Sam Minnee 171fdd6050 BUGFIX Using actual date format settings in DateField/TimeField->validate() messages (from r107786)
git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2010-10-18 22:23:40 +00:00

873 lines
46 KiB

global $lang;
$lang['en_US']['Page']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Page']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['ALLWORDS'] = 'All Words';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['ATLEAST'] = 'At Least One Of the Words';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['EXACT'] = 'Exact Phrase';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['FROM'] = 'From';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['GO'] = 'Go';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['LASTUPDATED'] = 'Last Updated';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['LASTUPDATEDHEADER'] = 'LAST UPDATED';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['PAGETITLE'] = 'Page Title';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['RELEVANCE'] = 'Relevance';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['SEARCHBY'] = 'SEARCH BY';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['SORTBY'] = 'SORT RESULTS BY';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['TO'] = 'To';
$lang['en_US']['AdvancedSearchForm']['WITHOUT'] = 'Without the Words';
$lang['en_US']['AssetAdmin']['CHOOSEFILE'] = 'Choose file: ';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['ALIGNEMENT'] = 'Alignment';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['ALIGNEMENTEXAMPLE'] = 'right aligned';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['BOLD'] = 'Bold Text';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['BOLDEXAMPLE'] = 'Bold';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['CODE'] = 'Code Block';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['CODEDESCRIPTION'] = 'Unformatted code block';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['CODEEXAMPLE'] = 'Code block';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['COLORED'] = 'Colored text';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['COLOREDEXAMPLE'] = 'blue text';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['EMAILLINK'] = 'Email link';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['EMAILLINKDESCRIPTION'] = 'Create link to an email address';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['IMAGE'] = 'Image';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['IMAGEDESCRIPTION'] = 'Show an image in your post';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['ITALIC'] = 'Italic Text';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['ITALICEXAMPLE'] = 'Italics';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['LINK'] = 'Website link';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['LINKDESCRIPTION'] = 'Link to another website or URL';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['STRUCK'] = 'Struck-out Text';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['STRUCKEXAMPLE'] = 'Struck-out';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['UNDERLINE'] = 'Underlined Text';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['UNDERLINEEXAMPLE'] = 'Underlined';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['UNORDERED'] = 'Unordered list';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['UNORDEREDDESCRIPTION'] = 'Unordered list';
$lang['en_US']['BBCodeParser']['UNORDEREDEXAMPLE1'] = 'unordered item 1';
$lang['en_US']['BasicAuth']['ENTERINFO'] = 'Please enter a username and password.';
$lang['en_US']['BasicAuth']['ERRORNOTADMIN'] = 'That user is not an administrator.';
$lang['en_US']['BasicAuth']['ERRORNOTREC'] = 'That username / password isn\'t recognised';
$lang['en_US']['Boolean']['ANY'] = 'Any';
$lang['en_US']['Boolean']['NO'] = 'No';
$lang['en_US']['Boolean']['YES'] = 'Yes';
$lang['en_US']['CMSMain']['DELETE'] = 'Delete from the draft site';
$lang['en_US']['CMSMain']['DELETEFP'] = 'Delete from the published site';
$lang['en_US']['CMSMain']['RESTORE'] = 'Restore';
$lang['en_US']['CMSMain']['SAVE'] = 'Save';
$lang['en_US']['']['CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT1'] = array(
'You changed your password for',
'for a url'
$lang['en_US']['']['CHANGEPASSWORDTEXT2'] = 'You can now use the following credentials to log in:';
$lang['en_US']['']['EMAIL'] = 'Email';
$lang['en_US']['']['HELLO'] = 'Hi';
$lang['en_US']['']['PASSWORD'] = 'Password';
$lang['en_US']['CheckboxField']['NO'] = 'No';
$lang['en_US']['CheckboxField']['YES'] = 'Yes';
$lang['en_US']['ComplexTableField']['CLOSEPOPUP'] = 'Close Popup';
$lang['en_US']['ComplexTableField']['SUCCESSADD'] = 'Added %s %s %s';
$lang['en_US']['ComplexTableField']['SUCCESSEDIT'] = 'Saved %s %s %s';
$lang['en_US']['']['ADDITEM'] = array(
'Add %s',
'Add [name]'
$lang['en_US']['']['CSVEXPORT'] = 'Export to CSV';
$lang['en_US']['']['NOITEMSFOUND'] = 'No items found';
$lang['en_US']['']['SORTASC'] = 'Sort ascending';
$lang['en_US']['']['SORTDESC'] = 'Sort descending';
$lang['en_US']['']['NEXT'] = 'Next';
$lang['en_US']['']['PREVIOUS'] = 'Previous';
$lang['en_US']['ConfirmedPasswordField']['ATLEAST'] = 'Passwords must be at least %s characters long.';
