefined} - Returns true if the menu is sticky, false if unsticky. Returns undefined if there is no cookie set.
* @desc Get the sticky state of the menu according to the cookie.
getPersistedStickyState: function () {
var persistedState, cookieValue;
if ($.cookie !== void 0) {
cookieValue = $.cookie('cms-menu-sticky');
if (cookieValue !== void 0 && cookieValue !== null) {
persistedState = cookieValue === 'true';
return persistedState;
* @func setPersistedStickyState
* @param {boolean} isSticky - Pass true if you want the panel to be sticky, false for unsticky.
* @desc Set the collapsed value of the panel, stored in cookies.
setPersistedStickyState: function (isSticky) {
if ($.cookie !== void 0) {
$.cookie('cms-menu-sticky', isSticky, { path: '/', expires: 31 });
* @func getEvaluatedCollapsedState
* @return {boolean} - Returns true if the menu should be collapsed, false if expanded.
* @desc Evaluate whether the menu should be collapsed.
* The basic rule is "If the SiteTree (middle column) is present, collapse the menu, otherwise expand the menu".
* This reason behind this is to give the content area more real estate when the SiteTree is present.
* The user may wish to override this automatic behaviour and have the menu expanded or collapsed at all times.
* So unlike manually toggling the menu, the automatic behaviour never updates the menu's cookie value.
* Here we use the manually set state and the automatic behaviour to evaluate what the collapsed state should be.
getEvaluatedCollapsedState: function () {
var shouldCollapse,
manualState = this.getPersistedCollapsedState(),
menuIsSticky = $('.cms-menu').getPersistedStickyState(),
automaticState = this.siteTreePresent();
if (manualState === void 0) {
// There is no manual state, use automatic state.
shouldCollapse = automaticState;
} else if (manualState !== automaticState && menuIsSticky) {
// The manual and automatic statea conflict, use manual state.
shouldCollapse = manualState;
} else {
// Use automatic state.
shouldCollapse = automaticState;
return shouldCollapse;
onadd: function () {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function () {
// Use a timeout so this happens after the redraw.
// Triggering a toggle before redraw will result in an incorrect
// menu 'expanded width' being calculated when then menu
// is added in a collapsed state.
self.togglePanel(!self.getEvaluatedCollapsedState(), false, false);
}, 0);
// Setup automatic expand / collapse behaviour.
$(window).on('ajaxComplete', function (e) {
setTimeout(function () { // Use a timeout so this happens after the redraw
self.togglePanel(!self.getEvaluatedCollapsedState(), false, false);
}, 0);
onmatch: function() {
var self = this;
// Select default element (which might reveal children in hidden parents)
onunmatch: function() {
updateMenuFromResponse: function(xhr) {
var controller = xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Controller');
if(controller) {
var item = this.find('li#Menu-' + controller.replace(/\\/g, '-').replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_:.]+/, ''));
if(!item.hasClass('current')) item.select();
'from .cms-container': {
onafterstatechange: function(e, data){
onaftersubmitform: function(e, data){
'from .cms-edit-form': {
onrelodeditform: function(e, data){
getContainingPanel: function(){
return this.closest('.cms-panel');
fromContainingPanel: {
ontoggle: function(e){
this.toggleClass('collapsed', $(e.target).hasClass('collapsed'));
updateItems: function() {
// Hide "edit page" commands unless the section is activated
var editPageItem = this.find('#Menu-CMSMain');
editPageItem[editPageItem.is('.current') ? 'show' : 'hide']();
// Update the menu links to reflect the page ID if the page has changed the URL.
var currentID = $('.cms-content input[name=ID]').val();
if(currentID) {
this.find('li').each(function() {
if($.isFunction($(this).setRecordID)) $(this).setRecordID(currentID);
/** Toggle the flyout panel to appear/disappear when mouse over */
$('.cms-menu-list li').entwine({
toggleFlyout: function(bool) {
fly = $(this);
if (fly.children('ul').first().hasClass('collapsed-flyout')) {
if (bool) { //expand
} else { //collapse
//slight delay to prevent flyout closing from "sloppy mouse movement"
$('.cms-menu-list li').hoverIntent(function(){$(this).toggleFlyout(true);},function(){$(this).toggleFlyout(false);});
$('.cms-menu-list .toggle').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
$('.cms-menu-list li').entwine({
onmatch: function() {
if(this.find('ul').length) {
this.find('a:first').append('<span class="toggle-children"><span class="toggle-children-icon"></span></span>');
onunmatch: function() {
toggle: function() {
this[this.hasClass('opened') ? 'close' : 'open']();
* "Open" is just a visual state, and unrelated to "current".
* More than one item can be open at the same time.
open: function() {
var parent = this.getMenuItem();
if(parent) parent.open();
close: function() {
select: function() {
var parent = this.getMenuItem();
// Remove "current" class from all siblings and their children
if(parent) {
var parentSiblings = parent.siblings();
$('.cms-menu-list *').entwine({
getMenu: function() {
return this.parents('.cms-menu-list:first');
$('.cms-menu-list li *').entwine({
getMenuItem: function() {
return this.parents('li:first');
* Both primary and secondary nav.
$('.cms-menu-list li a').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
// Only catch left clicks, in order to allow opening in tabs.
// Ignore external links, fallback to standard link behaviour
var isExternal = $.path.isExternal(this.attr('href'));
if(e.which > 1 || isExternal) return;
// if the developer has this to open in a new window, handle
// that
if(this.attr('target') == "_blank") {
var item = this.getMenuItem();
var url = this.attr('href');
if(!isExternal) url = $('base').attr('href') + url;
var children = item.find('li');
if(children.length) {
} else {
// Load URL, but give the loading logic an opportunity to veto the action
// (e.g. because of unsaved changes)
if(!$('.cms-container').loadPanel(url)) return false;
$('.cms-menu-list li .toggle-children').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
var li = this.closest('li');
return false; // prevent wrapping link event to fire
$('.cms .profile-link').entwine({
onclick: function() {
$('.cms-menu-list li').removeClass('current').close();
return false;
* Toggles the manual override of the left menu's automatic expand / collapse behaviour.
$('.cms-menu .sticky-toggle').entwine({
onadd: function () {
var isSticky = $('.cms-menu').getPersistedStickyState() ? true : false;
* @func toggleCSS
* @param {boolean} isSticky - The current state of the menu.
* @desc Toggles the 'active' CSS class of the element.
toggleCSS: function (isSticky) {
this[isSticky ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('active');
* @func toggleIndicator
* @param {boolean} isSticky - The current state of the menu.
* @desc Updates the indicator's text based on the sticky state of the menu.
toggleIndicator: function (isSticky) {
this.next('.sticky-status-indicator').text(isSticky ? 'fixed' : 'auto');
onclick: function () {
var $menu = this.closest('.cms-menu'),
persistedCollapsedState = $menu.getPersistedCollapsedState(),
persistedStickyState = $menu.getPersistedStickyState(),
newStickyState = persistedStickyState === void 0 ? !this.hasClass('active') : !persistedStickyState;
// Update the persisted collapsed state
if (persistedCollapsedState === void 0) {
// If there is no persisted menu state currently set, then set it to the menu's current state.
// This will be the case if the user has never manually expanded or collapsed the menu,
// or the menu has previously been made unsticky.
} else if (persistedCollapsedState !== void 0 && newStickyState === false) {
// If there is a persisted state and the menu has been made unsticky, remove the persisted state.
// Persist the sticky state of the menu