
1214 lines
40 KiB

namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Install;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use SilverStripe\Core\TempFolder;
use SplFileInfo;
* This class checks requirements
* Each of the requireXXX functions takes an argument which gives a user description of the test.
* It's an array of 3 parts:
* $description[0] - The test catetgory
* $description[1] - The test title
* $description[2] - The test error to show, if it goes wrong
class InstallRequirements
* List of errors
* @var array
protected $errors = [];
* List of warnings
* @var array
protected $warnings = [];
* List of tests
* @var array
protected $tests = [];
* Backup of original ini settings
* @var array
protected $originalIni = [];
* Base path
* @var
protected $baseDir;
public function __construct($basePath = null)
if ($basePath) {
$this->baseDir = $basePath;
} elseif (defined('BASE_PATH')) {
$this->baseDir = BASE_PATH;
} else {
throw new BadMethodCallException("No BASE_PATH defined");
public function getBaseDir()
return rtrim($this->baseDir, '/\\') . '/';
* Check the database configuration. These are done one after another
* starting with checking the database function exists in PHP, and
* continuing onto more difficult checks like database permissions.
* @param array $databaseConfig The list of database parameters
* @return boolean Validity of database configuration details
public function checkDatabase($databaseConfig)
// Check if support is available
if (!$this->requireDatabaseFunctions(
"Database Configuration",
"Database support",
"Database support in PHP",
) {
return false;
$path = empty($databaseConfig['path']) ? null : $databaseConfig['path'];
$server = empty($databaseConfig['server']) ? null : $databaseConfig['server'];
// Check if the server is available
$usePath = $path && empty($server);
if (!$this->requireDatabaseServer(
"Database Configuration",
"Database server",
? "I couldn't write to path '{$path}'"
: "I couldn't find a database server on '{$server}'",
? $path
: $server
) {
return false;
// Check if the connection credentials allow access to the server / database
if (!$this->requireDatabaseConnection(
"Database Configuration",
"Database access credentials",
"That username/password doesn't work"
) {
return false;
// Check the necessary server version is available
if (!$this->requireDatabaseVersion(
"Database Configuration",
"Database server version requirement",
'Version ' . $this->getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($databaseConfig['type'])->getDatabaseVersion($databaseConfig)
) {
return false;
// Check that database creation permissions are available
if (!$this->requireDatabaseOrCreatePermissions(
"Database Configuration",
"Can I access/create the database",
"I can't create new databases and the database '$databaseConfig[database]' doesn't exist"
) {
return false;
// Check alter permission (necessary to create tables etc)
if (!$this->requireDatabaseAlterPermissions(
"Database Configuration",
"Can I ALTER tables",
"I don't have permission to ALTER tables"
) {
return false;
// Success!
return true;
public function checkAdminConfig($adminConfig)
if (!$adminConfig['username']) {
$this->error(array('', 'Please enter a username!'));
if (!$adminConfig['password']) {
$this->error(array('', 'Please enter a password!'));
* Check if the web server is IIS and version greater than the given version.
* @param int $fromVersion
* @return bool
public function isIIS($fromVersion = 7)
$webserver = $this->findWebserver();
if (preg_match('#.*IIS/(?<version>[.\\d]+)$#', $webserver, $matches)) {
return version_compare($matches['version'], $fromVersion, '>=');
return false;
* @return bool
public function isApache()
return strpos($this->findWebserver(), 'Apache') !== false;
* Find the webserver software running on the PHP host.
