Michal Kleiner 1e5414eac7 FIX Use correct ancestor class when querying for stage and live children
The right ancestor class that has the Hierarchy extension applied needs to be used
since it doesn’t have to be the class directly extending from DataObject, which means
the ID and ParentID columns might be in different tables.
2021-09-25 00:23:43 +12:00

584 lines
20 KiB

namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Hierarchy;
use SilverStripe\Admin\LeftAndMain;
use SilverStripe\Control\Controller;
use SilverStripe\Core\ClassInfo;
use SilverStripe\Core\Extensible;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\SS_List;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ValidationResult;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ArrayList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataExtension;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DB;
use SilverStripe\Versioned\Versioned;
use SilverStripe\Core\Config\Config;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
use Exception;
* DataObjects that use the Hierarchy extension can be be organised as a hierarchy, with children and parents. The most
* obvious example of this is SiteTree.
* @property int $ParentID
* @property DataObject|Hierarchy $owner
* @method DataObject Parent()
class Hierarchy extends DataExtension
* The lower bounds for the amount of nodes to mark. If set, the logic will expand nodes until it reaches at least
* this number, and then stops. Root nodes will always show regardless of this settting. Further nodes can be
* lazy-loaded via ajax. This isn't a hard limit. Example: On a value of 10, with 20 root nodes, each having 30
* children, the actual node count will be 50 (all root nodes plus first expanded child).
* @config
* @var int
private static $node_threshold_total = 50;
* Limit on the maximum children a specific node can display. Serves as a hard limit to avoid exceeding available
* server resources in generating the tree, and browser resources in rendering it. Nodes with children exceeding
* this value typically won't display any children, although this is configurable through the $nodeCountCallback
* parameter in {@link getChildrenAsUL()}. "Root" nodes will always show all children, regardless of this setting.
* @config
* @var int
private static $node_threshold_leaf = 250;
* A list of classnames to exclude from display in both the CMS and front end
* displays. ->Children() and ->AllChildren affected.
* Especially useful for big sets of pages like listings
* If you use this, and still need the classes to be editable
* then add a model admin for the class
* Note: Does not filter subclasses (non-inheriting)
* @var array
* @config
private static $hide_from_hierarchy = [];
* A list of classnames to exclude from display in the page tree views of the CMS,
* unlike $hide_from_hierarchy above which effects both CMS and front end.
* Especially useful for big sets of pages like listings
* If you use this, and still need the classes to be editable
* then add a model admin for the class
* Note: Does not filter subclasses (non-inheriting)
* @var array
* @config
private static $hide_from_cms_tree = [];
* Used to enable or disable the prepopulation of the numchildren cache.
* Defaults to true.
* @config
* @var boolean
private static $prepopulate_numchildren_cache = true;
* Prevent virtual page virtualising these fields
* @config
* @var array
private static $non_virtual_fields = [
* A cache used by numChildren().
* Clear through {@link flushCache()}.
* version (int)0 means not on this stage.
* @var array
protected static $cache_numChildren = [];
public static function get_extra_config($class, $extension, $args)
return [
'has_one' => ['Parent' => $class]
* Validate the owner object - check for existence of infinite loops.
* @param ValidationResult $validationResult
public function validate(ValidationResult $validationResult)
// The object is new, won't be looping.
/** @var DataObject|Hierarchy $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
if (!$owner->ID) {
// The object has no parent, won't be looping.
if (!$owner->ParentID) {
// The parent has not changed, skip the check for performance reasons.
if (!$owner->isChanged('ParentID')) {
// Walk the hierarchy upwards until we reach the top, or until we reach the originating node again.
$node = $owner;
while ($node && $node->ParentID) {
if ((int)$node->ParentID === (int)$owner->ID) {
// Hierarchy is looping.
__CLASS__ . '.InfiniteLoopNotAllowed',
'Infinite loop found within the "{type}" hierarchy. Please change the parent to resolve this',
'First argument is the class that makes up the hierarchy.',
['type' => get_class($owner)]
$node = $node->Parent();
* Get a list of this DataObject's and all it's descendants IDs.
* @return int[]
public function getDescendantIDList()
$idList = [];
return $idList;
* Get a list of this DataObject's and all it's descendants ID, and put them in $idList.
* @param array $idList Array to put results in.
* @param DataObject|Hierarchy $node
protected function loadDescendantIDListInto(&$idList, $node = null)
if (!$node) {
$node = $this->owner;
$children = $node->AllChildren();
foreach ($children as $child) {
if (!in_array($child->ID, $idList)) {
$idList[] = $child->ID;
$this->loadDescendantIDListInto($idList, $child);
* Get the children for this DataObject filtered by canView()
* @return SS_List
public function Children()
$children = $this->owner->_cache_children;
if ($children) {
return $children;
$children = $this
->filterByCallback(function (DataObject $record) {
return $record->canView();
$this->owner->_cache_children = $children;
return $children;
* Return all children, including those 'not in menus'.
* @return DataList
public function AllChildren()
return $this->owner->stageChildren(true);
* Return all children, including those that have been deleted but are still in live.
