Sam Minnee 3ee8f505b7 MINORE: Remove training whitespace.
The main benefit of this is so that authors who make use of
.editorconfig don't end up with whitespace changes in their PRs.

Spaces vs. tabs has been left alone, although that could do with a
tidy-up in SS4 after the switch to PSR-1/2.

The command used was this:

for match in '*.ss' '*.css' '*.scss' '*.html' '*.yml' '*.php' '*.js' '*.csv' '*.inc' '*.php5'; do
	find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" -exec sed -E -i '' 's/[[:space:]]+$//' {} \+
	find . -path ./thirdparty -not -prune -o -path ./admin/thirdparty -not -prune -o -type f -name "$match" | xargs perl -pi -e 's/ +$//'
2016-01-07 10:15:54 +13:00

1676 lines
58 KiB

class SSViewerTest extends SapphireTest {
* Backup of $_SERVER global
* @var array
protected $oldServer = array();
protected $extraDataObjects = array(
public function setUp() {
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'source_file_comments', false);
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer_FromString', 'cache_template', false);
$this->oldServer = $_SERVER;
public function tearDown() {
$_SERVER = $this->oldServer;
* Tests for {@link Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme')} for different behaviour
* of user defined themes via {@link SiteConfig} and default theme
* when no user themes are defined.
public function testCurrentTheme() {
//TODO: SiteConfig moved to CMS
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme', 'mytheme');
$this->assertEquals('mytheme', Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme'),
'Current theme is the default - user has not defined one');
* Test that a template without a <head> tag still renders.
public function testTemplateWithoutHeadRenders() {
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Var' => 'var value'
$result = $data->renderWith("SSViewerTestPartialTemplate");
$this->assertEquals('Test partial template: var value', trim(preg_replace("/<!--.*-->/U",'',$result)));
public function testIncludeScopeInheritance() {
$data = $this->getScopeInheritanceTestData();
$expected = array(
'Item 1 - First-ODD top:Item 1',
'Item 2 - EVEN top:Item 2',
'Item 3 - ODD top:Item 3',
'Item 4 - EVEN top:Item 4',
'Item 5 - ODD top:Item 5',
'Item 6 - Last-EVEN top:Item 6',
$result = $data->renderWith('SSViewerTestIncludeScopeInheritance');
$this->assertExpectedStrings($result, $expected);
// reset results for the tests that include arguments (the title is passed as an arg)
$expected = array(
'Item 1 _ Item 1 - First-ODD top:Item 1',
'Item 2 _ Item 2 - EVEN top:Item 2',
'Item 3 _ Item 3 - ODD top:Item 3',
'Item 4 _ Item 4 - EVEN top:Item 4',
'Item 5 _ Item 5 - ODD top:Item 5',
'Item 6 _ Item 6 - Last-EVEN top:Item 6',
$result = $data->renderWith('SSViewerTestIncludeScopeInheritanceWithArgs');
$this->assertExpectedStrings($result, $expected);
public function testIncludeTruthyness() {
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => 'TruthyTest',
'Items' => new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 1')),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => '')),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => true)),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => false)),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => null)),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => 0)),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => 7))
$result = $data->renderWith('SSViewerTestIncludeScopeInheritanceWithArgs');
// We should not end up with empty values appearing as empty
$expected = array(
'Item 1 _ Item 1 - First-ODD top:Item 1',
'Untitled - EVEN top:',
'1 _ 1 - ODD top:1',
'Untitled - EVEN top:',
'Untitled - ODD top:',
'Untitled - EVEN top:0',
'7 _ 7 - Last-ODD top:7'
$this->assertExpectedStrings($result, $expected);
private function getScopeInheritanceTestData() {
return new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => 'TopTitleValue',
'Items' => new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 1')),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 2')),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 3')),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 4')),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 5')),
new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Item 6'))
private function assertExpectedStrings($result, $expected) {
foreach ($expected as $expectedStr) {
(boolean) preg_match("/{$expectedStr}/", $result),
"Didn't find '{$expectedStr}' in:\n{$result}"
* Small helper to render templates from strings
public function render($templateString, $data = null, $cacheTemplate = false) {
$t = SSViewer::fromString($templateString, $cacheTemplate);
if(!$data) $data = new SSViewerTestFixture();
return $t->process($data);
public function testRequirements() {
$requirements = $this->getMock("Requirements_Backend", array("javascript", "css"));
$jsFile = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/tests/forms/a.js';
$cssFile = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/tests/forms/a.js';
$template = $this->render("<% require javascript($jsFile) %>
<% require css($cssFile) %>");
$this->assertFalse((bool)trim($template), "Should be no content in this return.");
public function testRequirementsCombine(){
$oldBackend = Requirements::backend();
$testBackend = new Requirements_Backend();
$combinedTestFilePath = BASE_PATH . '/' . $testBackend->getCombinedFilesFolder() . '/testRequirementsCombine.js';
$jsFile = FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/tests/view/themes/javascript/bad.js';
$jsFileContents = file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . '/' . $jsFile);
Requirements::combine_files('testRequirementsCombine.js', array($jsFile));
// first make sure that our test js file causes an exception to be thrown
$content = JSMin::minify($content);
$this->fail('JSMin did not throw exception on minify bad file: ');
}catch(Exception $e){
// exception thrown... good
// secondly, make sure that requirements combine throws the correct warning, and only that warning
