Daniel Hensby 3507ddb0e8 FIX MemberPassword history removed with with Members
Currently Members that were deleted would still have their passwords
stored in the DB even though they were deleted. This seems unnecessary
and just increases data that could potentially be compromised later.
2015-06-24 21:04:23 +01:00

1797 lines
52 KiB

* The member class which represents the users of the system
* @package framework
* @subpackage security
* @property string $FirstName
* @property string $Surname
* @property string $Email
* @property string $Password
* @property string $RememberLoginToken
* @property string $TempIDHash
* @property string $TempIDExpired
* @property int $NumVisit
* @property string $LastVisited Date and time of last visit
* @property string $AutoLoginHash
* @property string $AutoLoginExpired
* @property string $PasswordEncryption
* @property string $Salt
* @property string $PasswordExpiry
* @property string $LockedOutUntil
* @property string $Locale
* @property int $FailedLoginCount
* @property string $DateFormat
* @property string $TimeFormat
class Member extends DataObject implements TemplateGlobalProvider {
private static $db = array(
'FirstName' => 'Varchar',
'Surname' => 'Varchar',
'Email' => 'Varchar(254)', // See RFC 5321, Section (256 minus the < and > character)
'TempIDHash' => 'Varchar(160)', // Temporary id used for cms re-authentication
'TempIDExpired' => 'SS_Datetime', // Expiry of temp login
'Password' => 'Varchar(160)',
'RememberLoginToken' => 'Varchar(160)', // Note: this currently holds a hash, not a token.
'AutoLoginHash' => 'Varchar(160)', // Used to auto-login the user on password reset
'AutoLoginExpired' => 'SS_Datetime',
// This is an arbitrary code pointing to a PasswordEncryptor instance,
// not an actual encryption algorithm.
// Warning: Never change this field after its the first password hashing without
// providing a new cleartext password as well.
'PasswordEncryption' => "Varchar(50)",
'Salt' => 'Varchar(50)',
'PasswordExpiry' => 'Date',
'LockedOutUntil' => 'SS_Datetime',
'Locale' => 'Varchar(6)',
// handled in registerFailedLogin(), only used if $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins is set
'FailedLoginCount' => 'Int',
// In ISO format
'DateFormat' => 'Varchar(30)',
'TimeFormat' => 'Varchar(30)',
private static $belongs_many_many = array(
'Groups' => 'Group',
private static $has_one = array();
private static $has_many = array(
'LoggedPasswords' => 'MemberPassword',
private static $many_many = array();
private static $many_many_extraFields = array();
private static $default_sort = '"Surname", "FirstName"';
private static $indexes = array(
'Email' => true,
//Removed due to duplicate null values causing MSSQL problems
//'AutoLoginHash' => Array('type'=>'unique', 'value'=>'AutoLoginHash', 'ignoreNulls'=>true)
* @config
* @var boolean
private static $notify_password_change = false;
* All searchable database columns
* in this object, currently queried
* with a "column LIKE '%keywords%'
* statement.
* @var array
* @todo Generic implementation of $searchable_fields on DataObject,
* with definition for different searching algorithms
* (LIKE, FULLTEXT) and default FormFields to construct a searchform.
private static $searchable_fields = array(
private static $summary_fields = array(
* Internal-use only fields
* @config
* @var array
private static $hidden_fields = array(
* @config
* @var Array See {@link set_title_columns()}
private static $title_format = null;
* The unique field used to identify this member.
* By default, it's "Email", but another common
* field could be Username.
* @config
* @var string
private static $unique_identifier_field = 'Email';
* @config
* {@link PasswordValidator} object for validating user's password
private static $password_validator = null;
* @config
* The number of days that a password should be valid for.
* By default, this is null, which means that passwords never expire
private static $password_expiry_days = null;
* @config
* @var Int Number of incorrect logins after which
* the user is blocked from further attempts for the timespan
* defined in {@link $lock_out_delay_mins}.
private static $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins = 10;
* @config
* @var integer Minutes of enforced lockout after incorrect password attempts.
* Only applies if {@link $lock_out_after_incorrect_logins} greater than 0.
private static $lock_out_delay_mins = 15;
* @config
* @var String If this is set, then a session cookie with the given name will be set on log-in,
* and cleared on logout.
private static $login_marker_cookie = null;
* Indicates that when a {@link Member} logs in, Member:session_regenerate_id()
* should be called as a security precaution.
* This doesn't always work, especially if you're trying to set session cookies
* across an entire site using the domain parameter to session_set_cookie_params()
* @config
* @var boolean
private static $session_regenerate_id = true;
* Default lifetime of temporary ids.
* This is the period within which a user can be re-authenticated within the CMS by entering only their password
* and without losing their workspace.
* Any session expiration outside of this time will require them to login from the frontend using their full
* username and password.
* Defaults to 72 hours. Set to zero to disable expiration.
