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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
The main benefit of this is so that authors who make use of .editorconfig don't end up with whitespace changes in their PRs. Spaces vs. tabs has been left alone, although that could do with a tidy-up in SS4 after the switch to PSR-1/2. The command used was this: for match in '*.ss' '*.css' '*.scss' '*.html' '*.yml' '*.php' '*.js' '*.csv' '*.inc' '*.php5'; do find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" -exec sed -E -i '' 's/[[:space:]]+$//' {} \+ find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" | xargs perl -pi -e 's/ +$//' done
420 lines
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420 lines
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(function($) {
$.entwine('ss', function($){
* Vertical CMS menu with two levels, built from a nested unordered list.
* The (optional) second level is collapsible, hiding its children.
* The whole menu (including second levels) is collapsible as well,
* exposing only a preview for every menu item in order to save space.
* In this "preview/collapsed" mode, the secondary menu hovers over the menu item,
* rather than expanding it.
* Example:
* <ul class="cms-menu-list">
* <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
* <li class="current opened">
* <a href="#">Item 2</a>
* <ul>
* <li class="current opened"><a href="#">Item 2.1</a></li>
* <li><a href="#">Item 2.2</a></li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* Custom Events:
* - 'select': Fires when a menu item is selected (on any level).
togglePanel: function(doExpand, silent, doSaveState) {
//apply or unapply the flyout formatting, should only apply to cms-menu-list when the current collapsed panal is the cms menu.
if (doExpand) { //expand
$(this).children('ul').each(function() {
if ($(this).data('collapse')) {
} else { //collapse
$(this).children('ul').each(function() {
$(this).data('collapse', true);
this._super(doExpand, silent, doSaveState);
toggleFlyoutState: function(bool) {
if (bool) { //expand
//show the flyout
//hide all the flyout-indicator
} else { //collapse
//hide the flyout only if it is not the current section
$('.collapsed-flyout').find('li').each(function() {
//if (!$(this).hasClass('current'))
//show all the flyout-indicators
var par = $('.cms-menu-list ul.collapsed-flyout').parent();
if (par.children('.child-flyout-indicator').length === 0) par.append('<span class="child-flyout-indicator"></span>').fadeIn();
siteTreePresent: function () {
return $('#cms-content-tools-CMSMain').length > 0;
* @func getPersistedStickyState
* @return {boolean|undefined} - Returns true if the menu is sticky, false if unsticky. Returns undefined if there is no cookie set.
* @desc Get the sticky state of the menu according to the cookie.
getPersistedStickyState: function () {
var persistedState, cookieValue;
if ($.cookie !== void 0) {
cookieValue = $.cookie('cms-menu-sticky');
if (cookieValue !== void 0 && cookieValue !== null) {
persistedState = cookieValue === 'true';
return persistedState;
* @func setPersistedStickyState
* @param {boolean} isSticky - Pass true if you want the panel to be sticky, false for unsticky.
* @desc Set the collapsed value of the panel, stored in cookies.
setPersistedStickyState: function (isSticky) {
if ($.cookie !== void 0) {
$.cookie('cms-menu-sticky', isSticky, { path: '/', expires: 31 });
* @func getEvaluatedCollapsedState
* @return {boolean} - Returns true if the menu should be collapsed, false if expanded.
* @desc Evaluate whether the menu should be collapsed.
* The basic rule is "If the SiteTree (middle column) is present, collapse the menu, otherwise expand the menu".
* This reason behind this is to give the content area more real estate when the SiteTree is present.
* The user may wish to override this automatic behaviour and have the menu expanded or collapsed at all times.
* So unlike manually toggling the menu, the automatic behaviour never updates the menu's cookie value.
* Here we use the manually set state and the automatic behaviour to evaluate what the collapsed state should be.
getEvaluatedCollapsedState: function () {
var shouldCollapse,
manualState = this.getPersistedCollapsedState(),
menuIsSticky = $('.cms-menu').getPersistedStickyState(),
automaticState = this.siteTreePresent();
if (manualState === void 0) {
// There is no manual state, use automatic state.
shouldCollapse = automaticState;
} else if (manualState !== automaticState && menuIsSticky) {
// The manual and automatic statea conflict, use manual state.
shouldCollapse = manualState;
} else {
// Use automatic state.
shouldCollapse = automaticState;
return shouldCollapse;
onadd: function () {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function () {
// Use a timeout so this happens after the redraw.
// Triggering a toggle before redraw will result in an incorrect
// menu 'expanded width' being calculated when then menu
// is added in a collapsed state.
self.togglePanel(!self.getEvaluatedCollapsedState(), false, false);
}, 0);
// Setup automatic expand / collapse behaviour.
