Stig Lindqvist 333a2aa8f9 BUG: CMS tree filters doesn't count the correct number of children for deleted pages
This is a bug that combines Hierarchy, Versioned and LeftAndMain admins and CMSSiteTreeFilters.

This bug can be reproduced by having a large site tree with enough deleted pages in it so it doesn't
pre load all the children pages when initially opening an admin. Filter by either 'All pages including deleted'
or 'Deleted pages'. For CMS users it will look like deleted pages are gone.

The solution involves a couple of smaller fixes in both CMS and framework modules.

1) Ensure that 'numHistoricalChildren' are used instead of 'numChildren' when dealing with deleted pages
2) LeftAndMain::currentPage() deletes all the 'marking' cache previously built up by Hierarchy::markPartialTree()
3) Use Versioned::get_included_deleted() instead of raw DB queries against the DataObject tables when calculating parents in CMSSiteTreeFilter
2014-07-25 16:19:30 +12:00

1954 lines
60 KiB

* LeftAndMain is the parent class of all the two-pane views in the CMS.
* If you are wanting to add more areas to the CMS, you can do it by subclassing LeftAndMain.
* This is essentially an abstract class which should be subclassed.
* See {@link CMSMain} for a good example.
* @package framework
* @subpackage admin
class LeftAndMain extends Controller implements PermissionProvider {
* The 'base' url for CMS administration areas.
* Note that if this is changed, many javascript
* behaviours need to be updated with the correct url
* @config
* @var string $url_base
private static $url_base = "admin";
* The current url segment attached to the LeftAndMain instance
* @config
* @var string
private static $url_segment;
* @config
* @var string
private static $url_rule = '/$Action/$ID/$OtherID';
* @config
* @var string
private static $menu_title;
* @config
* @var string
private static $menu_icon;
* @config
* @var int
private static $menu_priority = 0;
* @config
* @var int
private static $url_priority = 50;
* A subclass of {@link DataObject}.
* Determines what is managed in this interface, through
* {@link getEditForm()} and other logic.
* @config
* @var string
private static $tree_class = null;
* The url used for the link in the Help tab in the backend
* @config
* @var string
private static $help_link = '';
* @var array
private static $allowed_actions = array(
* @config
* @var Array Codes which are required from the current user to view this controller.
* If multiple codes are provided, all of them are required.
* All CMS controllers require "CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain" as a baseline check,
* and fall back to "CMS_ACCESS_<class>" if no permissions are defined here.
* See {@link canView()} for more details on permission checks.
private static $required_permission_codes;
* @config
* @var String Namespace for session info, e.g. current record.
* Defaults to the current class name, but can be amended to share a namespace in case
* controllers are logically bundled together, and mainly separated
* to achieve more flexible templating.
private static $session_namespace;
* Register additional requirements through the {@link Requirements} class.
* Used mainly to work around the missing "lazy loading" functionality
* for getting css/javascript required after an ajax-call (e.g. loading the editform).
* YAML configuration example:
* <code>
* LeftAndMain:
* extra_requirements_javascript:
* mysite/javascript/myscript.js:
* </code>
* @config
* @var array
private static $extra_requirements_javascript = array();
* YAML configuration example:
* <code>
* LeftAndMain:
* extra_requirements_css:
* mysite/css/mystyle.css:
* media: screen
* </code>
* @config
* @var array See {@link extra_requirements_javascript}
private static $extra_requirements_css = array();
* @config
* @var array See {@link extra_requirements_javascript}
private static $extra_requirements_themedCss = array();
* If true, call a keepalive ping every 5 minutes from the CMS interface,
* to ensure that the session never dies.
* @config
* @var boolean
private static $session_keepalive_ping = true;
* @var PjaxResponseNegotiator
protected $responseNegotiator;
* @param Member $member
* @return boolean
public function canView($member = null) {
if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) $member = Member::currentUser();
// cms menus only for logged-in members
if(!$member) return false;
// alternative extended checks
if($this->hasMethod('alternateAccessCheck')) {
$alternateAllowed = $this->alternateAccessCheck();
if($alternateAllowed === FALSE) return false;
// Check for "CMS admin" permission
if(Permission::checkMember($member, "CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain")) return true;
// Check for LeftAndMain sub-class permissions
$codes = array();
$extraCodes = $this->stat('required_permission_codes');
if($extraCodes !== false) { // allow explicit FALSE to disable subclass check
if($extraCodes) $codes = array_merge($codes, (array)$extraCodes);
else $codes[] = "CMS_ACCESS_$this->class";
foreach($codes as $code) if(!Permission::checkMember($member, $code)) return false;
return true;
* @uses LeftAndMainExtension->init()
* @uses LeftAndMainExtension->accessedCMS()
* @uses CMSMenu
public function init() {
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'rewrite_hash_links', false);
Config::inst()->update('ContentNegotiator', 'enabled', false);
// set language
$member = Member::currentUser();
if(!empty($member->Locale)) i18n::set_locale($member->Locale);
if(!empty($member->DateFormat)) i18n::config()->date_format = $member->DateFormat;
if(!empty($member->TimeFormat)) i18n::config()->time_format = $member->TimeFormat;
// can't be done in cms/_config.php as locale is not set yet
_t('LeftAndMain.HELP', 'Help', 'Menu title'),
'target' => '_blank'
// Allow customisation of the access check by a extension
// Also all the canView() check to execute Controller::redirect()
if(!$this->canView() && !$this->response->isFinished()) {
// When access /admin/, we should try a redirect to another part of the admin rather than be locked out
$menu = $this->MainMenu();
foreach($menu as $candidate) {
$candidate->Link &&
$candidate->Link != $this->Link()
&& $candidate->MenuItem->controller
&& singleton($candidate->MenuItem->controller)->canView()
) {
return $this->redirect($candidate->Link);
if(Member::currentUser()) {
Session::set("BackURL", null);
// if no alternate menu items have matched, return a permission error
$messageSet = array(
'default' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMDEFAULT',
"Please choose an authentication method and enter your credentials to access the CMS."),
'alreadyLoggedIn' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMALREADY',
"I'm sorry, but you can't access that part of the CMS. If you want to log in as someone else, do"
. " so below"),
'logInAgain' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMAGAIN',
"You have been logged out of the CMS. If you would like to log in again, enter a username and"
. " password below."),
return Security::permissionFailure($this, $messageSet);
// Don't continue if there's already been a redirection request.