}catch(PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning $e){
if(strstr($e->getMessage(), 'Failed to minify') === false){
$this->fail('Requirements::process_combined_files raised a warning, which is good, but this is not the expected warning ("Failed to minify..."): '.$e);
}catch(Exception $e){
$this->fail('Requirements::process_combined_files did not catch exception caused by minifying bad js file: '.$e);
// and make sure the combined content matches the input content, i.e. no loss of functionality
$this->fail('No combined file was created at expected path: '.$combinedTestFilePath);
$combinedTestFileContents = file_get_contents($combinedTestFilePath);
$this->assertContains($jsFileContents, $combinedTestFileContents);
// reset
public function testComments() {
$output = $this->render(<<<SS
This is my template<%-- this is a comment --%>This is some content<%-- this is another comment --%>Final content
<%-- Alone multi
line comment --%>
Some more content
Mixing content and <%-- multi
line comment --%> Final final
$shouldbe = <<<SS
This is my templateThis is some contentFinal content
Some more content
Mixing content and Final final
$this->assertEquals($shouldbe, $output);
public function testBasicText() {
$this->assertEquals('"', $this->render('"'), 'Double-quotes are left alone');
$this->assertEquals("'", $this->render("'"), 'Single-quotes are left alone');
$this->assertEquals('A', $this->render('\\A'), 'Escaped characters are unescaped');
$this->assertEquals('\\A', $this->render('\\\\A'), 'Escaped back-slashed are correctly unescaped');
public function testBasicInjection() {
$this->assertEquals('[out:Test]', $this->render('$Test'), 'Basic stand-alone injection');
$this->assertEquals('[out:Test]', $this->render('{$Test}'), 'Basic stand-alone wrapped injection');
$this->assertEquals('A[out:Test]!', $this->render('A$Test!'), 'Basic surrounded injection');
$this->assertEquals('A[out:Test]B', $this->render('A{$Test}B'), 'Basic surrounded wrapped injection');
$this->assertEquals('A$B', $this->render('A\\$B'), 'No injection as $ escaped');
$this->assertEquals('A$ B', $this->render('A$ B'), 'No injection as $ not followed by word character');
$this->assertEquals('A{$ B', $this->render('A{$ B'), 'No injection as {$ not followed by word character');
$this->assertEquals('{$Test}', $this->render('{\\$Test}'), 'Escapes can be used to avoid injection');
$this->assertEquals('{\\[out:Test]}', $this->render('{\\\\$Test}'),
'Escapes before injections are correctly unescaped');
public function testGlobalVariableCalls() {
$this->assertEquals('automatic', $this->render('$SSViewerTest_GlobalAutomatic'));
$this->assertEquals('reference', $this->render('$SSViewerTest_GlobalReferencedByString'));
$this->assertEquals('reference', $this->render('$SSViewerTest_GlobalReferencedInArray'));
public function testGlobalVariableCallsWithArguments() {
$this->assertEquals('zz', $this->render('$SSViewerTest_GlobalThatTakesArguments'));
$this->assertEquals('zFooz', $this->render('$SSViewerTest_GlobalThatTakesArguments("Foo")'));
$this->render('$SSViewerTest_GlobalThatTakesArguments("Foo", "Bar", "Baz")'));
public function testGlobalVariablesAreEscaped() {
$this->assertEquals('<div></div>', $this->render('$SSViewerTest_GlobalHTMLFragment'));
$this->assertEquals('&lt;div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;', $this->render('$SSViewerTest_GlobalHTMLEscaped'));
public function testCoreGlobalVariableCalls() {
$this->render('{$absoluteBaseURL}'), 'Director::absoluteBaseURL can be called from within template');
$this->assertEquals(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), $this->render('{$AbsoluteBaseURL}'),
'Upper-case %AbsoluteBaseURL can be called from within template');
$this->assertEquals(Director::is_ajax(), $this->render('{$isAjax}'),
'All variations of is_ajax result in the correct call');
$this->assertEquals(Director::is_ajax(), $this->render('{$IsAjax}'),
'All variations of is_ajax result in the correct call');
$this->assertEquals(Director::is_ajax(), $this->render('{$is_ajax}'),
'All variations of is_ajax result in the correct call');
$this->assertEquals(Director::is_ajax(), $this->render('{$Is_ajax}'),
'All variations of is_ajax result in the correct call');
$this->assertEquals(i18n::get_locale(), $this->render('{$i18nLocale}'),
'i18n template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(i18n::get_locale(), $this->render('{$get_locale}'),
'i18n template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals((string)Member::currentUser(), $this->render('{$CurrentMember}'),
'Member template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals((string)Member::currentUser(), $this->render('{$CurrentUser}'),
'Member template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals((string)Member::currentUser(), $this->render('{$currentMember}'),
'Member template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals((string)Member::currentUser(), $this->render('{$currentUser}'),
'Member template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(SecurityToken::getSecurityID(), $this->render('{$getSecurityID}'),
'SecurityToken template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(SecurityToken::getSecurityID(), $this->render('{$SecurityID}'),
'SecurityToken template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(Permission::check("ADMIN"), (bool)$this->render('{$HasPerm(\'ADMIN\')}'),
'Permissions template functions result correct result');
$this->assertEquals(Permission::check("ADMIN"), (bool)$this->render('{$hasPerm(\'ADMIN\')}'),
'Permissions template functions result correct result');
public function testNonFieldCastingHelpersNotUsedInHasValue() {
// check if Link without $ in front of variable
$result = $this->render(
'A<% if Link %>$Link<% end_if %>B', new SSViewerTest_Object());
$this->assertEquals('Asome/url.htmlB', $result, 'casting helper not used for <% if Link %>');
// check if Link with $ in front of variable
$result = $this->render(