* @config
* @var int Lifetime in seconds
private static $temp_id_lifetime = 259200;
* @deprecated 4.0 Use the "Member.session_regenerate_id" config setting instead
public static function set_session_regenerate_id($bool) {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Use the "Member.session_regenerate_id" config setting instead');
self::config()->session_regenerate_id = $bool;
* Ensure the locale is set to something sensible by default.
public function populateDefaults() {
$this->Locale = i18n::get_closest_translation(i18n::get_locale());
public function requireDefaultRecords() {
// Default groups should've been built by Group->requireDefaultRecords() already
* Get the default admin record if it exists, or creates it otherwise if enabled
* @return Member
public static function default_admin() {
// Check if set
if(!Security::has_default_admin()) return null;
// Find or create ADMIN group
$adminGroup = Permission::get_groups_by_permission('ADMIN')->First();
// Find member
$admin = Member::get()
->filter('Email', Security::default_admin_username())
if(!$admin) {
// 'Password' is not set to avoid creating
// persistent logins in the database. See Security::setDefaultAdmin().
// Set 'Email' to identify this as the default admin
$admin = Member::create();
$admin->FirstName = _t('Member.DefaultAdminFirstname', 'Default Admin');
$admin->Email = Security::default_admin_username();
// Ensure this user is in the admin group
if(!$admin->inGroup($adminGroup)) {
return $admin;
* If this is called, then a session cookie will be set to "1" whenever a user
* logs in. This lets 3rd party tools, such as apache's mod_rewrite, detect
* whether a user is logged in or not and alter behaviour accordingly.
* One known use of this is to bypass static caching for logged in users. This is
* done by putting this into _config.php
* <pre>
* Member::set_login_marker_cookie("SS_LOGGED_IN");
* </pre>
* And then adding this condition to each of the rewrite rules that make use of
* the static cache.
* <pre>
* RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !SS_LOGGED_IN=1
* </pre>
* @deprecated 4.0 Use the "Member.login_marker_cookie" config setting instead
* @param $cookieName string The name of the cookie to set.
public static function set_login_marker_cookie($cookieName) {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Use the "Member.login_marker_cookie" config setting instead');
self::config()->login_marker_cookie = $cookieName;
* Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).
* @param string $password
* @return ValidationResult
public function checkPassword($password) {
$result = $this->canLogIn();
// Short-circuit the result upon failure, no further checks needed.
if (!$result->valid()) return $result;
if(empty($this->Password) && $this->exists()) {
$result->error(_t('Member.NoPassword','There is no password on this member.'));
return $result;
$e = PasswordEncryptor::create_for_algorithm($this->PasswordEncryption);
if(!$e->check($this->Password, $password, $this->Salt, $this)) {
$result->error(_t (
'The provided details don\'t seem to be correct. Please try again.'
return $result;
* Returns a valid {@link ValidationResult} if this member can currently log in, or an invalid
* one with error messages to display if the member is locked out.
* You can hook into this with a "canLogIn" method on an attached extension.
* @return ValidationResult
public function canLogIn() {
$result = ValidationResult::create();
if($this->isLockedOut()) {
'Your account has been temporarily disabled because of too many failed attempts at ' .
'logging in. Please try again in {count} minutes.',
array('count' => $this->config()->lock_out_delay_mins)
$this->extend('canLogIn', $result);
return $result;
* Returns true if this user is locked out
public function isLockedOut() {
return $this->LockedOutUntil && time() < strtotime($this->LockedOutUntil);
* Regenerate the session_id.
* This wrapper is here to make it easier to disable calls to session_regenerate_id(), should you need to.
* They have caused problems in certain
* quirky problems (such as using the Windmill 0.3.6 proxy).
public static function session_regenerate_id() {
if(!self::$session_regenerate_id) return;
// This can be called via CLI during testing.
if(Director::is_cli()) return;
$file = '';
$line = '';
// @ is to supress win32 warnings/notices when session wasn't cleaned up properly
// There's nothing we can do about this, because it's an operating system function!
if(!headers_sent($file, $line)) @session_regenerate_id(true);
* Get the field used for uniquely identifying a member
* in the database. {@see Member::$unique_identifier_field}
* @deprecated 4.0 Use the "Member.unique_identifier_field" config setting instead
* @return string
public static function get_unique_identifier_field() {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Use the "Member.unique_identifier_field" config setting instead');
return Member::config()->unique_identifier_field;
* Set the field used for uniquely identifying a member
* in the database. {@see Member::$unique_identifier_field}
* @deprecated 4.0 Use the "Member.unique_identifier_field" config setting instead
* @param $field The field name to set as the unique field
public static function set_unique_identifier_field($field) {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Use the "Member.unique_identifier_field" config setting instead');
Member::config()->unique_identifier_field = $field;
* Set a {@link PasswordValidator} object to use to validate member's passwords.
public static function set_password_validator($pv) {
self::$password_validator = $pv;
* Returns the current {@link PasswordValidator}
public static function password_validator() {
return self::$password_validator;
* Set the number of days that a password should be valid for.
* Set to null (the default) to have passwords never expire.
* @deprecated 4.0 Use the "Member.password_expiry_days" config setting instead
public static function set_password_expiry($days) {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Use the "Member.password_expiry_days" config setting instead');
self::config()->password_expiry_days = $days;
* Configure the security system to lock users out after this many incorrect logins
* @deprecated 4.0 Use the "Member.lock_out_after_incorrect_logins" config setting instead
public static function lock_out_after_incorrect_logins($numLogins) {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Use the "Member.lock_out_after_incorrect_logins" config setting instead');
self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins = $numLogins;
public function isPasswordExpired() {
if(!$this->PasswordExpiry) return false;
return strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) >= strtotime($this->PasswordExpiry);
* Logs this member in
* @param bool $remember If set to TRUE, the member will be logged in automatically the next time.
public function logIn($remember = false) {
Session::set("loggedInAs", $this->ID);
// This lets apache rules detect whether the user has logged in
if(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie) Cookie::set(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie, 1, 0);
if($remember) {
// Store the hash and give the client the cookie with the token.
