Will Rossiter 2d0a354405 API: Add attributes argument for CMSMenuItem.
Currently help menu item is the only external link in the CMS and the ability for it to work is hardcoded in the template. This request makes the target attribute definable by CMSMenu::add_link().

Adds documentation for how to add a basic external link to the CMS.
2013-10-02 19:06:54 +13:00

41 lines
1.6 KiB

<div class="cms-menu cms-panel cms-panel-layout west" id="cms-menu" data-layout-type="border">
<div class="cms-logo-header north">
<div class="cms-logo">
<a href="$ApplicationLink" target="_blank" title="$ApplicationName (Version - $CMSVersion)">
$ApplicationName <% if $CMSVersion %><abbr class="version">$CMSVersion</abbr><% end_if %>
<span><% if $SiteConfig %>$SiteConfig.Title<% else %>$ApplicationName<% end_if %></span>
<div class="cms-login-status">
<a href="Security/logout" class="logout-link" title="<% _t('','Log out') %>"><% _t('','Log out') %></a>
<% with $CurrentMember %>
<% _t('','Hi') %>
<a href="{$AbsoluteBaseURL}admin/myprofile" class="profile-link">
<% if $FirstName && $Surname %>$FirstName $Surname<% else_if $FirstName %>$FirstName<% else %>$Email<% end_if %>
<% end_with %>
<div class="cms-panel-content center">
<ul class="cms-menu-list">
<% loop $MainMenu %>
<li class="$LinkingMode $FirstLast <% if $LinkingMode == 'link' %><% else %>opened<% end_if %>" id="Menu-$Code" title="$Title.ATT">
<a href="$Link" $AttributesHTML>
<span class="icon icon-16 icon-{$Code.LowerCase}">&nbsp;</span>
<span class="text">$Title</span>
<% end_loop %>
<div class="cms-panel-toggle south">
<a class="toggle-expand" href="#"><span>&raquo;</span></a>
<a class="toggle-collapse" href="#"><span>&laquo;</span></a>