'A<% if $Link %>$Link<% end_if %>B', new SSViewerTest_Object());
$this->assertEquals('Asome/url.htmlB', $result, 'casting helper not used for <% if $Link %>');
public function testLocalFunctionsTakePriorityOverGlobals() {
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Page' => new SSViewerTest_Object()
//call method with lots of arguments
$result = $this->render(
'<% with Page %>$lotsOfArguments11("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k")<% end_with %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("abcdefghijk",$result, "public function can accept up to 11 arguments");
//call method that does not exist
$result = $this->render('<% with Page %><% if IDoNotExist %>hello<% end_if %><% end_with %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("",$result, "Method does not exist - empty result");
//call if that does not exist
$result = $this->render('<% with Page %>$IDoNotExist("hello")<% end_with %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("",$result, "Method does not exist - empty result");
//call method with same name as a global method (local call should take priority)
$result = $this->render('<% with Page %>$absoluteBaseURL<% end_with %>',$data);
"Local Object's public function called. Did not return the actual baseURL of the current site");
public function testCurrentScopeLoopWith() {
// Data to run the loop tests on - one sequence of three items, each with a subitem
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Foo' => new ArrayList(array(
'Subocean' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Higher'
new ArrayData(array(
'Sub' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'SubKid1'
new ArrayData(array(
'Sub' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'SubKid2'
new SSViewerTest_Object('Number6')
$result = $this->render(
'<% loop Foo %>$Number<% if Sub %><% with Sub %>$Name<% end_with %><% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("SubKid1SubKid2Number6",$result, "Loop works");
$result = $this->render(
'<% loop Foo %>$Number<% if Sub %><% with Sub %>$Name<% end_with %><% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("SubKid1SubKid2Number6",$result, "Loop works");
$result = $this->render('<% with Foo %>$Count<% end_with %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("4",$result, "4 items in the DataObjectSet");
$result = $this->render('<% with Foo %><% loop Up.Foo %>$Number<% if Sub %><% with Sub %>$Name<% end_with %>'
. '<% end_if %><% end_loop %><% end_with %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("SubKid1SubKid2Number6",$result, "Loop in with Up.Foo scope works");
$result = $this->render('<% with Foo %><% loop %>$Number<% if Sub %><% with Sub %>$Name<% end_with %>'
. '<% end_if %><% end_loop %><% end_with %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("SubKid1SubKid2Number6",$result, "Loop in current scope works");
public function testObjectDotArguments() {
$TestMethod(Arg1, Arg2).Bar.Val
$TestMethod(Arg1, Arg2).Bar
$TestMethod(Arg1, Arg2)
public function testEscapedArguments() {
$this->render('{$Foo(Arg1, Arg2).Bar.Val}.Suffix
{$Foo(Arg1, Arg2).Val}_Suffix
{$Foo(Arg1, Arg2)}/Suffix
public function testLoopWhitespace() {
$this->render('before<% loop SingleItem %>$Test<% end_loop %>after
before<% loop SingleItem %>Test<% end_loop %>after')
// The control tags are removed from the output, but no whitespace
// This is a quirk that could be changed, but included in the test to make the current
// behaviour explicit
<% loop SingleItem %>
<% end_loop %>
// The whitespace within the control tags is preserve in a loop
// This is a quirk that could be changed, but included in the test to make the current
// behaviour explicit
<% loop Loop3 %>
<% end_loop %>
public function testControls() {
// Single item controls
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar %>a{$Item}b<% end_with %>
<% with Foo.Bar(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_with %>
<% with Foo(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_with %>
<% with Foo(Arg1, Arg2) %>$Item<% end_with %>
<% with Foo(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) %>$Item<% end_with %>')
// Loop controls
$this->render('<% loop Foo.Loop2 %>a{$Item}b<% end_loop %>'));
$this->render('<% loop Foo.Loop2(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_loop %>'));
$this->render('<% loop Loop2(Arg1) %>$Item<% end_loop %>'));
$this->render('<% loop Loop2(Arg1, Arg2) %>$Item<% end_loop %>'));
$this->render('<% loop Loop2(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3) %>$Item<% end_loop %>'));
public function testIfBlocks() {
// Basic test
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B$NotSet<% end_if %>C'));
// Nested test
$this->render('A<% if IsSet %>B$NotSet<% if IsSet %>1<% else %>2<% end_if %><% end_if %>C'));
// else_if
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if AlsoNotset %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if AlsoNotset %>C<% else_if IsSet %>D<% end_if %>E'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %>B<% else_if AlsoNotset %>C<% else_if IsSet %>D<% end_if %>E'));
// Dot syntax
$this->render('A<% if Foo.NotSet %>B<% else_if Foo.IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if Foo.Bar.NotSet %>B<% else_if Foo.Bar.IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// Params
$this->render('A<% if NotSet(Param) %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if IsSet(Param) %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// Negation
$this->render('A<% if not IsSet %>B<% end_if %>C'));
$this->render('A<% if not NotSet %>B<% end_if %>C'));
// Or
$this->render('A<% if IsSet || NotSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet || NotSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if NotSet2 || NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// Negated Or
$this->render('A<% if not IsSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if not NotSet || AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet || not AlsoNotSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// And
