Ingo Schommer 5e2ca7f0a3 FIX Tidy extension and cli fix for tests
Wrap doesn't actually wrap in the tidy extension.
This causes tests to be flakey, for example some of `FormTest` fails
if you happen to have `ext-tidy` installed (which is the default on most systems).
This happened to me on PHP 7.4.19 with tidy 5.6.0 (OSX Homebrew).
Note that the tests aren't failing in Travis right now.

You'd expect `wrap => 0` to be honoured. It's documented as an integer
in the tidy docs:

Even tracked this down to the PHP source which appears to be doing the right thing:

There's a bug from 2018 against PHP 7.2.8 which was closed as "not a bug" without comment:

You can see the behaviour in action in the following test.

$html = '<p>a really long string which should not be wrapped</p>';

echo "## With tidy extension" . PHP_EOL;
$tidy = new tidy();
        'output-xhtml' => true,
        'numeric-entities' => true,
        'wrap' => 0,
echo $tidy . PHP_EOL;

echo "## With tidy cli" . PHP_EOL;
$cmd = sprintf("echo " . escapeshellarg($html) . " | tidy --force-output 1 -n -q -utf8 -asxhtml -w 0 2> /dev/null");
echo shell_exec($cmd);

Long story short, setting it to 99999 fixes the issue.
2021-05-20 20:09:42 +12:00

122 lines
4.1 KiB

namespace SilverStripe\Dev;
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\Injectable;
use SimpleXMLElement;
use tidy;
use Exception;
* CSSContentParser enables parsing & assertion running of HTML content via CSS selectors.
* It works by converting the content to XHTML using tidy, rewriting the CSS selectors as XPath queries, and executing
* those using SimpeXML.
* It was built to facilitate testing using PHPUnit and contains a number of assert methods that will throw PHPUnit
* assertion exception when applicable.
* Tries to use the PHP tidy extension (,
* and falls back to the "tidy" CLI tool. If none of those exists,
* the string is parsed directly without sanitization.
* Caution: Doesn't fully support HTML elements like <header>
* due to them being declared illegal by the "tidy" preprocessing step.
class CSSContentParser
use Injectable;
protected $simpleXML = null;
public function __construct($content)
if (extension_loaded('tidy')) {
// using the tidy php extension
$tidy = new tidy();
'output-xhtml' => true,
'numeric-entities' => true,
'wrap' => 99999, // We need this to be consistent for functional test string comparisons
$tidy = str_replace('xmlns=""', '', $tidy);
$tidy = str_replace('&#160;', '', $tidy);
} elseif (@shell_exec('which tidy')) {
// using tiny through cli
$CLI_content = escapeshellarg($content);
$tidy = `echo $CLI_content | tidy --force-output 1 -n -q -utf8 -asxhtml -w 99999 2> /dev/null`;
$tidy = str_replace('xmlns=""', '', $tidy);
$tidy = str_replace('&#160;', '', $tidy);
} else {
// no tidy library found, hence no sanitizing
$tidy = $content;
$this->simpleXML = @simplexml_load_string($tidy, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOWARNING);
if (!$this->simpleXML) {
throw new Exception('CSSContentParser::__construct(): Could not parse content.'
. ' Please check the PHP extension tidy is installed.');
* Returns a number of SimpleXML elements that match the given CSS selector.
* Currently the selector engine only supports querying by tag, id, and class.
* See {@link getByXpath()} for a more direct selector syntax.
* @param string $selector
* @return SimpleXMLElement[]
public function getBySelector($selector)
$xpath = $this->selector2xpath($selector);
return $this->getByXpath($xpath);
* Allows querying the content through XPATH selectors.
* @param string $xpath SimpleXML compatible XPATH statement
* @return SimpleXMLElement[]
public function getByXpath($xpath)
return $this->simpleXML->xpath($xpath);
* Converts a CSS selector into an equivalent xpath expression.
* Currently the selector engine only supports querying by tag, id, and class.
* @param string $selector See {@link getBySelector()}
* @return String XPath expression
public function selector2xpath($selector)
$parts = preg_split('/\\s+/', $selector);
$xpath = "";
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if (preg_match('/^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)/', $part, $matches)) {
$xpath .= "//$matches[1]";
} else {
$xpath .= "//*";
$xfilters = [];
if (preg_match('/#([^#.\[]+)/', $part, $matches)) {
$xfilters[] = "@id='$matches[1]'";
if (preg_match('/\.([^#.\[]+)/', $part, $matches)) {
$xfilters[] = "contains(@class,'$matches[1]')";
if ($xfilters) {
$xpath .= '[' . implode(',', $xfilters) . ']';
return $xpath;