Marcus Nyeholt 5eaca340b4 BUGFIX Versioned's constructor doesn't provide suitable defaults. Previously a bug/feature in singleton, where it would pass null,true as params to strong_create, which would then get passed through as params to Versioned's constructor, meant that the code still executed fine (as was set to something that wasn't an array, so the null and true were instead taken as args). The fact that the usage of singleton(Versioned) never really used the classes code, purely for value lookup, meant that this never propagated errors. I've now switched singleton() to use the injector for retrieving values, which means these dud values are no longer passed through
CHANGE Given that Config::inst is an implementation of the singleton pattern itself, I've removed the extra call to singleton(). A side effect of this is that it gets around a possibly nasty circular reference with the dependency injector (which relies on the config object); in future, this dependency structure should really be structured from the DI directly.

MINOR Change singleton and strong_create to use dependency injector
2012-05-22 19:09:35 +10:00

1007 lines
35 KiB
Executable File

* A base class for all SilverStripe objects to inherit from.
* This class provides a number of pattern implementations, as well as methods and fixes to add extra psuedo-static
* and method functionality to PHP.
* See {@link Extension} on how to implement a custom multiple
* inheritance for object instances based on PHP5 method call overloading.
* @todo Create instance-specific removeExtension() which removes an extension from $extension_instances,
* but not from static $extensions, and clears everything added through defineMethods(), mainly $extra_methods.
* @package framework
* @subpackage core
abstract class Object {
* An array of extension names and parameters to be applied to this object upon construction.
* Example:
* <code>
* public static $extensions = array (
* 'Hierarchy',
* "Version('Stage', 'Live')"
* );
* </code>
* Use {@link Object::add_extension()} to add extensions without access to the class code,
* e.g. to extend core classes.
* Extensions are instanciated together with the object and stored in {@link $extension_instances}.
* @var array $extensions
public static $extensions = null;
private static
$classes_constructed = array(),
$extra_methods = array(),
$built_in_methods = array();
private static
$custom_classes = array(),
$strong_classes = array();
* @var string the class name
public $class;
* @todo Set this via dependancy injection? Can't call it $config, because too many clashes with form elements etc
* @var Config_ForClass
private $_config_forclass = null;
* Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
* @return Config_ForClass|null
public function config() {
if (!$this->_config_forclass) {
$this->_config_forclass = Config::inst()->forClass($this->class);
return $this->_config_forclass;
* @var array all current extension instances.
protected $extension_instances = array();
* An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class
* This method first for strong class overloads (singletons & DB interaction), then custom class overloads. If an
* overload is found, an instance of this is returned rather than the original class. To overload a class, use
* {@link Object::useCustomClass()}
* This can be called in one of two ways - either calling via the class directly,
* or calling on Object and passing the class name as the first parameter. The following
* are equivalent:
* $list = DataList::create('SiteTree');
* $list = DataList::create('SiteTree');
* @param string $class the class name
* @param mixed $arguments,... arguments to pass to the constructor
* @return Object
public static function create() {
$args = func_get_args();
// Class to create should be the calling class if not Object,
// otherwise the first parameter
$class = get_called_class();
if($class == 'Object')
$class = array_shift($args);
$class = self::getCustomClass($class);
return Injector::inst()->createWithArgs($class, $args);
private static $_cache_inst_args = array();
* Create an object from a string representation. It treats it as a PHP constructor without the
* 'new' keyword. It also manages to construct the object without the use of eval().
* Construction itself is done with Object::create(), so that Object::useCustomClass() calls
* are respected.
* `Object::create_from_string("Versioned('Stage','Live')")` will return the result of
* `Versioned::create('Stage', 'Live);`
* It is designed for simple, clonable objects. The first time this method is called for a given
* string it is cached, and clones of that object are returned.
* If you pass the $firstArg argument, this will be prepended to the constructor arguments. It's
* impossible to pass null as the firstArg argument.