$this->render('A<% if IsSet && AlsoSet %>B<% else_if A %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if IsSet && NotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet && NotSet2 %>B<% else_if NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if IsSet && NotSet %>B<% else_if IsSet && AlsoSet %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet && NotSet2 %>B<% else_if IsSet && NotSet3 %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// Equality
$this->render('A<% if RawVal == RawVal %>B<% end_if %>C'));
$this->render('A<% if Right == Wrong %>B<% else_if RawVal == RawVal %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if Right != Wrong %>B<% end_if %>C'));
$this->render('A<% if Right == Wrong %>B<% else_if RawVal != RawVal %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// test inequalities with simple numbers
$this->assertEquals('ABD', $this->render('A<% if 5 > 3 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ABD', $this->render('A<% if 5 >= 3 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if 3 > 5 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if 3 >= 5 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ABD', $this->render('A<% if 3 < 5 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ABD', $this->render('A<% if 3 <= 5 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if 5 < 3 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if 5 <= 3 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ABD', $this->render('A<% if 4 <= 4 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ABD', $this->render('A<% if 4 >= 4 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if 4 > 4 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
$this->assertEquals('ACD', $this->render('A<% if 4 < 4 %>B<% else %>C<% end_if %>D'));
// empty else_if and else tags, if this would not be supported,
// the output would stop after A, thereby failing the assert
$this->assertEquals('AD', $this->render('A<% if IsSet %><% else %><% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %><% else_if IsSet %><% else %><% end_if %>D'));
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %><% else_if AlsoNotSet %><% else %><% end_if %>D'));
// Bare words with ending space
$this->render('A<% if "RawVal" == RawVal %>B<% end_if %>C'));
// Else
$this->render('A<% if Right == Wrong %>B<% else_if RawVal != RawVal %>C<% else %>D<% end_if %>E'));
// Empty if with else
$this->render('A<% if NotSet %><% else %>B<% end_if %>C'));
public function testBaseTagGeneration() {
// XHTML wil have a closed base tag
$tmpl1 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"'
. ' "">
<head><% base_tag %></head>
$this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*" \/><\/head>/', $this->render($tmpl1));
// HTML4 and 5 will only have it for IE
$tmpl2 = '<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><% base_tag %></head>
$this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*"><!--\[if lte IE 6\]><\/base><!\[endif\]--><\/head>/',
$tmpl3 = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<head><% base_tag %></head>
$this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*"><!--\[if lte IE 6\]><\/base><!\[endif\]--><\/head>/',
// Check that the content negotiator converts to the equally legal formats
$negotiator = new ContentNegotiator();
$response = new SS_HTTPResponse($this->render($tmpl1));
$this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*"><!--\[if lte IE 6\]><\/base><!\[endif\]--><\/head>/',
$response = new SS_HTTPResponse($this->render($tmpl1));
$this->assertRegExp('/<head><base href=".*" \/><\/head>/', $response->getBody());
public function testIncludeWithArguments() {
$this->render('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments %>'),
$this->render('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments Arg1=A %>'),
$this->render('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments Arg1=A, Arg2=B %>'),
$this->render('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments Arg1=A Bare String, Arg2=B Bare String %>'),
'<p>A Bare String</p><p>B Bare String</p>'
$this->render('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments Arg1="A", Arg2=$B %>',
new ArrayData(array('B' => 'Bar'))),
$this->render('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeWithArguments Arg1="A" %>',
new ArrayData(array('Arg1' => 'Foo', 'Arg2' => 'Bar'))),
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Nested' => new ArrayData(array(
'Object' => new ArrayData(array('Key' => 'A'))
'Object' => new ArrayData(array('Key' => 'B'))
$tmpl = SSViewer::fromString('<% include SSViewerTestIncludeObjectArguments A=$Nested.Object, B=$Object %>');
$res = $tmpl->process($data);
$this->assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace('A B', $res, 'Objects can be passed as named arguments');
public function testRecursiveInclude() {
$view = new SSViewer(array('SSViewerTestRecursiveInclude'));
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => 'A',
'Children' => new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => 'A1',
'Children' => new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A1 i', )),
new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A1 ii', )),
new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A2', )),
new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => 'A3', )),
$result = $view->process($data);
// We don't care about whitespace
$rationalisedResult = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $result));
$this->assertEquals('A A1 A1 i A1 ii A2 A3', $rationalisedResult);
public function assertEqualIgnoringWhitespace($a, $b) {
$this->assertEquals(preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $a), preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $b));
* See {@link ViewableDataTest} for more extensive casting tests,
* this test just ensures that basic casting is correctly applied during template parsing.