$generator = new RandomGenerator();
$token = $generator->randomToken('sha1');
$hash = $this->encryptWithUserSettings($token);
$this->RememberLoginToken = $hash;
Cookie::set('alc_enc', $this->ID . ':' . $token, 90, null, null, null, true);
} else {
$this->RememberLoginToken = null;
// Clear the incorrect log-in count
// Don't set column if its not built yet (the login might be precursor to a /dev/build...)
if(array_key_exists('LockedOutUntil', DB::field_list('Member'))) {
$this->LockedOutUntil = null;
// Audit logging hook
* Trigger regeneration of TempID.
* This should be performed any time the user presents their normal identification (normally Email)
* and is successfully authenticated.
public function regenerateTempID() {
$generator = new RandomGenerator();
$this->TempIDHash = $generator->randomToken('sha1');
$this->TempIDExpired = self::config()->temp_id_lifetime
? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(SS_Datetime::now()->getValue()) + self::config()->temp_id_lifetime)
: null;
* Check if the member ID logged in session actually
* has a database record of the same ID. If there is
* no logged in user, FALSE is returned anyway.
* @return boolean TRUE record found FALSE no record found
public static function logged_in_session_exists() {
if($id = Member::currentUserID()) {
if($member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $id)) {
if($member->exists()) return true;
return false;
* Log the user in if the "remember login" cookie is set
* The <i>remember login token</i> will be changed on every successful
* auto-login.
public static function autoLogin() {
// Don't bother trying this multiple times
self::$_already_tried_to_auto_log_in = true;
if(strpos(Cookie::get('alc_enc'), ':') === false
|| Session::get("loggedInAs")
|| !Security::database_is_ready()
) {
list($uid, $token) = explode(':', Cookie::get('alc_enc'), 2);
$member = DataObject::get_by_id("Member", $uid);
// check if autologin token matches
if($member) {
$hash = $member->encryptWithUserSettings($token);
if(!$member->RememberLoginToken || $member->RememberLoginToken !== $hash) {
$member = null;
if($member) {
Session::set("loggedInAs", $member->ID);
// This lets apache rules detect whether the user has logged in
if(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie) {
Cookie::set(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie, 1, 0, null, null, false, true);
$generator = new RandomGenerator();
$token = $generator->randomToken('sha1');
$hash = $member->encryptWithUserSettings($token);
$member->RememberLoginToken = $hash;
Cookie::set('alc_enc', $member->ID . ':' . $token, 90, null, null, false, true);
// Audit logging hook
* Logs this member out.
public function logOut() {
if(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie) Cookie::set(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie, null, 0);
$this->RememberLoginToken = null;
// Switch back to live in order to avoid infinite loops when
// redirecting to the login screen (if this login screen is versioned)
// Audit logging hook
* Utility for generating secure password hashes for this member.
public function encryptWithUserSettings($string) {
if (!$string) return null;
// If the algorithm or salt is not available, it means we are operating
// on legacy account with unhashed password. Do not hash the string.
if (!$this->PasswordEncryption) {
return $string;
// We assume we have PasswordEncryption and Salt available here.
$e = PasswordEncryptor::create_for_algorithm($this->PasswordEncryption);
return $e->encrypt($string, $this->Salt);
* Generate an auto login token which can be used to reset the password,
* at the same time hashing it and storing in the database.
* @param int $lifetime The lifetime of the auto login hash in days (by default 2 days)
* @returns string Token that should be passed to the client (but NOT persisted).
* @todo Make it possible to handle database errors such as a "duplicate key" error
public function generateAutologinTokenAndStoreHash($lifetime = 2) {
do {
$generator = new RandomGenerator();
$token = $generator->randomToken();
$hash = $this->encryptWithUserSettings($token);
} while(DataObject::get_one('Member', array(
'"Member"."AutoLoginHash"' => $hash
$this->AutoLoginHash = $hash;
$this->AutoLoginExpired = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + (86400 * $lifetime));
return $token;
* Check the token against the member.
* @param string $autologinToken
* @returns bool Is token valid?
public function validateAutoLoginToken($autologinToken) {
$hash = $this->encryptWithUserSettings($autologinToken);
$member = self::member_from_autologinhash($hash, false);
return (bool)$member;
* Return the member for the auto login hash
* @param string $hash The hash key
* @param bool $login Should the member be logged in?
* @return Member the matching member, if valid
* @return Member
public static function member_from_autologinhash($hash, $login = false) {
$nowExpression = DB::get_conn()->now();
$member = DataObject::get_one('Member', array(
"\"Member\".\"AutoLoginHash\"" => $hash,
"\"Member\".\"AutoLoginExpired\" > $nowExpression" // NOW() can't be parameterised
if($login && $member) $member->logIn();
return $member;
* Find a member record with the given TempIDHash value
* @param string $tempid
* @return Member
public static function member_from_tempid($tempid) {
$members = Member::get()
->filter('TempIDHash', $tempid);
// Exclude expired
if(static::config()->temp_id_lifetime) {
$members = $members->filter('TempIDExpired:GreaterThan', SS_Datetime::now()->getValue());
return $members->first();
* Returns the fields for the member form - used in the registration/profile module.
