mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
This also removes the $global_mimetypes that was generating weird errors when both HTTP and Mailer classes tried to modify and use it. Support of finfo should be straightforward since PHP 5.3 includes that module that default
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* Represents a HTTP-request, including a URL that is tokenised for parsing, and a request method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE).
* This is used by {@link RequestHandler} objects to decide what to do.
* The intention is that a single SS_HTTPRequest object can be passed from one object to another, each object calling
* match() to get the information that they need out of the URL. This is generally handled by
* {@link RequestHandler::handleRequest()}.
* @todo Accept X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE http header and $_REQUEST['_method'] to override request types (useful for webclients
* not supporting PUT and DELETE)
* @package framework
* @subpackage control
class SS_HTTPRequest implements ArrayAccess {
* @var string $url
protected $url;
* The non-extension parts of the passed URL as an array, originally exploded by the "/" separator.
* All elements of the URL are loaded in here,
* and subsequently popped out of the array by {@link shift()}.
* Only use this structure for internal request handling purposes.
protected $dirParts;
* @var string $extension The URL extension (if present)
protected $extension;
* @var string $httpMethod The HTTP method in all uppercase: GET/PUT/POST/DELETE/HEAD
protected $httpMethod;
* @var array $getVars Contains alls HTTP GET parameters passed into this request.
protected $getVars = array();
* @var array $postVars Contains alls HTTP POST parameters passed into this request.
protected $postVars = array();
* HTTP Headers like "Content-Type: text/xml"
* @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_headers
* @var array
protected $headers = array();
* Raw HTTP body, used by PUT and POST requests.
* @var string
protected $body;
* @var array $allParams Contains an assiciative array of all
* arguments matched in all calls to {@link RequestHandler->handleRequest()}.
* It's a "historical record" that's specific to the current call of
* {@link handleRequest()}, and is only complete once the "last call" to that method is made.
protected $allParams = array();
* @var array $latestParams Contains an associative array of all
* arguments matched in the current call from {@link RequestHandler->handleRequest()},
* as denoted with a "$"-prefix in the $url_handlers definitions.
* Contains different states throughout its lifespan, so just useful
* while processed in {@link RequestHandler} and to get the last
* processes arguments.
protected $latestParams = array();
protected $unshiftedButParsedParts = 0;
* Construct a SS_HTTPRequest from a URL relative to the site root.
function __construct($httpMethod, $url, $getVars = array(), $postVars = array(), $body = null) {
$this->httpMethod = strtoupper(self::detect_method($httpMethod, $postVars));
$this->url = $url;
if(Director::is_relative_url($url)) {
$this->url = preg_replace(array('/\/+/','/^\//', '/\/$/'),array('/','',''), $this->url);
if(preg_match('/^(.*)\.([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)$/', $this->url, $matches)) {
$this->url = $matches[1];
$this->extension = $matches[2];
if($this->url) $this->dirParts = preg_split('|/+|', $this->url);
else $this->dirParts = array();
$this->getVars = (array)$getVars;
$this->postVars = (array)$postVars;
$this->body = $body;
function isGET() {
return $this->httpMethod == 'GET';
function isPOST() {
return $this->httpMethod == 'POST';
function isPUT() {
return $this->httpMethod == 'PUT';
function isDELETE() {
return $this->httpMethod == 'DELETE';
function isHEAD() {
return $this->httpMethod == 'HEAD';
function setBody($body) {
$this->body = $body;
function getBody() {
return $this->body;
function getVars() {
return $this->getVars;
function postVars() {
return $this->postVars;
* Returns all combined HTTP GET and POST parameters
* passed into this request. If a parameter with the same
* name exists in both arrays, the POST value is returned.
* @return array
function requestVars() {
return ArrayLib::array_merge_recursive($this->getVars, $this->postVars);
function getVar($name) {
if(isset($this->getVars[$name])) return $this->getVars[$name];
function postVar($name) {
if(isset($this->postVars[$name])) return $this->postVars[$name];
function requestVar($name) {
if(isset($this->postVars[$name])) return $this->postVars[$name];
if(isset($this->getVars[$name])) return $this->getVars[$name];
* Returns a possible file extension found in parsing the URL
* as denoted by a "."-character near the end of the URL.
* Doesn't necessarily have to belong to an existing file,
* for example used for {@link RestfulServer} content-type-switching.
* @return string
function getExtension() {
return $this->extension;
* Checks if the {@link SS_HTTPRequest->getExtension()} on this request matches one of the more common media types
* embedded into a webpage - e.g. css, png.
* This is useful for things like determining wether to display a fully rendered error page or not. Note that the
* media file types is not at all comprehensive.
* @return bool
public function isMedia() {
return in_array($this->getExtension(), array('css', 'js', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'ico'));
* Add a HTTP header to the response, replacing any header of the same name.
