Ingo Schommer e8fbfc0bd1 NEW FixtureFactory separated out from YamlFixture
Enables more generic use of the fixture facilities
without dependency on the YAML format, for example
when creating fixtures from Behat step definitions.

Note: The YamlFixture class needs to be created via
Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture') now,
direct instantiation is no longer supported.
2012-12-11 17:06:27 +01:00

549 lines
18 KiB

* @package framework
* @subpackage testing
* Controller that executes PHPUnit tests.
* Alternatively, you can also use the "phpunit" binary directly by
* pointing it to a file or folder containing unit tests.
* See phpunit.dist.xml in the webroot for configuration details.
* <h2>URL Options</h2>
* - SkipTests: A comma-separated list of test classes to skip (useful when running dev/tests/all)
* See {@link browse()} output for generic usage instructions.
* @package framework
* @subpackage testing
class TestRunner extends Controller {
/** @ignore */
private static $default_reporter;
static $url_handlers = array(
'' => 'browse',
'coverage/module/$ModuleName' => 'coverageModule',
'coverage/$TestCase!' => 'coverageOnly',
'coverage' => 'coverageAll',
'sessionloadyml' => 'sessionloadyml',
'startsession' => 'startsession',
'endsession' => 'endsession',
'setdb' => 'setdb',
'cleanupdb' => 'cleanupdb',
'emptydb' => 'emptydb',
'module/$ModuleName' => 'module',
'all' => 'all',
'build' => 'build',
'$TestCase' => 'only'
static $allowed_actions = array(
* @var Array Blacklist certain directories for the coverage report.
* Filepaths are relative to the webroot, without leading slash.
* @see
* #appendixes.configuration.blacklist-whitelist
static $coverage_filter_dirs = array(
* Override the default reporter with a custom configured subclass.
* @param string $reporter
public static function set_reporter($reporter) {
if (is_string($reporter)) $reporter = new $reporter;
self::$default_reporter = $reporter;
* Pushes a class and template manifest instance that include tests onto the
* top of the loader stacks.
public static function use_test_manifest() {
$classManifest = new SS_ClassManifest(
BASE_PATH, true, isset($_GET['flush'])
SS_TemplateLoader::instance()->pushManifest(new SS_TemplateManifest(
BASE_PATH, true, isset($_GET['flush'])
public function init() {
$canAccess = (Director::isDev() || Director::is_cli() || Permission::check("ADMIN"));
if(!$canAccess) return Security::permissionFailure($this);
if (!self::$default_reporter) self::set_reporter(Director::is_cli() ? 'CliDebugView' : 'DebugView');
if(!PhpUnitWrapper::has_php_unit()) {
die("Please install PHPUnit using pear");
if(!isset($_GET['flush']) || !$_GET['flush']) {
"WARNING: Manifest not flushed. " .
"Add flush=1 as an argument to discover new classes or files.\n",
public function Link() {
return Controller::join_links(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), 'dev/tests/');
* Run test classes that should be run with every commit.
* Currently excludes PhpSyntaxTest
public function all($request, $coverage = false) {
$tests = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SapphireTest');
// Remove tests that don't need to be executed every time
foreach($tests as $class => $v) {
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($class);
if(!$reflection->isInstantiable()) unset($tests[$class]);
$this->runTests($tests, $coverage);
* Run test classes that should be run before build - i.e., everything possible.
public function build() {
$tests = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SapphireTest');
foreach($tests as $class => $v) {
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($class);
if(!$reflection->isInstantiable()) unset($tests[$class]);
* Browse all enabled test cases in the environment
public function browse() {
self::$default_reporter->writeInfo('Available Tests', false);
if(Director::is_cli()) {
$tests = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SapphireTest');
$relativeLink = Director::makeRelative($this->Link());
echo "sake {$relativeLink}all: Run all " . count($tests) . " tests\n";
echo "sake {$relativeLink}coverage: Runs all tests and make test coverage report\n";
echo "sake {$relativeLink}module/<modulename>: Runs all tests in a module folder\n";
foreach ($tests as $test) {
echo "sake {$relativeLink}$test: Run $test\n";
} else {
echo '<div class="trace">';
$tests = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('SapphireTest');
echo "<h3><a href=\"" . $this->Link() . "all\">Run all " . count($tests) . " tests</a></h3>";
echo "<h3><a href=\"" . $this->Link() . "coverage\">Runs all tests and make test coverage report</a></h3>";
echo "<hr />";
foreach ($tests as $test) {
echo "<h3><a href=\"" . $this->Link() . "$test\">Run $test</a></h3>";
echo '</div>';
* Run a coverage test across all modules
public function coverageAll($request) {
$this->all($request, true);
* Run only a single coverage test class or a comma-separated list of tests
public function coverageOnly($request) {
$this->only($request, true);
* Run coverage tests for one or more "modules".