* `Object::create_from_string("Varchar(50)", "MyField")` will return the result of
* `Vachar::create('MyField', '50');`
* Arguments are always strings, although this is a quirk of the current implementation rather
* than something that can be relied upon.
static function create_from_string($classSpec, $firstArg = null) {
if(!isset(self::$_cache_inst_args[$classSpec.$firstArg])) {
// an $extension value can contain parameters as a string,
// e.g. "Versioned('Stage','Live')"
if(strpos($classSpec,'(') === false) {
if($firstArg === null) self::$_cache_inst_args[$classSpec.$firstArg] = Object::create($classSpec);
else self::$_cache_inst_args[$classSpec.$firstArg] = Object::create($classSpec, $firstArg);
} else {
list($class, $args) = self::parse_class_spec($classSpec);
if($firstArg !== null) array_unshift($args, $firstArg);
array_unshift($args, $class);
self::$_cache_inst_args[$classSpec.$firstArg] = call_user_func_array(array('Object','create'), $args);
return clone self::$_cache_inst_args[$classSpec.$firstArg];
* Parses a class-spec, such as "Versioned('Stage','Live')", as passed to create_from_string().
* Returns a 2-elemnent array, with classname and arguments
static function parse_class_spec($classSpec) {
$tokens = token_get_all("<?php $classSpec");
$class = null;
$args = array();
$passedBracket = false;
// Keep track of the current bucket that we're putting data into
$bucket = &$args;
$bucketStack = array();
foreach($tokens as $token) {
$tName = is_array($token) ? $token[0] : $token;
// Get the class naem
if($class == null && is_array($token) && $token[0] == T_STRING) {
$class = $token[1];
// Get arguments
} else if(is_array($token)) {
switch($token[0]) {
$argString = $token[1];
switch($argString[0]) {
case '"': $argString = stripcslashes(substr($argString,1,-1)); break;
case "'": $argString = str_replace(array("\\\\", "\\'"),array("\\", "'"), substr($argString,1,-1)); break;
default: throw new Exception("Bad T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING arg $argString");
$bucket[] = $argString;
$bucket[] = (double)$token[1];
$bucket[] = (int)$token[1];
case T_STRING:
switch($token[1]) {
case 'true': $args[] = true; break;
case 'false': $args[] = false; break;
default: throw new Exception("Bad T_STRING arg '{$token[1]}'");
case T_ARRAY:
// Add an empty array to the bucket
$bucket[] = array();
$bucketStack[] = &$bucket;
$bucket = &$bucket[sizeof($bucket)-1];
} else {
if($tName == ')') {
// Pop-by-reference
$bucket = &$bucketStack[sizeof($bucketStack)-1];
return array($class, $args);
* Similar to {@link Object::create()}, except that classes are only overloaded if you set the $strong parameter to
* TRUE when using {@link Object::useCustomClass()}
* @param string $class the class name
* @param mixed $arguments,... arguments to pass to the constructor
* @return Object
public static function strong_create() {
$args = func_get_args();
$class = array_shift($args);
if(isset(self::$strong_classes[$class]) && ClassInfo::exists(self::$strong_classes[$class])) {
$class = self::$strong_classes[$class];
return Injector::inst()->createWithArgs($class, $args);
* This class allows you to overload classes with other classes when they are constructed using the factory method
* {@link Object::create()}
* @param string $oldClass the class to replace
* @param string $newClass the class to replace it with
* @param bool $strong allows you to enforce a certain class replacement under all circumstances. This is used in
* singletons and DB interaction classes
public static function useCustomClass($oldClass, $newClass, $strong = false) {
if($strong) {
self::$strong_classes[$oldClass] = $newClass;
} else {
self::$custom_classes[$oldClass] = $newClass;
* If a class has been overloaded, get the class name it has been overloaded with - otherwise return the class name
* @param string $class the class to check
* @return string the class that would be created if you called {@link Object::create()} with the class
public static function getCustomClass($class) {
if(isset(self::$strong_classes[$class]) && ClassInfo::exists(self::$strong_classes[$class])) {
return self::$strong_classes[$class];
} elseif(isset(self::$custom_classes[$class]) && ClassInfo::exists(self::$custom_classes[$class])) {
return self::$custom_classes[$class];
return $class;
* Get the value of a static property of a class, even in that property is declared protected (but not private), without any inheritance,
* merging or parent lookup if it doesn't exist on the given class.