public function testCastingHelpers() {
$vd = new SSViewerTest_ViewableData();
$vd->TextValue = '<b>html</b>';
$vd->HTMLValue = '<b>html</b>';
$vd->UncastedValue = '<b>html</b>';
// Value casted as "Text"
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$TextValue')->process($vd)
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$TextValue.RAW')->process($vd)
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$TextValue.XML')->process($vd)
// Value casted as "HTMLText"
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$HTMLValue')->process($vd)
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$HTMLValue.RAW')->process($vd)
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$HTMLValue.XML')->process($vd)
// Uncasted value (falls back to ViewableData::$default_cast="HTMLText")
$vd = new SSViewerTest_ViewableData(); // TODO Fix caching
$vd->UncastedValue = '<b>html</b>';
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$UncastedValue')->process($vd)
$vd = new SSViewerTest_ViewableData(); // TODO Fix caching
$vd->UncastedValue = '<b>html</b>';
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$UncastedValue.RAW')->process($vd)
$vd = new SSViewerTest_ViewableData(); // TODO Fix caching
$vd->UncastedValue = '<b>html</b>';
$t = SSViewer::fromString('$UncastedValue.XML')->process($vd)
public function testSSViewerBasicIteratorSupport() {
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Set' => new ArrayList(array(
new SSViewerTest_Object("1"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("2"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("3"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("4"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("5"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("6"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("7"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("8"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("9"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("10"),
//base test
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$Number<% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("12345678910",$result,"Numbers rendered in order");
//test First
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if First %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("1",$result,"Only the first number is rendered");
//test Last
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Last %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("10",$result,"Only the last number is rendered");
//test Even
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Even() %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("246810",$result,"Even numbers rendered in order");
//test Even with quotes
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Even("1") %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("246810",$result,"Even numbers rendered in order");
//test Even without quotes
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Even(1) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("246810",$result,"Even numbers rendered in order");
//test Even with zero-based start index
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Even("0") %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("13579",$result,"Even (with zero-based index) numbers rendered in order");
//test Odd
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Odd %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("13579",$result,"Odd numbers rendered in order");
//test FirstLast
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if FirstLast %>$Number$FirstLast<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("1first10last",$result,"First and last numbers rendered in order");
//test Middle
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if Middle %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("23456789",$result,"Middle numbers rendered in order");
//test MiddleString
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MiddleString == "middle" %>$Number$MiddleString<% end_if %>'
. '<% end_loop %>',$data);
"Middle numbers rendered in order");
//test EvenOdd
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$EvenOdd<% end_loop %>',$data);
"Even and Odd is returned in sequence numbers rendered in order");
//test Pos
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$Pos<% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("12345678910", $result, '$Pos is rendered in order');
//test Pos
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$Pos(0)<% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("0123456789", $result, '$Pos(0) is rendered in order');
//test FromEnd
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$FromEnd<% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("10987654321", $result, '$FromEnd is rendered in order');
//test FromEnd
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$FromEnd(0)<% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("9876543210", $result, '$FromEnd(0) rendered in order');
//test Total
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$TotalItems<% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("10101010101010101010",$result,"10 total items X 10 are returned");
//test Modulus
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %>$Modulus(2,1)<% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("1010101010",$result,"1-indexed pos modular divided by 2 rendered in order");
//test MultipleOf 3
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(3) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("369",$result,"Only numbers that are multiples of 3 are returned");
//test MultipleOf 4
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(4) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("48",$result,"Only numbers that are multiples of 4 are returned");
//test MultipleOf 5
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(5) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("510",$result,"Only numbers that are multiples of 5 are returned");
//test MultipleOf 10
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(10,1) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("10",$result,"Only numbers that are multiples of 10 (with 1-based indexing) are returned");
//test MultipleOf 9 zero-based
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(9,0) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
"Only numbers that are multiples of 9 with zero-based indexing are returned. (The first and last item)");
//test MultipleOf 11
$result = $this->render('<% loop Set %><% if MultipleOf(11) %>$Number<% end_if %><% end_loop %>',$data);
$this->assertEquals("",$result,"Only numbers that are multiples of 11 are returned. I.e. nothing returned");
* Test $Up works when the scope $Up refers to was entered with a "with" block
public function testUpInWith() {
// Data to run the loop tests on - three levels deep
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Top',
'Foo' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Foo',
'Bar' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Bar',
'Baz' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Baz'
'Qux' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Qux'
// Basic functionality
$this->render('<% with Foo %><% with Bar %>{$Name}{$Up.Name}<% end_with %><% end_with %>', $data));
// Two level with block, up refers to internally referenced Bar
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar %>{$Name}{$Up.Name}<% end_with %>', $data));
// Stepping up & back down the scope tree
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %>{$Name}{$Up.Name}{$Up.Qux.Name}<% end_with %>', $data));
// Using $Up in a with block
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %>{$Name}<% with $Up %>{$Name}{$Qux.Name}<% end_with %>'
.'<% end_with %>', $data));
// Stepping up & back down the scope tree with with blocks
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %>{$Name}<% with $Up %>{$Name}<% with Qux %>{$Name}<% end_with %>'
. '{$Name}<% end_with %>{$Name}<% end_with %>', $data));
// Using $Up.Up, where first $Up points to a previous scope entered using $Up, thereby skipping up to Foo
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz %><% with Up %><% with Qux %>{$Up.Up.Name}<% end_with %><% end_with %>'
. '<% end_with %>', $data));
// Using $Up.Up, where first $Up points to an Up used in a local scope lookup, should still skip to Foo
$this->render('<% with Foo.Bar.Baz.Up.Qux %>{$Up.Up.Name}<% end_with %>', $data));
* Test $Up works when the scope $Up refers to was entered with a "loop" block
public function testUpInLoop(){
// Data to run the loop tests on - one sequence of three items, each with a subitem
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Top',
'Foo' => new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => '1',
'Sub' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Bar'
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => '2',
'Sub' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Baz'
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => '3',
'Sub' => new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'Qux'
// Make sure inside a loop, $Up refers to the current item of the loop
'111 222 333',
'<% loop $Foo %>$Name<% with $Sub %>$Up.Name<% end_with %>$Name<% end_loop %>',
// Make sure inside a loop, looping over $Up uses a separate iterator,
// and doesn't interfere with the original iterator
'1Bar123Bar1 2Baz123Baz2 3Qux123Qux3',
'<% loop $Foo %>
<% with $Sub %>
<% loop $Up %>$Name<% end_loop %>
<% end_with %>
<% end_loop %>',
// Make sure inside a loop, looping over $Up uses a separate iterator,
// and doesn't interfere with the original iterator or local lookups
'1 Bar1 123 1Bar 1 2 Baz2 123 2Baz 2 3 Qux3 123 3Qux 3',
'<% loop $Foo %>
<% with $Sub %>
<% loop $Up %>$Name<% end_loop %>
<% end_with %>
<% end_loop %>',
* Test that nested loops restore the loop variables correctly when pushing and popping states
public function testNestedLoops(){
// Data to run the loop tests on - one sequence of three items, one with child elements
// (of a different size to the main sequence)
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Foo' => new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => '1',
'Children' => new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'a'
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => 'b'
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => '2',
'Children' => new ArrayList(),
new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => '3',
'Children' => new ArrayList(),
// Make sure that including a loop inside a loop will not destroy the internal count of
// items, checked by using "Last"
$this->render('<% loop $Foo %>$Name<% loop Children %>$Name<% end_loop %><% if Last %>last<% end_if %>'
. '<% end_loop %>', $data
public function testLayout() {
$self = $this;
$this->useTestTheme(dirname(__FILE__), 'layouttest', function() use ($self) {
$template = new SSViewer(array('Page'));
$self->assertEquals('Foo', $template->process(new ArrayData(array())));
$template = new SSViewer(array('Shortcodes', 'Page'));
$self->assertEquals('[file_link]', $template->process(new ArrayData(array())));
* @covers SSViewer::get_templates_by_class()
public function testGetTemplatesByClass() {
$self = $this;
$this->useTestTheme(dirname(__FILE__), 'layouttest', function() use ($self) {
// Test passing a string
$templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class('SSViewerTest_Controller', '', 'Controller');
$self->assertCount(2, $templates);
// Test to ensure we're stopping at the base class.
$templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class('SSViewerTest_Controller', '', 'SSViewerTest_Controller');
$self->assertCount(1, $templates);
// Make sure we can filter our templates by suffix.
$templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class('SSViewerTest', '_Controller');
$self->assertCount(1, $templates);
// Test passing a valid object
$templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class("SSViewerTest_Controller", '', 'Controller');
// Test that templates are returned in the correct order
$self->assertEquals('SSViewerTest_Controller', array_shift($templates));
$self->assertEquals('Controller', array_shift($templates));
// Let's throw something random in there.
$templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class(array());
* @covers SSViewer::get_themes()
public function testThemeRetrieval() {
$testThemeBaseDir = TEMP_FOLDER . $ds . 'test-themes';
if(file_exists($testThemeBaseDir)) Filesystem::removeFolder($testThemeBaseDir);
mkdir($testThemeBaseDir . $ds . 'blackcandy');
mkdir($testThemeBaseDir . $ds . 'blackcandy_blog');
mkdir($testThemeBaseDir . $ds . 'darkshades');
mkdir($testThemeBaseDir . $ds . 'darkshades_blog');
'blackcandy' => 'blackcandy',
'darkshades' => 'darkshades'
), SSViewer::get_themes($testThemeBaseDir), 'Our test theme directory contains 2 themes');
'blackcandy' => 'blackcandy',
'blackcandy_blog' => 'blackcandy_blog',
'darkshades' => 'darkshades',
'darkshades_blog' => 'darkshades_blog'
), SSViewer::get_themes($testThemeBaseDir, true),
'Our test theme directory contains 2 themes and 2 sub-themes');
// Remove all the test themes we created
public function testRewriteHashlinks() {
$orig = Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'rewrite_hash_links');
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'rewrite_hash_links', true);
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '//"onclick="alert(\'xss\')""';
// Emulate SSViewer::process()
// Note that leading double slashes have been rewritten to prevent these being mis-interepreted
// as protocol-less absolute urls
$base = Convert::raw2att('/"onclick="alert(\'xss\')""');
$tmplFile = TEMP_FOLDER . '/SSViewerTest_testRewriteHashlinks_' . sha1(rand()) . '.ss';
// Note: SSViewer_FromString doesn't rewrite hash links.
file_put_contents($tmplFile, '<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><% base_tag %></head>
<a class="external-inline" href="">ExternalInlineLink</a>
<a class="inline" href="#anchor">InlineLink</a>
<svg><use xlink:href="#sprite"></use></svg>
$tmpl = new SSViewer($tmplFile);
$obj = new ViewableData();
$obj->InsertedLink = '<a class="inserted" href="#anchor">InsertedLink</a>';
$obj->ExternalInsertedLink = '<a class="external-inserted" href="">ExternalInsertedLink</a>';
$result = $tmpl->process($obj);
'<a class="inserted" href="' . $base . '#anchor">InsertedLink</a>',
'<a class="external-inserted" href="">ExternalInsertedLink</a>',
'<a class="inline" href="' . $base . '#anchor">InlineLink</a>',
'<a class="external-inline" href="">ExternalInlineLink</a>',
'<svg><use xlink:href="#sprite"></use></svg>',
'SSTemplateParser should only rewrite anchor hrefs'
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'rewrite_hash_links', $orig);
public function testRewriteHashlinksInPhpMode() {
$orig = Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'rewrite_hash_links');
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'rewrite_hash_links', 'php');
$tmplFile = TEMP_FOLDER . '/SSViewerTest_testRewriteHashlinksInPhpMode_' . sha1(rand()) . '.ss';
// Note: SSViewer_FromString doesn't rewrite hash links.
