Damian Mooyman 9872fbef4d API Refactor CompositeDBField into an abstract class
API Refactor ClassName into DBClassName
API Update PolymorphicForeignKey to use new CompositeDBField and DBClassName

CompositeDBField is now an interface to nested fields on an underlying dataobject, allowing field manipulation to be performed at the field and dataobject level without having to synchronise them manually.
2015-09-22 10:28:07 +12:00

73 lines
1.9 KiB

* Represents a decimal field containing a currency amount.
* The currency class only supports single currencies. For multi-currency support, use {@link Money}
* Example definition via {@link DataObject::$db}:
* <code>
* static $db = array(
* "Price" => "Currency",
* "Tax" => "Currency(5)",
* );
* </code>
* @package framework
* @subpackage model
class Currency extends Decimal {
* @config
* @var string
private static $currency_symbol = '$';
public function __construct($name = null, $wholeSize = 9, $decimalSize = 2, $defaultValue = 0) {
parent::__construct($name, $wholeSize, $decimalSize, $defaultValue);
* Returns the number as a currency, eg “$1,000.00”.
public function Nice() {
// return "<span title=\"$this->value\">$" . number_format($this->value, 2) . '</span>';
$val = $this->config()->currency_symbol . number_format(abs($this->value), 2);
if($this->value < 0) return "($val)";
else return $val;
* Returns the number as a whole-number currency, eg “$1,000”.
public function Whole() {
$val = $this->config()->currency_symbol . number_format(abs($this->value), 0);
if($this->value < 0) return "($val)";
else return $val;
public function setValue($value, $record = null, $markChanged = true) {
$matches = null;
if(is_numeric($value)) {
$this->value = $value;
} else if(preg_match('/-?\$?[0-9,]+(.[0-9]+)?([Ee][0-9]+)?/', $value, $matches)) {
$this->value = str_replace(array('$',',',$this->config()->currency_symbol),'',$matches[0]);
} else {
$this->value = 0;
* @deprecated 4.0 Use the "Currency.currency_symbol" config setting instead
* @param [type] $value [description]
public static function setCurrencySymbol($value) {
Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Use the "Currency.currency_symbol" config setting instead');
Currency::config()->currency_symbol = $value;