* If using PHP 5.4, we can do this using $foo::$bar syntax. PHP 5.3 uses ReflectionClass to get the static properties instead.
* @static
* @param $class - The class to get the static from
* @param $name - The property to get from the class
* @param null $default - The value to return if property doesn't exist on class
* @return any - The value of the static property $name on class $class, or $default if that property is not defined
public static function static_lookup($class, $name, $default = null) {
if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION == 5 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION >= 4 && is_subclass_of($class, 'Object')) {
if (isset($class::$$name)) {
$parent = get_parent_class($class);
if (!$parent || !isset($parent::$$name) || $parent::$$name !== $class::$$name) return $class::$$name;
return $default;
} else {
// TODO: This gets set once, then not updated, so any changes to statics after this is called the first time for any class won't be exposed
static $static_properties = array();
if (!isset($static_properties[$class])) {
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($class);
$static_properties[$class] = $reflection->getStaticProperties();
if (isset($static_properties[$class][$name])) {
$value = $static_properties[$class][$name];
$parent = get_parent_class($class);
if (!$parent) return $value;
if (!isset($static_properties[$parent])) {
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($parent);
$static_properties[$parent] = $reflection->getStaticProperties();
if (!isset($static_properties[$parent][$name]) || $static_properties[$parent][$name] !== $value) return $value;
return $default;
* Get a static variable, taking into account SS's inbuild static caches and pseudo-statics
* This method first checks for any extra values added by {@link Object::add_static_var()}, and attemps to traverse
* up the extra static var chain until it reaches the top, or it reaches a replacement static.
* If any extra values are discovered, they are then merged with the default PHP static values, or in some cases
* completely replace the default PHP static when you set $replace = true, and do not define extra data on any child
* classes
* @param string $class
* @param string $name the property name
* @param bool $uncached if set to TRUE, force a regeneration of the static cache
* @return mixed
public static function get_static($class, $name, $uncached = false) {
Deprecation::notice('3.1.0', 'get_static is deprecated, replaced by Config#get');
return Config::inst()->get($class, $name, Config::FIRST_SET);
* Set a static variable
* @param string $class
* @param string $name the property name to set
* @param mixed $value
public static function set_static($class, $name, $value) {
Deprecation::notice('3.1.0', 'set_static is deprecated, replaced by Config#update');
Config::inst()->update($class, $name, $value);
* Get an uninherited static variable - a variable that is explicity set in this class, and not in the parent class.
* @param string $class
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public static function uninherited_static($class, $name, $uncached = false) {
Deprecation::notice('3.1.0', 'uninherited_static is deprecated, replaced by Config#get');
return Config::inst()->get($class, $name, Config::UNINHERITED);
* Traverse down a class ancestry and attempt to merge all the uninherited static values for a particular static
* into a single variable
* @param string $class
* @param string $name the static name
* @param string $ceiling an optional parent class name to begin merging statics down from, rather than traversing
* the entire hierarchy
* @return mixed
public static function combined_static($class, $name, $ceiling = false) {
if ($ceiling) throw new Exception('Ceiling argument to combined_static is no longer supported');
Deprecation::notice('3.1.0', 'combined_static is deprecated, replaced by Config#get');
return Config::inst()->get($class, $name);
* Merge in a set of additional static variables
* @param string $class
* @param array $properties in a [property name] => [value] format
* @param bool $replace replace existing static vars
public static function addStaticVars($class, $properties, $replace = false) {
Deprecation::notice('3.1.0', 'addStaticVars is deprecated, replaced by Config#update');
foreach($properties as $prop => $value) self::add_static_var($class, $prop, $value, $replace);
* Add a static variable without replacing it completely if possible, but merging in with both existing PHP statics
* and existing psuedo-statics. Uses PHP's array_merge_recursive() with if the $replace argument is FALSE.
* Documentation from
* If the input arrays have the same string keys, then the values for these keys are merged together
* into an array, and this is done recursively, so that if one of the values is an array itself,
* the function will merge it with a corresponding entry in another array too.
* If, however, the arrays have the same numeric key, the later value will not overwrite the original value,
* but will be appended.
