Sam Minnee aeccb8b8e0 API: Move DBField subclasses into SilverStripe\Model\FieldType namespace
API: Deprecate SS_Datetime.

The DBField subclasses are have all been renamed to start with “DB” and
be in the SilverStripe\Model\FieldType namespace. To keep DataObject
definitions concise, the original short variations of their names are
preserved as service definitions. Most of the field generation code
doesn’t need to change, but where field classes are referenced directly,
changes will be needed.

SS_Datetime, which is commonly referenced outside the model system
itself, has been preserved as a subclass of DBDatetime. This has been
marked as deprecated and can be removed in SilverStripe 5.

A few places that referred to $db and $casting values weren’t using
the Injector to instantiate the relevant classes. This meant that the
remapping we have created as part of moving classes into a namespace
didn’t work.
2016-03-22 18:09:30 +13:00

333 lines
9.4 KiB

namespace SilverStripe\Model\FieldType;
use DB;
use HTTP;
use Convert;
use NullableField;
use TextareaField;
use TextField;
use Config;
* Represents a variable-length string of up to 2 megabytes, designed to store raw text
* Example definition via {@link DataObject::$db}:
* <code>
* static $db = array(
* "MyDescription" => "Text",
* );
* </code>
* @see HTMLText
* @see HTMLVarchar
* @see Varchar
* @package framework
* @subpackage model
class DBText extends DBString {
private static $casting = array(
"AbsoluteLinks" => "Text",
"BigSummary" => "Text",
"ContextSummary" => "Text",
"FirstParagraph" => "Text",
"FirstSentence" => "Text",
"LimitCharacters" => "Text",
"LimitSentences" => "Text",
"Summary" => "Text",
'EscapeXML' => 'Text',
'LimitWordCount' => 'Text',
'LimitWordCountXML' => 'HTMLText',
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see DBField::requireField()
public function requireField() {
$charset = Config::inst()->get('MySQLDatabase', 'charset');
$collation = Config::inst()->get('MySQLDatabase', 'collation');
$parts = array(
'datatype' => 'mediumtext',
'character set' => $charset,
'collate' => $collation,
'arrayValue' => $this->arrayValue
$values= array(
'type' => 'text',
'parts' => $parts
DB::require_field($this->tableName, $this->name, $values, $this->default);
* Return the value of the field with relative links converted to absolute urls.
* @return string
public function AbsoluteLinks() {
return HTTP::absoluteURLs($this->value);
* Limit sentences, can be controlled by passing an integer.
* @param int $sentCount The amount of sentences you want.
public function LimitSentences($sentCount = 2) {
if(!is_numeric($sentCount)) {
user_error("Text::LimitSentence() expects one numeric argument", E_USER_NOTICE);
$output = array();
$data = trim(Convert::xml2raw($this->value));
$sentences = explode('.', $data);
if ($sentCount == 0) return '';
for($i = 0; $i < $sentCount; $i++) {
if(isset($sentences[$i])) {
$sentence = trim($sentences[$i]);
if(!empty($sentence)) $output[] .= $sentence;
return count($output)==0 ? '' : implode($output, '. ') . '.';
* Caution: Not XML/HTML-safe - does not respect closing tags.
public function FirstSentence() {
$paragraph = Convert::xml2raw( $this->value );
if( !$paragraph ) return "";
$words = preg_split('/\s+/', $paragraph);
foreach ($words as $i => $word) {
if (preg_match('/(!|\?|\.)$/', $word) && !preg_match('/(Dr|Mr|Mrs|Ms|Miss|Sr|Jr|No)\.$/i', $word)) {
return implode(' ', array_slice($words, 0, $i+1));
/* If we didn't find a sentence ending, use the summary. We re-call rather than using paragraph so that
* Summary will limit the result this time */
return $this->Summary(20);
* Caution: Not XML/HTML-safe - does not respect closing tags.
public function Summary($maxWords = 50) {
// get first sentence?
// this needs to be more robust
$value = Convert::xml2raw( $this->value /*, true*/ );
if(!$value) return '';
// grab the first paragraph, or, failing that, the whole content
if(strpos($value, "\n\n")) $value = substr($value, 0, strpos($value, "\n\n"));
$sentences = explode('.', $value);
$count = count(explode(' ', $sentences[0]));
// if the first sentence is too long, show only the first $maxWords words
if($count > $maxWords) {
return implode( ' ', array_slice(explode( ' ', $sentences[0] ), 0, $maxWords)) . '...';
// add each sentence while there are enough words to do so
$result = '';
do {
$result .= trim(array_shift( $sentences )).'.';
if(count($sentences) > 0) {
$count += count(explode(' ', $sentences[0]));
// Ensure that we don't trim half way through a tag or a link
$brokenLink = (
substr_count($result,'<') != substr_count($result,'>')) ||
(substr_count($result,'<a') != substr_count($result,'</a')
} while(($count < $maxWords || $brokenLink) && $sentences && trim( $sentences[0]));
if(preg_match('/<a[^>]*>/', $result) && !preg_match( '/<\/a>/', $result)) $result .= '</a>';
return Convert::raw2xml($result);
