
804 lines
28 KiB

class SSViewerTest extends SapphireTest {
function setUp() {
* Tests for {@link SSViewer::current_theme()} for different behaviour
* of user defined themes via {@link SiteConfig} and default theme
* when no user themes are defined.
function testCurrentTheme() {
//TODO: SiteConfig moved to CMS
$this->assertEquals('mytheme', SSViewer::current_theme(), 'Current theme is the default - user has not defined one');
* Test that a template without a <head> tag still renders.
function testTemplateWithoutHeadRenders() {
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Var' => 'var value'
$result = $data->renderWith("SSViewerTestPartialTemplate");
$this->assertEquals('Test partial template: var value', trim(preg_replace("/<!--.*-->/U",'',$result)));
* Small helper to render templates from strings
function render($templateString, $data = null) {
$t = SSViewer::fromString($templateString);
if(!$data) $data = new SSViewerTestFixture();
return $t->process($data);
function testRequirements() {
$requirements = $this->getMock("Requirements_Backend", array("javascript", "css"));
$jsFile = 'sapphire/tests/forms/a.js';
$cssFile = 'sapphire/tests/forms/a.js';
$template = $this->render("<% require javascript($jsFile) %>
<% require css($cssFile) %>");
$this->assertFalse((bool)trim($template), "Should be no content in this return.");
function testComments() {
$output = $this->render(<<<SS
This is my template<%-- this is a comment --%>This is some content<%-- this is another comment --%>This is the final content
$this->assertEquals("This is my templateThis is some contentThis is the final content", preg_replace("/\n?<!--.*-->\n?/U",'',$output));
function testBasicText() {
$this->assertEquals('"', $this->render('"'), 'Double-quotes are left alone');
$this->assertEquals("'", $this->render("'"), 'Single-quotes are left alone');
$this->assertEquals('A', $this->render('\\A'), 'Escaped characters are unescaped');
$this->assertEquals('\\A', $this->render('\\\\A'), 'Escaped back-slashed are correctly unescaped');
function testBasicInjection() {
$this->assertEquals('[out:Test]', $this->render('$Test'), 'Basic stand-alone injection');
$this->assertEquals('[out:Test]', $this->render('{$Test}'), 'Basic stand-alone wrapped injection');
$this->assertEquals('A[out:Test]!', $this->render('A$Test!'), 'Basic surrounded injection');
$this->assertEquals('A[out:Test]B', $this->render('A{$Test}B'), 'Basic surrounded wrapped injection');
$this->assertEquals('A$B', $this->render('A\\$B'), 'No injection as $ escaped');
$this->assertEquals('A$ B', $this->render('A$ B'), 'No injection as $ not followed by word character');
$this->assertEquals('A{$ B', $this->render('A{$ B'), 'No injection as {$ not followed by word character');
$this->assertEquals('{$Test}', $this->render('{\\$Test}'), 'Escapes can be used to avoid injection');
$this->assertEquals('{\\[out:Test]}', $this->render('{\\\\$Test}'), 'Escapes before injections are correctly unescaped');
function testGlobalVariableCalls() {
$this->assertEquals(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), $this->render('{$absoluteBaseURL}'), 'Director::absoluteBaseURL can be called from within template');
$this->assertEquals(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), $this->render('{$AbsoluteBaseURL}'), 'Upper-case %AbsoluteBaseURL can be called from within template');
$this->assertEquals(Director::is_ajax(), $this->render('{$isAjax}'), 'All variations of is_ajax result in the correct call');
$this->assertEquals(Director::is_ajax(), $this->render('{$IsAjax}'), 'All variations of is_ajax result in the correct call');
$this->assertEquals(Director::is_ajax(), $this->render('{$is_ajax}'), 'All variations of is_ajax result in the correct call');
$this->assertEquals(Director::is_ajax(), $this->render('{$Is_ajax}'), 'All variations of is_ajax result in the correct call');
$this->assertEquals(i18n::get_locale(), $this->render('{$i18nLocale}'), 'i18n template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(i18n::get_locale(), $this->render('{$get_locale}'), 'i18n template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals((string)Controller::curr(), $this->render('{$CurrentPage}'), 'i18n template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals((string)Controller::curr(), $this->render('{$currentPage}'), 'i18n template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(Member::currentUser(), $this->render('{$CurrentMember}'), 'Member template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(Member::currentUser(), $this->render('{$CurrentUser}'), 'Member template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(Member::currentUser(), $this->render('{$currentMember}'), 'Member template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(Member::currentUser(), $this->render('{$currentUser}'), 'Member template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(SecurityToken::getSecurityID(), $this->render('{$getSecurityID}'), 'SecurityToken template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(SecurityToken::getSecurityID(), $this->render('{$SecurityID}'), 'SecurityToken template functions result correct result');