* @param string $class
* @param string $name the static name
* @param mixed $value
* @param bool $replace completely replace existing static values
public static function add_static_var($class, $name, $value, $replace = false) {
Deprecation::notice('3.1.0', 'add_static_var is deprecated, replaced by Config#remove and Config#update');
if ($replace) Config::inst()->remove($class, $name);
Config::inst()->update($class, $name, $value);
* Return TRUE if a class has a specified extension
* @param string $class
* @param string $requiredExtension the class name of the extension to check for.
public static function has_extension($class, $requiredExtension) {
$requiredExtension = strtolower($requiredExtension);
$extensions = Config::inst()->get($class, 'extensions');
if($extensions) foreach($extensions as $extension) {
$left = strtolower(Extension::get_classname_without_arguments($extension));
$right = strtolower(Extension::get_classname_without_arguments($requiredExtension));
if($left == $right) return true;
return false;
* Add an extension to a specific class.
* As an alternative, extensions can be added to a specific class
* directly in the {@link Object::$extensions} array.
* See {@link SiteTree::$extensions} for examples.
* Keep in mind that the extension will only be applied to new
* instances, not existing ones (including all instances created through {@link singleton()}).
* @param string $class Class that should be extended - has to be a subclass of {@link Object}
* @param string $extension Subclass of {@link Extension} with optional parameters
* as a string, e.g. "Versioned" or "Translatable('Param')"
public static function add_extension($class, $extension) {
if(!preg_match('/^([^(]*)/', $extension, $matches)) {
return false;
$extensionClass = $matches[1];
if(!class_exists($extensionClass)) {
user_error(sprintf('Object::add_extension() - Can\'t find extension class for "%s"', $extensionClass), E_USER_ERROR);
if(!is_subclass_of($extensionClass, 'Extension')) {
user_error(sprintf('Object::add_extension() - Extension "%s" is not a subclass of Extension', $extensionClass), E_USER_ERROR);
// unset some caches
$subclasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($class);
$subclasses[] = $class;
if($subclasses) foreach($subclasses as $subclass) {
Config::inst()->update($class, 'extensions', array($extension));
// load statics now for DataObject classes
if(is_subclass_of($class, 'DataObject')) {
if(!is_subclass_of($extensionClass, 'DataExtension')) {
user_error("$extensionClass cannot be applied to $class without being a DataExtension", E_USER_ERROR);
* Remove an extension from a class.
* Keep in mind that this won't revert any datamodel additions
* of the extension at runtime, unless its used before the
* schema building kicks in (in your _config.php).
* Doesn't remove the extension from any {@link Object}
* instances which are already created, but will have an
* effect on new extensions.
* Clears any previously created singletons through {@link singleton()}
* to avoid side-effects from stale extension information.
* @todo Add support for removing extensions with parameters
* @param string $class
* @param string $extension Classname of an {@link Extension} subclass, without parameters
public static function remove_extension($class, $extension) {
Config::inst()->remove($class, 'extensions', Config::anything(), $extension);
// unset singletons to avoid side-effects
global $_SINGLETONS;
$_SINGLETONS = array();
// unset some caches
$subclasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($class);
$subclasses[] = $class;
if($subclasses) foreach($subclasses as $subclass) {
* @param string $class
* @param bool $includeArgumentString Include the argument string in the return array,
* FALSE would return array("Versioned"), TRUE returns array("Versioned('Stage','Live')").
* @return array Numeric array of either {@link DataExtension} classnames,
* or eval'ed classname strings with constructor arguments.
