Ingo Schommer 5d5bb2618a API CHANGE Don't reflect changes in File and Folder property setters on filesystem before write() is called, to ensure that validate() applies in all cases. This fixes a problem where File->setName() would circumvent restrictions in File::$allowed_extensions (fixes #5693)
API CHANGE Removed File->resetFilename(), use File->updateFilesystem() to update the filesystem, and File->getRelativePath() to just update the "Filename" property without any filesystem changes (emulating the old $renamePhysicalFile method argument in resetFilename())
API CHANGE Removed File->autosetFilename(), please set the "Filename" property via File->getRelativePath()
MINOR Added unit tests to FileTest and FolderTest (some of them copied from FileTest, to test Folder behaviour separately) (from r107273)

git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2010-10-15 03:20:47 +00:00

254 lines
9.4 KiB

* Tests for the File class
class FileTest extends SapphireTest {
static $fixture_file = 'sapphire/tests/filesystem/FileTest.yml';
function testCreateWithFilenameWithSubfolder() {
// Note: We can't use fixtures/setUp() for this, as we want to create the db record manually.
// Creating the folder is necessary to avoid having "Filename" overwritten by setName()/setRelativePath(),
// because the parent folders don't exist in the database
$folder = Folder::findOrMake('/FileTest/');
$testfilePath = 'assets/FileTest/CreateWithFilenameHasCorrectPath.txt'; // Important: No leading slash
$fh = fopen(BASE_PATH . '/' . $testfilePath, "w");
fwrite($fh, str_repeat('x',1000000));
$file = new File();
$file->Filename = $testfilePath;
// TODO This should be auto-detected
$file->ParentID = $folder->ID;
$this->assertEquals('CreateWithFilenameHasCorrectPath.txt', $file->Name, '"Name" property is automatically set from "Filename"');
$this->assertEquals($testfilePath, $file->Filename, '"Filename" property remains unchanged');
// TODO This should be auto-detected, see File->updateFilesystem()
// $this->assertType('Folder', $file->Parent(), 'Parent folder is created in database');
// $this->assertFileExists($file->Parent()->getFullPath(), 'Parent folder is created on filesystem');
// $this->assertEquals('FileTest', $file->Parent()->Name);
// $this->assertType('Folder', $file->Parent()->Parent(), 'Grandparent folder is created in database');
// $this->assertFileExists($file->Parent()->Parent()->getFullPath(), 'Grandparent folder is created on filesystem');
// $this->assertEquals('assets', $file->Parent()->Parent()->Name);
function testGetExtension() {
$this->assertEquals('', File::get_file_extension('myfile'), 'No extension');
$this->assertEquals('txt', File::get_file_extension('myfile.txt'), 'Simple extension');
$this->assertEquals('gz', File::get_file_extension('myfile.tar.gz'), 'Double-barrelled extension only returns last bit');
function testValidateExtension() {
Session::set('loggedInAs', null);
$origExts = File::$allowed_extensions;
File::$allowed_extensions = array('txt');
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
// Invalid ext
$file->Name = 'asdf.php';
$v = $file->validate();
$this->assertContains('Extension is not allowed', $v->message());
// Valid ext
$file->Name = 'asdf.txt';
$v = $file->validate();
File::$allowed_extensions = $origExts;
function testSetNameChangesFilesystemOnWrite() {
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
$oldPath = $file->getFullPath();
// Before write()
$file->Name = 'renamed.txt';
$this->assertFileExists($oldPath, 'Old path is still present');
$this->assertFileNotExists($file->getFullPath(), 'New path is updated in memory, not written before write() is called');
// After write()
$this->assertFileNotExists($oldPath, 'Old path is removed after write()');
$this->assertFileExists($file->getFullPath(), 'New path is created after write()');
function testSetParentIDChangesFilesystemOnWrite() {
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
$subfolder = $this->objFromFixture('Folder', 'subfolder');
$oldPath = $file->getFullPath();
// set ParentID
$file->ParentID = $subfolder->ID;
// Before write()
$this->assertFileExists($oldPath, 'Old path is still present');
$this->assertFileNotExists($file->getFullPath(), 'New path is updated in memory, not written before write() is called');
// After write()
$this->assertFileNotExists($oldPath, 'Old path is removed after write()');
$this->assertFileExists($file->getFullPath(), 'New path is created after write()');
* @see
function testSetNameWithInvalidExtensionDoesntChangeFilesystem() {
$origExts = File::$allowed_extensions;
File::$allowed_extensions = array('txt');
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
$oldPath = $file->getFullPath();
$file->Name = 'renamed.php'; // evil extension
try {
} catch(ValidationException $e) {
File::$allowed_extensions = $origExts;