* A module is generally a toplevel folder, e.g. "mysite" or "framework".
public function coverageModule($request) {
$this->module($request, true);
public function cleanupdb() {
* Run only a single test class or a comma-separated list of tests
public function only($request, $coverage = false) {
if($request->param('TestCase') == 'all') {
} else {
$classNames = explode(',', $request->param('TestCase'));
foreach($classNames as $className) {
if(!class_exists($className) || !is_subclass_of($className, 'SapphireTest')) {
user_error("TestRunner::only(): Invalid TestCase '$className', cannot find matching class",
$this->runTests($classNames, $coverage);
* Run tests for one or more "modules".
* A module is generally a toplevel folder, e.g. "mysite" or "framework".
public function module($request, $coverage = false) {
$classNames = array();
$moduleNames = explode(',', $request->param('ModuleName'));
$ignored = array('functionaltest', 'phpsyntaxtest');
foreach($moduleNames as $moduleName) {
$classesForModule = ClassInfo::classes_for_folder($moduleName);
if($classesForModule) {
foreach($classesForModule as $className) {
if(class_exists($className) && is_subclass_of($className, 'SapphireTest')) {
if(!in_array($className, $ignored))
$classNames[] = $className;
$this->runTests($classNames, $coverage);
* @param array $classList
* @param boolean $coverage
public function runTests($classList, $coverage = false) {
$startTime = microtime(true);
// disable xdebug, as it messes up test execution
if(function_exists('xdebug_disable')) xdebug_disable();
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
// Optionally skip certain tests
$skipTests = array();
if($this->request->getVar('SkipTests')) {
$skipTests = explode(',', $this->request->getVar('SkipTests'));
$classList = array_diff($classList, $skipTests);
// run tests before outputting anything to the client
$suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite();
foreach($classList as $className) {
// Ensure that the autoloader pulls in the test class, as PHPUnit won't know how to do this.
$suite->addTest(new SapphireTestSuite($className));
// Remove the error handler so that PHPUnit can add its own
self::$default_reporter->writeHeader("SilverStripe Test Runner");
if (count($classList) > 1) {
self::$default_reporter->writeInfo("All Tests", "Running test cases: ",implode(", ", $classList));
} elseif (count($classList) == 1) {
self::$default_reporter->writeInfo($classList[0], '');
} else {
// border case: no tests are available.
self::$default_reporter->writeInfo('', '');
// perform unit tests (use PhpUnitWrapper or derived versions)
$phpunitwrapper = PhpUnitWrapper::inst();
// get results of the PhpUnitWrapper class
$reporter = $phpunitwrapper->getReporter();
$results = $phpunitwrapper->getFrameworkTestResults();
if(!Director::is_cli()) echo '<div class="trace">';
$endTime = microtime(true);
if(Director::is_cli()) echo "\n\nTotal time: " . round($endTime-$startTime,3) . " seconds\n";
else echo "<p class=\"total-time\">Total time: " . round($endTime-$startTime,3) . " seconds</p>\n";
if(!Director::is_cli()) echo '</div>';
// Put the error handlers back
if(!Director::is_cli()) self::$default_reporter->writeFooter();
// Todo: we should figure out how to pass this data back through Director more cleanly
if(Director::is_cli() && ($results->failureCount() + $results->errorCount()) > 0) exit(2);
* Start a test session.
* Usage: visit dev/tests/startsession?fixture=(fixturefile). A test database will be constructed, and your
* browser session will be amended to use this database. This can only be run on dev and test sites.
* See {@link setdb()} for an alternative approach which just sets a database
* name, and is used for more advanced use cases like interacting with test databases
* directly during functional tests.
public function startsession() {
if(!Director::isLive()) {
if(SapphireTest::using_temp_db()) {
$endLink = Director::baseURL() . "dev/tests/endsession";
return "<p><a id=\"end-session\" href=\"$endLink\">You're in the middle of a test session;"
. " click here to end it.</a></p>";
} else if(!isset($_GET['fixture'])) {
$me = Director::baseURL() . "dev/tests/startsession";
return <<<HTML
<form action="$me">
<p>Enter a fixture file name to start a new test session. Don't forget to visit dev/tests/endsession when
you're done!</p>
<p>Fixture file (leave blank to start with default set-up): <input id="fixture-file" name="fixture" /></p>
<input type="hidden" name="flush" value="1">
<p><input id="start-session" value="Start test session" type="submit" /></p>
} else {
$fixtureFile = $_GET['fixture'];
if($fixtureFile) {
// Validate fixture file
$realFile = realpath(BASE_PATH.'/'.$fixtureFile);
$baseDir = realpath(Director::baseFolder());
if(!$realFile || !file_exists($realFile)) {
return "<p>Fixture file doesn't exist</p>";
} else if(substr($realFile,0,strlen($baseDir)) != $baseDir) {
return "<p>Fixture file must be inside $baseDir</p>";
} else if(substr($realFile,-4) != '.yml') {
return "<p>Fixture file must be a .yml file</p>";
} else if(!preg_match('/^([^\/.][^\/]+)\/tests\//', $fixtureFile)) {
return "<p>Fixture file must be inside the tests subfolder of one of your modules.</p>";
$dbname = SapphireTest::create_temp_db();
// Fixture
if($fixtureFile) {
$fixture = Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture', $fixtureFile);
// If no fixture, then use defaults
} else {
$dataClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObject');
foreach($dataClasses as $dataClass) singleton($dataClass)->requireDefaultRecords();
return "<p>Started testing session with fixture '$fixtureFile'.