public static function get_extensions($class, $includeArgumentString = false) {
$extensions = Config::inst()->get($class, 'extensions');
if($includeArgumentString) {
return $extensions;
} else {
$extensionClassnames = array();
if($extensions) foreach($extensions as $extension) {
$extensionClassnames[] = Extension::get_classname_without_arguments($extension);
return $extensionClassnames;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static $_added_extensions = array();
public function __construct() {
$this->class = get_class($this);
// Don't bother checking some classes that should never be extended
static $notExtendable = array('Object', 'ViewableData', 'RequestHandler');
if($extensionClasses = ClassInfo::ancestry($this->class)) foreach($extensionClasses as $class) {
if(in_array($class, $notExtendable)) continue;
if($extensions = Config::inst()->get($class, 'extensions', Config::UNINHERITED)) {
foreach($extensions as $extension) {
// Get the extension class for this extension
list($extensionClass, $extensionArgs) = self::parse_class_spec($extension);
// If we haven't told that extension it's attached to this class yet, do that now
if (!isset(self::$_added_extensions[$extensionClass][$class])) {
// First call the add_to_class method - this will inherit down & is defined on Extension, so if not defined, no worries
call_user_func(array($extensionClass, 'add_to_class'), $class, $extensionClass, $extensionArgs);
// Then register it as having been told about us
if (!isset(self::$_added_extensions[$extensionClass])) self::$_added_extensions[$extensionClass] = array($class => true);
else self::$_added_extensions[$extensionClass][$class] = true;
$instance = self::create_from_string($extension);
$instance->setOwner(null, $class);
$this->extension_instances[$instance->class] = $instance;
if(!isset(self::$classes_constructed[$this->class])) {
self::$classes_constructed[$this->class] = true;
* Attemps to locate and call a method dynamically added to a class at runtime if a default cannot be located
* You can add extra methods to a class using {@link Extensions}, {@link Object::createMethod()} or
* {@link Object::addWrapperMethod()}
* @param string $method
* @param array $arguments
* @return mixed
public function __call($method, $arguments) {
// If the method cache was cleared by an an Object::add_extension() / Object::remove_extension()
// call, then we should rebuild it.
if(empty(self::$extra_methods[get_class($this)])) {
$method = strtolower($method);
if(isset(self::$extra_methods[$this->class][$method])) {
$config = self::$extra_methods[$this->class][$method];
switch(true) {
case isset($config['property']) :
$obj = $config['index'] !== null ?
$this->{$config['property']}[$config['index']] :
if($obj) {
if(!empty($config['callSetOwnerFirst'])) $obj->setOwner($this);
$retVal = call_user_func_array(array($obj, $method), $arguments);
if(!empty($config['callSetOwnerFirst'])) $obj->clearOwner();
return $retVal;
if($this->destroyed) {
throw new Exception (
"Object->__call(): attempt to call $method on a destroyed $this->class object"
} else {
throw new Exception (
"Object->__call(): $this->class cannot pass control to $config[property]($config[index])." .
' Perhaps this object was mistakenly destroyed?'
case isset($config['wrap']) :
array_unshift($arguments, $config['method']);
return call_user_func_array(array($this, $config['wrap']), $arguments);
case isset($config['function']) :
return $config['function']($this, $arguments);
default :
throw new Exception (
"Object->__call(): extra method $method is invalid on $this->class:" . var_export($config, true)
} else {
// Please do not change the exception code number below.
throw new Exception("Object->__call(): the method '$method' does not exist on '$this->class'", 2175);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return TRUE if a method exists on this object
* This should be used rather than PHP's inbuild method_exists() as it takes into account methods added via
* extensions
* @param string $method
* @return bool
public function hasMethod($method) {
return method_exists($this, $method) || isset(self::$extra_methods[$this->class][strtolower($method)]);
* Return the names of all the methods available on this object
* @param bool $custom include methods added dynamically at runtime
* @return array
public function allMethodNames($custom = false) {
if(!isset(self::$built_in_methods[$this->class])) {
self::$built_in_methods[$this->class] = array_map('strtolower', get_class_methods($this));
if($custom && isset(self::$extra_methods[$this->class])) {
return array_merge(self::$built_in_methods[$this->class], array_keys(self::$extra_methods[$this->class]));
} else {
return self::$built_in_methods[$this->class];
* Adds any methods from {@link Extension} instances attached to this object.
* All these methods can then be called directly on the instance (transparently
* mapped through {@link __call()}), or called explicitly through {@link extend()}.
* @uses addMethodsFrom()
protected function defineMethods() {
if($this->extension_instances) foreach(array_keys($this->extension_instances) as $key) {
$this->addMethodsFrom('extension_instances', $key);
if(isset($_REQUEST['debugmethods']) && isset(self::$built_in_methods[$this->class])) {
echo '<h2>Methods defined on ' . $this->class . '</h2><ul>';
foreach(self::$built_in_methods[$this->class] as $method) {
echo "<li>$method</li>";
echo '</ul>';
* Add all the methods from an object property (which is an {@link Extension}) to this object.