* It should return fields that are editable by the admin and the logged-in user.
* @return FieldList Returns a {@link FieldList} containing the fields for
* the member form.
public function getMemberFormFields() {
$fields = parent::getFrontendFields();
$fields->replaceField('Password', $password = new ConfirmedPasswordField (
(bool) $this->ID
$fields->replaceField('Locale', new DropdownField (
$this->extend('updateMemberFormFields', $fields);
return $fields;
* Returns the {@link RequiredFields} instance for the Member object. This
* Validator is used when saving a {@link CMSProfileController} or added to
* any form responsible for saving a users data.
* To customize the required fields, add a {@link DataExtension} to member
* calling the `updateValidator()` method.
* @return Member_Validator
public function getValidator() {
$validator = Injector::inst()->create('Member_Validator');
$this->extend('updateValidator', $validator);
return $validator;
* Returns the current logged in user
* @return Member|null
public static function currentUser() {
$id = Member::currentUserID();
if($id) {
return Member::get()->byId($id);
* Get the ID of the current logged in user
* @return int Returns the ID of the current logged in user or 0.
public static function currentUserID() {
$id = Session::get("loggedInAs");
if(!$id && !self::$_already_tried_to_auto_log_in) {
$id = Session::get("loggedInAs");
return is_numeric($id) ? $id : 0;
private static $_already_tried_to_auto_log_in = false;
* Generate a random password, with randomiser to kick in if there's no words file on the
* filesystem.
* @return string Returns a random password.
public static function create_new_password() {
$words = Config::inst()->get('Security', 'word_list');
if($words && file_exists($words)) {
$words = file($words);
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
srand($sec + ((float) $usec * 100000));
$word = trim($words[rand(0,sizeof($words)-1)]);
$number = rand(10,999);
return $word . $number;
} else {
$random = rand();
$string = md5($random);
$output = substr($string, 0, 6);
return $output;
* Event handler called before writing to the database.
public function onBeforeWrite() {
if($this->SetPassword) $this->Password = $this->SetPassword;
// If a member with the same "unique identifier" already exists with a different ID, don't allow merging.
// Note: This does not a full replacement for safeguards in the controller layer (e.g. in a registration form),
// but rather a last line of defense against data inconsistencies.
$identifierField = Member::config()->unique_identifier_field;
if($this->$identifierField) {
// Note: Same logic as Member_Validator class
$filter = array("\"$identifierField\"" => $this->$identifierField);
if($this->ID) {
$filter[] = array('"Member"."ID" <> ?' => $this->ID);
$existingRecord = DataObject::get_one('Member', $filter);
if($existingRecord) {
throw new ValidationException(ValidationResult::create(false, _t(
'Can\'t overwrite existing member #{id} with identical identifier ({name} = {value}))',
'Values in brackets show "fieldname = value", usually denoting an existing email address',
'id' => $existingRecord->ID,
'name' => $identifierField,
'value' => $this->$identifierField
// We don't send emails out on dev/tests sites to prevent accidentally spamming users.
// However, if TestMailer is in use this isn't a risk.
(Director::isLive() || Email::mailer() instanceof TestMailer)
&& $this->isChanged('Password')
&& $this->record['Password']
&& $this->config()->notify_password_change
) {
$e = Member_ChangePasswordEmail::create();
// The test on $this->ID is used for when records are initially created.
// Note that this only works with cleartext passwords, as we can't rehash
// existing passwords.
if((!$this->ID && $this->Password) || $this->isChanged('Password')) {
// Password was changed: encrypt the password according the settings
$encryption_details = Security::encrypt_password(
$this->Password, // this is assumed to be cleartext
($this->PasswordEncryption) ?
$this->PasswordEncryption : Security::config()->password_encryption_algorithm,
// Overwrite the Password property with the hashed value
$this->Password = $encryption_details['password'];
$this->Salt = $encryption_details['salt'];
$this->PasswordEncryption = $encryption_details['algorithm'];
// If we haven't manually set a password expiry
if(!$this->isChanged('PasswordExpiry')) {
// then set it for us
if(self::config()->password_expiry_days) {
$this->PasswordExpiry = date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400 * self::config()->password_expiry_days);
} else {
$this->PasswordExpiry = null;
// save locale
if(!$this->Locale) {
$this->Locale = i18n::get_locale();
public function onAfterWrite() {
if($this->isChanged('Password')) {
public function onAfterDelete() {
//prevent orphaned records remaining in the DB
* Delete the MemberPassword objects that are associated to this user
* @return self
protected function deletePasswordLogs() {
foreach ($this->LoggedPasswords() as $password) {
return $this;
* If any admin groups are requested, deny the whole save operation.
* @param Array $ids Database IDs of Group records
* @return boolean
public function onChangeGroups($ids) {
// Filter out admin groups to avoid privilege escalation,
// unless the current user is an admin already OR the logged in user is an admin
if(!(Permission::check('ADMIN') || Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN'))) {
$adminGroups = Permission::get_groups_by_permission('ADMIN');
$adminGroupIDs = ($adminGroups) ? $adminGroups->column('ID') : array();
return count(array_intersect($ids, $adminGroupIDs)) == 0;
} else {
return true;
* Check if the member is in one of the given groups.
