2013-09-15 01:50:10 +02:00

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namespace SilverStripe\Framework\Test\Behaviour;
use Behat\Behat\Context\ClosuredContextInterface,
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
// PHPUnit
require_once 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php';
require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework/Assert/Functions.php';
* CmsFormsContext
* Context used to define steps related to forms inside CMS.
class CmsFormsContext extends BehatContext
protected $context;
* Initializes context.
* Every scenario gets it's own context object.
* @param array $parameters context parameters (set them up through behat.yml)
public function __construct(array $parameters)
// Initialize your context here
$this->context = $parameters;
* Get Mink session from MinkContext
public function getSession($name = null)
return $this->getMainContext()->getSession($name);
* @Then /^I should see an edit page form$/
public function stepIShouldSeeAnEditPageForm()
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$form = $page->find('css', '#Form_EditForm');
assertNotNull($form, 'I should see an edit page form');
* @When /^I fill in the "(?P<field>([^"]*))" HTML field with "(?P<value>([^"]*))"$/
* @When /^I fill in "(?P<value>([^"]*))" for the "(?P<field>([^"]*))" HTML field$/
public function stepIFillInTheHtmlFieldWith($field, $value)
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$inputField = $page->findField($field);
assertNotNull($inputField, sprintf('HTML field "%s" not found', $field));
addcslashes($value, "'")
* @When /^I append "(?P<value>([^"]*))" to the "(?P<field>([^"]*))" HTML field$/
public function stepIAppendTotheHtmlField($field, $value)
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$inputField = $page->findField($field);
assertNotNull($inputField, sprintf('HTML field "%s" not found', $field));
addcslashes($value, "'")
* @Then /^the "(?P<locator>([^"]*))" HTML field should contain "(?P<html>.*)"$/
public function theHtmlFieldShouldContain($locator, $html)
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$element = $page->findField($locator);
assertNotNull($element, sprintf('HTML field "%s" not found', $locator));
$actual = $element->getAttribute('value');
$regex = '/'.preg_quote($html, '/').'/ui';
if (!preg_match($regex, $actual)) {
$message = sprintf(
'The string "%s" was not found in the HTML of the element matching %s "%s". Actual content: "%s"',
throw new ElementHtmlException($message, $this->getSession(), $element);
* Checks formatting in the HTML field, by analyzing the HTML node surrounding
* the text for certain properties.
* Example: Given "my text" in the "Content" HTML field should be right aligned
* Example: Given "my text" in the "Content" HTML field should not be bold
* @todo Use an actual DOM parser for more accurate assertions
* @Given /^"(?P<text>([^"]*))" in the "(?P<field>([^"]*))" HTML field should(?P<negate>(?: not)?) be (?P<formatting>(.*))$/
public function stepContentInHtmlFieldShouldHaveFormatting($text, $field, $negate, $formatting) {
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$inputField = $page->findField($field);
assertNotNull($inputField, sprintf('HTML field "%s" not found', $field));
$crawler = new Crawler($inputField->getValue());
$matchedNode = null;
foreach($crawler->filterXPath('//*') as $node) {
&& $node->firstChild->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE
&& stripos($node->firstChild->nodeValue, $text) !== FALSE
) {
$matchedNode = $node;
$assertFn = $negate ? 'assertNotEquals' : 'assertEquals';
if($formatting == 'bold') {
call_user_func($assertFn, 'strong', $matchedNode->nodeName);
} else if($formatting == 'left aligned') {
if($matchedNode->getAttribute('style')) {
call_user_func($assertFn, 'text-align: left;', $matchedNode->getAttribute('style'));
} else if($formatting == 'right aligned') {
call_user_func($assertFn, 'text-align: right;', $matchedNode->getAttribute('style'));
* Selects the first textual match in the HTML editor. Does not support
* selection across DOM node boundaries.
* @When /^I select "(?P<text>([^"]*))" in the "(?P<field>([^"]*))" HTML field$/
public function stepIHighlightTextInHtmlField($text, $field)
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$inputField = $page->findField($field);
assertNotNull($inputField, sprintf('HTML field "%s" not found', $field));
$inputFieldId = $inputField->getAttribute('id');
$text = addcslashes($text, "'");
$js = <<<JS
// TODO <IE9 support
// TODO Allow text matches across nodes
var editor = jQuery('#$inputFieldId').entwine('ss').getEditor(),
doc = editor.getDOM().doc,
sel = editor.getInstance().selection,
rng = document.createRange(),
matched = false;
jQuery(doc).find('body *').each(function() {
if(!matched && this.firstChild && this.firstChild.nodeValue && this.firstChild.nodeValue.match('$text')) {
rng.setStart(this.firstChild, this.firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf('$text'));
rng.setEnd(this.firstChild, this.firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf('$text') + '$text'.length);
matched = true;
* @Given /^I should see a "([^"]*)" button$/
public function iShouldSeeAButton($text)
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$els = $page->findAll('named', array('link_or_button', "'$text'"));
$matchedEl = null;
foreach($els as $el) {
if($el->isVisible()) $matchedEl = $el;
assertNotNull($matchedEl, sprintf('%s button not found', $text));
* @Given /^I should not see a "([^"]*)" button$/
public function iShouldNotSeeAButton($text)
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$els = $page->findAll('named', array('link_or_button', "'$text'"));
$matchedEl = null;
foreach($els as $el) {
if($el->isVisible()) $matchedEl = $el;
assertNull($matchedEl, sprintf('%s button found', $text));