function testGlobalVariableCallsWithArguments() {
$this->assertEquals(Permission::check("ADMIN"), $this->render('{$HasPerm(\'ADMIN\')}'), 'Permissions template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(Permission::check("ADMIN"), $this->render('{$hasPerm(\'ADMIN\')}'), 'Permissions template functions result correct result');
/* //TODO: enable this test
function testLocalFunctionsTakePriorityOverGlobals() {
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Page' => new SSViewerTest_Page()
$result = $this->render('<% control Page %>$absoluteBaseURL<% end_control %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("testPageCalled",$result, "Local Object's function called. Did not return the actual baseURL of the current site");
function testObjectDotArguments() {
$TestMethod(Arg1, Arg2).Bar.Val
$TestMethod(Arg1, Arg2).Bar
$TestMethod(Arg1, Arg2)
function testEscapedArguments() {
$this->render('{$Foo(Arg1, Arg2).Bar.Val}.Suffix
{$Foo(Arg1, Arg2).Val}_Suffix
{$Foo(Arg1, Arg2)}/Suffix
function testControlWhitespace() {
$this->render('before<% control SingleItem %>$Test<% end_control %>after
before<% control SingleItem %>Test<% end_control %>after')
// The control tags are removed from the output, but no whitespace
// This is a quirk that could be changed, but included in the test to make the current
// behaviour explicit
<% control SingleItem %>
<% end_control %>
// The whitespace within the control tags is preserve in a loop
// This is a quirk that could be changed, but included in the test to make the current
// behaviour explicit
<% control Loop3 %>
<% end_control %>
function testControls() {
// Single item controls
$this->render('<% control Foo.Bar %>a{$Item}b<% end_control %>
<% control Foo.Bar(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_control %>
<% control Foo(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_control %>
<% control Foo(Arg1, Arg2) %>$Item<% end_control %>
<% control Foo(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) %>$Item<% end_control %>')
// Loop controls
$this->render('<% control Foo.Loop2 %>a{$Item}b<% end_control %>'));
$this->render('<% control Foo.Loop2(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_control %>'));
$this->render('<% control Loop2(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_control %>'));
$this->render('<% control Loop2(Arg1, Arg2) %>$Item<% end_control %>'));
$this->render('<% control Loop2(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) %>$Item<% end_control %>'));
function testIfBlocks() {
// Basic test
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B$NotSet<% end_if %>C'));
// Nested test
$this->render('A<% if IsSet %>B$NotSet<% if IsSet %>1<% else %>2<% end_if %><% end_if %>C'));
// else_if
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if AlsoNotset %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if AlsoNotset %>C<% else_if IsSet %>D<% end_if %>E'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if AlsoNotset %>C<% else_if IsSet %>D<% end_if %>E'));
// Dot syntax
$this->render('A<% if Foo.NotSet %>B<% else_if Foo.IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if Foo.Bar.NotSet %>B<% else_if Foo.Bar.IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// Params
$this->render('A<% if NotSet(Param) %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if IsSet(Param) %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// Negation
$this->render('A<% if not IsSet %>B<% end_if %>C'));
$this->render('A<% if not NotSet %>B<% end_if %>C'));
// Or
$this->render('A<% if IsSet || NotSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet || NotSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if NotSet2 || NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// Negated Or
$this->render('A<% if not IsSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if not NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet || not AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// And
$this->render('A<% if IsSet && AlsoSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if IsSet && NotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet && NotSet2 %>B<% else_if NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if IsSet && NotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet && AlsoSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet && NotSet2 %>B<% else_if IsSet && NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// Equality