if($this->redirectedTo()) return;
// Audit logging hook
if(empty($_REQUEST['executeForm']) && !$this->request->isAjax()) $this->extend('accessedCMS');
// Set the members html editor config
if(Member::currentUser()) {
// Set default values in the config if missing. These things can't be defined in the config
// file because insufficient information exists when that is being processed
$htmlEditorConfig = HtmlEditorConfig::get_active();
$htmlEditorConfig->setOption('language', i18n::get_tinymce_lang());
if(!$htmlEditorConfig->getOption('content_css')) {
$cssFiles = array();
$cssFiles[] = FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/editor.css';
// Use theme from the site config
if(class_exists('SiteConfig') && ($config = SiteConfig::current_site_config()) && $config->Theme) {
$theme = $config->Theme;
} elseif(Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme_enabled') && Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme')) {
$theme = Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme');
} else {
$theme = false;
if($theme) $cssFiles[] = THEMES_DIR . "/{$theme}/css/editor.css";
else if(project()) $cssFiles[] = project() . '/css/editor.css';
// Remove files that don't exist
foreach($cssFiles as $k => $cssFile) {
if(!file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/' . $cssFile)) unset($cssFiles[$k]);
$htmlEditorConfig->setOption('content_css', implode(',', $cssFiles));
// Using uncompressed files as they'll be processed by JSMin in the Requirements class.
// Not as effective as other compressors or pre-compressed+finetuned files,
// but overall the unified minification into a single file brings more performance benefits
// than a couple of saved bytes (after gzip) in individual files.
// We also re-compress already compressed files through JSMin as this causes weird runtime bugs.
THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery/jquery.js',
FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/jquery-ondemand/jquery.ondemand.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/lib.js',
THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js',
THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/json-js/json2.js',
THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/dist/jquery.entwine-dist.js',
THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookie.js',
THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-query/jquery.query.js',
THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-form/jquery.form.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-notice/jquery.notice.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jsizes/lib/jquery.sizes.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jlayout/lib/jlayout.border.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jlayout/lib/jquery.jlayout.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.adapter.jquery.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/history-js/scripts/uncompressed/history.html4.js',
THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jstree/jquery.jstree.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/chosen/chosen/chosen.jquery.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-hoverIntent/jquery.hoverIntent.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/jquery-changetracker/lib/jquery.changetracker.js',
FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/i18n.js',
FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/TreeDropdownField.js',
FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/DateField.js',
FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/HtmlEditorField.js',
FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/TabSet.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/ssui.core.js',
FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/GridField.js',
if (Director::isDev()) Requirements::javascript(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/leaktools.js');
$leftAndMainIncludes = array_unique(array_merge(
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Layout.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.ActionTabSet.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Panel.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Tree.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Content.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.EditForm.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Menu.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Preview.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.BatchActions.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.FieldHelp.js',
FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.TreeDropdownField.js',
Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/lang', true, true),
Requirements::add_i18n_javascript(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/lang', true, true)
if($this->config()->session_keepalive_ping) {
$leftAndMainIncludes[] = FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/javascript/LeftAndMain.Ping.js';
Requirements::combine_files('leftandmain.js', $leftAndMainIncludes);
// TODO Confuses jQuery.ondemand through document.write()
if (Director::isDev()) {
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/src/jquery.entwine.inspector.js');
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/thirdparty/jquery-notice/jquery.notice.css');
Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css');
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR .'/thirdparty/chosen/chosen/chosen.css');
Requirements::css(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jstree/themes/apple/style.css');
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/css/TreeDropdownField.css');
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/screen.css');
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/css/GridField.css');
// Browser-specific requirements
$ie = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') : false;
if($ie) {
$version = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $ie + 5, 3);
if($version == 7) {
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/ie7.css');
} else if($version == 8) {
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/ie8.css');
// Custom requirements
$extraJs = $this->stat('extra_requirements_javascript');
if($extraJs) {
foreach($extraJs as $file => $config) {
if(is_numeric($file)) {
$file = $config;
$extraCss = $this->stat('extra_requirements_css');
if($extraCss) {
foreach($extraCss as $file => $config) {
if(is_numeric($file)) {
$file = $config;
$config = array();
Requirements::css($file, isset($config['media']) ? $config['media'] : null);
$extraThemedCss = $this->stat('extra_requirements_themedCss');
if($extraThemedCss) {
foreach ($extraThemedCss as $file => $config) {
if(is_numeric($file)) {
$file = $config;
$config = array();
Requirements::themedCSS($file, isset($config['media']) ? $config['media'] : null);
$dummy = null;
$this->extend('init', $dummy);
// The user's theme shouldn't affect the CMS, if, for example, they have
// replaced or
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme_enabled', false);
public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model = null) {
try {
$response = parent::handleRequest($request, $model);
} catch(ValidationException $e) {
// Nicer presentation of model-level validation errors
$msgs = _t('LeftAndMain.ValidationError', 'Validation error') . ': '
. $e->getMessage();
$e = new SS_HTTPResponse_Exception($msgs, 403);
$e->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
$e->getResponse()->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode($msgs));
throw $e;
$title = $this->Title();
if(!$response->getHeader('X-Controller')) $response->addHeader('X-Controller', $this->class);
if(!$response->getHeader('X-Title')) $response->addHeader('X-Title', urlencode($title));
// Prevent clickjacking, see
$this->response->addHeader('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN');
return $response;
* Overloaded redirection logic to trigger a fake redirect on ajax requests.
* While this violates HTTP principles, its the only way to work around the
* fact that browsers handle HTTP redirects opaquely, no intervention via JS is possible.
* In isolation, that's not a problem - but combined with history.pushState()
* it means we would request the same redirection URL twice if we want to update the URL as well.
* See LeftAndMain.js for the required jQuery ajaxComplete handlers.
public function redirect($url, $code=302) {
if($this->request->isAjax()) {
$this->response->addHeader('X-ControllerURL', $url);
if($this->request->getHeader('X-Pjax') && !$this->response->getHeader('X-Pjax')) {
$this->response->addHeader('X-Pjax', $this->request->getHeader('X-Pjax'));
$oldResponse = $this->response;
$newResponse = new LeftAndMain_HTTPResponse(
foreach($oldResponse->getHeaders() as $k => $v) {
$newResponse->addHeader($k, $v);
$this->response = $newResponse;
return ''; // Actual response will be re-requested by client
} else {
parent::redirect($url, $code);
public function index($request) {
return $this->getResponseNegotiator()->respond($request);
* If this is set to true, the "switchView" context in the
* template is shown, with links to the staging and publish site.