$lang['en_US']['ConfirmedPasswordField']['BETWEEN'] = 'Passwords must be %s to %s characters long.';
$lang['en_US']['ConfirmedPasswordField']['HAVETOMATCH'] = 'Passwords have to match.';
$lang['en_US']['ConfirmedPasswordField']['LEASTONE'] = 'Passwords must have at least one digit and one alphanumeric character.';
$lang['en_US']['ConfirmedPasswordField']['MAXIMUM'] = 'Passwords must be at most %s characters long.';
$lang['en_US']['ConfirmedPasswordField']['NOEMPTY'] = 'Passwords can\'t be empty.';
$lang['en_US']['ConfirmedPasswordField']['SHOWONCLICKTITLE'] = array(
'Change Password',
'Label of the link which triggers display of the "change password" formfields'
$lang['en_US']['ContentControl']['NOTEWONTBESHOWN'] = 'Note: this message will not be shown to your visitors';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['ARCHIVEDSITE'] = 'Archived Site';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['ARCHIVEDSITEFROM'] = 'Archived site from';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['CMS'] = 'CMS';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['DRAFTSITE'] = 'Draft Site';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['DRAFT_SITE_ACCESS_RESTRICTION'] = 'You must log in with your CMS password in order to view the draft or archived content. <a href="%s">Click here to go back to the published site.</a>';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['LOGGEDINAS'] = 'Logged in as';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['LOGIN'] = 'Login';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['LOGOUT'] = 'Log out';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['NOTLOGGEDIN'] = 'Not logged in';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['PUBLISHEDSITE'] = 'Published Site';
$lang['en_US']['ContentController']['VIEWPAGEIN'] = 'View Page in:';
$lang['en_US']['CreditCardField']['FIRST'] = 'first';
$lang['en_US']['CreditCardField']['FOURTH'] = 'fourth';
$lang['en_US']['CreditCardField']['SECOND'] = 'second';
$lang['en_US']['CreditCardField']['THIRD'] = 'third';
$lang['en_US']['CreditCardField']['VALIDATIONJS1'] = 'Please ensure you have entered the';
$lang['en_US']['CreditCardField']['VALIDATIONJS2'] = 'credit card number correctly.';
$lang['en_US']['CurrencyField']['CURRENCYSYMBOL'] = '$';
$lang['en_US']['CurrencyField']['VALIDATIONJS'] = 'Please enter a valid currency.';
$lang['en_US']['DataObject']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Data Objects',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['DataObject']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Data Object',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Date']['DAY'] = ' day';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['DAYS'] = ' days';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['HOUR'] = ' hour';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['HOURS'] = ' hours';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['MIN'] = ' min';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['MINS'] = ' mins';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['MONTH'] = ' month';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['MONTHS'] = ' months';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['SEC'] = ' sec';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['SECS'] = ' secs';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['TIMEDIFFAGO'] = array(
'%s ago',
'Natural language time difference, e.g. 2 hours ago'
$lang['en_US']['Date']['TIMEDIFFIN'] = array(
'in %s',
'Natural language time difference, e.g. in 2 hours'
$lang['en_US']['Date']['YEAR'] = ' year';
$lang['en_US']['Date']['YEARS'] = ' years';
$lang['en_US']['DateField']['NOTSET'] = 'not set';
$lang['en_US']['DateField']['TODAY'] = 'today';
$lang['en_US']['DateField']['VALIDATIONJS'] = 'Please enter a valid date format (DD/MM/YYYY).';
$lang['en_US']['DateField']['VALIDDATEFORMAT'] = 'Please enter a valid time format.';
$lang['en_US']['DateField']['VALIDDATEFORMAT2'] = 'Please enter a valid time format (%s)';
$lang['en_US']['DateField']['VALIDDATEMAXDATE'] = 'Your date has to be older or matching the maximum allowed date (%s)';
$lang['en_US']['DateField']['VALIDDATEMINDATE'] = 'Your date has to be newer or matching the minimum allowed date (%s)';
$lang['en_US']['DropdownField']['CHOOSE'] = array(
'start value of a dropdown'
$lang['en_US']['EmailField']['VALIDATION'] = 'Please enter an email address.';
$lang['en_US']['EmailField']['VALIDATIONJS'] = 'Please enter an email address.';