$(window).on('ajaxComplete', function (e) {
setTimeout(function () { // Use a timeout so this happens after the redraw
self.togglePanel(!self.getEvaluatedCollapsedState(), false, false);
}, 0);
onmatch: function() {
var self = this;
// Select default element (which might reveal children in hidden parents)
onunmatch: function() {
updateMenuFromResponse: function(xhr) {
var controller = xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Controller');
if(controller) {
var item = this.find('li#Menu-' + controller.replace(/\\/g, '-').replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_:.]+/, ''));
if(!item.hasClass('current')) item.select();
'from .cms-container': {
onafterstatechange: function(e, data){
onaftersubmitform: function(e, data){
'from .cms-edit-form': {
onrelodeditform: function(e, data){
getContainingPanel: function(){
return this.closest('.cms-panel');
fromContainingPanel: {
ontoggle: function(e){
this.toggleClass('collapsed', $(e.target).hasClass('collapsed'));
updateItems: function() {
// Hide "edit page" commands unless the section is activated
var editPageItem = this.find('#Menu-CMSMain');
editPageItem[editPageItem.is('.current') ? 'show' : 'hide']();
// Update the menu links to reflect the page ID if the page has changed the URL.
var currentID = $('.cms-content input[name=ID]').val();
if(currentID) {
this.find('li').each(function() {
if($.isFunction($(this).setRecordID)) $(this).setRecordID(currentID);
/** Toggle the flyout panel to appear/disappear when mouse over */
$('.cms-menu-list li').entwine({
toggleFlyout: function(bool) {
fly = $(this);
if (fly.children('ul').first().hasClass('collapsed-flyout')) {
if (bool) { //expand
} else { //collapse
//slight delay to prevent flyout closing from "sloppy mouse movement"
$('.cms-menu-list li').hoverIntent(function(){$(this).toggleFlyout(true);},function(){$(this).toggleFlyout(false);});
$('.cms-menu-list .toggle').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
$('.cms-menu-list li').entwine({
onmatch: function() {
if(this.find('ul').length) {
this.find('a:first').append('<span class="toggle-children"><span class="toggle-children-icon"></span></span>');
onunmatch: function() {
toggle: function() {
this[this.hasClass('opened') ? 'close' : 'open']();
* "Open" is just a visual state, and unrelated to "current".
* More than one item can be open at the same time.
open: function() {
var parent = this.getMenuItem();
if(parent) parent.open();
close: function() {
select: function() {
var parent = this.getMenuItem();
// Remove "current" class from all siblings and their children
if(parent) {
var parentSiblings = parent.siblings();
$('.cms-menu-list *').entwine({
getMenu: function() {
return this.parents('.cms-menu-list:first');
$('.cms-menu-list li *').entwine({
getMenuItem: function() {
return this.parents('li:first');
* Both primary and secondary nav.
$('.cms-menu-list li a').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
// Only catch left clicks, in order to allow opening in tabs.
// Ignore external links, fallback to standard link behaviour
var isExternal = $.path.isExternal(this.attr('href'));
if(e.which > 1 || isExternal) return;
// if the developer has this to open in a new window, handle
// that
if(this.attr('target') == "_blank") {
var item = this.getMenuItem();
var url = this.attr('href');
if(!isExternal) url = $('base').attr('href') + url;
var children = item.find('li');
if(children.length) {
} else {
// Load URL, but give the loading logic an opportunity to veto the action
// (e.g. because of unsaved changes)
if(!$('.cms-container').loadPanel(url)) return false;
$('.cms-menu-list li .toggle-children').entwine({
onclick: function(e) {
var li = this.closest('li');
return false; // prevent wrapping link event to fire
$('.cms .profile-link').entwine({
onclick: function() {
$('.cms-menu-list li').removeClass('current').close();
return false;
* Toggles the manual override of the left menu's automatic expand / collapse behaviour.
$('.cms-menu .sticky-toggle').entwine({
onadd: function () {
var isSticky = $('.cms-menu').getPersistedStickyState() ? true : false;
* @func toggleCSS
* @param {boolean} isSticky - The current state of the menu.
* @desc Toggles the 'active' CSS class of the element.
toggleCSS: function (isSticky) {
this[isSticky ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('active');
* @func toggleIndicator
* @param {boolean} isSticky - The current state of the menu.
* @desc Updates the indicator's text based on the sticky state of the menu.
toggleIndicator: function (isSticky) {
this.next('.sticky-status-indicator').text(isSticky ? 'fixed' : 'auto');
onclick: function () {
var $menu = this.closest('.cms-menu'),
persistedCollapsedState = $menu.getPersistedCollapsedState(),
persistedStickyState = $menu.getPersistedStickyState(),
newStickyState = persistedStickyState === void 0 ? !this.hasClass('active') : !persistedStickyState;
// Update the persisted collapsed state
if (persistedCollapsedState === void 0) {
// If there is no persisted menu state currently set, then set it to the menu's current state.
// This will be the case if the user has never manually expanded or collapsed the menu,
// or the menu has previously been made unsticky.
} else if (persistedCollapsedState !== void 0 && newStickyState === false) {
// If there is a persisted state and the menu has been made unsticky, remove the persisted state.
// Persist the sticky state of the menu