
915 lines
31 KiB

namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField;
use LogicException;
use SilverStripe\Admin\LeftAndMain;
use SilverStripe\Control\Controller;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPRequest;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPResponse;
use SilverStripe\Control\RequestHandler;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
use SilverStripe\Forms\CompositeField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Form;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FormAction;
use SilverStripe\Forms\HiddenField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\LiteralField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ArrayList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBHTMLText;
use SilverStripe\ORM\HasManyList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ManyManyList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\PolymorphicHasManyList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\RelationList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\SS_List;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationException;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\View\ArrayData;
use SilverStripe\View\HTML;
use SilverStripe\View\SSViewer;
class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest extends RequestHandler
use GridFieldStateAware;
private static $allowed_actions = [
* The default form actions available to this item request
* e.g [
* 'showPagination': true,
* 'showAdd': true
* ]
* @var array
private static $formActions = [];
* @var GridField
protected $gridField;
* @var GridFieldDetailForm
protected $component;
* @var DataObject
protected $record;
* This represents the current parent RequestHandler (which does not necessarily need to be a Controller).
* It allows us to traverse the RequestHandler chain upwards to reach the Controller stack.
* @var RequestHandler
protected $popupController;
* @var string
protected $popupFormName;
* @var String
protected $template = null;
private static $url_handlers = [
'$Action!' => '$Action',
'' => 'edit',
* @param GridField $gridField
* @param GridFieldDetailForm $component
* @param DataObject $record
* @param RequestHandler $requestHandler
* @param string $popupFormName
public function __construct($gridField, $component, $record, $requestHandler, $popupFormName)
$this->gridField = $gridField;
$this->component = $component;
$this->record = $record;
$this->popupController = $requestHandler;
$this->popupFormName = $popupFormName;
public function Link($action = null)
return Controller::join_links(
$this->record->ID ? $this->record->ID : 'new',
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return mixed
public function view($request)
if (!$this->record->canView()) {
$this->httpError(403, _t(
__CLASS__ . '.ViewPermissionsFailure',
'It seems you don\'t have the necessary permissions to view "{ObjectTitle}"',
['ObjectTitle' => $this->record->singular_name()]
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$form = $this->ItemEditForm();
$data = ArrayData::create([
'Backlink' => $controller->Link(),
'ItemEditForm' => $form
$return = $data->renderWith($this->getTemplates());
if ($request->isAjax()) {
return $return;
} else {
return $controller->customise(['Content' => $return]);
* @param HTTPRequest $request
* @return mixed
public function edit($request)
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$form = $this->ItemEditForm();
$return = $this->customise([
'Backlink' => $controller->hasMethod('Backlink') ? $controller->Backlink() : $controller->Link(),
'ItemEditForm' => $form,
if ($request->isAjax()) {
return $return;
} else {
// If not requested by ajax, we need to render it within the controller context+template
return $controller->customise([
'Content' => $return,
* Builds an item edit form. The arguments to getCMSFields() are the popupController and
* popupFormName, however this is an experimental API and may change.
* @return Form|HTTPResponse
public function ItemEditForm()
$list = $this->gridField->getList();
if (empty($this->record)) {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$url = $controller->getRequest()->getURL();
$noActionURL = $controller->removeAction($url);
$controller->getResponse()->removeHeader('Location'); //clear the existing redirect
return $controller->redirect($noActionURL, 302);
// If we are creating a new record in a has-many list, then
// pre-populate the record's foreign key.
if ($list instanceof HasManyList && !$this->record->isInDB()) {
$key = $list->getForeignKey();
$id = $list->getForeignID();
$this->record->$key = $id;
// If the list is polymorphic, add the foreign class as well.
if ($list instanceof PolymorphicHasManyList) {
$classKey = $list->getForeignClassKey();
$class = $list->getForeignClass();
$this->record->$classKey = $class;
if (!$this->record->canView()) {
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
return $controller->httpError(403, _t(
__CLASS__ . '.ViewPermissionsFailure',
'It seems you don\'t have the necessary permissions to view "{ObjectTitle}"',
['ObjectTitle' => $this->record->singular_name()]
$fields = $this->component->getFields();
if (!$fields) {
$fields = $this->record->getCMSFields();
// If we are creating a new record in a has-many list, then
// Disable the form field as it has no effect.