* @return string|false Server software or boolean FALSE
public function findWebserver()
if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'])) {
$webserver = $_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'];
} elseif (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) {
$webserver = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
} else {
return false;
return strip_tags(trim($webserver));
* Check everything except the database
public function check()
$this->errors = [];
$isApache = $this->isApache();
$isIIS = $this->isIIS();
$webserver = $this->findWebserver();
$this->requirePHPVersion('5.5.0', '5.5.0', array(
"PHP Configuration",
"PHP5 installed",
"PHP version " . phpversion()
// Check that we can identify the root folder successfully
$this->requireFile('vendor/silverstripe/framework/src/Dev/Install/config-form.html', array(
"File permissions",
"Does the webserver know where files are stored?",
"The webserver isn't letting me identify where files are stored.",
$this->requireModule('mysite', array(
"File permissions",
"mysite/ directory exists?",
$this->requireModule('vendor/silverstripe/framework', array(
"File permissions",
"vendor/silverstripe/framework/ directory exists?",
$this->requireWriteable('index.php', array("File permissions", "Is the index.php file writeable?", null));
$this->requireWriteable('.env', ["File permissions", "Is the .env file writeable?", null], false, false);
if ($isApache) {
"Webserver Configuration",
"Webserver is not Apache 1.x",
"SilverStripe requires Apache version 2 or greater",
$this->requireWriteable('.htaccess', array("File permissions", "Is the .htaccess file writeable?", null));
} elseif ($isIIS) {
$this->requireWriteable('web.config', array("File permissions", "Is the web.config file writeable?", null));
$this->requireWriteable('mysite/_config.php', array(
"File permissions",
"Is the mysite/_config.php file writeable?",
$this->requireWriteable('mysite/_config/theme.yml', array(
"File permissions",
"Is the mysite/_config/theme.yml file writeable?",
if (!$this->checkModuleExists('cms')) {
$this->requireWriteable('mysite/code/RootURLController.php', array(
"File permissions",
"Is the mysite/code/RootURLController.php file writeable?",
// Ensure root assets dir is writable
$this->requireWriteable('assets', array("File permissions", "Is the assets/ directory writeable?", null));
// Ensure all assets files are writable
$assetsDir = $this->getBaseDir() . 'assets';
$innerIterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($assetsDir, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($innerIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
/** @var SplFileInfo $file */
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
$relativePath = substr($file->getPathname(), strlen($this->getBaseDir()));
$message = $file->isDir()
? "Is the {$relativePath} directory writeable?"
: "Is the {$relativePath} file writeable?";
$this->requireWriteable($relativePath, array("File permissions", $message, null));
try {
$tempFolder = TempFolder::getTempFolder($this->getBaseDir());
} catch (Exception $e) {
$tempFolder = false;
$this->requireTempFolder(array('File permissions', 'Is a temporary directory available?', null, $tempFolder));
if ($tempFolder) {
// in addition to the temp folder being available, check it is writable
$this->requireWriteable($tempFolder, array(
"File permissions",
sprintf("Is the temporary directory writeable?", $tempFolder),
), true);
// Check for web server, unless we're calling the installer from the command-line
$this->isRunningWebServer(array("Webserver Configuration", "Server software", "Unknown", $webserver));
if ($isApache) {
$this->requireApacheRewriteModule('mod_rewrite', array(
"Webserver Configuration",
"URL rewriting support",
"You need mod_rewrite to use friendly URLs with SilverStripe, but it is not enabled."
} elseif ($isIIS) {
$this->requireIISRewriteModule('IIS_UrlRewriteModule', array(
"Webserver Configuration",
"URL rewriting support",
"You need to enable the IIS URL Rewrite Module to use friendly URLs with SilverStripe, "
. "but it is not installed or enabled. Download it for IIS 7 from"
} else {
"Webserver Configuration",
"URL rewriting support",
"I can't tell whether any rewriting module is running. You may need to configure a rewriting rule yourself."
$this->requireServerVariables(array('SCRIPT_NAME', 'HTTP_HOST', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME'), array(
"Webserver Configuration",
"Recognised webserver",
"You seem to be using an unsupported webserver. "
. "The server variables SCRIPT_NAME, HTTP_HOST, SCRIPT_FILENAME need to be set."
"Webserver Configuration",
"POST Support",
'I can\'t find $_POST, make sure POST is enabled.'
// Check for GD support
if (!$this->requireFunction("imagecreatetruecolor", array(
"PHP Configuration",
"GD2 support",
"PHP must have GD version 2."
) {
$this->requireFunction("imagecreate", array(
"PHP Configuration",
"GD2 support",
"GD support for PHP not included."
// Check for XML support
$this->requireFunction('xml_set_object', array(
"PHP Configuration",
"XML support",
"XML support not included in PHP."
$this->requireClass('DOMDocument', array(
"PHP Configuration",
"DOM/XML support",
"DOM/XML support not included in PHP."
$this->requireFunction('simplexml_load_file', array(
'PHP Configuration',
'SimpleXML support',
'SimpleXML support not included in PHP.'
// Check for token_get_all
$this->requireFunction('token_get_all', array(
"PHP Configuration",
"Tokenizer support",
"Tokenizer support not included in PHP."
// Check for CType support
$this->requireFunction('ctype_digit', array(
'PHP Configuration',
'CType support',
'CType support not included in PHP.'
// Check for session support
$this->requireFunction('session_start', array(
'PHP Configuration',
'Session support',
'Session support not included in PHP.'