$lang['en_US']['Email_BounceRecord']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Email Bounce Records',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Email_BounceRecord']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Email Bounce Record',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Enum']['ANY'] = 'Any';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['400'] = '400 - Bad Request';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['401'] = '401 - Unauthorized';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['403'] = '403 - Forbidden';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['404'] = '404 - Not Found';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['405'] = '405 - Method Not Allowed';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['406'] = '406 - Not Acceptable';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['407'] = '407 - Proxy Authentication Required';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['408'] = '408 - Request Timeout';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['409'] = '409 - Conflict';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['410'] = '410 - Gone';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['411'] = '411 - Length Required';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['412'] = '412 - Precondition Failed';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['413'] = '413 - Request Entity Too Large';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['414'] = '414 - Request-URI Too Long';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['415'] = '415 - Unsupported Media Type';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['416'] = '416 - Request Range Not Satisfiable';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['417'] = '417 - Expectation Failed';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['500'] = '500 - Internal Server Error';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['501'] = '501 - Not Implemented';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['502'] = '502 - Bad Gateway';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['503'] = '503 - Service Unavailable';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['504'] = '504 - Gateway Timeout';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['505'] = '505 - HTTP Version Not Supported';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['CODE'] = 'Error code';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['DEFAULTERRORPAGECONTENT'] = '<p>Sorry, it seems you were trying to access a page that doesn\'t exist.</p><p>Please check the spelling of the URL you were trying to access and try again.</p>';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['DEFAULTERRORPAGETITLE'] = 'Page not found';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['ERRORFILEPROBLEM'] = 'Error opening file "%s" for writing. Please check file permissions.';
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Error Pags',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Error Page',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['File']['Content'] = 'Content';
$lang['en_US']['File']['Filename'] = 'Filename';
$lang['en_US']['File']['INVALIDEXTENSION'] = array(
'Extension is not allowed (valid: %s)',
'Argument 1: Comma-separated list of valid extensions'
$lang['en_US']['File']['NOFILESIZE'] = 'Filesize is zero bytes.';
$lang['en_US']['File']['NOVALIDUPLOAD'] = 'File is not a valid upload';
$lang['en_US']['File']['Name'] = 'Name';
$lang['en_US']['File']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['File']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['File']['Sort'] = 'Sort Order';
$lang['en_US']['File']['TOOLARGE'] = array(
'Filesize is too large, maximum %s allowed.',
'Argument 1: Filesize (e.g. 1MB)'
$lang['en_US']['File']['Title'] = 'Title';
$lang['en_US']['FileIFrameField']['ATTACH'] = 'Attach %s';
$lang['en_US']['FileIFrameField']['ATTACHONCESAVED'] = '%ss can be attached once you have saved the record for the first time.';
$lang['en_US']['FileIFrameField']['DELETE'] = 'Delete %s';
$lang['en_US']['FileIFrameField']['FILE'] = 'File';
$lang['en_US']['FileIFrameField']['FROMCOMPUTER'] = 'From your Computer';
$lang['en_US']['FileIFrameField']['FROMFILESTORE'] = 'From the File Store';
$lang['en_US']['FileIFrameField']['NOSOURCE'] = 'Please select a source file to attach';
$lang['en_US']['FileIFrameField']['REPLACE'] = 'Replace %s';
$lang['en_US']['']['TITLE'] = 'Image Uploading Iframe';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['CREATED'] = 'First Uploaded';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['DELETEUNUSEDTHUMBNAILS'] = 'Delete unused thumbnails';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['DELSELECTED'] = 'Delete selected files';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['DETAILSTAB'] = 'Details';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['FILENAME'] = 'Filename';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['FILESTAB'] = 'Files';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['LASTEDITED'] = 'Last Updated';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['TITLE'] = 'Title';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['TYPE'] = 'Type';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['UNUSEDFILESTAB'] = 'Unused files';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['UNUSEDFILESTITLE'] = 'Unused files';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['UNUSEDTHUMBNAILSTITLE'] = 'Unused thumbnails';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['UPLOADTAB'] = 'Upload';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['URL'] = 'URL';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['VIEWASSET'] = 'View Asset';
$lang['en_US']['Folder']['VIEWEDITASSET'] = 'View/Edit Asset';
$lang['en_US']['']['HELLO'] = 'Hi';