file_put_contents($tmplFile, '<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><% base_tag %></head>
<a class="inline" href="#anchor">InlineLink</a>
<svg><use xlink:href="#sprite"></use></svg>
$tmpl = new SSViewer($tmplFile);
$obj = new ViewableData();
$obj->InsertedLink = '<a class="inserted" href="#anchor">InsertedLink</a>';
$result = $tmpl->process($obj);
$code = <<<'EOC'
<a class="inserted" href="<?php echo Convert::raw2att(preg_replace("/^(\/)+/", "/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); ?>#anchor">InsertedLink</a>
$this->assertContains($code, $result);
// TODO Fix inline links in PHP mode
// $this->assertContains(
// '<a class="inline" href="<?php echo str_replace(',
// $result
// );
'<svg><use xlink:href="#sprite"></use></svg>',
'SSTemplateParser should only rewrite anchor hrefs'
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'rewrite_hash_links', $orig);
public function testRenderWithSourceFileComments() {
$origEnv = Config::inst()->get('Director', 'environment_type');
Config::inst()->update('Director', 'environment_type', 'dev');
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'source_file_comments', true);
$f = FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/tests/templates/SSViewerTestComments';
$templates = array(
'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsFullSource',
'expected' => ""
. "<!doctype html>"
. "<!-- template $f/ -->"
. "<html>"
. "\t<head></head>"
. "\t<body></body>"
. "</html>"
. "<!-- end template $f/ -->",
'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsFullSourceHTML4Doctype',
'expected' => ""
. "4.01//EN\"\t\t\"\">"
. "<!-- template $f/ -->"
. "<html>"
. "\t<head></head>"
. "\t<body></body>"
. "</html>"
. "<!-- end template $f/ -->",
'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsFullSourceNoDoctype',
'expected' => ""
. "<html><!-- template $f/ -->"
. "\t<head></head>"
. "\t<body></body>"
. "<!-- end template $f/ --></html>",
'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsFullSourceIfIE',
'expected' => ""
. "<!doctype html>"
. "<!-- template $f/ -->"
. "<!--[if lte IE 8]> <html class='old-ie'> <![endif]-->"
. "<!--[if gt IE 8]> <html class='new-ie'> <![endif]-->"
. "<!--[if !IE]><!--> <html class='no-ie'> <!--<![endif]-->"
. "\t<head></head>"
. "\t<body></body>"
. "</html>"
. "<!-- end template $f/ -->",
'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsFullSourceIfIENoDoctype',
'expected' => ""
. "<!--[if lte IE 8]> <html class='old-ie'> <![endif]-->"
. "<!--[if gt IE 8]> <html class='new-ie'> <![endif]-->"
. "<!--[if !IE]><!--> <html class='no-ie'>"
. "<!-- template $f/ -->"
. " <!--<![endif]-->"
. "\t<head></head>"
. "\t<body></body>"
. "<!-- end template $f/ --></html>",
'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsPartialSource',
'expected' =>
"<!-- template $f/ -->"
. "<div class='typography'></div>"
. "<!-- end template $f/ -->",
'name' => 'SSViewerTestCommentsWithInclude',
'expected' =>
"<!-- template $f/ -->"
. "<div class='typography'>"
. "<!-- include 'SSViewerTestCommentsInclude' -->"
. "<!-- template $f/ -->"
. "Included"
. "<!-- end template $f/ -->"
. "<!-- end include 'SSViewerTestCommentsInclude' -->"
. "</div>"
. "<!-- end template $f/ -->",
foreach ($templates as $template) {
$this->_renderWithSourceFileComments($template['name'], $template['expected']);
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'source_file_comments', false);
Config::inst()->update('Director', 'environment_type', $origEnv);
private function _renderWithSourceFileComments($name, $expected) {
$viewer = new SSViewer(array($name));
$data = new ArrayData(array());
$result = $viewer->process($data);
$expected = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $expected);
$result = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $result);
$this->assertEquals($result, $expected);
public function testLoopIteratorIterator() {
$list = new PaginatedList(new ArrayList());
$viewer = new SSViewer_FromString('<% loop List %>$ID - $FirstName<br /><% end_loop %>');
$result = $viewer->process(new ArrayData(array('List' => $list)));
$this->assertEquals($result, '');
public function testProcessOnlyIncludesRequirementsOnce() {
$template = new SSViewer(array('SSViewerTestProcess'));
$basePath = dirname($this->getCurrentRelativePath()) . '/forms';
$backend = new Requirements_Backend;
$basePath . '/RequirementsTest_a.css',
$basePath . '/RequirementsTest_b.css'
$this->assertEquals(1, substr_count($template->process(array()), "a.css"));
$this->assertEquals(1, substr_count($template->process(array()), "b.css"));
// if we disable the requirements then we should get nothing
$this->assertEquals(0, substr_count($template->process(array()), "a.css"));
$this->assertEquals(0, substr_count($template->process(array()), "b.css"));
public function testRequireCallInTemplateInclude() {
//TODO undo skip test on the event that templates ever obtain the ability to reference MODULE_DIR (or something to that effect)
if(FRAMEWORK_DIR === 'framework') {
$template = new SSViewer(array('SSViewerTestProcess'));
$this->assertEquals(1, substr_count(
else {
$this->markTestSkipped('Requirement will always fail if the framework dir is not '.