// Check for iconv support
$this->requireFunction('iconv', array(
'PHP Configuration',
'iconv support',
'iconv support not included in PHP.'
// Check for hash support
$this->requireFunction('hash', array('PHP Configuration', 'hash support', 'hash support not included in PHP.'));
// Check for mbstring support
$this->requireFunction('mb_internal_encoding', array(
'PHP Configuration',
'mbstring support',
'mbstring support not included in PHP.'
// Check for Reflection support
$this->requireClass('ReflectionClass', array(
'PHP Configuration',
'Reflection support',
'Reflection support not included in PHP.'
// Check for Standard PHP Library (SPL) support
$this->requireFunction('spl_classes', array(
'PHP Configuration',
'SPL support',
'Standard PHP Library (SPL) not included in PHP.'
'PHP Configuration',
'date.timezone setting and validity',
'date.timezone option in php.ini must be set correctly.',
$this->suggestClass('finfo', array(
'PHP Configuration',
'fileinfo support',
'fileinfo should be enabled in PHP. SilverStripe uses it for MIME type detection of files. '
. 'SilverStripe will still operate, but email attachments and sending files to browser '
. '(e.g. export data to CSV) may not work correctly without finfo.'
$this->suggestFunction('curl_init', array(
'PHP Configuration',
'curl support',
'curl should be enabled in PHP. SilverStripe uses it for consuming web services'
. ' via the RestfulService class and many modules rely on it.'
$this->suggestClass('tidy', array(
'PHP Configuration',
'tidy support',
'Tidy provides a library of code to clean up your html. '
. 'SilverStripe will operate fine without tidy but HTMLCleaner will not be effective.'
$this->suggestPHPSetting('asp_tags', array(false), array(
'PHP Configuration',
'asp_tags option',
'This should be turned off as it can cause issues with SilverStripe'
$this->requirePHPSetting('magic_quotes_gpc', array(false), array(
'PHP Configuration',
'magic_quotes_gpc option',
'This should be turned off, as it can cause issues with cookies. '
. 'More specifically, unserializing data stored in cookies.'
$this->suggestPHPSetting('display_errors', array(false), array(
'PHP Configuration',
'display_errors option',
'Unless you\'re in a development environment, this should be turned off, '
. 'as it can expose sensitive data to website users.'
// on some weirdly configured webservers arg_separator.output is set to &amp;
// which will results in links like ?param=value&amp;foo=bar which will not be i
$this->suggestPHPSetting('arg_separator.output', array('&', ''), array(
'PHP Configuration',
'arg_separator.output option',
'This option defines how URL parameters are concatenated. '
. 'If not set to \'&\' this may cause issues with URL GET parameters'
// always_populate_raw_post_data should be set to -1 if PHP < 7.0
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0.0', '<')) {
$this->suggestPHPSetting('always_populate_raw_post_data', ['-1'], [
'PHP Configuration',
'always_populate_raw_post_data option',
'It\'s highly recommended to set this to \'-1\' in php 5.x, as $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is removed in php 7'
// Check memory allocation
$this->requireMemory(32 * 1024 * 1024, 64 * 1024 * 1024, array(
"PHP Configuration",
"Memory allocation (PHP config option 'memory_limit')",
"SilverStripe needs a minimum of 32M allocated to PHP, but recommends 64M.",
return $this->errors;
* Get ini setting
* @param string $settingName
* @return mixed
protected function getOriginalIni($settingName)
if (isset($this->originalIni[$settingName])) {
return $this->originalIni[$settingName];
return ini_get($settingName);
public function suggestPHPSetting($settingName, $settingValues, $testDetails)
// special case for display_errors, check the original value before
// it was changed at the start of this script.
