Paul Meyrick dc36725869 MINOR Using BlankPage template in SecurityTest, BasicAuthTest to remove ContentController dependency
MINOR Checking for SiteTree class existence in Security, Translatable
MINOR Checking for ContentController existence in FulltextSearchable
MINOR Removed unnecessary ContentController tests from ObjectTest
MINOR Replaced CMS specific examples in PermissionCheckboxSetFieldTest, DataObjectTest
MINOR Changed SecurityTest to make assertions against Security/login rather than relying on redirection from admin/cms
2011-03-29 18:07:55 +13:00

471 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

* @package sapphire
* @subpackage tests
class FormTest extends FunctionalTest {
static $fixture_file = 'sapphire/tests/forms/FormTest.yml';
protected $extraDataObjects = array(
public function testLoadDataFromRequest() {
$form = new Form(
new Controller(),
new FieldSet(
new TextField('key1'),
new TextField('namespace[key2]'),
new TextField('namespace[key3][key4]'),
new TextField('othernamespace[key5][key6][key7]')
new FieldSet()
// url would be ?key1=val1&namespace[key2]=val2&namespace[key3][key4]=val4&othernamespace[key5][key6][key7]=val7
$requestData = array(
'key1' => 'val1',
'namespace' => array(
'key2' => 'val2',
'key3' => array(
'key4' => 'val4',
'othernamespace' => array(
'key5' => array(
'key6' =>array(
'key7' => 'val7'
$fields = $form->Fields();
$this->assertEquals($fields->fieldByName('key1')->Value(), 'val1');
$this->assertEquals($fields->fieldByName('namespace[key2]')->Value(), 'val2');
$this->assertEquals($fields->fieldByName('namespace[key3][key4]')->Value(), 'val4');
$this->assertEquals($fields->fieldByName('othernamespace[key5][key6][key7]')->Value(), 'val7');
public function testLoadDataFromUnchangedHandling() {
$form = new Form(
new Controller(),
new FieldSet(
new TextField('key1'),
new TextField('key2')
new FieldSet()
'key1' => 'save',
'key2' => 'dontsave',
'key2_unchanged' => '1'
'key1' => 'save',
'key2' => null,
'loadDataFrom() doesnt save a field if a matching "<fieldname>_unchanged" flag is set'
public function testLoadDataFromObject() {
$form = new Form(
new Controller(),
new FieldSet(
new HeaderField('MyPlayerHeader','My Player'),
new TextField('Name'), // appears in both Player and Team
new TextareaField('Biography'),
new DateField('Birthday'),
new NumericField('BirthdayYear') // dynamic property
new FieldSet()
$captainWithDetails = $this->objFromFixture('FormTest_Player', 'captainWithDetails');
'Name' => 'Captain Details',
'Biography' => 'Bio 1',
'Birthday' => '1982-01-01',
'BirthdayYear' => '1982',
'LoadDataFrom() loads simple fields and dynamic getters'
$captainNoDetails = $this->objFromFixture('FormTest_Player', 'captainNoDetails');
'Name' => 'Captain No Details',
'Biography' => null,
'Birthday' => null,
'BirthdayYear' => 0,
'LoadNonBlankDataFrom() loads only fields with values, and doesnt overwrite existing values'
public function testLoadDataFromClearMissingFields() {
$form = new Form(
new Controller(),
new FieldSet(
new HeaderField('MyPlayerHeader','My Player'),
new TextField('Name'), // appears in both Player and Team
new TextareaField('Biography'),
new DateField('Birthday'),
new NumericField('BirthdayYear'), // dynamic property
$unrelatedField = new TextField('UnrelatedFormField')
//new CheckboxSetField('Teams') // relation editing
new FieldSet()
$unrelatedField->setValue("random value");
$captainWithDetails = $this->objFromFixture('FormTest_Player', 'captainWithDetails');
$captainNoDetails = $this->objFromFixture('FormTest_Player', 'captainNoDetails');
'Name' => 'Captain Details',
'Biography' => 'Bio 1',
'Birthday' => '1982-01-01',
'BirthdayYear' => '1982',
'UnrelatedFormField' => 'random value',
'LoadDataFrom() doesnt overwrite fields not found in the object'
$captainWithDetails = $this->objFromFixture('FormTest_Player', 'captainNoDetails');
$team2 = $this->objFromFixture('FormTest_Team', 'team2');
$form->loadDataFrom($team2, true);
'Name' => 'Team 2',
'Biography' => '',
'Birthday' => '',
'BirthdayYear' => 0,
'UnrelatedFormField' => null,
'LoadDataFrom() overwrites fields not found in the object with $clearMissingFields=true'
public function testFormMethodOverride() {
$form = $this->getStubForm();
$form = $this->getStubForm();
$this->assertEquals($form->dataFieldByName('_method')->Value(), 'put',
'PUT override in forms has PUT in hiddenfield'
$this->assertEquals($form->FormMethod(), 'post',
'PUT override in forms has POST in <form> tag'
$form = $this->getStubForm();
$this->assertEquals($form->dataFieldByName('_method')->Value(), 'delete',
'PUT override in forms has PUT in hiddenfield'
$this->assertEquals($form->FormMethod(), 'post',
'PUT override in forms has POST in <form> tag'
function testSessionValidationMessage() {
$response = $this->submitForm(
'Email' => 'invalid',
// leaving out "Required" field
'#Email span.message',
_t('EmailField.VALIDATION', "Please enter an email address.")
