Ingo Schommer dc650e3cf1 Clarify use of HTTP Pragma response header
The HTTP Pragma header is obsolete for HTTP 1.1,
and technically only defined for a HTTP request (not response).
Refer to
It is superseded by the "Cache-Control" directive.

See HTTP 1.1 spec at
'Because the meaning of "Pragma: no-cache" in responses is
not specified, it does not provide a reliable replacement for
"Cache-Control: no-cache" in them.'

Sending a "Pragma: nocache" response header is a prudent
backwards compatibility measure for HTTP 1.0 clients.
The intended behaviour is for the majority clients as well as any
intermediary proxies to ignore this header.

Sending an empty Pragma is a known hack
for preventing PHP from adding "Pragma: nocache" to responses
with started sessions (see,
since PHP does not allow unsetting existing header() calls.
2015-09-01 11:45:30 +12:00

462 lines
16 KiB

* A class with HTTP-related helpers.
* Like Debug, this is more a bundle of methods than a class ;-)
* @package framework
* @subpackage misc
class HTTP {
* @var int $cache_age
protected static $cache_age = 0;
* @var timestamp $modification_date
protected static $modification_date = null;
* @var string $etag
protected static $etag = null;
* @config
private static $cache_ajax_requests = true;
* Turns a local system filename into a URL by comparing it to the script
* filename.
* @param string
public static function filename2url($filename) {
$slashPos = -1;
while(($slashPos = strpos($filename, "/", $slashPos+1)) !== false) {
if(substr($filename, 0, $slashPos) == substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],0,$slashPos)) {
$commonLength = $slashPos;
} else {
$urlBase = substr(
-(strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) - $commonLength)
$url = $urlBase . substr($filename, $commonLength);
$protocol = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') ? "https" : "http";
// Count the number of extra folders the script is in.
// $prefix = str_repeat("../", substr_count(substr($_SERVER[SCRIPT_FILENAME],$commonBaseLength)));
return "$protocol://". $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $url;
* Turn all relative URLs in the content to absolute URLs
public static function absoluteURLs($html) {
$html = str_replace('$CurrentPageURL', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $html);
return HTTP::urlRewriter($html, function($url) {
//no need to rewrite, if uri has a protocol (determined here by existence of reserved URI character ":")
if(preg_match('/^\w+:/', $url)){
return $url;
return Director::absoluteURL($url, true);
* Rewrite all the URLs in the given content, evaluating the given string as PHP code.
* Put $URL where you want the URL to appear, however, you can't embed $URL in strings
* Some example code:
* <ul>
* <li><code>'"../../" . $URL'</code></li>
* <li><code>'myRewriter($URL)'</code></li>
* <li><code>'(substr($URL,0,1)=="/") ? "../" . substr($URL,1) : $URL'</code></li>
* </ul>
* As of 3.2 $code should be a callable which takes a single parameter and returns
* the rewritten URL. e.g.
* <code>
* function($url) {
* return Director::absoluteURL($url, true);
* }
* </code>
* @param string $content The HTML to search for links to rewrite
* @param string|callable $code Either a string that can evaluate to an expression
* to rewrite links (depreciated), or a callable that takes a single
* parameter and returns the rewritten URL
* @return The content with all links rewritten as per the logic specified in $code
public static function urlRewriter($content, $code) {
if(!is_callable($code)) {
Deprecation::notice(3.1, 'HTTP::urlRewriter expects a callable as the second parameter');
// Replace attributes
$attribs = array("src","background","a" => "href","link" => "href", "base" => "href");
foreach($attribs as $tag => $attrib) {
if(!is_numeric($tag)) $tagPrefix = "$tag ";
else $tagPrefix = "";
$regExps[] = "/(<{$tagPrefix}[^>]*$attrib *= *\")([^\"]*)(\")/i";
$regExps[] = "/(<{$tagPrefix}[^>]*$attrib *= *')([^']*)(')/i";
$regExps[] = "/(<{$tagPrefix}[^>]*$attrib *= *)([^\"' ]*)( )/i";
// Replace css styles
// @todo -
$styles = array('background-image', 'background', 'list-style-image', 'list-style', 'content');
foreach($styles as $style) {
$regExps[] = "/($style:[^;]*url *\(\")([^\"]+)(\"\))/i";
$regExps[] = "/($style:[^;]*url *\(')([^']+)('\))/i";
$regExps[] = "/($style:[^;]*url *\()([^\"\)')]+)(\))/i";
// Callback for regexp replacement
$callback = function($matches) use($code) {
if(is_callable($code)) {
$rewritten = $code($matches[2]);
} else {
// Expose the $URL variable to be used by the $code expression
$URL = $matches[2];
$rewritten = eval("return ($code);");
return $matches[1] . $rewritten . $matches[3];
// Execute each expression
foreach($regExps as $regExp) {
$content = preg_replace_callback($regExp, $callback, $content);
return $content;
* Will try to include a GET parameter for an existing URL,
* preserving existing parameters and fragments.
* If no URL is given, falls back to $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].
* Uses parse_url() to dissect the URL, and http_build_query() to reconstruct it
* with the additional parameter. Converts any '&' (ampersand)
* URL parameter separators to the more XHTML compliant '&amp;'.
* CAUTION: If the URL is determined to be relative,