Time to start testing; where would you like to start?</p>
<li><a id=\"home-link\" href=\"" .Director::baseURL() . "\">Homepage - published site</a></li>
<li><a id=\"draft-link\" href=\"" .Director::baseURL() . "?stage=Stage\">Homepage - draft site
<li><a id=\"admin-link\" href=\"" .Director::baseURL() . "admin/\">CMS Admin</a></li>
<li><a id=\"endsession-link\" href=\"" .Director::baseURL() . "dev/tests/endsession\">
End your test session</a></li>
} else {
return "<p>startession can only be used on dev and test sites</p>";
* Set an alternative database name in the current browser session.
* Useful for functional testing libraries like behat to create a "clean slate".
* Does not actually create the database, that's usually handled
* by {@link SapphireTest::create_temp_db()}.
* The database names are limited to a specific naming convention as a security measure:
* The "tmpdb" prefix and a random sequence of seven digits.
* This avoids the user gaining access to other production databases
* available on the same connection.
* See {@link startsession()} for a different approach which actually creates
* the DB and loads a fixture file instead.
public function setdb() {
if(Director::isLive()) {
return $this->permissionFailure("dev/tests/setdb can only be used on dev and test sites");
if(!isset($_GET['database'])) {
return $this->permissionFailure("dev/tests/setdb must be used with a 'database' parameter");
$database_name = $_GET['database'];
$prefix = defined('SS_DATABASE_PREFIX') ? SS_DATABASE_PREFIX : 'ss_';
$pattern = strtolower(sprintf('#^%stmpdb\d{7}#', $prefix));
if(!preg_match($pattern, $database_name)) {
return $this->permissionFailure("Invalid database name format");
return "<p>Set database session to '$database_name'. Time to start testing; where would you like to start?</p>
<li><a id=\"home-link\" href=\"" .Director::baseURL() . "\">Homepage - published site</a></li>
<li><a id=\"draft-link\" href=\"" .Director::baseURL() . "?stage=Stage\">Homepage - draft site</a></li>
<li><a id=\"admin-link\" href=\"" .Director::baseURL() . "admin/\">CMS Admin</a></li>
<li><a id=\"endsession-link\" href=\"" .Director::baseURL() . "dev/tests/endsession\">
End your test session</a></li>
public function emptydb() {
if(SapphireTest::using_temp_db()) {
if(isset($_GET['fixture']) && ($fixtureFile = $_GET['fixture'])) {
$fixture = Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture', $fixtureFile);
return "<p>Re-test the test database with fixture '$fixtureFile'. Time to start testing; where would"
. " you like to start?</p>";
} else {
return "<p>Re-test the test database. Time to start testing; where would you like to start?</p>";
} else {
return "<p>dev/tests/emptydb can only be used with a temporary database. Perhaps you should use"
. " dev/tests/startsession first?</p>";
public function endsession() {
return "<p>Test session ended.</p>
<li><a id=\"home-link\" href=\"" .Director::baseURL() . "\">Return to your site</a></li>
<li><a id=\"startsession-link\" href=\"" .Director::baseURL() . "dev/tests/startsession\">
Start a new test session</a></li>
public function sessionloadyml() {
// Load incremental YAML fixtures
// TODO: We will probably have to filter out the admin member here,
// as it is supplied by Bare.yml
if(Director::isLive()) {
return "<p>sessionloadyml can only be used on dev and test sites</p>";
if (!SapphireTest::using_temp_db()) {
return "<p>Please load /dev/tests/startsession first</p>";
$fixtureFile = isset($_GET['fixture']) ? $_GET['fixture'] : null;
if (empty($fixtureFile)) {
$me = Director::baseURL() . "/dev/tests/sessionloadyml";
return <<<HTML
<form action="$me">
<p>Enter a fixture file name to load a new YAML fixture into the session.</p>
<p>Fixture file <input id="fixture-file" name="fixture" /></p>
<input type="hidden" name="flush" value="1">
<p><input id="session-load-yaml" value="Load yml fixture" type="submit" /></p>
// Validate fixture file
$realFile = realpath(BASE_PATH.'/'.$fixtureFile);
$baseDir = realpath(Director::baseFolder());
if(!$realFile || !file_exists($realFile)) {
return "<p>Fixture file doesn't exist</p>";
} else if(substr($realFile,0,strlen($baseDir)) != $baseDir) {
return "<p>Fixture file must be inside $baseDir</p>";
} else if(substr($realFile,-4) != '.yml') {
return "<p>Fixture file must be a .yml file</p>";
} else if(!preg_match('/^([^\/.][^\/]+)\/tests\//', $fixtureFile)) {
return "<p>Fixture file must be inside the tests subfolder of one of your modules.</p>";
// Fixture
$fixture = Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture', $fixtureFile);
return "<p>Loaded fixture '$fixtureFile' into session</p>";
public function setUp() {
// The first DB test will sort out the DB, we don't have to
public function tearDown() {