$this->fail('Expected ValidationException not raised');
File::$allowed_extensions = $origExts;
function testLinkAndRelativeLink() {
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
$this->assertEquals(ASSETS_DIR . '/FileTest.txt', $file->RelativeLink());
$this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . ASSETS_DIR . '/FileTest.txt', $file->Link());
function testGetRelativePath() {
$rootfile = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
$this->assertEquals('assets/FileTest.txt', $rootfile->getRelativePath(), 'File in assets/ folder');
$subfolderfile = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'subfolderfile');
$this->assertEquals('assets/FileTest-subfolder/FileTestSubfolder.txt', $subfolderfile->getRelativePath(), 'File in subfolder within assets/ folder, with existing Filename');
$subfolderfilesetfromname = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'subfolderfile-setfromname');
$this->assertEquals('assets/FileTest-subfolder/FileTestSubfolder2.txt', $subfolderfilesetfromname->getRelativePath(), 'File in subfolder within assets/ folder, with Filename generated through setName()');
function testGetFullPath() {
$rootfile = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
$this->assertEquals(ASSETS_PATH . '/FileTest.txt', $rootfile->getFullPath(), 'File in assets/ folder');
function testNameAndTitleGeneration() {
/* If objects are loaded into the system with just a Filename, then Name is generated but Title isn't */
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
$this->assertEquals('FileTest.txt', $file->Name);
/* However, if Name is set instead of Filename, then Title is set */
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'setfromname');
$this->assertEquals(ASSETS_DIR . '/FileTest.png', $file->Filename);
$this->assertEquals('FileTest', $file->Title);
function testSizeAndAbsoluteSizeParameters() {
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
/* AbsoluteSize will give the integer number */
$this->assertEquals(1000000, $file->AbsoluteSize);
/* Size will give a humanised number */
$this->assertEquals('977 KB', $file->Size);
function testFileType() {
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'gif');
$this->assertEquals("GIF image - good for diagrams", $file->FileType);
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'pdf');
$this->assertEquals("Adobe Acrobat PDF file", $file->FileType);
/* Only a few file types are given special descriptions; the rest are unknown */
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
$this->assertEquals("unknown", $file->FileType);
* Test the File::format_size() method
function testFormatSize() {
$this->assertEquals("1000 bytes", File::format_size(1000));
$this->assertEquals("1023 bytes", File::format_size(1023));
$this->assertEquals("1 KB", File::format_size(1025));
$this->assertEquals("9.8 KB", File::format_size(10000));
$this->assertEquals("49 KB", File::format_size(50000));
$this->assertEquals("977 KB", File::format_size(1000000));
$this->assertEquals("1 MB", File::format_size(1024*1024));
$this->assertEquals("954 MB", File::format_size(1000000000));
$this->assertEquals("1 GB", File::format_size(1024*1024*1024));
$this->assertEquals("9.3 GB", File::format_size(10000000000));
// It use any denomination higher than GB. It also doesn't overflow with >32 bit integers
$this->assertEquals("93132.3 GB", File::format_size(100000000000000));
function testDeleteDatabaseOnly() {
$file = $this->objFromFixture('File', 'asdf');
$fileID = $file->ID;
$filePath = $file->getFullPath();
$this->assertFalse(DataObject::get_by_id('File', $fileID));
function setUp() {
if(!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH)) mkdir(ASSETS_PATH);
/* Create a test folders for each of the fixture references */
$folderIDs = $this->allFixtureIDs('Folder');
foreach($folderIDs as $folderID) {
$folder = DataObject::get_by_id('Folder', $folderID);
if(!file_exists(BASE_PATH."/$folder->Filename")) mkdir(BASE_PATH."/$folder->Filename");
/* Create a test files for each of the fixture references */
$fileIDs = $this->allFixtureIDs('File');
foreach($fileIDs as $fileID) {
$file = DataObject::get_by_id('File', $fileID);
$fh = fopen(BASE_PATH."/$file->Filename", "w");
fwrite($fh, str_repeat('x',1000000));
function tearDown() {
/* Remove the test files that we've created */
$fileIDs = $this->allFixtureIDs('File');
foreach($fileIDs as $fileID) {
$file = DataObject::get_by_id('File', $fileID);
if($file && file_exists(BASE_PATH."/$file->Filename")) unlink(BASE_PATH."/$file->Filename");
/* Remove the test folders that we've crated */
$folderIDs = $this->allFixtureIDs('Folder');
foreach($folderIDs as $folderID) {
$folder = DataObject::get_by_id('Folder', $folderID);
if($folder && file_exists(BASE_PATH."/$folder->Filename")) Filesystem::removeFolder(BASE_PATH."/$folder->Filename");