* @param array|SS_List $groups Collection of {@link Group} DataObjects to check
* @param boolean $strict Only determine direct group membership if set to true (Default: false)
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the member is in one of the given groups, otherwise FALSE.
public function inGroups($groups, $strict = false) {
if($groups) foreach($groups as $group) {
if($this->inGroup($group, $strict)) return true;
return false;
* Check if the member is in the given group or any parent groups.
* @param int|Group|string $group Group instance, Group Code or ID
* @param boolean $strict Only determine direct group membership if set to TRUE (Default: FALSE)
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the member is in the given group, otherwise FALSE.
public function inGroup($group, $strict = false) {
if(is_numeric($group)) {
$groupCheckObj = DataObject::get_by_id('Group', $group);
} elseif(is_string($group)) {
$groupCheckObj = DataObject::get_one('Group', array(
'"Group"."Code"' => $group
} elseif($group instanceof Group) {
$groupCheckObj = $group;
} else {
user_error('Member::inGroup(): Wrong format for $group parameter', E_USER_ERROR);
if(!$groupCheckObj) return false;
$groupCandidateObjs = ($strict) ? $this->getManyManyComponents("Groups") : $this->Groups();
if($groupCandidateObjs) foreach($groupCandidateObjs as $groupCandidateObj) {
if($groupCandidateObj->ID == $groupCheckObj->ID) return true;
return false;
* Adds the member to a group. This will create the group if the given
* group code does not return a valid group object.
* @param string $groupcode
* @param string Title of the group
public function addToGroupByCode($groupcode, $title = "") {
$group = DataObject::get_one('Group', array(
'"Group"."Code"' => $groupcode
if($group) {
} else {
if(!$title) $title = $groupcode;
$group = new Group();
$group->Code = $groupcode;
$group->Title = $title;
* Removes a member from a group.
* @param string $groupcode
public function removeFromGroupByCode($groupcode) {
$group = Group::get()->filter(array('Code' => $groupcode))->first();
if($group) {
* @param Array $columns Column names on the Member record to show in {@link getTitle()}.
* @param String $sep Separator
public static function set_title_columns($columns, $sep = ' ') {
if (!is_array($columns)) $columns = array($columns);
self::config()->title_format = array('columns' => $columns, 'sep' => $sep);
//------------------- HELPER METHODS -----------------------------------//
* Get the complete name of the member, by default in the format "<Surname>, <FirstName>".
* Falls back to showing either field on its own.
* You can overload this getter with {@link set_title_format()}
* and {@link set_title_sql()}.
* @return string Returns the first- and surname of the member. If the ID
* of the member is equal 0, only the surname is returned.
public function getTitle() {
$format = $this->config()->title_format;
if ($format) {
$values = array();
foreach($format['columns'] as $col) {
$values[] = $this->getField($col);
return join($format['sep'], $values);
if($this->getField('ID') === 0)
return $this->getField('Surname');
if($this->getField('Surname') && $this->getField('FirstName')){
return $this->getField('Surname') . ', ' . $this->getField('FirstName');
return $this->getField('Surname');
return $this->getField('FirstName');
return null;
* Return a SQL CONCAT() fragment suitable for a SELECT statement.
* Useful for custom queries which assume a certain member title format.
* @param String $tableName
* @return String SQL
public static function get_title_sql($tableName = 'Member') {
// This should be abstracted to SSDatabase concatOperator or similar.
$op = (DB::get_conn() instanceof MSSQLDatabase) ? " + " : " || ";
$format = self::config()->title_format;
if ($format) {
$columnsWithTablename = array();
foreach($format['columns'] as $column) {
$columnsWithTablename[] = "\"$tableName\".\"$column\"";
return "(".join(" $op '".$format['sep']."' $op ", $columnsWithTablename).")";
} else {
return "(\"$tableName\".\"Surname\" $op ' ' $op \"$tableName\".\"FirstName\")";
* Get the complete name of the member
* @return string Returns the first- and surname of the member.
public function getName() {
return ($this->Surname) ? trim($this->FirstName . ' ' . $this->Surname) : $this->FirstName;
* Set first- and surname
* This method assumes that the last part of the name is the surname, e.g.
* <i>A B C</i> will result in firstname <i>A B</i> and surname <i>C</i>
* @param string $name The name
public function setName($name) {
$nameParts = explode(' ', $name);
$this->Surname = array_pop($nameParts);
$this->FirstName = join(' ', $nameParts);
* Alias for {@link setName}
* @param string $name The name
* @see setName()
public function splitName($name) {
return $this->setName($name);
* Override the default getter for DateFormat so the
* default format for the user's locale is used
* if the user has not defined their own.
* @return string ISO date format
public function getDateFormat() {
if($this->getField('DateFormat')) {
return $this->getField('DateFormat');
} else {
return Config::inst()->get('i18n', 'date_format');
* Override the default getter for TimeFormat so the
* default format for the user's locale is used
* if the user has not defined their own.
* @return string ISO date format
public function getTimeFormat() {
if($this->getField('TimeFormat')) {
return $this->getField('TimeFormat');
} else {
return Config::inst()->get('i18n', 'time_format');
* Get a "many-to-many" map that holds for all members their group memberships,
* including any parent groups where membership is implied.
