David Craig aa1aebd007 Implement client-side routing with Page.js
- Removes thirdparty dependency History.js
- Adds thirdparty dependency Page.js to manage client-side routing
- Adds a wrapper around Page.js for SilverStripe specific behaviour
- Increased minimum browser requirement to IE10. Native HTML History API routing requires IE10 or newer (necessitated by removal of History.js)
- PJAX pannel loading via now uses promises rather than callbacks
- Adds getClientConfig method to LeftAndMain which can be used to pass config from to the front-end client
2016-04-01 13:45:14 +13:00

79 lines
2.0 KiB

"name": "silverstripe-framework",
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"description": "The SilverStripe framework",
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"author": "SilverStripe Ltd",
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