Ingo Schommer 8f23fa99a5 API Moved CMS-specific JavaScript to admin/thirdparty
The 'admin' module will be split off from 'framework',
where 'framework' only provides (mostly) frontend-agnostic PHP classes.
For example, HTMLEditorField.php has a TinyMCEConfig.php driver,
but doesn't come with its own JS includes.
2016-09-16 13:46:10 +12:00

89 lines
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Executable File

// JSpec - jQuery - Copyright TJ Holowaychuk <> (MIT Licensed)
.requires('jQuery', 'when using jspec.jquery.js')
name: 'jQuery',
// --- Initialize
init : function() {
jQuery.ajaxSetup({ async: false })
// --- Utilities
utilities : {
element: jQuery,
elements: jQuery,
sandbox : function() {
return jQuery('<div class="sandbox"></div>')
// --- Matchers
matchers : {
have_tag : "jQuery(expected, actual).length === 1",
have_one : "alias have_tag",
have_tags : "jQuery(expected, actual).length > 1",
have_many : "alias have_tags",
have_any : "alias have_tags",
have_child : "jQuery(actual).children(expected).length === 1",
have_children : "jQuery(actual).children(expected).length > 1",
have_text : "jQuery(actual).text() === expected",
have_value : "jQuery(actual).val() === expected",
be_enabled : "!jQuery(actual).attr('disabled')",
have_class : "jQuery(actual).hasClass(expected)",
be_animated : "jQuery(actual).queue().length > 0",
be_visible : function(actual) {
return jQuery(actual).css('display') != 'none' &&
jQuery(actual).css('visibility') != 'hidden' &&
jQuery(actual).attr('type') != 'hidden'
be_hidden : function(actual) {
return !JSpec.does(actual, 'be_visible')
have_classes : function(actual) {
return !JSpec.any(JSpec.toArray(arguments, 1), function(arg){
return !JSpec.does(actual, 'have_class', arg)
have_attr : function(actual, attr, value) {
return value ? jQuery(actual).attr(attr) == value:
have_event_handlers : function(actual, expected) {
if (jQuery(actual).data('events') && jQuery(actual).data('events').hasOwnProperty(expected)) {
return true;
} else if (jQuery(actual.context).data('events') && jQuery(actual.context).data('events').hasOwnProperty(expected)) {
var events = jQuery(actual.context).data('events')[expected];
for (index in events) {
if (events[index].selector === actual.selector) {
return true;
return false;
'be disabled selected checked' : function(attr) {
return 'jQuery(actual).attr("' + attr + '")'
'have type id title alt href src sel rev name target' : function(attr) {
return function(actual, value) {
return JSpec.does(actual, 'have_attr', attr, value)