if ($list instanceof HasManyList && !$this->record->isInDB()) {
$key = $list->getForeignKey();
if ($field = $fields->dataFieldByName($key)) {
$form = Form::create(
$form->loadDataFrom($this->record, $this->record->ID == 0 ? Form::MERGE_IGNORE_FALSEISH : Form::MERGE_DEFAULT);
if ($this->record->ID && !$this->record->canEdit()) {
// Restrict editing of existing records
// Hack to re-enable delete button if user can delete
if ($this->record->canDelete()) {
} elseif (!$this->record->ID
&& !$this->record->canCreate(null, $this->getCreateContext())
) {
// Restrict creation of new records
// Load many_many extraData for record.
// Fields with the correct 'ManyMany' namespace need to be added manually through getCMSFields().
if ($list instanceof ManyManyList) {
$extraData = $list->getExtraData('', $this->record->ID);
$form->loadDataFrom(['ManyMany' => $extraData]);
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
// Always show with base template (full width, no other panels),
// regardless of overloaded CMS controller templates.
'type' => 'Includes',
$form->addExtraClass('cms-content cms-edit-form center fill-height flexbox-area-grow');
$form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm Content');
if ($form->Fields()->hasTabSet()) {
$form->Backlink = $this->getBackLink();
$cb = $this->component->getItemEditFormCallback();
if ($cb) {
$cb($form, $this);
$this->extend("updateItemEditForm", $form);
return $form;
* Build context for verifying canCreate
* @see GridFieldAddNewButton::getHTMLFragments()
* @return array
protected function getCreateContext()
$gridField = $this->gridField;
$context = [];
if ($gridField->getList() instanceof RelationList) {
$record = $gridField->getForm()->getRecord();
if ($record && $record instanceof DataObject) {
$context['Parent'] = $record;
return $context;
* @return CompositeField Returns the right aligned toolbar group field along with its FormAction's
protected function getRightGroupField()
$rightGroup = CompositeField::create()->setName('RightGroup');
$rightGroup->setFieldHolderTemplate(get_class($rightGroup) . '_holder_buttongroup');
$previousAndNextGroup = CompositeField::create()->setName('PreviousAndNextGroup');
$previousAndNextGroup->addExtraClass('btn-group--circular mr-2');
$previousAndNextGroup->setFieldHolderTemplate(CompositeField::class . '_holder_buttongroup');
/** @var GridFieldDetailForm $component */
$component = $this->gridField->getConfig()->getComponentByType(GridFieldDetailForm::class);
$paginator = $this->getGridField()->getConfig()->getComponentByType(GridFieldPaginator::class);
$gridState = $this->getGridField()->getState();
if ($component && $paginator && $component->getShowPagination()) {
$previousIsDisabled = !$this->getPreviousRecordID();
$nextIsDisabled = !$this->getNextRecordID();
HTML::createTag($previousIsDisabled ? 'span' : 'a', [
'href' => $previousIsDisabled ? '#' : $this->getEditLinkForAdjacentRecord(-1),
'data-grid-state' => $previousIsDisabled ? $gridState : $this->getGridStateForAdjacentRecord(-1),
'title' => _t(__CLASS__ . '.PREVIOUS', 'Go to previous record'),
'aria-label' => _t(__CLASS__ . '.PREVIOUS', 'Go to previous record'),
'class' => 'btn btn-secondary font-icon-left-open action--previous discard-confirmation'
. ($previousIsDisabled ? ' disabled' : ''),
HTML::createTag($nextIsDisabled ? 'span' : 'a', [
'href' => $nextIsDisabled ? '#' : $this->getEditLinkForAdjacentRecord(+1),
'data-grid-state' => $nextIsDisabled ? $gridState : $this->getGridStateForAdjacentRecord(+1),
'title' => _t(__CLASS__ . '.NEXT', 'Go to next record'),
'aria-label' => _t(__CLASS__ . '.NEXT', 'Go to next record'),
'class' => 'btn btn-secondary font-icon-right-open action--next discard-confirmation'
. ($nextIsDisabled ? ' disabled' : ''),
if ($component && $component->getShowAdd() && $this->record->canCreate()) {
HTML::createTag('a', [
'href' => Controller::join_links($this->gridField->Link('item'), 'new'),
'data-grid-state' => $gridState,
'title' => _t(__CLASS__ . '.NEW', 'Add new record'),
'aria-label' => _t(__CLASS__ . '.NEW', 'Add new record'),