* @return boolean
public function ShowSwitchView() {
return false;
// Main controllers
* You should implement a Link() function in your subclass of LeftAndMain,
* to point to the URL of that particular controller.
* @return string
public function Link($action = null) {
// Handle missing url_segments
if($this->config()->url_segment) {
$segment = $this->config()->get('url_segment', Config::FIRST_SET);
} else {
$segment = $this->class;
$link = Controller::join_links(
$this->stat('url_base', true),
'/', // trailing slash needed if $action is null!
$this->extend('updateLink', $link);
return $link;
* Returns the menu title for the given LeftAndMain subclass.
* Implemented static so that we can get this value without instantiating an object.
* Menu title is *not* internationalised.
public static function menu_title_for_class($class) {
$title = Config::inst()->get($class, 'menu_title', Config::FIRST_SET);
if(!$title) $title = preg_replace('/Admin$/', '', $class);
return $title;
* Return styling for the menu icon, if a custom icon is set for this class
* Example: static $menu-icon = '/path/to/image/';
* @param type $class
* @return string
public static function menu_icon_for_class($class) {
$icon = Config::inst()->get($class, 'menu_icon', Config::FIRST_SET);
if (!empty($icon)) {
$class = strtolower($class);
return ".icon.icon-16.icon-{$class} { background: url('{$icon}'); } ";
return '';
public function show($request) {
// TODO Necessary for TableListField URLs to work properly
if($request->param('ID')) $this->setCurrentPageID($request->param('ID'));
return $this->getResponseNegotiator()->respond($request);
* Caution: Volatile API.
* @return PjaxResponseNegotiator
public function getResponseNegotiator() {
if(!$this->responseNegotiator) {
$controller = $this;
$this->responseNegotiator = new PjaxResponseNegotiator(
'CurrentForm' => function() use(&$controller) {
return $controller->getEditForm()->forTemplate();
'Content' => function() use(&$controller) {
return $controller->renderWith($controller->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Content'));
'Breadcrumbs' => function() use (&$controller) {
return $controller->renderWith('CMSBreadcrumbs');
'default' => function() use(&$controller) {
return $controller->renderWith($controller->getViewer('show'));
return $this->responseNegotiator;
// Main UI components
* Returns the main menu of the CMS. This is also used by init()
* to work out which sections the user has access to.
* @param Boolean
* @return SS_List
public function MainMenu($cached = true) {
if(!isset($this->_cache_MainMenu) || !$cached) {
// Don't accidentally return a menu if you're not logged in - it's used to determine access.
if(!Member::currentUser()) return new ArrayList();
// Encode into DO set
$menu = new ArrayList();
$menuItems = CMSMenu::get_viewable_menu_items();
// extra styling for custom menu-icons
$menuIconStyling = '';
if($menuItems) {
foreach($menuItems as $code => $menuItem) {
// alternate permission checks (in addition to LeftAndMain->canView())
&& $this->hasMethod('alternateMenuDisplayCheck')
&& !$this->alternateMenuDisplayCheck($menuItem->controller)
) {
$linkingmode = "link";
if($menuItem->controller && get_class($this) == $menuItem->controller) {
$linkingmode = "current";
} else if(strpos($this->Link(), $menuItem->url) !== false) {
if($this->Link() == $menuItem->url) {
$linkingmode = "current";
// default menu is the one with a blank {@link url_segment}
} else if(singleton($menuItem->controller)->stat('url_segment') == '') {
if($this->Link() == $this->stat('url_base').'/') {
$linkingmode = "current";
} else {
$linkingmode = "current";
// already set in CMSMenu::populate_menu(), but from a static pre-controller
// context, so doesn't respect the current user locale in _t() calls - as a workaround,
// we simply call LeftAndMain::menu_title_for_class() again
// if we're dealing with a controller
if($menuItem->controller) {
$defaultTitle = LeftAndMain::menu_title_for_class($menuItem->controller);
$title = _t("{$menuItem->controller}.MENUTITLE", $defaultTitle);
} else {
$title = $menuItem->title;
// Provide styling for custom $menu-icon. Done here instead of in
// CMSMenu::populate_menu(), because the icon is part of
// the CMS right pane for the specified class as well...
if($menuItem->controller) {
$menuIcon = LeftAndMain::menu_icon_for_class($menuItem->controller);
if (!empty($menuIcon)) $menuIconStyling .= $menuIcon;
$menu->push(new ArrayData(array(
"MenuItem" => $menuItem,
"AttributesHTML" => $menuItem->getAttributesHTML(),
"Title" => Convert::raw2xml($title),
"Code" => DBField::create_field('Text', $code),
"Link" => $menuItem->url,
"LinkingMode" => $linkingmode
if ($menuIconStyling) Requirements::customCSS($menuIconStyling);
$this->_cache_MainMenu = $menu;
return $this->_cache_MainMenu;
public function Menu() {
return $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Menu'));
* @todo Wrap in CMSMenu instance accessor
* @return ArrayData A single menu entry (see {@link MainMenu})
public function MenuCurrentItem() {
$items = $this->MainMenu();
return $items->find('LinkingMode', 'current');
* Return a list of appropriate templates for this class, with the given suffix using
* {@link SSViewer::get_templates_by_class()}
* @return array
public function getTemplatesWithSuffix($suffix) {
return SSViewer::get_templates_by_class(get_class($this), $suffix, 'LeftAndMain');
public function Content() {
return $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Content'));
public function getRecord($id) {
$className = $this->stat('tree_class');
if($className && $id instanceof $className) {
return $id;
} else if($className && $id == 'root') {
return singleton($className);
} else if($className && is_numeric($id)) {
return DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id);
} else {
return false;
* @return ArrayList
public function Breadcrumbs($unlinked = false) {
$defaultTitle = LeftAndMain::menu_title_for_class($this->class);
$title = _t("{$this->class}.MENUTITLE", $defaultTitle);
$items = new ArrayList(array(
new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => $title,
'Link' => ($unlinked) ? false : $this->Link()
$record = $this->currentPage();
if($record && $record->exists()) {
if($record->hasExtension('Hierarchy')) {
$ancestors = $record->getAncestors();
$ancestors = new ArrayList(array_reverse($ancestors->toArray()));
foreach($ancestors as $ancestor) {
$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => ($ancestor->MenuTitle) ? $ancestor->MenuTitle : $ancestor->Title,
'Link' => ($unlinked) ? false : Controller::join_links($this->Link('show'), $ancestor->ID)
} else {
$items->push(new ArrayData(array(
'Title' => ($record->MenuTitle) ? $record->MenuTitle : $record->Title,
'Link' => ($unlinked) ? false : Controller::join_links($this->Link('show'), $record->ID)
return $items;
* @return String HTML
public function SiteTreeAsUL() {
$html = $this->getSiteTreeFor($this->stat('tree_class'));
$this->extend('updateSiteTreeAsUL', $html);
return $html;
* Get a site tree HTML listing which displays the nodes under the given criteria.