'named \'framework\', since templates require hard coded paths');
public function testCallsWithArguments() {
$data = new ArrayData(array(
'Set' => new ArrayList(array(
new SSViewerTest_Object("1"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("2"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("3"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("4"),
new SSViewerTest_Object("5"),
'Level' => new SSViewerTest_LevelTest(1),
'Nest' => array(
'Level' => new SSViewerTest_LevelTest(2),
$tests = array(
'$Level.output(1)' => '1-1',
'$Nest.Level.output($Set.First.Number)' => '2-1',
'<% with $Set %>$Up.Level.output($First.Number)<% end_with %>' => '1-1',
'<% with $Set %>$Top.Nest.Level.output($First.Number)<% end_with %>' => '2-1',
'<% loop $Set %>$Up.Nest.Level.output($Number)<% end_loop %>' => '2-12-22-32-42-5',
'<% loop $Set %>$Top.Level.output($Number)<% end_loop %>' => '1-11-21-31-41-5',
'<% with $Nest %>$Level.output($Top.Set.First.Number)<% end_with %>' => '2-1',
'<% with $Level %>$output($Up.Set.Last.Number)<% end_with %>' => '1-5',
'<% with $Level.forWith($Set.Last.Number) %>$output("hi")<% end_with %>' => '5-hi',
'<% loop $Level.forLoop($Set.First.Number) %>$Number<% end_loop %>' => '!0',
'<% with $Nest %>
<% with $Level.forWith($Up.Set.First.Number) %>$output("hi")<% end_with %>
<% end_with %>' => '1-hi',
'<% with $Nest %>
<% loop $Level.forLoop($Top.Set.Last.Number) %>$Number<% end_loop %>
<% end_with %>' => '!0!1!2!3!4',
foreach($tests as $template => $expected) {
$this->assertEquals($expected, trim($this->render($template, $data)));
public function testClosedBlockExtension() {
$count = 0;
$parser = new SSTemplateParser();
function (&$res) use (&$count) {
$template = new SSViewer_FromString("<% test %><% end_test %>", $parser);
$template->process(new SSViewerTestFixture());
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
public function testOpenBlockExtension() {
$count = 0;
$parser = new SSTemplateParser();
function (&$res) use (&$count) {
$template = new SSViewer_FromString("<% test %>", $parser);
$template->process(new SSViewerTestFixture());
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
* Tests if caching for SSViewer_FromString is working
public function testFromStringCaching() {
$content = 'Test content';
$cacheFile = TEMP_FOLDER . '/.cache.' . sha1($content);
if (file_exists($cacheFile)) {
// Test global behaviors
$this->render($content, null, null);
$this->assertFalse(file_exists($cacheFile), 'Cache file was created when caching was off');
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer_FromString', 'cache_template', true);
$this->render($content, null, null);
$this->assertTrue(file_exists($cacheFile), 'Cache file wasn\'t created when it was meant to');
// Test instance behaviors
$this->render($content, null, false);
$this->assertFalse(file_exists($cacheFile), 'Cache file was created when caching was off');
$this->render($content, null, true);
$this->assertTrue(file_exists($cacheFile), 'Cache file wasn\'t created when it was meant to');
* A test fixture that will echo back the template item
class SSViewerTestFixture extends ViewableData {
protected $name;
public function __construct($name = null) {
$this->name = $name;
private function argedName($fieldName, $arguments) {
$childName = $this->name ? "$this->name.$fieldName" : $fieldName;
if($arguments) return $childName . '(' . implode(',', $arguments) . ')';
else return $childName;
public function obj($fieldName, $arguments=null, $forceReturnedObject=true, $cache=false, $cacheName=null) {
$childName = $this->argedName($fieldName, $arguments);
// Special field name Loop### to create a list
if(preg_match('/^Loop([0-9]+)$/', $fieldName, $matches)) {
$output = new ArrayList();
for($i=0;$i<$matches[1];$i++) $output->push(new SSViewerTestFixture($childName));
return $output;
} else if(preg_match('/NotSet/i', $fieldName)) {
return new ViewableData();
} else {
return new SSViewerTestFixture($childName);
public function XML_val($fieldName, $arguments = null, $cache = false) {
if(preg_match('/NotSet/i', $fieldName)) {
return '';
} else if(preg_match('/Raw/i', $fieldName)) {
return $fieldName;
} else {
return '[out:' . $this->argedName($fieldName, $arguments) . ']';
public function hasValue($fieldName, $arguments = null, $cache = true) {
return (bool)$this->XML_val($fieldName, $arguments);
class SSViewerTest_ViewableData extends ViewableData implements TestOnly {
private static $casting = array(
'TextValue' => 'Text',
'HTMLValue' => 'HTMLText'
public function methodWithOneArgument($arg1) {
return "arg1:{$arg1}";
public function methodWithTwoArguments($arg1, $arg2) {
return "arg1:{$arg1},arg2:{$arg2}";
class SSViewerTest_Controller extends Controller {
class SSViewerTest_Object extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
public $number = null;
private static $casting = array(
'Link' => 'Text',
public function __construct($number = null) {
$this->number = $number;
public function Number() {
return $this->number;
public function absoluteBaseURL() {
return "testLocalFunctionPriorityCalled";
public function lotsOfArguments11($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $j, $k) {
return $a. $b. $c. $d. $e. $f. $g. $h. $i. $j. $k;
public function Link() {
return 'some/url.html';
class SSViewerTest_GlobalProvider implements TemplateGlobalProvider, TestOnly {
public static function get_template_global_variables() {
return array(
'SSViewerTest_GlobalHTMLFragment' => array('method' => 'get_html', 'casting' => 'HTMLText'),
'SSViewerTest_GlobalHTMLEscaped' => array('method' => 'get_html'),
'SSViewerTest_GlobalReferencedByString' => 'get_reference',
'SSViewerTest_GlobalReferencedInArray' => array('method' => 'get_reference'),
'SSViewerTest_GlobalThatTakesArguments' => array('method' => 'get_argmix', 'casting' => 'HTMLText')
public static function get_html() {
return '<div></div>';
public static function SSViewerTest_GlobalAutomatic() {
return 'automatic';
public static function get_reference() {
return 'reference';
public static function get_argmix() {
$args = func_get_args();
return 'z' . implode(':', $args) . 'z';
class SSViewerTest_LevelTest extends ViewableData implements TestOnly {
protected $depth;
public function __construct($depth = 1) {
$this->depth = $depth;
public function output($val) {
return "$this->depth-$val";
public function forLoop($number) {
$ret = array();
for($i = 0; $i < (int)$number; ++$i) {
$ret[] = new SSViewerTest_Object("!$i");
return new ArrayList($ret);
public function forWith($number) {
return new self($number);