mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
Apply all changes implemented in chosen.jquery.js back on to source file (chosen.jquery.coffee) and rebuild files. Update cakefile to current version (fixes package reserved word).
178 lines
5.4 KiB
178 lines
5.4 KiB
# Building Chosen requires coffee-script and uglify-js. For
# help installing, try:
# `npm -g install coffee-script uglify-js`
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
{spawn, exec} = require 'child_process'
CoffeeScript = require 'coffee-script'
{parser, uglify} = require 'uglify-js'
javascripts = {
'chosen/chosen.jquery.js': [
'chosen/chosen.proto.js': [
Array::unique = ->
output = {}
output[@[key]] = @[key] for key in [0...@length]
value for key, value of output
# Gather a list of unique source files.
source_files = ->
all_sources = []
for javascript, sources of javascripts
for source in sources
all_sources.push source
# Get the version number
version = ->
"#{fs.readFileSync('VERSION')}".replace /[^0-9a-zA-Z.]*/gm, ''
version_tag = ->
# Write chosen files with a header
write_chosen_javascript = (filename, body, trailing='') ->
fs.writeFileSync filename, """
// Chosen, a Select Box Enhancer for jQuery and Protoype
// by Patrick Filler for Harvest, http://getharvest.com
// Version #{version()}
// Full source at https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen
// Copyright (c) 2011 Harvest http://getharvest.com
// MIT License, https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/blob/master/LICENSE.md
// based on version 0.9.8, applied a very simple patch that fix percentaage width support on select tag
// This file is generated by `cake build`, do not edit it by hand.
console.log "Wrote #{filename}"
# Build Chosen.
task 'build', 'build Chosen from source', build = (cb) ->
file_name = null; file_contents = null
for javascript, sources of javascripts
code = ''
for source in sources
file_name = source
file_contents = "#{fs.readFileSync source}"
code += CoffeeScript.compile file_contents
write_chosen_javascript javascript, code
unless process.env.MINIFY is 'false'
write_chosen_javascript javascript.replace(/\.js$/,'.min.js'), (
uglify.gen_code uglify.ast_squeeze uglify.ast_mangle parser.parse code
), ';'
package_npm () ->
cb() if typeof cb is 'function'
catch e
print_error e, file_name, file_contents
task 'watch', 'watch coffee/ for changes and build Chosen', ->
console.log "Watching for changes in coffee/"
for file in source_files()
# Coffeescript wasn't scoping file correctly-
# without this closure the file name displayed
# is incorrect.
((file) ->
fs.watchFile file, (curr, prev) ->
if +curr.mtime isnt +prev.mtime
console.log "Saw change in #{file}"
invoke 'build'
task 'package_npm', 'generate the package.json file for npm', package_npm = (cb) ->
package_file = 'package.json'
package_obj = JSON.parse("#{fs.readFileSync package_file}")
package_obj['version'] = version()
fs.writeFileSync package_file, JSON.stringify(package_obj, null, 2)
console.log "Wrote #{package_file}"
cb() if typeof cb is 'function'
catch e
print_error e, package_file
run = (cmd, args, cb, err_cb) ->
exec "#{cmd} #{args.join(' ')}", (err, stdout, stderr) ->
if err isnt null
console.error stderr
if typeof err_cb is 'function'
throw "Failed command execution (#{err})."
cb(stdout) if typeof cb is 'function'
with_clean_repo = (cb) ->
run 'git', ['diff', '--exit-code'], cb, ->
throw 'There are files that need to be committed first.'
without_existing_tag = (cb) ->
run 'git', ['tag'], (stdout) ->
if stdout.split("\n").indexOf( version_tag() ) >= 0
throw 'This tag has already been committed to the repo.'
tag_release = (cb, cb_err) ->
run 'git', ['tag', '-a', '-m', "\"Version #{version()}\"", version_tag()], cb, cb_err
untag_release = (e) ->
console.log "Failure to tag caught: #{e}"
console.log "Removing tag #{version_tag()}"
run 'git', ['tag', '-d', version_tag()]
push_repo = (args=[], cb, cb_err) ->
run 'git', ['push'].concat(args), cb, cb_err
print_error = (error, file_name, file_contents) ->
line = error.message.match /line ([0-9]+):/
if line && line[1] && line = parseInt(line[1])
contents_lines = file_contents.split "\n"
first = if line-4 < 0 then 0 else line-4
last = if line+3 > contents_lines.size then contents_lines.size else line+3
console.log "Error compiling #{file_name}. \"#{error.message}\"\n"
index = 0
for line in contents_lines[first...last]
line_number = first + 1 + index
console.log "#{(' ' for [0..(3-(line_number.toString().length))]).join('')} #{line}"
console.log """
Error compiling #{file_name}:
task 'release', 'build, tag the current release, and push', ->
console.log "Trying to tag #{version_tag()}..."
with_clean_repo ->
without_existing_tag ->
build ->
tag_release ->
push_repo [], ->
push_repo ['--tags'], ->
console.log "Successfully tagged #{version_tag()}: https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/tree/#{version_tag()}"
, untag_release
, untag_release
, untag_release |