Hamish Friedlander 27113f82c3 API Make DataList and ArrayList immutable
In 3.0 there was some confusion about whether DataLists and ArrayLists
were mutable or not. If DataLists were immutable, they'd return the result, and your code
would look like

  $list = $list->filter(....);

If DataLists were mutable, they'd operate on themselves, returning nothing, and your code
would look like


This makes all DataLists and ArrayList immutable for all _searching_ operations.
Operations on DataList that modify the underlying SQL data store remain mutating.

- These functions no longer mutate the existing object, and if you do not capture the value
returned by them will have no effect:


  DataList#dataQuery (use DataList#alterDataQuery to modify dataQuery in a safe manner)

- DataList#setDataQueryParam has been added as syntactic sugar around the most common
cause of accessing the dataQuery directly - setting query parameters

- RelationList#setForeignID has been removed. Always use RelationList#forForeignID
when querying, and overload RelationList#foreignIDList when subclassing.

- Relatedly,the protected variable RelationList->foreignID has been removed, as the ID is
now stored on a query parameter. Use RelationList#getForeignID to read it.
2012-12-14 13:30:35 +13:00

422 lines
11 KiB

* An ArrayList that represents an unsaved relation.
* has_many and many_many relations cannot be saved until after the DataObject they're
* on has been written. This List pretends to be a RelationList and stores the related
* objects in memory.
* It can store both saved objects (as IDs) or unsaved objects (as instances of
* $dataClass). Unsaved objects are then written when the list is saved into an instance
* of RelationList.
* Most methods that alter the list of objects throw LogicExceptions.
class UnsavedRelationList extends ArrayList {
* The DataObject class name that this relation is on
* @var string
protected $baseClass;
* The name of the relation
* @var string
protected $relationName;
* The DataObject class name that this relation is querying
* @var string
protected $dataClass;
* The extra fields associated with the relation
* @var array
protected $extraFields = array();
* Create a new UnsavedRelationList
* @param string $dataClass The DataObject class used in the relation
public function __construct($baseClass, $relationName, $dataClass) {
$this->baseClass = $baseClass;
$this->relationName = $relationName;
$this->dataClass = $dataClass;
* Add an item to this relationship
* @param $extraFields A map of additional columns to insert into the joinTable in the case of a many_many relation
public function add($item, $extraFields = null) {
$this->push($item, $extraFields);
* Save all the items in this list into the RelationList
* @param RelationList $list
public function changeToList(RelationList $list) {
foreach($this->items as $key => $item) {
if(is_object($item)) {
$list->add($item, $this->extraFields[$key]);
* Pushes an item onto the end of this list.
* @param array|object $item
public function push($item, $extraFields = null) {
if((is_object($item) && !$item instanceof $this->dataClass)
|| (!is_object($item) && !is_numeric($item))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"UnsavedRelationList::add() expecting a $this->dataClass object, or ID value",
if(is_object($item) && $item->ID) {
$item = $item->ID;
$this->extraFields[] = $extraFields;
* Get the dataClass name for this relation, ie the DataObject ClassName
* @return string
public function dataClass() {
return $this->dataClass;
* Returns an Iterator for this relation.
* @return ArrayIterator
public function getIterator() {
return new ArrayIterator($this->toArray());
* Return an array of the actual items that this relation contains at this stage.
* This is when the query is actually executed.
* @return array
public function toArray() {
$items = array();
foreach($this->items as $key => $item) {
if(is_numeric($item)) {
$item = DataObject::get_by_id($this->dataClass, $item);
if(!empty($this->extraFields[$key])) {
$items[] = $item;
return $items;
* Add a number of items to the relation.
* @param array $items Items to add, as either DataObjects or IDs.
* @return DataList
public function addMany($items) {
foreach($items as $item) {
return $this;
* Returns true if the given column can be used to filter the records.
public function canFilterBy($by) {
return false;
* Returns true if the given column can be used to sort the records.
public function canSortBy($by) {
return false;
* Remove all items from this relation.
public function removeAll() {
$this->items = array();
$this->extraFields = array();
* Remove the items from this list with the given IDs
* @param array $idList
public function removeMany($items) {
$this->items = array_diff($this->items, $items);
return $this;
* Removes items from this list which are equal.
* @param string $field unused
public function removeDuplicates($field = 'ID') {
$this->items = array_unique($this->items);
* Sets the Relation to be the given ID list.
* Records will be added and deleted as appropriate.
* @param array $idList List of IDs.
public function setByIDList($idList) {
* Returns the first item in the list
* @return mixed
public function first() {
$item = reset($this->items);
if(is_numeric($item)) {
$item = DataObject::get_by_id($this->dataClass, $item);
if(!empty($this->extraFields[key($this->items)])) {
return $item;
* Returns the last item in the list
* @return mixed
public function last() {
$item = end($this->items);
if(!empty($this->extraFields[key($this->items)])) {
return $item;
* Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.
* @param string $colName
* @return array
public function column($colName = 'ID') {
$list = new ArrayList($this->toArray());
return $list->column('ID');
* Returns a copy of this list with the relationship linked to the given foreign ID.
* @param $id An ID or an array of IDs.
public function forForeignID($id) {
$class = singleton($this->baseClass);
$class->ID = 1;
return $class->{$this->relationName}()->forForeignID($id);
* Return the DBField object that represents the given field on the related class.
* @param string $fieldName Name of the field
* @return DBField The field as a DBField object
public function dbObject($fieldName) {
return singleton($this->dataClass)->dbObject($fieldName);
* Prevents calling DataList methods that rely on the objects being saved
public function addFilter() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function alterDataQuery() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function avg() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function byIDs() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function byID($id) {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function dataQuery() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function exclude() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function filter() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function getIDList() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function getRange($offset, $length) {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function getRelationName() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function innerJoin() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function insertFirst() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function join() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function leftJoin() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function limit($length, $offset = 0) {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function map($keyField = 'ID', $titleField = 'Title') {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function max() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function merge($with) {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function min() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function newObject() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function offsetExists($offset) {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function offsetGet($offset) {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function offsetUnset($offset) {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function pop() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function relation() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function removeByFilter() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function removeByID() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function reverse() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function setDataModel() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function setDataQuery() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function setQueriedColumns() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function shift() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function sql() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function subtract() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function sum() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function unshift($item) {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");
public function where() {
throw new LogicException(__FUNCTION__ . " can't be called on an UnsavedRelationList.");