* Use {@link DirectGroups()} to only retrieve the group relations without inheritance.
* @todo Push all this logic into Member_GroupSet's getIterator()?
public function Groups() {
$groups = Member_GroupSet::create('Group', 'Group_Members', 'GroupID', 'MemberID');
$groups = $groups->forForeignID($this->ID);
$this->extend('updateGroups', $groups);
return $groups;
* @return ManyManyList
public function DirectGroups() {
return $this->getManyManyComponents('Groups');
* Get a member SQLMap of members in specific groups
* If no $groups is passed, all members will be returned
* @param mixed $groups - takes a SS_List, an array or a single Group.ID
* @return SQLMap Returns an SQLMap that returns all Member data.
* @see map()
public static function map_in_groups($groups = null) {
$groupIDList = array();
if($groups instanceof SS_List) {
foreach( $groups as $group ) {
$groupIDList[] = $group->ID;
} elseif(is_array($groups)) {
$groupIDList = $groups;
} elseif($groups) {
$groupIDList[] = $groups;
// No groups, return all Members
if(!$groupIDList) {
return Member::get()->sort(array('Surname'=>'ASC', 'FirstName'=>'ASC'))->map();
$membersList = new ArrayList();
// This is a bit ineffective, but follow the ORM style
foreach(Group::get()->byIDs($groupIDList) as $group) {
return $membersList->map();
* Get a map of all members in the groups given that have CMS permissions
* If no groups are passed, all groups with CMS permissions will be used.
* @param array $groups Groups to consider or NULL to use all groups with
* CMS permissions.
* @return SS_Map Returns a map of all members in the groups given that
* have CMS permissions.
public static function mapInCMSGroups($groups = null) {
if(!$groups || $groups->Count() == 0) {
$perms = array('ADMIN', 'CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin');
if(class_exists('CMSMain')) {
$cmsPerms = singleton('CMSMain')->providePermissions();
} else {
$cmsPerms = singleton('LeftAndMain')->providePermissions();
if(!empty($cmsPerms)) {
$perms = array_unique(array_merge($perms, array_keys($cmsPerms)));
$permsClause = DB::placeholders($perms);
$groups = DataObject::get('Group')
->innerJoin("Permission", '"Permission"."GroupID" = "Group"."ID"')
"\"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ($permsClause)" => $perms
$groupIDList = array();
if(is_a($groups, 'SS_List')) {
foreach($groups as $group) {
$groupIDList[] = $group->ID;
} elseif(is_array($groups)) {
$groupIDList = $groups;
$members = Member::get()
->innerJoin("Group_Members", '"Group_Members"."MemberID" = "Member"."ID"')
->innerJoin("Group", '"Group"."ID" = "Group_Members"."GroupID"');
if($groupIDList) {
$groupClause = DB::placeholders($groupIDList);
$members = $members->where(array(
"\"Group\".\"ID\" IN ($groupClause)" => $groupIDList
return $members->sort('"Member"."Surname", "Member"."FirstName"')->map();
* Get the groups in which the member is NOT in
* When passed an array of groups, and a component set of groups, this
* function will return the array of groups the member is NOT in.
* @param array $groupList An array of group code names.
* @param array $memberGroups A component set of groups (if set to NULL,
* $this->groups() will be used)
* @return array Groups in which the member is NOT in.
public function memberNotInGroups($groupList, $memberGroups = null){
if(!$memberGroups) $memberGroups = $this->Groups();
foreach($memberGroups as $group) {
if(in_array($group->Code, $groupList)) {
$index = array_search($group->Code, $groupList);
return $groupList;
* Return a {@link FieldList} of fields that would appropriate for editing
* this member.
* @return FieldList Return a FieldList of fields that would appropriate for
* editing this member.
public function getCMSFields() {
require_once 'Zend/Date.php';
$self = $this;
$this->beforeUpdateCMSFields(function($fields) use ($self) {
$mainFields = $fields->fieldByName("Root")->fieldByName("Main")->Children;
$password = new ConfirmedPasswordField(
true // showOnClick
if( ! $self->ID) $password->showOnClick = false;
$mainFields->replaceField('Password', $password);
$mainFields->replaceField('Locale', new DropdownField(
_t('Member.INTERFACELANG', "Interface Language", 'Language of the CMS'),
if( ! $self->config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
// Groups relation will get us into logical conflicts because
// Members are displayed within group edit form in SecurityAdmin
if(Permission::check('EDIT_PERMISSIONS')) {
$groupsMap = array();
foreach(Group::get() as $group) {
// Listboxfield values are escaped, use ASCII char instead of &raquo;
$groupsMap[$group->ID] = $group->getBreadcrumbs(' > ');
ListboxField::create('DirectGroups', singleton('Group')->i18n_plural_name())
_t('Member.ADDGROUP', 'Add group', 'Placeholder text for a dropdown')
// Add permission field (readonly to avoid complicated group assignment logic).
