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namespace SilverStripe\Dev;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Exception;
use SilverStripe\Control\Director;
use SilverStripe\Core\Environment;
use SilverStripe\Core\Injector\InjectorLoader;
use SilverStripe\Core\Manifest\Module;
* Handles raising an notice when accessing a deprecated method
* A pattern used in SilverStripe when deprecating a method is to add something like
* user_error('This method is deprecated', E_USER_NOTICE);
* to the method
* However sometimes we want to mark that a method will be deprecated in some future version and shouldn't be used in
* new code, but not forbid in the current version - for instance when that method is still heavily used in framework
* or cms.
* This class abstracts the above pattern and adds a way to do that.
* Each call to notice passes a version that the notice will be valid from. Additionally this class has a notion of the
* version it should use when deciding whether to raise the notice. If that version is equal to or greater than the
* notices version (and SilverStripe is in dev mode) a deprecation message will be raised.
* Normally the checking version will be the release version of SilverStripe, but a developer can choose to set it to a
* future version, to see how their code will behave in future versions.
* Modules can also set the version for calls they make - either setting it to a future version in order to ensure
* forwards compatibility or setting it backwards if a module has not yet removed references to deprecated methods.
* When set per-module, only direct calls to deprecated methods from those modules are considered - if the module
* calls a non-module method which then calls a deprecated method, that call will use the global check version, not
* the module specific check version.
class Deprecation
const SCOPE_METHOD = 1;
const SCOPE_CLASS = 2;
const SCOPE_GLOBAL = 4;
* @var string
* @deprecated 4.12.0 Will be removed without equivalent functionality to replace it
protected static $version;
* Override whether deprecation is enabled. If null, then fallback to
* SS_DEPRECATION_ENABLED, and then true if not defined.
* Deprecation is only available on dev.
* Must be configured outside of the config API, as deprecation API
* must be available before this to avoid infinite loops.
* @var boolean|null
* @deprecated 4.12.0 Use $is_enabled instead
protected static $enabled = null;
* Must be configured outside of the config API, as deprecation API
* must be available before this to avoid infinite loops.
* This will be overriden by the SS_DEPRECATION_ENABLED environment if present
protected static bool $is_enabled = false;
* @var array
* @deprecated 4.12.0 Will be removed without equivalent functionality to replace it
protected static $module_version_overrides = [];
protected static bool $inside_notice = false;
* Switched out by unit-testing to E_USER_NOTICE because E_USER_DEPRECATED is not
* caught by $this->expectDeprecated() by default
* @var int
public static $notice_level = E_USER_DEPRECATED;
public static function enable(): void
static::$is_enabled = true;
public static function disable(): void
static::$is_enabled = false;
* This method is no longer used
* @static
* @param $ver string -
* A php standard version string, see for details.
* @param null $forModule string -
* The name of a module. The passed version will be used as the check value for
* calls directly from this module rather than the global value
* @return void
* @deprecated 4.12.0 Use enable() instead
public static function notification_version($ver, $forModule = null)
static::notice('4.12.0', 'Use enable() instead');
// noop
* This method is no longer used
* @param array $backtrace A backtrace as returned from debug_backtrace
* @return Module The module being called
* @deprecated 4.12.0 Will be removed without equivalent functionality to replace it
protected static function get_calling_module_from_trace($backtrace)
static::notice('4.12.0', 'Will be removed without equivalent functionality to replace it');
// noop
* Given a backtrace, get the method name from the immediate parent caller (the caller of #notice)
* @static
* @param $backtrace array - a backtrace as returned from debug_backtrace
* @param $level - 1 (default) will return immediate caller, 2 will return caller's caller, etc.
* @return string - the name of the method
protected static function get_called_method_from_trace($backtrace, $level = 1)
$level = (int)$level;
if (!$level) {
$level = 1;
$called = $backtrace ? $backtrace[$level] : [];
if (isset($called['class'])) {
return $called['class'] . $called['type'] . $called['function'];
return $called['function'] ?? '';
* This method is no longer used
* @return bool
* @deprecated 4.12.0 Will be removed without equivalent functionality to replace it
public static function get_enabled()
static::notice('4.12.0', 'Will be removed without equivalent functionality to replace it');
// noop
private static function get_is_enabled(): bool
if (!Director::isDev()) {
return false;
if (Environment::getEnv('SS_DEPRECATION_ENABLED')) {
return true;
return static::$is_enabled;
* This method is no longer used
* @param bool $enabled
* @deprecated 4.12.0 Use enable() instead
public static function set_enabled($enabled)
static::notice('4.12.0', 'Use enable() instead');
// noop
* Raise a notice indicating the method is deprecated if the version passed as the second argument is greater
* than or equal to the check version set via ::notification_version
* @param string $atVersion The version at which this notice should start being raised
* @param string $string The notice to raise
* @param int $scope Notice relates to the method or class context its called in.
public static function notice($atVersion, $string = '', $scope = Deprecation::SCOPE_METHOD)
if (static::$inside_notice) {
static::$inside_notice = true;
// try block needs to wrap all code in case anything inside the try block
// calls something else that calls Deprecation::notice()
try {
if (!self::get_is_enabled()) {
// If you pass #.#, assume #.#.0
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/', $atVersion ?? '')) {
$atVersion .= '.0';
// Getting a backtrace is slow, so we only do it if we need it
$backtrace = null;
// Get the calling scope
if ($scope == Deprecation::SCOPE_METHOD) {
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(0);
$caller = self::get_called_method_from_trace($backtrace);
} elseif ($scope == Deprecation::SCOPE_CLASS) {
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(0);
$caller = isset($backtrace[1]['class']) ? $backtrace[1]['class'] : '(unknown)';
} else {
$caller = false;
// Then raise the notice
if (substr($string, -1) != '.') {
$string .= ".";
$string .= " Called from " . self::get_called_method_from_trace($backtrace, 2) . '.';
if ($caller) {
user_error($caller . ' is deprecated.' . ($string ? ' ' . $string : ''), self::$notice_level);
} else {
user_error($string, self::$notice_level);
} catch (BadMethodCallException $e) {
if ($e->getMessage() === InjectorLoader::NO_MANIFESTS_AVAILABLE) {
// noop
// this can happen when calling Deprecation::notice() before manifests are available, i.e.
// some of the code involved in creating the manifests calls Deprecation::notice()
} else {
throw $e;
} finally {
static::$inside_notice = false;
* This method is no longer used
* @return array Opaque array that should only be used to pass to {@see Deprecation::restore_settings()}
* @deprecated 4.12.0 Will be removed without equivalent functionality to replace it
public static function dump_settings()
static::notice('4.12.0', 'Will be removed without equivalent functionality to replace it');
// noop
* This method is no longer used
* @param $settings array An array as returned by {@see Deprecation::dump_settings()}
* @deprecated 4.12.0 Will be removed without equivalent functionality to replace it
public static function restore_settings($settings)
static::notice('4.12.0', 'Will be removed without equivalent functionality to replace it');
// noop