* @param $className The class of the root object
* @param $rootID The ID of the root object. If this is null then a complete tree will be
* shown
* @param $childrenMethod The method to call to get the children of the tree. For example,
* Children, AllChildrenIncludingDeleted, or AllHistoricalChildren
* @return String Nested unordered list with links to each page
public function getSiteTreeFor($className, $rootID = null, $childrenMethod = null, $numChildrenMethod = null,
$filterFunction = null, $nodeCountThreshold = 30) {
// Filter criteria
$params = $this->request->getVar('q');
if(isset($params['FilterClass']) && $filterClass = $params['FilterClass']){
if(!is_subclass_of($filterClass, 'CMSSiteTreeFilter')) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid filter class passed: %s', $filterClass));
$filter = new $filterClass($params);
} else {
$filter = null;
// Default childrenMethod and numChildrenMethod
if(!$childrenMethod) $childrenMethod = ($filter && $filter->getChildrenMethod())
? $filter->getChildrenMethod()
: 'AllChildrenIncludingDeleted';
if(!$numChildrenMethod) {
$numChildrenMethod = 'numChildren';
if($filter && $filter->getNumChildrenMethod()) {
$numChildrenMethod = $filter->getNumChildrenMethod();
if(!$filterFunction) $filterFunction = ($filter) ? array($filter, 'isPageIncluded') : null;
// Get the tree root
$record = ($rootID) ? $this->getRecord($rootID) : null;
$obj = $record ? $record : singleton($className);
// Mark the nodes of the tree to return
if ($filterFunction) $obj->setMarkingFilterFunction($filterFunction);
$obj->markPartialTree($nodeCountThreshold, $this, $childrenMethod, $numChildrenMethod);
// Ensure current page is exposed
// This call flushes the Hierarchy::$marked cache when the current node is deleted
// @see CMSMain::getRecord()
// This will make it impossible to show children under a deleted parent page
// if($p = $this->currentPage()) $obj->markToExpose($p);
// NOTE: SiteTree/CMSMain coupling :-(
if(class_exists('SiteTree')) {
SiteTree::prepopulate_permission_cache('CanEditType', $obj->markedNodeIDs(),
// getChildrenAsUL is a flexible and complex way of traversing the tree
$controller = $this;
$recordController = ($this->stat('tree_class') == 'SiteTree') ? singleton('CMSPageEditController') : $this;
$titleFn = function(&$child, $numChildrenMethod) use(&$controller, &$recordController) {
$link = Controller::join_links($recordController->Link("show"), $child->ID);
$node = LeftAndMain_TreeNode::create($child, $link, $controller->isCurrentPage($child), $numChildrenMethod);
return $node->forTemplate();
// Limit the amount of nodes shown for performance reasons.
// Skip the check if we're filtering the tree, since its not clear how many children will
// match the filter criteria until they're queried (and matched up with previously marked nodes).
$nodeThresholdLeaf = Config::inst()->get('Hierarchy', 'node_threshold_leaf');
if($nodeThresholdLeaf && !$filterFunction) {
$nodeCountCallback = function($parent, $numChildren) use(&$controller, $className, $nodeThresholdLeaf) {
if($className == 'SiteTree' && $parent->ID && $numChildren > $nodeThresholdLeaf) {
return sprintf(
'<ul><li class="readonly"><span class="item">'
. '%s (<a href="%s" class="cms-panel-link" data-pjax-target="Content">%s</a>)'
. '</span></li></ul>',
_t('LeftAndMain.TooManyPages', 'Too many pages'),
$controller->LinkWithSearch($controller->Link()), '
?view=list&ParentID=' . $parent->ID
'show as list',
'Show large amount of pages in list instead of tree view'
} else {
$nodeCountCallback = null;
// If the amount of pages exceeds the node thresholds set, use the callback
$html = null;
if($obj->ParentID && $nodeCountCallback) {
$html = $nodeCountCallback($obj, $obj->$numChildrenMethod());
// Otherwise return the actual tree (which might still filter leaf thresholds on children)
if(!$html) {
$html = $obj->getChildrenAsUL(
// Wrap the root if needs be.
if(!$rootID) {
$rootLink = $this->Link('show') . '/root';
// This lets us override the tree title with an extension
if($this->hasMethod('getCMSTreeTitle') && $customTreeTitle = $this->getCMSTreeTitle()) {
$treeTitle = $customTreeTitle;
} elseif(class_exists('SiteConfig')) {
$siteConfig = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
$treeTitle = Convert::raw2xml($siteConfig->Title);
} else {
$treeTitle = '...';
$html = "<ul><li id=\"record-0\" data-id=\"0\" class=\"Root nodelete\"><strong>$treeTitle</strong>"
. $html . "</li></ul>";
return $html;
* Get a subtree underneath the request param 'ID'.
* If ID = 0, then get the whole tree.
public function getsubtree($request) {
$html = $this->getSiteTreeFor(
// Trim off the outer tag
$html = preg_replace('/^[\s\t\r\n]*<ul[^>]*>/','', $html);
$html = preg_replace('/<\/ul[^>]*>[\s\t\r\n]*$/','', $html);
return $html;
* Allows requesting a view update on specific tree nodes.
* Similar to {@link getsubtree()}, but doesn't enforce loading
* all children with the node. Useful to refresh views after
* state modifications, e.g. saving a form.