// This should only be available for existing records, as new records start
// with no permissions until they have a group assignment anyway.
if($self->ID) {
$permissionsField = new PermissionCheckboxSetField_Readonly(
// we don't want parent relationships, they're automatically resolved in the field
$fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Permissions', singleton('Permission')->i18n_plural_name());
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Permissions', $permissionsField);
$permissionsTab = $fields->fieldByName("Root")->fieldByName('Permissions');
if($permissionsTab) $permissionsTab->addExtraClass('readonly');
$defaultDateFormat = Zend_Locale_Format::getDateFormat(new Zend_Locale($self->Locale));
$dateFormatMap = array(
'MMM d, yyyy' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('MMM d, yyyy'),
'yyyy/MM/dd' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('yyyy/MM/dd'),
'MM/dd/yyyy' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('MM/dd/yyyy'),
'dd/MM/yyyy' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'),
$dateFormatMap[$defaultDateFormat] = Zend_Date::now()->toString($defaultDateFormat)
. sprintf(' (%s)', _t('Member.DefaultDateTime', 'default'));
$dateFormatField = new MemberDatetimeOptionsetField(
$defaultTimeFormat = Zend_Locale_Format::getTimeFormat(new Zend_Locale($self->Locale));
$timeFormatMap = array(
'h:mm a' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('h:mm a'),
'H:mm' => Zend_Date::now()->toString('H:mm'),
$timeFormatMap[$defaultTimeFormat] = Zend_Date::now()->toString($defaultTimeFormat)
. sprintf(' (%s)', _t('Member.DefaultDateTime', 'default'));
$timeFormatField = new MemberDatetimeOptionsetField(
return parent::getCMSFields();
* @param boolean $includerelations a boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields
public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) {
$labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations);
$labels['FirstName'] = _t('Member.FIRSTNAME', 'First Name');
$labels['Surname'] = _t('Member.SURNAME', 'Surname');
$labels['Email'] = _t('Member.EMAIL', 'Email');
$labels['Password'] = _t('Member.db_Password', 'Password');
$labels['PasswordExpiry'] = _t('Member.db_PasswordExpiry', 'Password Expiry Date', 'Password expiry date');
$labels['LockedOutUntil'] = _t('Member.db_LockedOutUntil', 'Locked out until', 'Security related date');
$labels['Locale'] = _t('Member.db_Locale', 'Interface Locale');
$labels['DateFormat'] = _t('Member.DATEFORMAT', 'Date format');
$labels['TimeFormat'] = _t('Member.TIMEFORMAT', 'Time format');
$labels['Groups'] = _t('Member.belongs_many_many_Groups', 'Groups',
'Security Groups this member belongs to');
return $labels;
* Users can view their own record.
* Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions.
* This is likely to be customized for social sites etc. with a looser permission model.
public function canView($member = null) {
if(!$member || !(is_a($member, 'Member')) || is_numeric($member)) $member = Member::currentUser();
// extended access checks
$results = $this->extend('canView', $member);
if($results && is_array($results)) {
if(!min($results)) return false;
else return true;
// members can usually edit their own record
if($member && $this->ID == $member->ID) return true;
Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN')
|| Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin')
) {
return true;
return false;
* Users can edit their own record.
* Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions
public function canEdit($member = null) {
if(!$member || !(is_a($member, 'Member')) || is_numeric($member)) $member = Member::currentUser();
// extended access checks
$results = $this->extend('canEdit', $member);
if($results && is_array($results)) {
if(!min($results)) return false;
else return true;
// No member found
if(!($member && $member->exists())) return false;
// If the requesting member is not an admin, but has access to manage members,
// they still can't edit other members with ADMIN permission.
// This is a bit weak, strictly speaking they shouldn't be allowed to
// perform any action that could change the password on a member
// with "higher" permissions than himself, but thats hard to determine.
if(!Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN') && Permission::checkMember($this, 'ADMIN')) return false;
return $this->canView($member);
* Users can edit their own record.
* Otherwise they'll need ADMIN or CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin permissions
public function canDelete($member = null) {
if(!$member || !(is_a($member, 'Member')) || is_numeric($member)) $member = Member::currentUser();
// extended access checks
$results = $this->extend('canDelete', $member);
if($results && is_array($results)) {
if(!min($results)) return false;
else return true;
// No member found
if(!($member && $member->exists())) return false;
// Members are not allowed to remove themselves,
// since it would create inconsistencies in the admin UIs.
if($this->ID && $member->ID == $this->ID) return false;
return $this->canEdit($member);
* Validate this member object.
protected function validate() {
$valid = parent::validate();
if(!$this->ID || $this->isChanged('Password')) {
if($this->Password && self::$password_validator) {
$valid->combineAnd(self::$password_validator->validate($this->Password, $this));
if((!$this->ID && $this->SetPassword) || $this->isChanged('SetPassword')) {
if($this->SetPassword && self::$password_validator) {
$valid->combineAnd(self::$password_validator->validate($this->SetPassword, $this));
return $valid;
* Change password. This will cause rehashing according to
* the `PasswordEncryption` property.
* @param String $password Cleartext password
public function changePassword($password) {
$this->Password = $password;
$valid = $this->validate();
if($valid->valid()) {
$this->AutoLoginHash = null;
return $valid;
* Tell this member that someone made a failed attempt at logging in as them.