$this->render('A<% if RawVal == RawVal %>B<% end_if %>C'));
$this->render('A<% if Right == Wrong %>B<% else_if RawVal == RawVal %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if Right != Wrong %>B<% end_if %>C'));
$this->render('A<% if Right == Wrong %>B<% else_if RawVal != RawVal %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// Else
$this->render('A<% if Right == Wrong %>B<% else_if RawVal != RawVal %>C<% else %>D<% end_if %>E'));
// Empty if with else
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %><% else %>B<% end_if %>C'));
function testBaseTagGeneration() {
// XHTML wil have a closed base tag
$tmpl1 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<head><% base_tag %></head>
$this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*" \/><\/head>/', $this->render($tmpl1));
// HTML4 and 5 will only have it for IE
$tmpl2 = '<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><% base_tag %></head>
$this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*"><!--\[if lte IE 6\]><\/base><!\[endif\]--><\/head>/', $this->render($tmpl2));
$tmpl3 = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<head><% base_tag %></head>
$this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*"><!--\[if lte IE 6\]><\/base><!\[endif\]--><\/head>/', $this->render($tmpl3));
// Check that the content negotiator converts to the equally legal formats
$negotiator = new ContentNegotiator();
$response = new SS_HTTPResponse($this->render($tmpl1));
$this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*"><!--\[if lte IE 6\]><\/base><!\[endif\]--><\/head>/', $response->getBody());
$response = new SS_HTTPResponse($this->render($tmpl1));
$this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*" \/><\/head>/', $response->getBody());
function testRecursiveInclude() {
$view = new SSViewer(array('SSViewerTestRecursiveInclude'));
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => 'A',
'Children' => new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => 'A1',
'Children' => new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A1 i', )),
new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A1 ii', )),
new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A2', )),
new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A3', )),
$result = $view->process($data);
// We don't care about whitespace
$rationalisedResult = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $result));
$this->assertEquals('A A1 A1 i A1 ii A2 A3', $rationalisedResult);
function assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace($a, $b) {
$this->assertEquals(preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $a), preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $b));
* See {@link ViewableDataTest} for more extensive casting tests,
* this test just ensures that basic casting is correctly applied during template parsing.
function testCastingHelpers() {
$vd = new SSViewerTest_ViewableData();
$vd->TextValue = '<b>html</b>';
$vd->HTMLValue = '<b>html</b>';
$vd->UncastedValue = '<b>html</b>';
// Value casted as "Text"
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$TextValue')->process($vd)
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$TextValue.RAW')->process($vd)
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$TextValue.XML')->process($vd)
// Value casted as "HTMLText"
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$HTMLValue')->process($vd)
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$HTMLValue.RAW')->process($vd)
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$HTMLValue.XML')->process($vd)
// Uncasted value (falls back to ViewableData::$default_cast="HTMLText")
$vd = new SSViewerTest_ViewableData(); // TODO Fix caching
$vd->UncastedValue = '<b>html</b>';
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$UncastedValue')->process($vd)
$vd = new SSViewerTest_ViewableData(); // TODO Fix caching
$vd->UncastedValue = '<b>html</b>';
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$UncastedValue.RAW')->process($vd)
$vd = new SSViewerTest_ViewableData(); // TODO Fix caching
$vd->UncastedValue = '<b>html</b>';
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$UncastedValue.XML')->process($vd)
* Test $Up works when the scope $Up refers to was entered with a "with" block
function testUpInWith() {
// Data to run the loop tests on - three levels deep
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Top',
'Foo' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Foo',
'Bar' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Bar',
'Baz' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Baz'
'Qux' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Qux'