* @return String JSON
public function updatetreenodes($request) {
$data = array();
$ids = explode(',', $request->getVar('ids'));
foreach($ids as $id) {
if($id === "") continue; // $id may be a blank string, which is invalid and should be skipped over
$record = $this->getRecord($id);
$recordController = ($this->stat('tree_class') == 'SiteTree')
? singleton('CMSPageEditController')
: $this;
// Find the next & previous nodes, for proper positioning (Sort isn't good enough - it's not a raw offset)
// TODO: These methods should really be in hierarchy - for a start it assumes Sort exists
$next = $prev = null;
$className = $this->stat('tree_class');
$next = DataObject::get($className)
->filter('ParentID', $record->ParentID)
->filter('Sort:GreaterThan', $record->Sort)
if (!$next) {
$prev = DataObject::get($className)
->filter('ParentID', $record->ParentID)
->filter('Sort:LessThan', $record->Sort)
$link = Controller::join_links($recordController->Link("show"), $record->ID);
$html = LeftAndMain_TreeNode::create($record, $link, $this->isCurrentPage($record))
->forTemplate() . '</li>';
$data[$id] = array(
'html' => $html,
'ParentID' => $record->ParentID,
'NextID' => $next ? $next->ID : null,
'PrevID' => $prev ? $prev->ID : null
$this->response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/json');
return Convert::raw2json($data);
* Save handler
public function save($data, $form) {
$className = $this->stat('tree_class');
// Existing or new record?
$SQL_id = Convert::raw2sql($data['ID']);
if(substr($SQL_id,0,3) != 'new') {
$record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $SQL_id);
if($record && !$record->canEdit()) return Security::permissionFailure($this);
if(!$record || !$record->ID) $this->httpError(404, "Bad record ID #" . (int)$data['ID']);
} else {
if(!singleton($this->stat('tree_class'))->canCreate()) return Security::permissionFailure($this);
$record = $this->getNewItem($SQL_id, false);
// save form data into record
$form->saveInto($record, true);
$this->extend('onAfterSave', $record);
$this->response->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode(_t('LeftAndMain.SAVEDUP', 'Saved.')));
return $this->getResponseNegotiator()->respond($this->request);
public function delete($data, $form) {
$className = $this->stat('tree_class');
$record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, Convert::raw2sql($data['ID']));
if($record && !$record->canDelete()) return Security::permissionFailure();
if(!$record || !$record->ID) $this->httpError(404, "Bad record ID #" . (int)$data['ID']);
$this->response->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode(_t('LeftAndMain.DELETED', 'Deleted.')));
return $this->getResponseNegotiator()->respond(
array('currentform' => array($this, 'EmptyForm'))
* Update the position and parent of a tree node.
* Only saves the node if changes were made.
* Required data:
* - 'ID': The moved node
* - 'ParentID': New parent relation of the moved node (0 for root)
* - 'SiblingIDs': Array of all sibling nodes to the moved node (incl. the node itself).
* In case of a 'ParentID' change, relates to the new siblings under the new parent.
* @return SS_HTTPResponse JSON string with a
public function savetreenode($request) {
if (!Permission::check('SITETREE_REORGANISE') && !Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
"You do not have permission to rearange the site tree. Your change was not saved.")
$className = $this->stat('tree_class');
$statusUpdates = array('modified'=>array());
$id = $request->requestVar('ID');
$parentID = $request->requestVar('ParentID');
if($className == 'SiteTree' && $page = DataObject::get_by_id('Page', $id)){
$root = $page->getParentType();
if(($parentID == '0' || $root == 'root') && !SiteConfig::current_site_config()->canCreateTopLevel()){
"You do not have permission to alter Top level pages. Your change was not saved.")
$siblingIDs = $request->requestVar('SiblingIDs');
$statusUpdates = array('modified'=>array());
if(!is_numeric($id) || !is_numeric($parentID)) throw new InvalidArgumentException();
$node = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id);
if($node && !$node->canEdit()) return Security::permissionFailure($this);
if(!$node) {
"Please Save Page: This page could not be upated because it hasn't been saved yet."
// Update hierarchy (only if ParentID changed)
if($node->ParentID != $parentID) {
$node->ParentID = (int)$parentID;
$statusUpdates['modified'][$node->ID] = array(
// Update all dependent pages
if(class_exists('VirtualPage')) {
if($virtualPages = DataObject::get("VirtualPage", "\"CopyContentFromID\" = $node->ID")) {
foreach($virtualPages as $virtualPage) {
$statusUpdates['modified'][$virtualPage->ID] = array(
'TreeTitle' => $virtualPage->TreeTitle()
rawurlencode(_t('LeftAndMain.REORGANISATIONSUCCESSFUL', 'Reorganised the site tree successfully.')));
// Update sorting
if(is_array($siblingIDs)) {
$counter = 0;
foreach($siblingIDs as $id) {
if($id == $node->ID) {
$node->Sort = ++$counter;
$statusUpdates['modified'][$node->ID] = array(
'TreeTitle' => $node->TreeTitle
} else if(is_numeric($id)) {
// Nodes that weren't "actually moved" shouldn't be registered as
// having been edited; do a direct SQL update instead
DB::query(sprintf("UPDATE \"%s\" SET \"Sort\" = %d WHERE \"ID\" = '%d'",
$className, $counter, $id));
rawurlencode(_t('LeftAndMain.REORGANISATIONSUCCESSFUL', 'Reorganised the site tree successfully.')));
return Convert::raw2json($statusUpdates);
public function CanOrganiseSitetree() {
return !Permission::check('SITETREE_REORGANISE') && !Permission::check('ADMIN') ? false : true;
* Retrieves an edit form, either for display, or to process submitted data.
* Also used in the template rendered through {@link Right()} in the $EditForm placeholder.
* This is a "pseudo-abstract" methoed, usually connected to a {@link getEditForm()}
* method in an entwine subclass. This method can accept a record identifier,
* selected either in custom logic, or through {@link currentPageID()}.
* The form usually construct itself from {@link DataObject->getCMSFields()}
* for the specific managed subclass defined in {@link LeftAndMain::$tree_class}.
* @param HTTPRequest $request Optionally contains an identifier for the
* record to load into the form.
* @return Form Should return a form regardless wether a record has been found.
* Form might be readonly if the current user doesn't have the permission to edit
* the record.