'class' => 'btn btn-primary font-icon-plus-thin btn--circular action--new discard-confirmation',
return $rightGroup;
* Build the set of form field actions for this DataObject
* @return FieldList
protected function getFormActions()
$manager = $this->getStateManager();
$actions = FieldList::create();
$majorActions = CompositeField::create()->setName('MajorActions');
$majorActions->setFieldHolderTemplate(get_class($majorActions) . '_holder_buttongroup');
if ($this->record->ID !== 0) { // existing record
if ($this->record->canEdit()) {
$noChangesClasses = 'btn-outline-primary font-icon-tick';
$majorActions->push(FormAction::create('doSave', _t('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridFieldDetailForm.Save', 'Save'))
->setAttribute('data-btn-alternate-add', 'btn-primary font-icon-save')
->setAttribute('data-btn-alternate-remove', $noChangesClasses)
->setAttribute('data-text-alternate', _t('SilverStripe\\CMS\\Controllers\\CMSMain.SAVEDRAFT', 'Save')));
if ($this->record->canDelete()) {
$actions->insertAfter('MajorActions', FormAction::create('doDelete', _t('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridFieldDetailForm.Delete', 'Delete'))
->addExtraClass('btn-outline-danger btn-hide-outline font-icon-trash-bin action--delete'));
$gridState = $this->gridField->getState(false);
$actions->push(HiddenField::create($manager->getStateKey($this->gridField), null, $gridState));
} else { // adding new record
//Change the Save label to 'Create'
$majorActions->push(FormAction::create('doSave', _t('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridFieldDetailForm.Create', 'Create'))
->addExtraClass('btn-primary font-icon-plus-thin'));
// Add a Cancel link which is a button-like link and link back to one level up.
$crumbs = $this->Breadcrumbs();
if ($crumbs && $crumbs->count() >= 2) {
$oneLevelUp = $crumbs->offsetGet($crumbs->count() - 2);
$text = sprintf(
"<a class=\"%s\" href=\"%s\">%s</a>",
"crumb btn btn-secondary cms-panel-link", // CSS classes
$oneLevelUp->Link, // url
_t('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridFieldDetailForm.CancelBtn', 'Cancel') // label
$actions->insertAfter('MajorActions', LiteralField::create('cancelbutton', $text));
$this->extend('updateFormActions', $actions);
return $actions;
* Traverse the nested RequestHandlers until we reach something that's not GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest.
* This allows us to access the Controller responsible for invoking the top-level GridField.
* This should be equivalent to getting the controller off the top of the controller stack via Controller::curr(),
* but allows us to avoid accessing the global state.
* GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequests are RequestHandlers, and as such they are not part of the controller stack.
* @return Controller
protected function getToplevelController()
$c = $this->popupController;
while ($c && $c instanceof GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest) {
$c = $c->getController();
return $c;
protected function getBackLink()
$backlink = '';
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
if ($toplevelController->hasMethod('Backlink')) {
$backlink = $toplevelController->Backlink();
} elseif ($this->popupController->hasMethod('Breadcrumbs')) {
$parents = $this->popupController->Breadcrumbs(false);
if ($parents && $parents = $parents->items) {
$backlink = array_pop($parents)->Link;
if (!$backlink) {
$backlink = $toplevelController->Link();
return $this->gridField->addAllStateToUrl($backlink);
* Get the list of extra data from the $record as saved into it by
* {@see Form::saveInto()}
* Handles detection of falsey values explicitly saved into the
* DataObject by formfields
* @param DataObject $record
* @param SS_List $list
* @return array List of data to write to the relation
protected function getExtraSavedData($record, $list)
// Skip extra data if not ManyManyList
if (!($list instanceof ManyManyList)) {
return null;
$data = [];
foreach ($list->getExtraFields() as $field => $dbSpec) {
$savedField = "ManyMany[{$field}]";
if ($record->hasField($savedField)) {