* This can be used to lock the user out temporarily if too many failed attempts are made.
public function registerFailedLogin() {
if(self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
// Keep a tally of the number of failed log-ins so that we can lock people out
$this->FailedLoginCount = $this->FailedLoginCount + 1;
if($this->FailedLoginCount >= self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
$lockoutMins = self::config()->lock_out_delay_mins;
$this->LockedOutUntil = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $lockoutMins*60);
$this->FailedLoginCount = 0;
* Tell this member that a successful login has been made
public function registerSuccessfulLogin() {
if(self::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins) {
// Forgive all past login failures
$this->FailedLoginCount = 0;
* Get the HtmlEditorConfig for this user to be used in the CMS.
* This is set by the group. If multiple configurations are set,
* the one with the highest priority wins.
* @return string
public function getHtmlEditorConfigForCMS() {
$currentName = '';
$currentPriority = 0;
foreach($this->Groups() as $group) {
$configName = $group->HtmlEditorConfig;
if($configName) {
$config = HtmlEditorConfig::get($group->HtmlEditorConfig);
if($config && $config->getOption('priority') > $currentPriority) {
$currentName = $configName;
$currentPriority = $config->getOption('priority');
// If can't find a suitable editor, just default to cms
return $currentName ? $currentName : 'cms';
public static function get_template_global_variables() {
return array(
'CurrentMember' => 'currentUser',
* Represents a set of Groups attached to a member.
* Handles the hierarchy logic.
* @package framework
* @subpackage security
class Member_GroupSet extends ManyManyList {
protected function linkJoinTable() {
// Do not join the table directly
if($this->extraFields) {
user_error('Member_GroupSet does not support many_many_extraFields', E_USER_ERROR);
* Link this group set to a specific member.
* Recursively selects all groups applied to this member, as well as any
* parent groups of any applied groups
* @param array|integer $id (optional) An ID or an array of IDs - if not provided, will use the current
* ids as per getForeignID
* @return array Condition In array(SQL => parameters format)
public function foreignIDFilter($id = null) {
if ($id === null) $id = $this->getForeignID();
// Find directly applied groups
$manyManyFilter = parent::foreignIDFilter($id);
$query = new SQLQuery('"Group_Members"."GroupID"', '"Group_Members"', $manyManyFilter);
$groupIDs = $query->execute()->column();
// Get all ancestors, iteratively merging these into the master set
$allGroupIDs = array();
while($groupIDs) {
$allGroupIDs = array_merge($allGroupIDs, $groupIDs);
$groupIDs = DataObject::get("Group")->byIDs($groupIDs)->column("ParentID");
$groupIDs = array_filter($groupIDs);
// Add a filter to this DataList
if(!empty($allGroupIDs)) {
$allGroupIDsPlaceholders = DB::placeholders($allGroupIDs);
return array("\"Group\".\"ID\" IN ($allGroupIDsPlaceholders)" => $allGroupIDs);
} else {
return array('"Group"."ID"' => 0);
public function foreignIDWriteFilter($id = null) {
// Use the ManyManyList::foreignIDFilter rather than the one
// in this class, otherwise we end up selecting all inherited groups
return parent::foreignIDFilter($id);
* Class used as template to send an email saying that the password has been
* changed.
* @package framework
* @subpackage security
class Member_ChangePasswordEmail extends Email {
protected $from = ''; // setting a blank from address uses the site's default administrator email
protected $subject = '';
protected $ss_template = 'ChangePasswordEmail';
public function __construct() {
$this->subject = _t('Member.SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED', "Your password has been changed", 'Email subject');
* Class used as template to send the forgot password email
* @package framework
* @subpackage security
class Member_ForgotPasswordEmail extends Email {
protected $from = ''; // setting a blank from address uses the site's default administrator email
protected $subject = '';
protected $ss_template = 'ForgotPasswordEmail';
public function __construct() {
$this->subject = _t('Member.SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET', "Your password reset link", 'Email subject');
* Member Validator
* Custom validation for the Member object can be achieved either through an
* {@link DataExtension} on the Member object or, by specifying a subclass of
* {@link Member_Validator} through the {@link Injector} API.
* {@see Member::getValidator()}
* @package framework
* @subpackage security
class Member_Validator extends RequiredFields {
protected $customRequired = array(
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
$required = func_get_args();
if(isset($required[0]) && is_array($required[0])) {
$required = $required[0];
$required = array_merge($required, $this->customRequired);
* Check if the submitted member data is valid (server-side)
* Check if a member with that email doesn't already exist, or if it does
* that it is this member.
* @param array $data Submitted data
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the submitted data is valid, otherwise
public function php($data) {
$valid = parent::php($data);
$identifierField = Member::config()->unique_identifier_field;
$member = DataObject::get_one('Member', array(
"\"$identifierField\"" => $data[$identifierField]
// if we are in a complex table field popup, use ctf[childID], else use ID
if(isset($_REQUEST['ctf']['childID'])) {
$id = $_REQUEST['ctf']['childID'];
} elseif(isset($_REQUEST['ID'])) {
$id = $_REQUEST['ID'];
} else {
$id = null;
if($id && is_object($member) && $member->ID != $id) {
$uniqueField = $this->form->Fields()->dataFieldByName($identifierField);
'A member already exists with the same %s',
array('identifier' => strtolower($identifierField))
$valid = false;
// Execute the validators on the extensions
if($this->extension_instances) {
foreach($this->extension_instances as $extension) {
if(method_exists($extension, 'hasMethod') && $extension->hasMethod('updatePHP')) {
$valid &= $extension->updatePHP($data, $this->form);
return $valid;