// Basic functionality
$this->render('<% with Foo %><% with Bar %>{$Name}{$Up.Name}<% end_with %><% end_with %>', $data));
// Two level with block, up refers to internally referenced Bar
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar %>{$Name}{$Up.Name}<% end_with %>', $data));
// Stepping up & back down the scope tree
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %>{$Name}{$Up.Name}{$Up.Qux.Name}<% end_with %>', $data));
// Using $Up in a with block
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %>{$Name}<% with $Up %>{$Name}{$Qux.Name}<% end_with %><% end_with %>', $data));
// Stepping up & back down the scope tree with with blocks
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %>{$Name}<% with $Up %>{$Name}<% with Qux %>{$Name}<% end_with %>{$Name}<% end_with %>{$Name}<% end_with %>', $data));
// Using $Up.Up, where first $Up points to a previous scope entered using $Up, thereby skipping up to Foo
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %><% with Up %><% with Qux %>{$Up.Up.Name}<% end_with %><% end_with %><% end_with %>', $data));
// Using $Up.Up, where first $Up points to an Up used in a local scope lookup, should still skip to Foo
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz.Up.Qux %>{$Up.Up.Name}<% end_with %>', $data));
* Test $Up works when the scope $Up refers to was entered with a "loop" block
function testUpInLoop(){
// Data to run the loop tests on - one sequence of three items, each with a subitem
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Top',
'Foo' => new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => '1',
'Sub' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Bar'
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => '2',
'Sub' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Baz'
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => '3',
'Sub' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Qux'
// Make sure inside a loop, $Up refers to the current item of the loop
'111 222 333',
'<% loop $Foo %>$Name<% with $Sub %>$Up.Name<% end_with %>$Name<% end_loop %>',
// Make sure inside a loop, looping over $Up uses a separate iterator,
// and doesn't interfere with the original iterator
'1Bar123Bar1 2Baz123Baz2 3Qux123Qux3',
'<% loop $Foo %>
<% with $Sub %>
<% loop $Up %>$Name<% end_loop %>
<% end_with %>
<% end_loop %>',
// Make sure inside a loop, looping over $Up uses a separate iterator,
// and doesn't interfere with the original iterator or local lookups
'1 Bar1 123 1Bar 1 2 Baz2 123 2Baz 2 3 Qux3 123 3Qux 3',
'<% loop $Foo %>
<% with $Sub %>
<% loop $Up %>$Name<% end_loop %>
<% end_with %>
<% end_loop %>',
* @covers SSViewer::get_themes()
function testThemeRetrieval() {
$testThemeBaseDir = TEMP_FOLDER . $ds . 'test-themes';
if(file_exists($testThemeBaseDir)) Filesystem::removeFolder($testThemeBaseDir);
mkdir($testThemeBaseDir . $ds . 'blackcandy');
mkdir($testThemeBaseDir . $ds . 'blackcandy_blog');
mkdir($testThemeBaseDir . $ds . 'darkshades');
mkdir($testThemeBaseDir . $ds . 'darkshades_blog');
'blackcandy' => 'blackcandy',
'darkshades' => 'darkshades'
), SSViewer::get_themes($testThemeBaseDir), 'Our test theme directory contains 2 themes');
'blackcandy' => 'blackcandy',
'blackcandy_blog' => 'blackcandy_blog',
'darkshades' => 'darkshades',
'darkshades_blog' => 'darkshades_blog'
), SSViewer::get_themes($testThemeBaseDir, true), 'Our test theme directory contains 2 themes and 2 sub-themes');
// Remove all the test themes we created
function testRewriteHashlinks() {
$oldRewriteHashLinks = SSViewer::getOption('rewriteHashlinks');
SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', true);
// Emulate SSViewer::process()
$base = Convert::raw2att($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$tmplFile = TEMP_FOLDER . '/SSViewerTest_testRewriteHashlinks_' . sha1(rand()) . '.ss';
// Note: SSViewer_FromString doesn't rewrite hash links.
file_put_contents($tmplFile, '<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><% base_tag %></head>
<a class="inline" href="#anchor">InlineLink</a>
$tmpl = new SSViewer($tmplFile);
$obj = new ViewableData();
$obj->InsertedLink = '<a class="inserted" href="#anchor">InsertedLink</a>';
$result = $tmpl->process($obj);
'<a class="inserted" href="' . $base . '#anchor">InsertedLink</a>',
'<a class="inline" href="' . $base . '#anchor">InlineLink</a>',
SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', $oldRewriteHashLinks);
function testRewriteHashlinksInPhpMode() {
$oldRewriteHashLinks = SSViewer::getOption('rewriteHashlinks');
SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', 'php');
$tmplFile = TEMP_FOLDER . '/SSViewerTest_testRewriteHashlinksInPhpMode_' . sha1(rand()) . '.ss';
// Note: SSViewer_FromString doesn't rewrite hash links.