$data[$field] = $record->getField($savedField);
return $data;
public function doSave($data, $form)
$isNewRecord = $this->record->ID == 0;
// Check permission
if (!$this->record->canEdit()) {
$this->httpError(403, _t(
__CLASS__ . '.EditPermissionsFailure',
'It seems you don\'t have the necessary permissions to edit "{ObjectTitle}"',
['ObjectTitle' => $this->record->singular_name()]
return null;
// Save from form data
$this->saveFormIntoRecord($data, $form);
$link = '<a href="' . $this->Link('edit') . '">"'
. htmlspecialchars($this->record->Title ?? '', ENT_QUOTES)
. '"</a>';
$message = _t(
'Saved {name} {link}',
'name' => $this->record->i18n_singular_name(),
'link' => $link
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
$message = _t(
'Saved {type} "{title}" successfully.',
'type' => $this->record->i18n_singular_name(),
'title' => $this->record->Title
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$controller->getResponse()->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode($message));
// Redirect after save
return $this->redirectAfterSave($isNewRecord);
* Gets the edit link for a record
* @param int $id The ID of the record in the GridField
* @return string
public function getEditLink($id)
$link = Controller::join_links(
return $this->gridField->addAllStateToUrl($link);
* Return array of GridField items on current page plus
* first item on the next page and last item on the previous page
private function getGridFieldItemAdjacencies(): array
$list = $this->getGridField()->getManipulatedList();
$paginator = $this->getGridFieldPaginatorState();
if (!$paginator) {
return [];
$currentPage = $paginator->getData('currentPage');
$itemsPerPage = $paginator->getData('itemsPerPage');
$limit = $itemsPerPage + 2;
$limitOffset = max(0, $itemsPerPage * ($currentPage-1) -1);
return $list->limit($limit, $limitOffset)->column('ID');
* Get the current paginator state
private function getGridFieldPaginatorState(): ?GridState_Data
$state = $this->getGridField()->getState(false);
$gridStateStr = $this->getStateManager()->getStateFromRequest($this->gridField, $this->getRequest());
if (!empty($gridStateStr)) {
return $state->getData()->getData('GridFieldPaginator');
* Get the grid state for an adjacent record
private function getGridStateForAdjacentRecord(int $offset): GridState_Data
$gridField = $this->getGridField();
$map = $this->getGridFieldItemAdjacencies();
if (empty($map)) {
throw new LogicException('No adjacent records exist');
$state = clone $gridField->getState();
$index = array_search($this->record->ID, $map);
$position = $index + $offset;
$currentPage = $this->getGridFieldPaginatorState()->getData('currentPage');
$itemsPerPage = $this->getGridFieldPaginatorState()->getData('itemsPerPage');
$page = $currentPage;
$hasMorePages = $this->getNumPages($gridField) > $currentPage;
if ($position === 0 && $currentPage > 1) {
$page = $currentPage - 1;
} elseif ($hasMorePages && $position >= $itemsPerPage + 1) {
$page = $currentPage + 1;
$state->GridFieldPaginator->currentPage = (int)$page;
return $state;
* Get the edit link for an adjacent record
private function getEditLinkForAdjacentRecord(int $offset): string
$link = Controller::join_links(
$state = $this->getGridStateForAdjacentRecord($offset);
// Get a dummy gridfield so we can set some future state without affecting the current gridfield
$gridField = clone $this->gridField;
return $gridField->addAllStateToUrl($link);
* @param int $offset The offset from the current record
* @return int|bool
private function getAdjacentRecordID($offset)
$map = $this->getGridFieldItemAdjacencies();
if (empty($map)) {
return false;
$index = array_search($this->record->ID, $map ?? []);
$position = $index + $offset;
return isset($map[$position]) ? $map[$position] : false;
* Gets the number of GridField pages
private function getNumPages(GridField $gridField): int
return $gridField
?->toMap()['NumPages'] ?? 1;
* Gets the ID of the previous record in the list.
* @return int
public function getPreviousRecordID()
return $this->getAdjacentRecordID(-1);
* Gets the ID of the next record in the list.