* Performs the same function as the big summary, but doesn't trim new paragraphs off data.
* Caution: Not XML/HTML-safe - does not respect closing tags.
public function BigSummary($maxWords = 50, $plain = true) {
$result = '';
// get first sentence?
// this needs to be more robust
$data = $plain ? Convert::xml2raw($this->value, true) : $this->value;
if(!$data) return '';
$sentences = explode('.', $data);
$count = count(explode(' ', $sentences[0]));
// if the first sentence is too long, show only the first $maxWords words
if($count > $maxWords) {
return implode(' ', array_slice(explode( ' ', $sentences[0] ), 0, $maxWords)) . '...';
// add each sentence while there are enough words to do so
do {
$result .= trim(array_shift($sentences));
if($sentences) {
$result .= '. ';
$count += count(explode(' ', $sentences[0]));
// Ensure that we don't trim half way through a tag or a link
$brokenLink = (
substr_count($result,'<') != substr_count($result,'>')) ||
(substr_count($result,'<a') != substr_count($result,'</a')
} while(($count < $maxWords || $brokenLink) && $sentences && trim($sentences[0]));
if(preg_match( '/<a[^>]*>/', $result) && !preg_match( '/<\/a>/', $result)) {
$result .= '</a>';
return $result;
* Caution: Not XML/HTML-safe - does not respect closing tags.
public function FirstParagraph($plain = 1) {
// get first sentence?
// this needs to be more robust
if($plain && $plain != 'html') {
$data = Convert::xml2raw($this->value, true);
if(!$data) return "";
// grab the first paragraph, or, failing that, the whole content
$pos = strpos($data, "\n\n");
if($pos) $data = substr($data, 0, $pos);
return $data;
} else {
if(strpos($this->value, "</p>") === false) return $this->value;
$data = substr($this->value, 0, strpos($this->value, "</p>") + 4);
if(strlen($data) < 20 && strpos($this->value, "</p>", strlen($data))) {
$data = substr($this->value, 0, strpos( $this->value, "</p>", strlen($data)) + 4 );
return $data;
* Perform context searching to give some context to searches, optionally
* highlighting the search term.
* @param int $characters Number of characters in the summary
* @param boolean $string Supplied string ("keywords")
* @param boolean $striphtml Strip HTML?
* @param boolean $highlight Add a highlight <span> element around search query?
* @param String prefix text
* @param String suffix
* @return string
public function ContextSummary($characters = 500, $string = false, $striphtml = true, $highlight = true,
$prefix = "... ", $suffix = "...") {
if(!$string) {
// Use the default "Search" request variable (from SearchForm)
$string = isset($_REQUEST['Search']) ? $_REQUEST['Search'] : '';
// Remove HTML tags so we don't have to deal with matching tags
$text = $striphtml ? $this->NoHTML() : $this->value;
// Find the search string
$position = (int) stripos($text, $string);
// We want to search string to be in the middle of our block to give it some context
$position = max(0, $position - ($characters / 2));
if($position > 0) {
// We don't want to start mid-word
$position = max((int) strrpos(substr($text, 0, $position), ' '),
(int) strrpos(substr($text, 0, $position), "\n"));
$summary = substr($text, $position, $characters);
$stringPieces = explode(' ', $string);
if($highlight) {
// Add a span around all key words from the search term as well
if($stringPieces) {
foreach($stringPieces as $stringPiece) {
if(strlen($stringPiece) > 2) {
$summary = str_ireplace($stringPiece, "<span class=\"highlight\">$stringPiece</span>",
$summary = trim($summary);
if($position > 0) $summary = $prefix . $summary;
if(strlen($this->value) > ($characters + $position)) $summary = $summary . $suffix;
return $summary;
* Allows a sub-class of TextParser to be rendered.
* @see TextParser for implementation details.
* @return string
public function Parse($parser = "TextParser") {
if($parser == "TextParser" || is_subclass_of($parser, "TextParser")) {
$obj = new $parser($this->value);
return $obj->parse();
} else {
// Fallback to using raw2xml and show a warning
// TODO Don't kill script execution, we can continue without losing complete control of the app
user_error("Couldn't find an appropriate TextParser sub-class to create (Looked for '$parser')."
. "Make sure it sub-classes TextParser and that you've done ?flush=1.", E_USER_WARNING);
return Convert::raw2xml($this->value);
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see DBField::scaffoldFormField()
public function scaffoldFormField($title = null, $params = null) {
if(!$this->nullifyEmpty) {
// Allow the user to select if it's null instead of automatically assuming empty string is
return new NullableField(new TextareaField($this->name, $title));
} else {
// Automatically determine null (empty string)
return new TextareaField($this->name, $title);
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see DBField::scaffoldSearchField()
public function scaffoldSearchField($title = null, $params = null) {
return new TextField($this->name, $title);