* - Deleted children will be marked as "DeletedFromStage"
* - Added children will be marked as "AddedToStage"
* - Modified children will be marked as "ModifiedOnStage"
* - Everything else has "SameOnStage" set, as an indicator that this information has been looked up.
* @return ArrayList
public function AllChildrenIncludingDeleted()
/** @var DataObject|Hierarchy|Versioned $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
$stageChildren = $owner->stageChildren(true);
// Add live site content that doesn't exist on the stage site, if required.
if ($owner->hasExtension(Versioned::class) && $owner->hasStages()) {
// Next, go through the live children. Only some of these will be listed
$liveChildren = $owner->liveChildren(true, true);
if ($liveChildren) {
$merged = new ArrayList();
$stageChildren = $merged;
$owner->extend("augmentAllChildrenIncludingDeleted", $stageChildren);
return $stageChildren;
* Return all the children that this page had, including pages that were deleted from both stage & live.
* @return DataList
* @throws Exception
public function AllHistoricalChildren()
/** @var DataObject|Versioned|Hierarchy $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
if (!$owner->hasExtension(Versioned::class) || !$owner->hasStages()) {
throw new Exception(
'Hierarchy->AllHistoricalChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied with staging'
$baseTable = $owner->baseTable();
$parentIDColumn = $owner->getSchema()->sqlColumnForField($owner, 'ParentID');
return Versioned::get_including_deleted(
[ $parentIDColumn => $owner->ID ],
"\"{$baseTable}\".\"ID\" ASC"
* Return the number of children that this page ever had, including pages that were deleted.
* @return int
public function numHistoricalChildren()
return $this->AllHistoricalChildren()->count();
* Return the number of direct children. By default, values are cached after the first invocation. Can be
* augumented by {@link augmentNumChildrenCountQuery()}.
* @param bool $cache Whether to retrieve values from cache
* @return int
public function numChildren($cache = true)
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$cacheType = 'numChildren';
$id = $this->owner->ID;
// cached call
if ($cache) {
if (isset(self::$cache_numChildren[$baseClass][$cacheType][$id])) {
return self::$cache_numChildren[$baseClass][$cacheType][$id];
} elseif (isset(self::$cache_numChildren[$baseClass][$cacheType]['_complete'])) {
// If the cache is complete and we didn't find our ID in the cache, it means this object is childless.
return 0;
// We call stageChildren(), because Children() has canView() filtering
$numChildren = (int)$this->owner->stageChildren(true)->Count();
// Save if caching
if ($cache) {
self::$cache_numChildren[$baseClass][$cacheType][$id] = $numChildren;
return $numChildren;
* Pre-populate any appropriate caches prior to rendering a tree.
* This is used to allow for the efficient rendering of tree views, notably in the CMS.
* In the cace of Hierarchy, it caches numChildren values. Other extensions can provide an
* onPrepopulateTreeDataCache(DataList $recordList = null, array $options) methods to hook
* into this event as well.
* @param DataList|array $recordList The list of records to prepopulate caches for. Null for all records.
* @param array $options A map of hints about what should be cached. "numChildrenMethod" and
* "childrenMethod" are allowed keys.
public function prepopulateTreeDataCache($recordList = null, array $options = [])
if (empty($options['numChildrenMethod']) || $options['numChildrenMethod'] === 'numChildren') {
$idList = is_array($recordList) ? $recordList :
($recordList instanceof DataList ? $recordList->column('ID') : null);
self::prepopulate_numchildren_cache($this->getHierarchyBaseClass(), $idList);
$this->owner->extend('onPrepopulateTreeDataCache', $recordList, $options);
* Pre-populate the cache for Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage() for
* a list of record IDs, for more efficient database querying. If $idList
* is null, then every record will be pre-cached.
* @param string $baseClass
* @param array $idList
public static function prepopulate_numchildren_cache($baseClass, $idList = null)
if (!Config::inst()->get(static::class, 'prepopulate_numchildren_cache')) {
/** @var Versioned|DataObject $singleton */
$dummyObject = DataObject::singleton($baseClass);
$baseTable = $dummyObject->baseTable();
$idColumn = Convert::symbol2sql("{$baseTable}.ID");
// Get the stageChildren() result of a dummy object and break down into a generic query
$query = $dummyObject->stageChildren(true, true)->dataQuery()->query();
// optional ID-list filter
if ($idList) {
// Validate the ID list
foreach ($idList as $id) {
if (!is_numeric($id)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"Bad ID passed to Versioned::prepopulate_numchildren_cache() in \$idList: " . $id
$query->addWhere(['"ParentID" IN (' . DB::placeholders($idList) . ')' => $idList]);
"COUNT(DISTINCT $idColumn) AS \"NumChildren\"",
$numChildren = $query->execute()->map();
self::$cache_numChildren[$baseClass]['numChildren'] = $numChildren;
if (!$idList) {
// If all objects are being cached, mark this cache as complete
// to avoid counting children of childless object.
self::$cache_numChildren[$baseClass]['numChildren']['_complete'] = true;
* Checks if we're on a controller where we should filter. ie. Are we loading the SiteTree?