* @return int
public function getNextRecordID()
return $this->getAdjacentRecordID(1);
* Response object for this request after a successful save
* @param bool $isNewRecord True if this record was just created
* @return HTTPResponse|DBHTMLText
protected function redirectAfterSave($isNewRecord)
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($isNewRecord) {
return $controller->redirect($this->Link());
} elseif ($this->gridField->getList()->byID($this->record->ID)) {
// Return new view, as we can't do a "virtual redirect" via the CMS Ajax
// to the same URL (it assumes that its content is already current, and doesn't reload)
$message = $controller->getResponse()->getHeader('X-Status') ?? rawurlencode(_t(__CLASS__ . '.SAVEDUP', 'Saved successfully') ?? '');
$controller->getResponse()->addHeader('X-Status', $message);
return $this->edit($controller->getRequest());
} else {
// We might be able to redirect to open the record in a different view
if ($redirectDest = $this->component->getLostRecordRedirection($this->gridField, $controller->getRequest(), $this->record->ID)) {
return $controller->redirect($redirectDest, 302);
// Changes to the record properties might've excluded the record from
// a filtered list, so return back to the main view if it can't be found
$url = $controller->getRequest()->getURL();
$noActionURL = $controller->removeAction($url);
$controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content');
return $controller->redirect($noActionURL, 302);
public function httpError($errorCode, $errorMessage = null)
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
return $controller->httpError($errorCode, $errorMessage);
* Loads the given form data into the underlying dataobject and relation
* @param array $data
* @param Form $form
* @throws ValidationException On error
* @return DataObject Saved record
protected function saveFormIntoRecord($data, $form)
$list = $this->gridField->getList();
// Check object matches the correct classname
if (isset($data['ClassName']) && $data['ClassName'] != $this->record->ClassName) {
$newClassName = $data['ClassName'];
// The records originally saved attribute was overwritten by $form->saveInto($record) before.
// This is necessary for newClassInstance() to work as expected, and trigger change detection
// on the ClassName attribute
// Replace $record with a new instance
$this->record = $this->record->newClassInstance($newClassName);
// Save form and any extra saved data into this dataobject.
// Set writeComponents = true to write has-one relations / join records
$this->extend('onAfterSave', $this->record);
$extraData = $this->getExtraSavedData($this->record, $list);
$list->add($this->record, $extraData);
return $this->record;
* @param array $data
* @param Form $form
* @return HTTPResponse
* @throws ValidationException
public function doDelete($data, $form)
if (!$this->record->canDelete()) {
throw new ValidationException(
_t('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridFieldDetailForm.DeletePermissionsFailure', "No delete permissions")
$message = _t(
'Deleted {type} "{name}"',
'type' => $this->record->i18n_singular_name(),
'name' => $this->record->Title
$toplevelController = $this->getToplevelController();
if ($toplevelController && $toplevelController instanceof LeftAndMain) {
$backForm = $toplevelController->getEditForm();
$backForm->sessionMessage($message, 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
} else {
$form->sessionMessage($message, 'good', ValidationResult::CAST_HTML);
//when an item is deleted, redirect to the parent controller
$controller = $this->getToplevelController();
$controller->getRequest()->addHeader('X-Pjax', 'Content'); // Force a content refresh
$controller->getResponse()->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode($message));
return $controller->redirect($this->getBackLink(), 302); //redirect back to admin section
* @param string $template
* @return $this
public function setTemplate($template)
$this->template = $template;
return $this;
* @return string
public function getTemplate()
return $this->template;
* Get list of templates to use
* @return array
public function getTemplates()
$templates = SSViewer::get_templates_by_class($this, '', __CLASS__);
// Prefer any custom template
if ($this->getTemplate()) {
array_unshift($templates, $this->getTemplate());
return $templates;
* @return Controller
public function getController()
return $this->popupController;
* @return GridField
public function getGridField()
return $this->gridField;
* @return DataObject
public function getRecord()
return $this->record;
* CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs
* to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).
* see {@link LeftAndMain->Breadcrumbs()} for details.
* @param boolean $unlinked
* @return ArrayList
public function Breadcrumbs($unlinked = false)
if (!$this->popupController->hasMethod('Breadcrumbs')) {
return null;
/** @var ArrayList $items */
$items = $this->popupController->Breadcrumbs($unlinked);
if (!$items) {
$items = ArrayList::create();
if ($this->record && $this->record->ID) {
$title = ($this->record->Title) ? $this->record->obj('Title') : "#{$this->record->ID}";
'Title' => $title,
'Link' => $this->Link()
} else {
'Title' => _t('SilverStripe\\Forms\\GridField\\GridField.NewRecord', 'New {type}', ['type' => $this->record->i18n_singular_name()]),
'Link' => false
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item->Link) {
$item->Link = $this->gridField->addAllStateToUrl($item->Link);
$this->extend('updateBreadcrumbs', $items);
return $items;