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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
API: Deprecate SS_Datetime. The DBField subclasses are have all been renamed to start with “DB” and be in the SilverStripe\Model\FieldType namespace. To keep DataObject definitions concise, the original short variations of their names are preserved as service definitions. Most of the field generation code doesn’t need to change, but where field classes are referenced directly, changes will be needed. SS_Datetime, which is commonly referenced outside the model system itself, has been preserved as a subclass of DBDatetime. This has been marked as deprecated and can be removed in SilverStripe 5. A few places that referred to $db and $casting values weren’t using the Injector to instantiate the relevant classes. This meant that the remapping we have created as part of moving classes into a namespace didn’t work.
343 lines
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343 lines
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use SilverStripe\Model\FieldType\DBField;
* Shows a categorized list of available permissions (through {@link Permission::get_codes()}).
* Permissions which are assigned to a given {@link Group} record
* (either directly, inherited from parent groups, or through a {@link PermissionRole})
* will be checked automatically. All checkboxes for "inherited" permissions will be readonly.
* The field can gets its assignment data either from {@link Group} or {@link PermissionRole} records.
* @package framework
* @subpackage security
class PermissionCheckboxSetField extends FormField {
* @var Array Filter certain permission codes from the output.
* Useful to simplify the interface
protected $hiddenPermissions = array();
* @var SS_List
protected $records = null;
* @var array Array Nested array in same notation as {@link CheckboxSetField}.
protected $source = null;
* @param String $name
* @param String $title
* @param String $managedClass
* @param String $filterField
* @param Group|SS_List $records One or more {@link Group} or {@link PermissionRole} records
* used to determine permission checkboxes.
* Caution: saveInto() can only be used with a single record, all inherited permissions will be marked readonly.
* Setting multiple groups only makes sense in a readonly context. (Optional)
public function __construct($name, $title, $managedClass, $filterField, $records = null) {
$this->filterField = $filterField;
$this->managedClass = $managedClass;
if($records instanceof SS_List) {
$this->records = $records;
} elseif($records instanceof Group) {
$this->records = new ArrayList(array($records));
} elseif($records) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'$record should be either a Group record, or a SS_List of Group records');
// Get all available codes in the system as a categorized nested array
$this->source = Permission::get_codes(true);
parent::__construct($name, $title);
* @param Array $codes
public function setHiddenPermissions($codes) {
$this->hiddenPermissions = $codes;
* @return Array
public function getHiddenPermissions() {
return $this->hiddenPermissions;
* @param array $properties
* @return HTMLText
public function Field($properties = array()) {
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/css/CheckboxSetField.css');
Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/dist/PermissionCheckboxSetField.js');
$uninheritedCodes = array();
$inheritedCodes = array();
$records = ($this->records) ? $this->records : new ArrayList();
// Get existing values from the form record (assuming the formfield name is a join field on the record)
if(is_object($this->form)) {
$record = $this->form->getRecord();
&& (is_a($record, 'Group') || is_a($record, 'PermissionRole'))
&& !$records->find('ID', $record->ID)
) {
// Get all 'inherited' codes not directly assigned to the group (which is stored in $values)
foreach($records as $record) {
// Get all uninherited permissions
$relationMethod = $this->name;
foreach($record->$relationMethod() as $permission) {
if(!isset($uninheritedCodes[$permission->Code])) $uninheritedCodes[$permission->Code] = array();
$uninheritedCodes[$permission->Code][] = _t(
'PermissionCheckboxSetField.AssignedTo', 'assigned to "{title}"',
array('title' => $record->dbObject('Title')->forTemplate())
// Special case for Group records (not PermissionRole):
// Determine inherited assignments
if(is_a($record, 'Group')) {
// Get all permissions from roles
if ($record->Roles()->Count()) {
foreach($record->Roles() as $role) {
foreach($role->Codes() as $code) {
if (!isset($inheritedCodes[$code->Code])) $inheritedCodes[$code->Code] = array();
$inheritedCodes[$code->Code][] = _t(
'inherited from role "{title}"',
'A permission inherited from a certain permission role',
array('title' => $role->dbObject('Title')->forTemplate())
// Get from parent groups
$parentGroups = $record->getAncestors();
if ($parentGroups) {
foreach ($parentGroups as $parent) {
if (!$parent->Roles()->Count()) continue;
foreach($parent->Roles() as $role) {
if ($role->Codes()) {
foreach($role->Codes() as $code) {
if (!isset($inheritedCodes[$code->Code])) $inheritedCodes[$code->Code] = array();
$inheritedCodes[$code->Code][] = _t(
'inherited from role "%s" on group "%s"',
'A permission inherited from a role on a certain group',