* @return Form
public function EditForm($request = null) {
return $this->getEditForm();
* Calls {@link SiteTree->getCMSFields()}
* @param Int $id
* @param FieldList $fields
* @return Form
public function getEditForm($id = null, $fields = null) {
if(!$id) $id = $this->currentPageID();
if(is_object($id)) {
$record = $id;
} else {
$record = $this->getRecord($id);
if($record && !$record->canView()) return Security::permissionFailure($this);
if($record) {
$fields = ($fields) ? $fields : $record->getCMSFields();
if ($fields == null) {
"getCMSFields() returned null - it should return a FieldList object.
Perhaps you forgot to put a return statement at the end of your method?",
// Add hidden fields which are required for saving the record
// and loading the UI state
if(!$fields->dataFieldByName('ClassName')) {
$fields->push(new HiddenField('ClassName'));
$tree_class = $this->stat('tree_class');
&& !$fields->dataFieldByName('ParentID')
) {
$fields->push(new HiddenField('ParentID'));
// Added in-line to the form, but plucked into different view by frontend scripts.
if(in_array('CMSPreviewable', class_implements($record))) {
$navField = new LiteralField('SilverStripeNavigator', $this->getSilverStripeNavigator());
if($record->hasMethod('getAllCMSActions')) {
$actions = $record->getAllCMSActions();
} else {
$actions = $record->getCMSActions();
// add default actions if none are defined
if(!$actions || !$actions->Count()) {
if($record->hasMethod('canEdit') && $record->canEdit()) {
->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept')
if($record->hasMethod('canDelete') && $record->canDelete()) {
// Use <button> to allow full jQuery UI styling
$actionsFlattened = $actions->dataFields();
if($actionsFlattened) foreach($actionsFlattened as $action) $action->setUseButtonTag(true);
$form = CMSForm::create(
$this, "EditForm", $fields, $actions
$form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm');
// Announce the capability so the frontend can decide whether to allow preview or not.
if(in_array('CMSPreviewable', class_implements($record))) {
// Set this if you want to split up tabs into a separate header row
// if($form->Fields()->hasTabset()) {
// $form->Fields()->findOrMakeTab('Root')->setTemplate('CMSTabSet');
// }
// Add a default or custom validator.
// @todo Currently the default Validator.js implementation
// adds javascript to the document body, meaning it won't
// be included properly if the associated fields are loaded
// through ajax. This means only serverside validation
// will kick in for pages+validation loaded through ajax.
// This will be solved by using less obtrusive javascript validation
// in the future, see and
if($record->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) {
$validator = $record->getCMSValidator();
// The clientside (mainly LeftAndMain*.js) rely on ajax responses
// which can be evaluated as javascript, hence we need
// to override any global changes to the validation handler.
} else {
if($record->hasMethod('canEdit') && !$record->canEdit()) {
$readonlyFields = $form->Fields()->makeReadonly();
} else {
$form = $this->EmptyForm();
return $form;
* Returns a placeholder form, used by {@link getEditForm()} if no record is selected.
* Our javascript logic always requires a form to be present in the CMS interface.
* @return Form
public function EmptyForm() {
$form = CMSForm::create(
new FieldList(
// new HeaderField(
// 'WelcomeHeader',
// $this->getApplicationName()
// ),
// new LiteralField(
// 'WelcomeText',
// sprintf('<p id="WelcomeMessage">%s %s. %s</p>',
// _t('LeftAndMain_right_ss.WELCOMETO','Welcome to'),
// $this->getApplicationName(),
// _t('CHOOSEPAGE','Please choose an item from the left.')
// )
// )
new FieldList()
$form->setAttribute('data-pjax-fragment', 'CurrentForm');
return $form;
* Return the CMS's HTML-editor toolbar
public function EditorToolbar() {
return HtmlEditorField_Toolbar::create($this, "EditorToolbar");
* Renders a panel containing tools which apply to all displayed
* "content" (mostly through {@link EditForm()}), for example a tree navigation or a filter panel.
* Auto-detects applicable templates by naming convention: "<controller classname>",
* and takes the most specific template (see {@link getTemplatesWithSuffix()}).
* To explicitly disable the panel in the subclass, simply create a more specific, empty template.
* @return String HTML
public function Tools() {
$templates = $this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Tools');
if($templates) {
$viewer = new SSViewer($templates);
return $viewer->process($this);
} else {
return false;
* Renders a panel containing tools which apply to the currently displayed edit form.
* The main difference to {@link Tools()} is that the panel is displayed within
* the element structure of the form panel (rendered through {@link EditForm}).
* This means the panel will be loaded alongside new forms, and refreshed upon save,
* which can mean a performance hit, depending on how complex your panel logic gets.
* Any form fields contained in the returned markup will also be submitted with the main form,
* which might be desired depending on the implementation details.
* @return String HTML
public function EditFormTools() {
$templates = $this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_EditFormTools');
if($templates) {
$viewer = new SSViewer($templates);
return $viewer->process($this);
} else {
return false;
* Batch Actions Handler
public function batchactions() {
return new CMSBatchActionHandler($this, 'batchactions', $this->stat('tree_class'));
* @return Form
public function BatchActionsForm() {
$actions = $this->batchactions()->batchActionList();
$actionsMap = array('-1' => _t('LeftAndMain.DropdownBatchActionsDefault', 'Actions'));
foreach($actions as $action) $actionsMap[$action->Link] = $action->Title;
$form = new Form(
new FieldList(
new HiddenField('csvIDs'),
)->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off')
new FieldList(
// TODO i18n
new FormAction('submit', _t('Form.SubmitBtnLabel', "Go"))
$form->addExtraClass('cms-batch-actions nostyle');
$this->extend('updateBatchActionsForm', $form);
return $form;
public function printable() {
$form = $this->getEditForm($this->currentPageID());
if(!$form) return false;
$form->transform(new PrintableTransformation());
Requirements::css(FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_DIR . '/css/LeftAndMain_printable.css');
return array(
"PrintForm" => $form
* Used for preview controls, mainly links which switch between different states of the page.