$val = $this->getOriginalIni($settingName);
if (!in_array($val, $settingValues) && $val != $settingValues) {
$this->warning($testDetails, "$settingName is set to '$val' in php.ini. $testDetails[2]");
public function requirePHPSetting($settingName, $settingValues, $testDetails)
$val = $this->getOriginalIni($settingName);
if (!in_array($val, $settingValues) && $val != $settingValues) {
$this->error($testDetails, "$settingName is set to '$val' in php.ini. $testDetails[2]");
public function suggestClass($class, $testDetails)
if (!class_exists($class)) {
public function suggestFunction($class, $testDetails)
if (!function_exists($class)) {
public function requireDateTimezone($testDetails)
$val = $this->getOriginalIni('date.timezone');
$result = $val && in_array($val, timezone_identifiers_list());
if (!$result) {
public function requireMemory($min, $recommended, $testDetails)
$_SESSION['forcemem'] = false;
$mem = $this->getPHPMemory();
$memLimit = $this->getOriginalIni("memory_limit");
if ($mem < (64 * 1024 * 1024)) {
ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');
$mem = $this->getPHPMemory();
$testDetails[3] = $memLimit;
if ($mem < $min && $mem > 0) {
$message = $testDetails[2] . " You only have " . $memLimit . " allocated";
$this->error($testDetails, $message);
return false;
} elseif ($mem < $recommended && $mem > 0) {
$message = $testDetails[2] . " You only have " . $memLimit . " allocated";
$this->warning($testDetails, $message);
return false;
} elseif ($mem == 0) {
$message = $testDetails[2] . " We can't determine how much memory you have allocated. "
. "Install only if you're sure you've allocated at least 20 MB.";
$this->warning($testDetails, $message);
return false;
return true;
public function getPHPMemory()
$memString = $this->getOriginalIni("memory_limit");
switch (strtolower(substr($memString, -1))) {
case "k":
return round(substr($memString, 0, -1) * 1024);
case "m":
return round(substr($memString, 0, -1) * 1024 * 1024);
case "g":
return round(substr($memString, 0, -1) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
return round($memString);
public function listErrors()
if ($this->errors) {
echo "<p>The following problems are preventing me from installing SilverStripe CMS:</p>\n\n";
foreach ($this->errors as $error) {
echo "<li>" . htmlentities(implode(", ", $error), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . "</li>\n";
public function showTable($section = null)
if ($section) {
$tests = $this->tests[$section];
$id = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $section));
echo "<table id=\"{$id}_results\" class=\"testResults\" width=\"100%\">";
foreach ($tests as $test => $result) {
echo "<tr class=\"$result[0]\"><td>$test</td><td>"
. nl2br(htmlentities($result[1], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')) . "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
} else {
foreach ($this->tests as $section => $tests) {
$failedRequirements = 0;
$warningRequirements = 0;
$output = "";
foreach ($tests as $test => $result) {
if (isset($result['0'])) {
switch ($result['0']) {
case 'error':
case 'warning':
$output .= "<tr class=\"$result[0]\"><td>$test</td><td>"
. nl2br(htmlentities($result[1], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')) . "</td></tr>";
$className = "good";
$text = "All Requirements Pass";
$pluralWarnings = ($warningRequirements == 1) ? 'Warning' : 'Warnings';
if ($failedRequirements > 0) {
$className = "error";
$pluralWarnings = ($warningRequirements == 1) ? 'Warning' : 'Warnings';
$text = $failedRequirements . ' Failed and ' . $warningRequirements . ' ' . $pluralWarnings;
} elseif ($warningRequirements > 0) {
$className = "warning";
$text = "All Requirements Pass but " . $warningRequirements . ' ' . $pluralWarnings;
echo "<h5 class='requirement $className'>$section <a href='#'>Show All Requirements</a> <span>$text</span></h5>";
echo "<table class=\"testResults\">";
echo $output;
echo "</table>";
public function requireFunction($funcName, $testDetails)
if (!function_exists($funcName)) {
return false;
return true;
public function requireClass($className, $testDetails)
if (!class_exists($className)) {
return false;
return true;
* Require that the given class doesn't exist
* @param array $classNames
* @param array $testDetails
* @return bool
public function requireNoClasses($classNames, $testDetails)
$badClasses = array();
foreach ($classNames as $className) {
if (class_exists($className)) {
$badClasses[] = $className;
if ($badClasses) {
$message = $testDetails[2] . ". The following classes are at fault: " . implode(', ', $badClasses);
$this->error($testDetails, $message);
return false;
return true;
public function checkApacheVersion($testDetails)
$is1pointx = preg_match('#Apache[/ ]1\.#', $testDetails[3]);
if ($is1pointx) {
return true;
public function requirePHPVersion($recommendedVersion, $requiredVersion, $testDetails)
$installedVersion = phpversion();
if (version_compare($installedVersion, $requiredVersion, '<')) {
$message = "SilverStripe requires PHP version $requiredVersion or later.\n
PHP version $installedVersion is currently installed.\n
While SilverStripe requires at least PHP version $requiredVersion, upgrading to $recommendedVersion or later is recommended.\n
If you are installing SilverStripe on a shared web server, please ask your web hosting provider to upgrade PHP for you.";
$this->error($testDetails, $message);
return false;
if (version_compare($installedVersion, $recommendedVersion, '<')) {
$message = "PHP version $installedVersion is currently installed.\n
Upgrading to at least PHP version $recommendedVersion is recommended.\n
SilverStripe should run, but you may run into issues. Future releases may require a later version of PHP.\n";
$this->warning($testDetails, $message);
return false;
return true;
* Check that a module exists
* @param string $dirname
* @return bool
public function checkModuleExists($dirname)
// Mysite is base-only and doesn't need _config.php to be counted
if ($dirname === 'mysite') {
return file_exists($this->getBaseDir() . $dirname);
$paths = [
foreach ($paths as $path) {
$checks = ['_config', '_config.php'];
foreach ($checks as $check) {
if (file_exists($this->getBaseDir() . $path . $check)) {
return true;
return false;
* The same as {@link requireFile()} but does additional checks
* to ensure the module directory is intact.