array('roletitle' => $role->dbObject('Title')->forTemplate(), 'grouptitle' => $parent->dbObject('Title')->forTemplate())
if ($parent->Permissions()->Count()) {
foreach($parent->Permissions() as $permission) {
if (!isset($inheritedCodes[$permission->Code])) {
$inheritedCodes[$permission->Code] = array();
$inheritedCodes[$permission->Code][] =
'inherited from group "{title}"',
'A permission inherited from a certain group',
array('title' => $parent->dbObject('Title')->forTemplate())
$odd = 0;
$options = '';
$globalHidden = (array)Config::inst()->get('Permission', 'hidden_permissions');
if($this->source) {
$privilegedPermissions = Permission::config()->privileged_permissions;
// loop through all available categorized permissions and see if they're assigned for the given groups
foreach($this->source as $categoryName => $permissions) {
$options .= "<li><h5>$categoryName</h5></li>";
foreach($permissions as $code => $permission) {
if(in_array($code, $this->hiddenPermissions)) continue;
if(in_array($code, $globalHidden)) continue;
$value = $permission['name'];
$odd = ($odd + 1) % 2;
$extraClass = $odd ? 'odd' : 'even';
$extraClass .= ' val' . str_replace(' ', '', $code);
$itemID = $this->id() . '_' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '', $code);
$checked = $disabled = $inheritMessage = '';
$checked = (isset($uninheritedCodes[$code]) || isset($inheritedCodes[$code]))
? ' checked="checked"'
: '';
$title = $permission['help']
? 'title="' . htmlentities($permission['help'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" '
: '';
if (isset($inheritedCodes[$code])) {
// disable inherited codes, as any saving logic would be too complicate to express in this
// interface
$disabled = ' disabled="true"';
$inheritMessage = ' (' . join(', ', $inheritedCodes[$code]) . ')';
} elseif($this->records && $this->records->Count() > 1 && isset($uninheritedCodes[$code])) {
// If code assignments are collected from more than one "source group",
// show its origin automatically
$inheritMessage = ' (' . join(', ', $uninheritedCodes[$code]).')';
// Disallow modification of "privileged" permissions unless currently logged-in user is an admin
if(!Permission::check('ADMIN') && in_array($code, $privilegedPermissions)) {
$disabled = ' disabled="true"';
// If the field is readonly, always mark as "disabled"
if($this->readonly) $disabled = ' disabled="true"';
$inheritMessage = '<small>' . $inheritMessage . '</small>';
$icon = ($checked) ? 'accept' : 'decline';
// If the field is readonly, add a span that will replace the disabled checkbox input
if($this->readonly) {
$options .= "<li class=\"$extraClass\">"
. "<input id=\"$itemID\"$disabled name=\"$this->name[$code]\" type=\"checkbox\""
. " value=\"$code\"$checked class=\"checkbox\" />"
. "<label {$title}for=\"$itemID\">"
. "<span class=\"ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon btn-icon-$icon\"></span>"
. "$value$inheritMessage</label>"
. "</li>\n";
} else {
$options .= "<li class=\"$extraClass\">"
. "<input id=\"$itemID\"$disabled name=\"$this->name[$code]\" type=\"checkbox\""
. " value=\"$code\"$checked class=\"checkbox\" />"
. "<label {$title}for=\"$itemID\">$value$inheritMessage</label>"
. "</li>\n";
if($this->readonly) {
return DBField::create_field('HTMLText',
"<ul id=\"{$this->id()}\" class=\"optionset checkboxsetfield{$this->extraClass()}\">\n" .
"<li class=\"help\">" .
'Assigning groups to this user will adjust the permissions they have.'
. ' See the groups section for details of permissions on individual groups.'
) .
"</li>" .
$options .
} else {
return DBField::create_field('HTMLText',
"<ul id=\"{$this->id()}\" class=\"optionset checkboxsetfield{$this->extraClass()}\">\n" .
$options .
* Update the permission set associated with $record DataObject
* @param DataObject $record
public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record) {
$fieldname = $this->name;
$managedClass = $this->managedClass;
// Remove all "privileged" permissions if the currently logged-in user is not an admin
$privilegedPermissions = Permission::config()->privileged_permissions;
if(!Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
foreach($this->value as $id => $bool) {
if(in_array($id, $privilegedPermissions)) {
// remove all permissions and re-add them afterwards
$permissions = $record->$fieldname();
foreach ( $permissions as $permission ) {
if($fieldname && $record && ($record->hasManyComponent($fieldname) || $record->manyManyComponent($fieldname))) {
if(!$record->ID) $record->write(); // We need a record ID to write permissions
$idList = array();
if($this->value) foreach($this->value as $id => $bool) {
if($bool) {
$perm = new $managedClass();
$perm->{$this->filterField} = $record->ID;
$perm->Code = $id;
* @return PermissionCheckboxSetField_Readonly
public function performReadonlyTransformation() {
$readonly = new PermissionCheckboxSetField_Readonly(
return $readonly;
* Retrieves all permission codes for the currently set records
* @return array
public function getAssignedPermissionCodes() {
if(!$this->records) return false;
return $codes;
* Readonly version of a {@link PermissionCheckboxSetField} -
* uses the same structure, but has all checkboxes disabled.
* @package framework
* @subpackage security
class PermissionCheckboxSetField_Readonly extends PermissionCheckboxSetField {
protected $readonly = true;
public function saveInto(DataObjectInterface $record) {
return false;