* @return ArrayData
public function getSilverStripeNavigator() {
$page = $this->currentPage();
if($page) {
$navigator = new SilverStripeNavigator($page);
return $navigator->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_SilverStripeNavigator'));
} else {
return false;
* Identifier for the currently shown record,
* in most cases a database ID. Inspects the following
* sources (in this order):
* - GET/POST parameter named 'ID'
* - URL parameter named 'ID'
* - Session value namespaced by classname, e.g. "CMSMain.currentPage"
* @return int
public function currentPageID() {
if($this->request->requestVar('ID') && is_numeric($this->request->requestVar('ID'))) {
return $this->request->requestVar('ID');
} elseif (isset($this->urlParams['ID']) && is_numeric($this->urlParams['ID'])) {
return $this->urlParams['ID'];
} elseif(Session::get($this->sessionNamespace() . ".currentPage")) {
return Session::get($this->sessionNamespace() . ".currentPage");
} else {
return null;
* Forces the current page to be set in session,
* which can be retrieved later through {@link currentPageID()}.
* Keep in mind that setting an ID through GET/POST or
* as a URL parameter will overrule this value.
* @param int $id
public function setCurrentPageID($id) {
Session::set($this->sessionNamespace() . ".currentPage", $id);
* Uses {@link getRecord()} and {@link currentPageID()}
* to get the currently selected record.
* @return DataObject
public function currentPage() {
return $this->getRecord($this->currentPageID());
* Compares a given record to the currently selected one (if any).
* Used for marking the current tree node.
* @return boolean
public function isCurrentPage(DataObject $record) {
return ($record->ID == $this->currentPageID());
* @return String
protected function sessionNamespace() {
$override = $this->stat('session_namespace');
return $override ? $override : $this->class;
* URL to a previewable record which is shown through this controller.
* The controller might not have any previewable content, in which case
* this method returns FALSE.
* @return String|boolean
public function LinkPreview() {
return false;
* Return the version number of this application.
* Uses the number in <mymodule>/silverstripe_version
* (automatically replaced by build scripts).
* If silverstripe_version is empty,
* then attempts to get it from composer.lock
* @return string
public function CMSVersion() {
$versions = array();
$modules = array(
'silverstripe/framework' => array(
'title' => 'Framework',
'versionFile' => FRAMEWORK_PATH . '/silverstripe_version',
if(defined('CMS_PATH')) {
$modules['silverstripe/cms'] = array(
'title' => 'CMS',
'versionFile' => CMS_PATH . '/silverstripe_version',
// Tries to obtain version number from composer.lock if it exists
$composerLockPath = BASE_PATH . '/composer.lock';
if (file_exists($composerLockPath)) {
$cache = SS_Cache::factory('LeftAndMain_CMSVersion');
$cacheKey = filemtime($composerLockPath);
$versions = $cache->load($cacheKey);
if($versions) {
$versions = json_decode($versions, true);
} else {
$versions = array();
if(!$versions && $jsonData = file_get_contents($composerLockPath)) {
$lockData = json_decode($jsonData);
if($lockData && isset($lockData->packages)) {
foreach ($lockData->packages as $package) {
array_key_exists($package->name, $modules)
&& isset($package->version)
) {
$versions[$package->name] = $package->version;
$cache->save(json_encode($versions), $cacheKey);
// Fall back to static version file
foreach($modules as $moduleName => $moduleSpec) {
if(!isset($versions[$moduleName])) {
if($staticVersion = file_get_contents($moduleSpec['versionFile'])) {
$versions[$moduleName] = $staticVersion;
} else {
$versions[$moduleName] = _t('LeftAndMain.VersionUnknown', 'Unknown');
$out = array();
foreach($modules as $moduleName => $moduleSpec) {
$out[] = $modules[$moduleName]['title'] . ': ' . $versions[$moduleName];
return implode(', ', $out);
* @return array
public function SwitchView() {
if($page = $this->currentPage()) {
$nav = SilverStripeNavigator::get_for_record($page);
return $nav['items'];
* @return SiteConfig
public function SiteConfig() {
return (class_exists('SiteConfig')) ? SiteConfig::current_site_config() : null;
* The href for the anchor on the Silverstripe logo.
* Set by calling LeftAndMain::set_application_link()
* @config
* @var String
private static $application_link = '';
* Sets the href for the anchor on the Silverstripe logo in the menu
* @param String $link
public static function set_application_link($link) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Use the "LeftAndMain.application_link" config setting instead');
Config::inst()->update('LeftAndMain', 'application_link', $link);
* @return String
public function ApplicationLink() {
return $this->stat('application_link');
* The application name. Customisable by calling
* LeftAndMain::setApplicationName() - the first parameter.
* @config
* @var String
private static $application_name = 'SilverStripe';
* @param String $name
public static function setApplicationName($name) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Use the "LeftAndMain.application_name" config setting instead');
Config::inst()->update('LeftAndMain', 'application_name', $name);
* Get the application name.
* @return string
public function getApplicationName() {
return $this->stat('application_name');
* @return string
public function Title() {
$app = $this->getApplicationName();
return ($section = $this->SectionTitle()) ? sprintf('%s - %s', $app, $section) : $app;
* Return the title of the current section. Either this is pulled from
* the current panel's menu_title or from the first active menu
* @return string
public function SectionTitle() {
$class = get_class($this);
$defaultTitle = LeftAndMain::menu_title_for_class($class);
if($title = _t("{$class}.MENUTITLE", $defaultTitle)) return $title;
foreach($this->MainMenu() as $menuItem) {
if($menuItem->LinkingMode != 'link') return $menuItem->Title;
* Return the base directory of the tiny_mce codebase
public function MceRoot() {
return MCE_ROOT;
* Same as {@link ViewableData->CSSClasses()}, but with a changed name
* to avoid problems when using {@link ViewableData->customise()}
* (which always returns "ArrayData" from the $original object).
* @return String
public function BaseCSSClasses() {
return $this->CSSClasses('Controller');
* @return String
public function Locale() {
return DBField::create_field('DBLocale', i18n::get_locale());
public function providePermissions() {
$perms = array(
"CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain" => array(
'name' => _t('CMSMain.ACCESSALLINTERFACES', 'Access to all CMS sections'),
'category' => _t('Permission.CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY', 'CMS Access'),
'help' => _t('CMSMain.ACCESSALLINTERFACESHELP', 'Overrules more specific access settings.'),
'sort' => -100
// Add any custom ModelAdmin subclasses. Can't put this on ModelAdmin itself
// since its marked abstract, and needs to be singleton instanciated.
foreach(ClassInfo::subclassesFor('ModelAdmin') as $i => $class) {
if($class == 'ModelAdmin') continue;
if(ClassInfo::classImplements($class, 'TestOnly')) continue;
$title = _t("{$class}.MENUTITLE", LeftAndMain::menu_title_for_class($class));
$perms["CMS_ACCESS_" . $class] = array(
'name' => _t(
"Access to '{title}' section",
"Item in permission selection identifying the admin section. Example: Access to 'Files & Images'",
array('title' => $title)
'category' => _t('Permission.CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY', 'CMS Access')
return $perms;
* Register the given javascript file as required in the CMS.