* @return bool
public function showingCMSTree()
if (!Controller::has_curr() || !class_exists(LeftAndMain::class)) {
return false;
$controller = Controller::curr();
return $controller instanceof LeftAndMain
&& in_array($controller->getAction(), ["treeview", "listview", "getsubtree"]);
* Find the first class in the inheritance chain that has Hierarchy extension applied
* @return string
private function getHierarchyBaseClass(): string
$ancestry = ClassInfo::ancestry($this->owner);
$ancestorClass = array_shift($ancestry);
while ($ancestorClass && !Extensible::has_extension($ancestorClass, self::class)) {
$ancestorClass = array_shift($ancestry);
return $ancestorClass;
* Return children in the stage site.
* @param bool $showAll Include all of the elements, even those not shown in the menus. Only applicable when
* extension is applied to {@link SiteTree}.
* @param bool $skipParentIDFilter Set to true to suppress the ParentID and ID where statements.
* @return DataList
public function stageChildren($showAll = false, $skipParentIDFilter = false)
/** @var DataObject|Hierarchy $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
$hideFromHierarchy = $owner->config()->hide_from_hierarchy;
$hideFromCMSTree = $owner->config()->hide_from_cms_tree;
$class = $this->getHierarchyBaseClass();
$schema = DataObject::getSchema();
$tableForParentID = $schema->tableForField($class, 'ParentID');
$tableForID = $schema->tableForField($class, 'ID');
$staged = DataObject::get($class)->where(sprintf(
'%s.%s <> %s.%s',
if (!$skipParentIDFilter) {
// There's no filtering by ID if we don't have an ID.
$staged = $staged->filter('ParentID', (int)$this->owner->ID);
if ($hideFromHierarchy) {
$staged = $staged->exclude('ClassName', $hideFromHierarchy);
if ($hideFromCMSTree && $this->showingCMSTree()) {
$staged = $staged->exclude('ClassName', $hideFromCMSTree);
if (!$showAll && DataObject::getSchema()->fieldSpec($this->owner, 'ShowInMenus')) {
$staged = $staged->filter('ShowInMenus', 1);
$this->owner->extend("augmentStageChildren", $staged, $showAll);
return $staged;
* Return children in the live site, if it exists.
* @param bool $showAll Include all of the elements, even those not shown in the menus. Only
* applicable when extension is applied to {@link SiteTree}.
* @param bool $onlyDeletedFromStage Only return items that have been deleted from stage
* @return DataList
* @throws Exception
public function liveChildren($showAll = false, $onlyDeletedFromStage = false)
/** @var Versioned|DataObject|Hierarchy $owner */
$owner = $this->owner;
if (!$owner->hasExtension(Versioned::class) || !$owner->hasStages()) {
throw new Exception('Hierarchy->liveChildren() only works with Versioned extension applied with staging');
$hideFromHierarchy = $owner->config()->hide_from_hierarchy;
$hideFromCMSTree = $owner->config()->hide_from_cms_tree;
$children = DataObject::get($this->getHierarchyBaseClass())
->filter('ParentID', (int)$owner->ID)
->exclude('ID', (int)$owner->ID)
'Versioned.mode' => $onlyDeletedFromStage ? 'stage_unique' : 'stage',
'Versioned.stage' => 'Live'
if ($hideFromHierarchy) {
$children = $children->exclude('ClassName', $hideFromHierarchy);
if ($hideFromCMSTree && $this->showingCMSTree()) {
$children = $children->exclude('ClassName', $hideFromCMSTree);
if (!$showAll && DataObject::getSchema()->fieldSpec($owner, 'ShowInMenus')) {
$children = $children->filter('ShowInMenus', 1);
return $children;
* Get this object's parent, optionally filtered by an SQL clause. If the clause doesn't match the parent, nothing
* is returned.
* @param string $filter
* @return DataObject
public function getParent($filter = null)
$parentID = $this->owner->ParentID;
if (empty($parentID)) {
return null;
$baseClass = $this->owner->baseClass();
$idSQL = $this->owner->getSchema()->sqlColumnForField($baseClass, 'ID');
return DataObject::get_one($baseClass, [
[$idSQL => $parentID],
* Return all the parents of this class in a set ordered from the closest to furtherest parent.
* @param bool $includeSelf
* @return ArrayList
public function getAncestors($includeSelf = false)
$ancestors = new ArrayList();
$object = $this->owner;
if ($includeSelf) {
while ($object = $object->getParent()) {
return $ancestors;
* Returns a human-readable, flattened representation of the path to the object, using its {@link Title} attribute.
* @param string $separator
* @return string
public function getBreadcrumbs($separator = ' &raquo; ')
$crumbs = [];
$ancestors = array_reverse($this->owner->getAncestors()->toArray());
/** @var DataObject $ancestor */
foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) {
$crumbs[] = $ancestor->getTitle();
$crumbs[] = $this->owner->getTitle();
return implode($separator, $crumbs);
* Flush all Hierarchy caches:
* - Children (instance)
* - NumChildren (instance)
public function flushCache()
$this->owner->_cache_children = null;
self::$cache_numChildren = [];