* @param string $property the property name
* @param string|int $index an index to use if the property is an array
protected function addMethodsFrom($property, $index = null) {
$extension = ($index !== null) ? $this->{$property}[$index] : $this->$property;
if(!$extension) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException (
"Object->addMethodsFrom(): could not add methods from {$this->class}->{$property}[$index]"
if(method_exists($extension, 'allMethodNames')) {
$methods = $extension->allMethodNames(true);
} else {
if(!isset(self::$built_in_methods[$extension->class])) {
self::$built_in_methods[$extension->class] = array_map('strtolower', get_class_methods($extension));
$methods = self::$built_in_methods[$extension->class];
if($methods) {
$methodInfo = array(
'property' => $property,
'index' => $index,
'callSetOwnerFirst' => $extension instanceof Extension,
$newMethods = array_fill_keys($methods, $methodInfo);
if(isset(self::$extra_methods[$this->class])) {
self::$extra_methods[$this->class] =
array_merge(self::$extra_methods[$this->class], $newMethods);
} else {
self::$extra_methods[$this->class] = $newMethods;
* Add a wrapper method - a method which points to another method with a different name. For example, Thumbnail(x)
* can be wrapped to generateThumbnail(x)
* @param string $method the method name to wrap
* @param string $wrap the method name to wrap to
protected function addWrapperMethod($method, $wrap) {
self::$extra_methods[$this->class][strtolower($method)] = array (
'wrap' => $wrap,
'method' => $method
* Add an extra method using raw PHP code passed as a string
* @param string $method the method name
* @param string $code the PHP code - arguments will be in an array called $args, while you can access this object
* by using $obj. Note that you cannot call protected methods, as the method is actually an external function
protected function createMethod($method, $code) {
self::$extra_methods[$this->class][strtolower($method)] = array (
'function' => create_function('$obj, $args', $code)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @see Object::get_static()
public function stat($name, $uncached = false) {
return Config::inst()->get(($this->class ? $this->class : get_class($this)), $name, Config::FIRST_SET);
* @see Object::set_static()
public function set_stat($name, $value) {
Config::inst()->update(($this->class ? $this->class : get_class($this)), $name, $value);
* @see Object::uninherited_static()
public function uninherited($name) {
return Config::inst()->get(($this->class ? $this->class : get_class($this)), $name, Config::UNINHERITED);
* @deprecated
public function set_uninherited() {
Deprecation::notice('2.4', 'Use a custom static on your object instead.');
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return true if this object "exists" i.e. has a sensible value
* This method should be overriden in subclasses to provide more context about the classes state. For example, a
* {@link DataObject} class could return false when it is deleted from the database
* @return bool
public function exists() {
return true;
* @return string this classes parent class
public function parentClass() {
return get_parent_class($this);
* Check if this class is an instance of a specific class, or has that class as one of its parents
* @param string $class
* @return bool
public function is_a($class) {
return $this instanceof $class;
* @return string the class name
public function __toString() {
return $this->class;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Calls a method if available on both this object and all applied {@link Extensions}, and then attempts to merge
* all results into an array
* @param string $method the method name to call
* @param mixed $argument a single argument to pass
* @return mixed
* @todo integrate inheritance rules
public function invokeWithExtensions($method, $argument = null) {
$result = method_exists($this, $method) ? array($this->$method($argument)) : array();
$extras = $this->extend($method, $argument);
return $extras ? array_merge($result, $extras) : $result;
* Run the given function on all of this object's extensions. Note that this method originally returned void, so if
* you wanted to return results, you're hosed
* Currently returns an array, with an index resulting every time the function is called. Only adds returns if
* they're not NULL, to avoid bogus results from methods just defined on the parent extension. This is important for
* permission-checks through extend, as they use min() to determine if any of the returns is FALSE. As min() doesn't
* do type checking, an included NULL return would fail the permission checks.