'Formfield validation shows note on field if invalid'
'#SomeRequiredField span.required',
'Required fields show a notification on field when left blank'
function testSessionSuccessMessage() {
$response = $this->submitForm(
'Email' => '',
'SomeRequiredField' => 'test',
'Test save was successful'
'Form->sessionMessage() shows up after reloading the form'
function testGloballyDisabledSecurityTokenInheritsToNewForm() {
$form1 = $this->getStubForm();
$this->assertType('SecurityToken', $form1->getSecurityToken());
$form2 = $this->getStubForm();
$this->assertType('NullSecurityToken', $form2->getSecurityToken());
function testDisableSecurityTokenDoesntAddTokenFormField() {
$formWithToken = $this->getStubForm();
'Token field added by default'
$formWithoutToken = $this->getStubForm();
'Token field not added if disableSecurityToken() is set'
function testDisableSecurityTokenAcceptsSubmissionWithoutToken() {
$response = $this->get('FormTest_ControllerWithSecurityToken');
// can't use submitForm() as it'll automatically insert SecurityID into the POST data
$response = $this->post(
'Email' => '',
'action_doSubmit' => 1
// leaving out security token
$this->assertEquals(400, $response->getStatusCode(), 'Submission fails without security token');
$response = $this->get('FormTest_ControllerWithSecurityToken');
$tokenEls = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector('#Form_Form_SecurityID');
'Token form field added for controller without disableSecurityToken()'
$token = (string)$tokenEls[0];
$response = $this->submitForm(
'Email' => '',
'SecurityID' => $token
$this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode(), 'Submission suceeds with security token');
function testEnableSecurityToken() {
$form = $this->getStubForm();
SecurityToken::disable(); // restore original
function testDisableSecurityToken() {
$form = $this->getStubForm();
SecurityToken::disable(); // restore original
protected function getStubForm() {
return new Form(
new Controller(),
new FieldSet(new TextField('key1')),
new FieldSet()
class FormTest_Player extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
static $db = array(
'Name' => 'Varchar',
'Biography' => 'Text',
'Birthday' => 'Date'
static $belongs_many_many = array(
'Teams' => 'FormTest_Team'
static $has_one = array(
'FavouriteTeam' => 'FormTest_Team',
public function getBirthdayYear() {
return ($this->Birthday) ? date('Y', strtotime($this->Birthday)) : null;
class FormTest_Team extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
static $db = array(
'Name' => 'Varchar',
'Region' => 'Varchar',
static $many_many = array(
'Players' => 'FormTest_Player'
class FormTest_Controller extends Controller implements TestOnly {
static $url_handlers = array(
'$Action//$ID/$OtherID' => "handleAction",
protected $template = 'BlankPage';
function Link($action = null) {
return Controller::join_links('FormTest_Controller', $this->request->latestParam('Action'), $this->request->latestParam('ID'), $action);
function Form() {
$form = new Form(
new FieldSet(
new EmailField('Email'),
new TextField('SomeRequiredField'),
new CheckboxSetField('Boxes', null, array('1'=>'one','2'=>'two'))
new FieldSet(
new FormAction('doSubmit')
new RequiredFields(
// Disable CSRF protection for easier form submission handling
return $form;
function FormWithSecurityToken() {
$form = new Form(
new FieldSet(
new EmailField('Email')
new FieldSet(
new FormAction('doSubmit')
return $form;
function doSubmit($data, $form, $request) {
$form->sessionMessage('Test save was successful', 'good');
return $this->redirectBack();
function getViewer(){
return new SSViewer('ContentController');
class FormTest_ControllerWithSecurityToken extends Controller implements TestOnly {
static $url_handlers = array(
'$Action//$ID/$OtherID' => "handleAction",
protected $template = 'BlankPage';
function Link($action = null) {
return Controller::join_links('FormTest_ControllerWithSecurityToken', $this->request->latestParam('Action'), $this->request->latestParam('ID'), $action);
function Form() {
$form = new Form(
new FieldSet(
new EmailField('Email')
new FieldSet(
new FormAction('doSubmit')
return $form;
function doSubmit($data, $form, $request) {
$form->sessionMessage('Test save was successful', 'good');
return $this->redirectBack();
function getViewer(){
return new SSViewer('ContentController');
Director::addRules(50, array(
'FormTest_Controller' => "FormTest_Controller",