file_put_contents($tmplFile, '<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><% base_tag %></head>
<a class="inline" href="#anchor">InlineLink</a>
$tmpl = new SSViewer($tmplFile);
$obj = new ViewableData();
$obj->InsertedLink = '<a class="inserted" href="#anchor">InsertedLink</a>';
$result = $tmpl->process($obj);
'<a class="inserted" href="<?php echo strip_tags(',
// TODO Fix inline links in PHP mode
// $this->assertContains(
// '<a class="inline" href="<?php echo str_replace(',
// $result
// );
SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', $oldRewriteHashLinks);
function testRenderWithSourceFileComments() {
$view = new SSViewer(array('SSViewerTestCommentsFullSource'));
$data = new ArrayData(array());
$result = $view->process($data);
$expected = '<!doctype html>
<html><!-- template ' . BASE_PATH . '/sapphire/tests/templates/ -->
<!-- end template ' . BASE_PATH . '/sapphire/tests/templates/ --></html>
$this->assertEquals($result, $expected);
$view = new SSViewer(array('SSViewerTestCommentsPartialSource'));
$data = new ArrayData(array());
$result = $view->process($data);
$expected = '<!-- template ' . BASE_PATH . '/sapphire/tests/templates/ --><div class=\'typography\'></div><!-- end template ' . BASE_PATH . '/sapphire/tests/templates/ -->';
$this->assertEquals($result, $expected);
$view = new SSViewer(array('SSViewerTestCommentsWithInclude'));
$data = new ArrayData(array());
$result = $view->process($data);
$expected = '<!-- template ' . BASE_PATH . '/sapphire/tests/templates/ --><div class=\'typography\'><!-- include \'SSViewerTestCommentsInclude\' --><!-- template ' . BASE_PATH . '/sapphire/tests/templates/ -->Included<!-- end template ' . BASE_PATH . '/sapphire/tests/templates/ --><!-- end include \'SSViewerTestCommentsInclude\' --></div><!-- end template ' . BASE_PATH . '/sapphire/tests/templates/ -->';
$this->assertEquals($result, $expected);
* A test fixture that will echo back the template item
class SSViewerTestFixture extends ViewableData {
protected $name;
function __construct($name = null) {
$this->name = $name;
private function argedName($fieldName, $arguments) {
$childName = $this->name ? "$this->name.$fieldName" : $fieldName;
if($arguments) return $childName . '(' . implode(',', $arguments) . ')';
else return $childName;
function obj($fieldName, $arguments=null, $forceReturnedObject=true, $cache=false, $cacheName=null) {
$childName = $this->argedName($fieldName, $arguments);
// Special field name Loop### to create a list
if(preg_match('/^Loop([0-9]+)$/', $fieldName, $matches)) {
$output = new ArrayList();
for($i=0;$i<$matches[1];$i++) $output->push(new SSViewerTestFixture($childName));
return $output;
} else if(preg_match('/NotSet/i', $fieldName)) {
return new ViewableData();
} else {
return new SSViewerTestFixture($childName);
function XML_val($fieldName, $arguments = null) {
if(preg_match('/NotSet/i', $fieldName)) {
return '';
} else if(preg_match('/Raw/i', $fieldName)) {
return $fieldName;
} else {
return '[out:' . $this->argedName($fieldName, $arguments) . ']';
function hasValue($fieldName, $arguments = null) {
return (bool)$this->XML_val($fieldName, $arguments);
class SSViewerTest_ViewableData extends ViewableData implements TestOnly {
public static $casting = array(
'TextValue' => 'Text',
'HTMLValue' => 'HTMLText'
function methodWithOneArgument($arg1) {
return "arg1:{$arg1}";
function methodWithTwoArguments($arg1, $arg2) {
return "arg1:{$arg1},arg2:{$arg2}";
class SSViewerTest_Controller extends Controller {
class SSViewerTest_Page extends SiteTree {
function absoluteBaseURL() {
return "testPageCalled";