* The extension methods are defined during {@link __construct()} in {@link defineMethods()}.
* @param string $method the name of the method to call on each extension
* @param mixed $a1,... up to 7 arguments to be passed to the method
* @return array
public function extend($method, &$a1=null, &$a2=null, &$a3=null, &$a4=null, &$a5=null, &$a6=null, &$a7=null) {
$values = array();
if($this->extension_instances) foreach($this->extension_instances as $instance) {
if(method_exists($instance, $method)) {
$value = $instance->$method($a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7);
if($value !== null) $values[] = $value;
return $values;
* Get an extension instance attached to this object by name.
* @uses hasExtension()
* @param string $extension
* @return Extension
public function getExtensionInstance($extension) {
if($this->hasExtension($extension)) return $this->extension_instances[$extension];
* Returns TRUE if this object instance has a specific extension applied
* in {@link $extension_instances}. Extension instances are initialized
* at constructor time, meaning if you use {@link add_extension()}
* afterwards, the added extension will just be added to new instances
* of the extended class. Use the static method {@link has_extension()}
* to check if a class (not an instance) has a specific extension.
* Caution: Don't use singleton(<class>)->hasExtension() as it will
* give you inconsistent results based on when the singleton was first
* accessed.
* @param string $extension Classname of an {@link Extension} subclass without parameters
* @return bool
public function hasExtension($extension) {
return isset($this->extension_instances[$extension]);
* Get all extension instances for this specific object instance.
* See {@link get_extensions()} to get all applied extension classes
* for this class (not the instance).
* @return array Map of {@link DataExtension} instances, keyed by classname.
public function getExtensionInstances() {
return $this->extension_instances;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Cache the results of an instance method in this object to a file, or if it is already cache return the cached
* results
* @param string $method the method name to cache
* @param int $lifetime the cache lifetime in seconds
* @param string $ID custom cache ID to use
* @param array $arguments an optional array of arguments
* @return mixed the cached data
public function cacheToFile($method, $lifetime = 3600, $ID = false, $arguments = array()) {
if(!$this->hasMethod($method)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Object->cacheToFile(): the method $method does not exist to cache");
$cacheName = $this->class . '_' . $method;
if(!is_array($arguments)) $arguments = array($arguments);
if($ID) $cacheName .= '_' . $ID;
if(count($arguments)) $cacheName .= '_' . implode('_', $arguments);
if($data = $this->loadCache($cacheName, $lifetime)) {
return $data;
$data = call_user_func_array(array($this, $method), $arguments);
$this->saveCache($cacheName, $data);
return $data;
* Clears the cache for the given cacheToFile call
public function clearCache($method, $ID = false, $arguments = array()) {
$cacheName = $this->class . '_' . $method;
if(!is_array($arguments)) $arguments = array($arguments);
if($ID) $cacheName .= '_' . $ID;
if(count($arguments)) $cacheName .= '_' . implode('_', $arguments);
$file = TEMP_FOLDER . '/' . $this->sanitiseCachename($cacheName);
if(file_exists($file)) unlink($file);
* Loads a cache from the filesystem if a valid on is present and within the specified lifetime
* @param string $cache the cache name
* @param int $lifetime the lifetime (in seconds) of the cache before it is invalid
* @return mixed
protected function loadCache($cache, $lifetime = 3600) {
$path = TEMP_FOLDER . '/' . $this->sanitiseCachename($cache);
if(!isset($_REQUEST['flush']) && file_exists($path) && (filemtime($path) + $lifetime) > time()) {
return unserialize(file_get_contents($path));
return false;
* Save a piece of cached data to the file system
* @param string $cache the cache name
* @param mixed $data data to save (must be serializable)
protected function saveCache($cache, $data) {
file_put_contents(TEMP_FOLDER . '/' . $this->sanitiseCachename($cache), serialize($data));
* Strip a file name of special characters so it is suitable for use as a cache file name
* @param string $name
* @return string the name with all special cahracters replaced with underscores
protected function sanitiseCachename($name) {
return str_replace(array('~', '.', '/', '!', ' ', "\n", "\r", "\t", '\\', ':', '"', '\'', ';'), '_', $name);