* it is prepended with Director::absoluteBaseURL().
* This method will always return an absolute URL because
* Director::makeRelative() can lead to inconsistent results.
* @param String $varname
* @param String $varvalue
* @param String $currentURL Relative or absolute URL (Optional).
* @param String $separator Separator for http_build_query(). (Optional).
* @return String Absolute URL
public static function setGetVar($varname, $varvalue, $currentURL = null, $separator = '&amp;') {
$uri = $currentURL ? $currentURL : Director::makeRelative($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$isRelative = false;
// We need absolute URLs for parse_url()
if(Director::is_relative_url($uri)) {
$uri = Director::absoluteBaseURL() . $uri;
$isRelative = true;
// try to parse uri
$parts = parse_url($uri);
if(!$parts) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Can't parse URL: " . $uri);
// Parse params and add new variable
$params = array();
if(isset($parts['query'])) parse_str($parts['query'], $params);
$params[$varname] = $varvalue;
// Generate URI segments and formatting
$scheme = (isset($parts['scheme'])) ? $parts['scheme'] : 'http';
$user = (isset($parts['user']) && $parts['user'] != '') ? $parts['user'] : '';
if($user != '') {
// format in either or
$user .= (isset($parts['pass']) && $parts['pass'] != '') ? ':' . $parts['pass'] . '@' : '@';
$host = (isset($parts['host'])) ? $parts['host'] : '';
$port = (isset($parts['port']) && $parts['port'] != '') ? ':'.$parts['port'] : '';
$path = (isset($parts['path']) && $parts['path'] != '') ? $parts['path'] : '';
// handle URL params which are existing / new
$params = ($params) ? '?' . http_build_query($params, null, $separator) : '';
// keep fragments (anchors) intact.
$fragment = (isset($parts['fragment']) && $parts['fragment'] != '') ? '#'.$parts['fragment'] : '';
// Recompile URI segments
$newUri = $scheme . '://' . $user . $host . $port . $path . $params . $fragment;
if($isRelative) return Director::makeRelative($newUri);
return $newUri;
public static function RAW_setGetVar($varname, $varvalue, $currentURL = null) {
$url = self::setGetVar($varname, $varvalue, $currentURL);
return Convert::xml2raw($url);
* Search for all tags with a specific attribute, then return the value of that attribute in a flat array.
* @param string $content
* @param array $attributes an array of tags to attributes, for example "[a] => 'href', [div] => 'id'"
* @return array
public static function findByTagAndAttribute($content, $attributes) {
$regexes = array();
foreach($attributes as $tag => $attribute) {
$regexes[] = "/<{$tag} [^>]*$attribute *= *([\"'])(.*?)\\1[^>]*>/i";
$regexes[] = "/<{$tag} [^>]*$attribute *= *([^ \"'>]+)/i";
$result = array();
if($regexes) foreach($regexes as $regex) {
if(preg_match_all($regex, $content, $matches)) {
$result = array_merge_recursive($result, (isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : $matches[1]));
return count($result) ? $result : null;
public static function getLinksIn($content) {
return self::findByTagAndAttribute($content, array("a" => "href"));
public static function getImagesIn($content) {
return self::findByTagAndAttribute($content, array("img" => "src"));
* Get the MIME type based on a file's extension.
* If the finfo class exists in PHP, and the file actually exists, then use that
* extension, otherwise fallback to a list of commonly known MIME types.
* @uses finfo
* @param string $filename Relative path to filename from project root, e.g. "mysite/tests/file.csv"
* @return string MIME type
public static function get_mime_type($filename) {
// If the finfo module is compiled into PHP, use it.
$path = BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
if(class_exists('finfo') && file_exists($path)) {
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
return $finfo->file($path);
// Fallback to use the list from the HTTP.yml configuration and rely on the file extension
// to get the file mime-type
$ext = File::get_file_extension($filename);
// Get the mime-types
$mimeTypes = Config::inst()->get('HTTP', 'MimeTypes');
// The mime type doesn't exist
if(!isset($mimeTypes[$ext])) {
return 'application/unknown';
return $mimeTypes[$ext];
* Set the maximum age of this page in web caches, in seconds
public static function set_cache_age($age) {
self::$cache_age = $age;
public static function register_modification_date($dateString) {
$timestamp = strtotime($dateString);
if($timestamp > self::$modification_date)
self::$modification_date = $timestamp;
public static function register_modification_timestamp($timestamp) {
if($timestamp > self::$modification_date)
self::$modification_date = $timestamp;
public static function register_etag($etag) {
self::$etag = $etag;
* Add the appropriate caching headers to the response, including If-Modified-Since / 304 handling.
* Note that setting HTTP::$cache_age will overrule any cache headers set by PHP's
* session_cache_limiter functionality. It is your responsibility to ensure only cacheable data
* is in fact cached, and HTTP::$cache_age isn't set when the HTTP body contains session-specific content.
* @param SS_HTTPResponse The SS_HTTPResponse object to augment. Omitted the argument or passing a string is
* deprecated; in these cases, the headers are output directly.
public static function add_cache_headers($body = null) {