* @param string $dirname
* @param array $testDetails
public function requireModule($dirname, $testDetails)
$path = $this->getBaseDir() . $dirname;
if (!file_exists($path)) {
$testDetails[2] .= " Directory '$path' not found. Please make sure you have uploaded the SilverStripe files to your webserver correctly.";
} elseif (!file_exists($path . '/_config.php') && $dirname != 'mysite') {
$testDetails[2] .= " Directory '$path' exists, but is missing files. Please make sure you have uploaded "
. "the SilverStripe files to your webserver correctly.";
public function requireFile($filename, $testDetails)
$filename = $this->getBaseDir() . $filename;
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
$testDetails[2] .= " (file '$filename' not found)";
public function requireWriteable($filename, $testDetails, $absolute = false, $error = true)
if ($absolute) {
$filename = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filename);
} else {
$filename = $this->getBaseDir() . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filename);
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$isWriteable = is_writeable($filename);
} else {
$isWriteable = is_writeable(dirname($filename));
if (!$isWriteable) {
if (function_exists('posix_getgroups')) {
$userID = posix_geteuid();
$user = posix_getpwuid($userID);
$currentOwnerID = fileowner(file_exists($filename) ? $filename : dirname($filename));
$currentOwner = posix_getpwuid($currentOwnerID);
$testDetails[2] .= "User '$user[name]' needs to be able to write to this file:\n$filename\n\nThe "
. "file is currently owned by '$currentOwner[name]'. ";
if ($user['name'] == $currentOwner['name']) {
$testDetails[2] .= "We recommend that you make the file writeable.";
} else {
$groups = posix_getgroups();
$groupList = array();
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$groupInfo = posix_getgrgid($group);
if (in_array($currentOwner['name'], $groupInfo['members'])) {
$groupList[] = $groupInfo['name'];
if ($groupList) {
$testDetails[2] .= " We recommend that you make the file group-writeable "
. "and change the group to one of these groups:\n - " . implode("\n - ", $groupList)
. "\n\nFor example:\nchmod g+w $filename\nchgrp " . $groupList[0] . " $filename";
} else {
$testDetails[2] .= " There is no user-group that contains both the web-server user and the "
. "owner of this file. Change the ownership of the file, create a new group, or "
. "temporarily make the file writeable by everyone during the install process.";
} else {
$testDetails[2] .= "The webserver user needs to be able to write to this file:\n$filename";
if ($error) {
} else {
public function requireTempFolder($testDetails)
try {
$tempFolder = TempFolder::getTempFolder($this->getBaseDir());
} catch (Exception $e) {
$tempFolder = false;
if (!$tempFolder) {
$testDetails[2] = "Permission problem gaining access to a temp directory. " .
"Please create a folder named silverstripe-cache in the base directory " .
"of the installation and ensure it has the adequate permissions.";
public function requireApacheModule($moduleName, $testDetails)
if (!in_array($moduleName, apache_get_modules())) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public function testApacheRewriteExists($moduleName = 'mod_rewrite')
if (function_exists('apache_get_modules') && in_array($moduleName, apache_get_modules())) {
return true;
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_MOD_REWRITE']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_MOD_REWRITE'] == 'On') {
return true;
return true;
return false;
public function testIISRewriteModuleExists($moduleName = 'IIS_UrlRewriteModule')
if (isset($_SERVER[$moduleName]) && $_SERVER[$moduleName]) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function requireApacheRewriteModule($moduleName, $testDetails)
if ($this->testApacheRewriteExists()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Determines if the web server has any rewriting capability.