* Filenames should be relative to the base, eg, FRAMEWORK_DIR . '/javascript/loader.js'
public static function require_javascript($file) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Use "LeftAndMain.extra_requirements_javascript" config setting instead');
Config::inst()->update('LeftAndMain', 'extra_requirements_javascript', array($file => array()));
* Register the given stylesheet file as required.
* @param $file String Filenames should be relative to the base, eg, THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/tree/tree.css'
* @param $media String Comma-separated list of media-types (e.g. "screen,projector")
* @see
public static function require_css($file, $media = null) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Use "LeftAndMain.extra_requirements_css" config setting instead');
Config::inst()->update('LeftAndMain', 'extra_requirements_css', array($file => array('media' => $media)));
* Register the given "themeable stylesheet" as required.
* Themeable stylesheets have globally unique names, just like templates and PHP files.
* Because of this, they can be replaced by similarly named CSS files in the theme directory.
* @param $name String The identifier of the file. For example, css/MyFile.css would have the identifier "MyFile"
* @param $media String Comma-separated list of media-types (e.g. "screen,projector")
public static function require_themed_css($name, $media = null) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Use "LeftAndMain.extra_requirements_themedCss" config setting instead');
Config::inst()->update('LeftAndMain', 'extra_requirements_themedCss', array($name => array('media' => $media)));
* @package cms
* @subpackage core
class LeftAndMainMarkingFilter {
* @var array Request params (unsanitized)
protected $params = array();
* @param array $params Request params (unsanitized)
public function __construct($params = null) {
$this->ids = array();
$this->expanded = array();
$parents = array();
$q = $this->getQuery($params);
$res = $q->execute();
if (!$res) return;
// And keep a record of parents we don't need to get parents
// of themselves, as well as IDs to mark
foreach($res as $row) {
if ($row['ParentID']) $parents[$row['ParentID']] = true;
$this->ids[$row['ID']] = true;
// We need to recurse up the tree,
// finding ParentIDs for each ID until we run out of parents
while (!empty($parents)) {
$res = DB::query('SELECT "ParentID", "ID" FROM "SiteTree"'
. ' WHERE "ID" in ('.implode(',',array_keys($parents)).')');
$parents = array();
foreach($res as $row) {
if ($row['ParentID']) $parents[$row['ParentID']] = true;
$this->ids[$row['ID']] = true;
$this->expanded[$row['ID']] = true;
protected function getQuery($params) {
$where = array();
$SQL_params = Convert::raw2sql($params);
if(isset($SQL_params['ID'])) unset($SQL_params['ID']);
foreach($SQL_params as $name => $val) {
switch($name) {
// Partial string match against a variety of fields
if(!empty($val) && singleton("SiteTree")->hasDatabaseField($name)) {
$where[] = "\"$name\" LIKE '%$val%'";
return new SQLQuery(
array("ParentID", "ID"),
public function mark($node) {
$id = $node->ID;
if(array_key_exists((int) $id, $this->expanded)) $node->markOpened();
return array_key_exists((int) $id, $this->ids) ? $this->ids[$id] : false;
* Allow overriding finished state for faux redirects.
* @package framework
* @subpackage admin
class LeftAndMain_HTTPResponse extends SS_HTTPResponse {
protected $isFinished = false;
public function isFinished() {
return (parent::isFinished() || $this->isFinished);
public function setIsFinished($bool) {
$this->isFinished = $bool;
* Wrapper around objects being displayed in a tree.
* Caution: Volatile API.
* @todo Implement recursive tree node rendering.
* @package framework
* @subpackage admin
class LeftAndMain_TreeNode extends ViewableData {
* @var obj
protected $obj;
* @var String Edit link to the current record in the CMS
protected $link;
* @var Bool
protected $isCurrent;
* @var string
protected $numChildrenMethod;
* @param $obj
* @param null $link
* @param bool $isCurrent
* @param $numChildrenMethod
public function __construct($obj, $link = null, $isCurrent = false, $numChildrenMethod='numChildren') {
$this->obj = $obj;
$this->link = $link;
$this->isCurrent = $isCurrent;
$this->numChildrenMethod = $numChildrenMethod;
* Returns template, for further processing by {@link Hierarchy->getChildrenAsUL()}.
* Does not include closing tag to allow this method to inject its own children.
* @todo Remove hardcoded assumptions around returning an <li>, by implementing recursive tree node rendering
* @return String
public function forTemplate() {
$obj = $this->obj;
return "<li id=\"record-$obj->ID\" data-id=\"$obj->ID\" data-pagetype=\"$obj->ClassName\" class=\""
. $this->getClasses() . "\">" . "<ins class=\"jstree-icon\">&nbsp;</ins>"
. "<a href=\"" . $this->getLink() . "\" title=\"" . _t('LeftAndMain.PAGETYPE','Page type: ')
. "$obj->class\" ><ins class=\"jstree-icon\">&nbsp;</ins><span class=\"text\">" . ($obj->TreeTitle)
. "</span></a>";
public function getClasses() {
$classes = $this->obj->CMSTreeClasses($this->numChildrenMethod);
if($this->isCurrent) $classes .= " current";
$flags = $this->obj->hasMethod('getStatusFlags') ? $this->obj->getStatusFlags() : false;
if ($flags) {
$statuses = array_keys($flags);
foreach ($statuses as $s) {
$classes .= ' status-' . $s;
return $classes;
public function getObj() {
return $this->obj;
public function setObj($obj) {
$this->obj = $obj;
return $this;
public function getLink() {
return $this->link;
public function setLink($link) {
$this->link = $link;
return $this;
public function getIsCurrent() {
return $this->isCurrent;
public function setIsCurrent($bool) {
$this->isCurrent = $bool;
return $this;