* @param string $header Example: "Content-Type"
* @param string $value Example: "text/xml"
function addHeader($header, $value) {
$this->headers[$header] = $value;
* @return array
function getHeaders() {
return $this->headers;
* Remove an existing HTTP header
* @param string $header
function getHeader($header) {
return (isset($this->headers[$header])) ? $this->headers[$header] : null;
* Remove an existing HTTP header by its name,
* e.g. "Content-Type".
* @param string $header
function removeHeader($header) {
if(isset($this->headers[$header])) unset($this->headers[$header]);
* @return string
function getURL() {
return ($this->getExtension()) ? $this->url . '.' . $this->getExtension() : $this->url;
* Returns true if this request an ajax request,
* based on custom HTTP ajax added by common JavaScript libraries,
* or based on an explicit "ajax" request parameter.
* @return boolean
function isAjax() {
return (
$this->requestVar('ajax') ||
$this->getHeader('X-Requested-With') && $this->getHeader('X-Requested-With') == "XMLHttpRequest"
* Enables the existence of a key-value pair in the request to be checked using
* array syntax, so isset($request['title']) will check for $_POST['title'] and $_GET['title']
* @param unknown_type $offset
* @return boolean
function offsetExists($offset) {
if(isset($this->postVars[$offset])) return true;
if(isset($this->getVars[$offset])) return true;
return false;
* Access a request variable using array syntax. eg: $request['title'] instead of $request->postVar('title')
* @param unknown_type $offset
* @return unknown
function offsetGet($offset) {
return $this->requestVar($offset);
* @ignore
function offsetSet($offset, $value) {}
* @ignore
function offsetUnset($offset) {}
* Construct an SS_HTTPResponse that will deliver a file to the client
static function send_file($fileData, $fileName, $mimeType = null) {
if(!$mimeType) {
$mimeType = HTTP::get_mime_type($fileName);
$response = new SS_HTTPResponse($fileData);
$response->addHeader("Content-Type", "$mimeType; name=\"" . addslashes($fileName) . "\"");
$response->addHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" . addslashes($fileName));
$response->addHeader("Content-Length", strlen($fileData));
$response->addHeader("Pragma", ""); // Necessary because IE has issues sending files over SSL
if(strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"],"MSIE") == true) {
$response->addHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=3, must-revalidate'); // Workaround for IE6 and 7
return $response;
* Matches a URL pattern
* The pattern can contain a number of segments, separated by / (and an extension indicated by a .)
* The parts can be either literals, or, if they start with a $ they are interpreted as variables.
* - Literals must be provided in order to match
* - $Variables are optional
* - However, if you put ! at the end of a variable, then it becomes mandatory.
* For example:
* - admin/crm/list will match admin/crm/$Action/$ID/$OtherID, but it won't match admin/crm/$Action!/$ClassName!
* The pattern can optionally start with an HTTP method and a space. For example, "POST $Controller/$Action".
* This is used to define a rule that only matches on a specific HTTP method.
function match($pattern, $shiftOnSuccess = false) {
// Check if a specific method is required
if(preg_match('/^([A-Za-z]+) +(.*)$/', $pattern, $matches)) {
$requiredMethod = $matches[1];
if($requiredMethod != $this->httpMethod) return false;
// If we get this far, we can match the URL pattern as usual.
$pattern = $matches[2];
// Special case for the root URL controller
if(!$pattern) {
return ($this->dirParts == array()) ? array('Matched' => true) : false;
// Check for the '//' marker that represents the "shifting point"
$doubleSlashPoint = strpos($pattern, '//');
if($doubleSlashPoint !== false) {
$shiftCount = substr_count(substr($pattern,0,$doubleSlashPoint), '/') + 1;
$pattern = str_replace('//', '/', $pattern);
$patternParts = explode('/', $pattern);
} else {
$patternParts = explode('/', $pattern);
$shiftCount = sizeof($patternParts);
$matched = true;
$arguments = array();
foreach($patternParts as $i => $part) {
$part = trim($part);
// Match a variable
if(isset($part[0]) && $part[0] == '$') {
// A variable ending in ! is required
if(substr($part,-1) == '!') {
$varRequired = true;
$varName = substr($part,1,-1);
} else {
$varRequired = false;
$varName = substr($part,1);
// Fail if a required variable isn't populated
if($varRequired && !isset($this->dirParts[$i])) return false;
$arguments[$varName] = isset($this->dirParts[$i]) ? $this->dirParts[$i] : null;
if($part == '$Controller' && (!ClassInfo::exists($arguments['Controller']) || !is_subclass_of($arguments['Controller'], 'Controller'))) {
return false;
// Literal parts with extension
} else if(isset($this->dirParts[$i]) && $this->dirParts[$i] . '.' . $this->extension == $part) {
// Literal parts must always be there
} else if(!isset($this->dirParts[$i]) || $this->dirParts[$i] != $part) {
return false;
if($shiftOnSuccess) {
// We keep track of pattern parts that we looked at but didn't shift off.