$cacheAge = self::$cache_age;
// Validate argument
if($body && !($body instanceof SS_HTTPResponse)) {
user_error("HTTP::add_cache_headers() must be passed an SS_HTTPResponse object", E_USER_WARNING);
$body = null;
// Development sites have frequently changing templates; this can get stuffed up by the code
// below.
if(Director::isDev()) $cacheAge = 0;
// The headers have been sent and we don't have an SS_HTTPResponse object to attach things to; no point in
// us trying.
if(headers_sent() && !$body) return;
// Popuplate $responseHeaders with all the headers that we want to build
$responseHeaders = array();
$config = Config::inst();
// currently using a config setting to cancel this, seems to be so taht the CMS caches ajax requests
if(function_exists('apache_request_headers') && $config->get(get_called_class(), 'cache_ajax_requests')) {
$requestHeaders = apache_request_headers();
if(isset($requestHeaders['X-Requested-With']) && $requestHeaders['X-Requested-With']=='XMLHttpRequest') {
$cacheAge = 0;
// bdc: now we must check for DUMB IE6:
if(isset($requestHeaders['x-requested-with']) && $requestHeaders['x-requested-with']=='XMLHttpRequest') {
$cacheAge = 0;
if($cacheAge > 0) {
$responseHeaders["Cache-Control"] = "max-age={$cacheAge}, must-revalidate, no-transform";
// Set empty pragma to avoid PHP's session_cache_limiter adding conflicting caching information,
// defaulting to "nocache" on most PHP configurations (see
// Since it's a deprecated HTTP 1.0 option, all modern HTTP clients and proxies should
// prefer the caching information indicated through the "Cache-Control" header.
$responseHeaders["Pragma"] = "";
// To do: User-Agent should only be added in situations where you *are* actually
// varying according to user-agent.
$responseHeaders['Vary'] = 'Cookie, X-Forwarded-Protocol, User-Agent, Accept';
else {
if($body) {
// Grab header for checking. Unfortunately HTTPRequest uses a mistyped variant.
$contentDisposition = $body->getHeader('Content-disposition');
if (!$contentDisposition) $contentDisposition = $body->getHeader('Content-Disposition');
$body &&
Director::is_https() &&
strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE')==true &&
strstr($contentDisposition, 'attachment;')==true
) {
// IE6-IE8 have problems saving files when https and no-cache are used
// (
// Note: this is also fixable by ticking "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" in advanced options.
$responseHeaders["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=3, must-revalidate, no-transform";
// Set empty pragma to avoid PHP's session_cache_limiter adding conflicting caching information,
// defaulting to "nocache" on most PHP configurations (see
// Since it's a deprecated HTTP 1.0 option, all modern HTTP clients and proxies should
// prefer the caching information indicated through the "Cache-Control" header.
$responseHeaders["Pragma"] = "";
} else {
$responseHeaders["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform";
if(self::$modification_date && $cacheAge > 0) {
$responseHeaders["Last-Modified"] = self::gmt_date(self::$modification_date);
// Chrome ignores Varies when redirecting back (
// which means that if you log out, you get redirected back to a page which Chrome then checks against
// last-modified (which passes, getting a 304)
// when it shouldn't be trying to use that page at all because it's the "logged in" version.
// By also using and etag that includes both the modification date and all the varies
// values which we also check against we can catch this and not return a 304
$etagParts = array(self::$modification_date, serialize($_COOKIE));
$etagParts[] = Director::is_https() ? 'https' : 'http';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) $etagParts[] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])) $etagParts[] = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'];
$etag = sha1(implode(':', $etagParts));
$responseHeaders["ETag"] = $etag;
// 304 response detection
$ifModifiedSince = strtotime(stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']));
// As above, only 304 if the last request had all the same varies values
// (or the etag isn't passed as part of the request - but with chrome it always is)
$matchesEtag = !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) || $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] == $etag;
if($ifModifiedSince >= self::$modification_date && $matchesEtag) {
if($body) {
} else {
header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified');
$expires = time() + $cacheAge;
$responseHeaders["Expires"] = self::gmt_date($expires);
if(self::$etag) {
$responseHeaders['ETag'] = self::$etag;
// Now that we've generated them, either output them or attach them to the SS_HTTPResponse as appropriate
foreach($responseHeaders as $k => $v) {
if($body) $body->addHeader($k, $v);
else if(!headers_sent()) header("$k: $v");
* Return an {@link RFC 2822} date in the
* GMT timezone (a timestamp is always in GMT: the number of seconds
* since January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
public static function gmt_date($timestamp) {
return gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $timestamp) . ' GMT';
* Return static variable cache_age in second
public static function get_cache_age() {
return self::$cache_age;