* @return boolean
public function hasRewritingCapability()
return ($this->testApacheRewriteExists() || $this->testIISRewriteModuleExists());
public function requireIISRewriteModule($moduleName, $testDetails)
if ($this->testIISRewriteModuleExists()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function getDatabaseTypeNice($databaseClass)
return substr($databaseClass, 0, -8);
* Get an instance of a helper class for the specific database.
* @param string $databaseClass e.g. MySQLDatabase or MSSQLDatabase
* @return DatabaseConfigurationHelper
public function getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($databaseClass)
return DatabaseAdapterRegistry::getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($databaseClass);
public function requireDatabaseFunctions($databaseConfig, $testDetails)
$helper = $this->getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($databaseConfig['type']);
if (!$helper) {
$this->error($testDetails, "Couldn't load database helper code for " . $databaseConfig['type']);
return false;
$result = $helper->requireDatabaseFunctions($databaseConfig);
if ($result) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function requireDatabaseConnection($databaseConfig, $testDetails)
$helper = $this->getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($databaseConfig['type']);
$result = $helper->requireDatabaseConnection($databaseConfig);
if ($result['success']) {
return true;
} else {
$testDetails[2] .= ": " . $result['error'];
return false;
public function requireDatabaseVersion($databaseConfig, $testDetails)
$helper = $this->getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($databaseConfig['type']);
if (method_exists($helper, 'requireDatabaseVersion')) {
$result = $helper->requireDatabaseVersion($databaseConfig);
if ($result['success']) {
return true;
} else {
$testDetails[2] .= $result['error'];
return false;
// Skipped test because this database has no required version
return true;
public function requireDatabaseServer($databaseConfig, $testDetails)
$helper = $this->getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($databaseConfig['type']);
$result = $helper->requireDatabaseServer($databaseConfig);
if ($result['success']) {
return true;
} else {
$message = $testDetails[2] . ": " . $result['error'];
$this->error($testDetails, $message);
return false;
public function requireDatabaseOrCreatePermissions($databaseConfig, $testDetails)
$helper = $this->getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($databaseConfig['type']);
$result = $helper->requireDatabaseOrCreatePermissions($databaseConfig);
if ($result['success']) {
if ($result['alreadyExists']) {
$testDetails[3] = "Database $databaseConfig[database]";
} else {
$testDetails[3] = "Able to create a new database";
return true;
} else {
if (empty($result['cannotCreate'])) {
$message = $testDetails[2] . ". Please create the database manually.";
} else {
$message = $testDetails[2] . " (user '$databaseConfig[username]' doesn't have CREATE DATABASE permissions.)";
$this->error($testDetails, $message);
return false;
public function requireDatabaseAlterPermissions($databaseConfig, $testDetails)
$helper = $this->getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($databaseConfig['type']);
$result = $helper->requireDatabaseAlterPermissions($databaseConfig);
if ($result['success']) {
return true;
} else {
$message = "Silverstripe cannot alter tables. This won't prevent installation, however it may "
. "cause issues if you try to run a /dev/build once installed.";
$this->warning($testDetails, $message);
return false;
public function requireServerVariables($varNames, $testDetails)
$missing = array();
foreach ($varNames as $varName) {
if (!isset($_SERVER[$varName]) || !$_SERVER[$varName]) {
$missing[] = '$_SERVER[' . $varName . ']';
if (!$missing) {
return true;
$message = $testDetails[2] . " (the following PHP variables are missing: " . implode(", ", $missing) . ")";
$this->error($testDetails, $message);
return false;
public function requirePostSupport($testDetails)
if (!isset($_POST)) {
return false;
return true;
public function isRunningWebServer($testDetails)
if ($testDetails[3]) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function testing($testDetails)
if (!$testDetails) {
$section = $testDetails[0];
$test = $testDetails[1];
$message = "OK";
if (isset($testDetails[3])) {
$message .= " ($testDetails[3])";
$this->tests[$section][$test] = array("good", $message);
public function error($testDetails, $message = null)
if (!is_array($testDetails)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid error");
$section = $testDetails[0];
$test = $testDetails[1];
if (!$message && isset($testDetails[2])) {
$message = $testDetails[2];
$this->tests[$section][$test] = array("error", $message);
$this->errors[] = $testDetails;
public function warning($testDetails, $message = null)
if (!is_array($testDetails)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid warning");
$section = $testDetails[0];
$test = $testDetails[1];
if (!$message && isset($testDetails[2])) {
$message = $testDetails[2];
$this->tests[$section][$test] = array("warning", $message);
$this->warnings[] = $testDetails;
public function hasErrors()
return sizeof($this->errors);
public function hasWarnings()
return sizeof($this->warnings);