// This lets us say that we have *parsed* the whole URL even when we haven't *shifted* it all
$this->unshiftedButParsedParts = sizeof($patternParts) - $shiftCount;
$this->latestParams = $arguments;
// Load the arguments that actually have a value into $this->allParams
// This ensures that previous values aren't overridden with blanks
foreach($arguments as $k => $v) {
if($v || !isset($this->allParams[$k])) $this->allParams[$k] = $v;
if($arguments === array()) $arguments['_matched'] = true;
return $arguments;
function allParams() {
return $this->allParams;
* Shift all the parameter values down a key space, and return the shifted value.
* @return string
public function shiftAllParams() {
$keys = array_keys($this->allParams);
$values = array_values($this->allParams);
$value = array_shift($values);
// push additional unparsed URL parts onto the parameter stack
if(array_key_exists($this->unshiftedButParsedParts, $this->dirParts)) {
$values[] = $this->dirParts[$this->unshiftedButParsedParts];
foreach($keys as $position => $key) {
$this->allParams[$key] = isset($values[$position]) ? $values[$position] : null;
return $value;
function latestParams() {
return $this->latestParams;
function latestParam($name) {
return $this->latestParams[$name];
return null;
* Finds a named URL parameter (denoted by "$"-prefix in $url_handlers)
* from the full URL.
* @param string $name
* @return string Value of the URL parameter (if found)
function param($name) {
if(isset($this->allParams[$name])) return $this->allParams[$name];
else return null;
* Returns the unparsed part of the original URL
* separated by commas. This is used by {@link RequestHandler->handleRequest()}
* to determine if further URL processing is necessary.
* @return string Partial URL
function remaining() {
return implode("/", $this->dirParts);
* Returns true if this is a URL that will match without shifting off any of the URL.
* This is used by the request handler to prevent infinite parsing loops.
function isEmptyPattern($pattern) {
if(preg_match('/^([A-Za-z]+) +(.*)$/', $pattern, $matches)) {
$pattern = $matches[2];
if(trim($pattern) == "") return true;
* Shift one or more parts off the beginning of the URL.
* If you specify shifting more than 1 item off, then the items will be returned as an array
* @param int $count Shift Count
* @return String|Array
function shift($count = 1) {
$return = array();
if($count == 1) return array_shift($this->dirParts);
for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) {
$value = array_shift($this->dirParts);
if(!$value) break;
$return[] = $value;
return $return;
* Returns true if the URL has been completely parsed.
* This will respect parsed but unshifted directory parts.
function allParsed() {
return sizeof($this->dirParts) <= $this->unshiftedButParsedParts;
* Returns the client IP address which
* originated this request.
* @return string
function getIP() {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
//check ip from share internet
} elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
//to check ip is pass from proxy
} elseif(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
* Returns all mimetypes from the HTTP "Accept" header
* as an array.
* @param boolean $includeQuality Don't strip away optional "quality indicators", e.g. "application/xml;q=0.9" (Default: false)
* @return array
function getAcceptMimetypes($includeQuality = false) {
$mimetypes = array();
$mimetypesWithQuality = explode(',',$this->getHeader('Accept'));
foreach($mimetypesWithQuality as $mimetypeWithQuality) {
$mimetypes[] = ($includeQuality) ? $mimetypeWithQuality : preg_replace('/;.*/', '', $mimetypeWithQuality);
return $mimetypes;
* @return string HTTP method (all uppercase)
public function httpMethod() {
return $this->httpMethod;
* Gets the "real" HTTP method for a request.
* Used to work around browser limitations of form
* submissions to GET and POST, by overriding the HTTP method
* with a POST parameter called "_method" for PUT, DELETE, HEAD.
* Using GET for the "_method" override is not supported,
* as GET should never carry out state changes.
* Alternatively you can use a custom HTTP header 'X-HTTP-Method-Override'
* to override the original method in {@link Director::direct()}.
* The '_method' POST parameter overrules the custom HTTP header.
* @param string $origMethod Original HTTP method from the browser request
* @param array $postVars
* @return string HTTP method (all uppercase)
public static function detect_method($origMethod, $postVars) {
if(isset($postVars['_method'])) {
if(!in_array(strtoupper($postVars['_method']), array('GET','POST','PUT','DELETE','HEAD'))) {
user_error('Director::direct(): Invalid "_method" parameter', E_USER_ERROR);
return strtoupper($postVars['_method']);
} else {
return $origMethod;