$lang['en_US']['']['TEXT1'] = 'Here is your';
$lang['en_US']['']['TEXT2'] = 'password reset link';
$lang['en_US']['']['TEXT3'] = 'for';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['FIELDISREQUIRED'] = '%s is required.';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['LANGAOTHER'] = 'Other languages';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['LANGAVAIL'] = 'Available languages';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['VALIDATIONCREDITNUMBER'] = 'Please ensure you have entered the %s credit card number correctly.';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['VALIDATIONFAILED'] = 'Validation failed';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['VALIDATIONNOTUNIQUE'] = 'The value entered is not unique';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['VALIDATIONPASSWORDSDONTMATCH'] = 'Passwords don\'t match';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['VALIDATIONPASSWORDSNOTEMPTY'] = 'Passwords can\'t be empty';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['VALIDATIONSTRONGPASSWORD'] = 'Passwords must have at least one digit and one alphanumeric character.';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['VALIDATOR'] = 'Validator';
$lang['en_US']['Form']['VALIDCURRENCY'] = 'Please enter a valid currency.';
$lang['en_US']['FormField']['NONE'] = 'none';
$lang['en_US']['Group']['Code'] = array(
'Group Code',
'Programmatical code identifying a group'
$lang['en_US']['Group']['Description'] = 'Description';
$lang['en_US']['Group']['IPRestrictions'] = 'IP Address Restrictions';
$lang['en_US']['Group']['Locked'] = array(
'Group is locked in the security administration area'
$lang['en_US']['Group']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Group']['Parent'] = array(
'Parent Group',
'One group has one parent group'
$lang['en_US']['Group']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Group']['Sort'] = 'Sort Order';
$lang['en_US']['Group']['has_many_Permissions'] = array(
'One group has many permissions'
$lang['en_US']['Group']['many_many_Members'] = array(
'One group has many members'
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['ANCHORVALUE'] = 'Anchor';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['BUTTONINSERTFLASH'] = 'Insert Flash';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['BUTTONINSERTIMAGE'] = 'Insert image';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['BUTTONINSERTLINK'] = 'Insert link';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['BUTTONREMOVELINK'] = 'Remove link';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['CAPTIONTEXT'] = 'Caption text';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['CLOSE'] = 'close';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['CSSCLASS'] = 'Alignment / style';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['CSSCLASSCENTER'] = 'Centered, on its own.';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['CSSCLASSLEFT'] = 'On the left, with text wrapping around.';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['CSSCLASSLEFTALONE'] = 'On the left, on its own.';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['CSSCLASSRIGHT'] = 'On the right, with text wrapping around.';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['EMAIL'] = 'Email address';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['FILE'] = 'File';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['FLASH'] = 'Flash';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['FOLDER'] = 'Folder';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['IMAGE'] = 'Image';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['IMAGEALTTEXT'] = 'Alternative text (alt) - shown if image cannot be displayed';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['IMAGEDIMENSIONS'] = 'Dimensions';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['IMAGEHEIGHTPX'] = 'Height';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['IMAGETITLE'] = 'Title text (tooltip) - for additional information about the image';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['IMAGEWIDTHPX'] = 'Width';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['LINK'] = 'Link';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['LINKANCHOR'] = 'Anchor on this page';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['LINKDESCR'] = 'Link description';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['LINKEMAIL'] = 'Email address';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['LINKEXTERNAL'] = 'Another website';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['LINKFILE'] = 'Download a file';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['LINKINTERNAL'] = 'Page on the site';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['LINKOPENNEWWIN'] = 'Open link in a new window?';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['LINKTEXT'] = 'Link text';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['LINKTO'] = 'Link to';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['PAGE'] = 'Page';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['SEARCHFILENAME'] = 'Search by file name';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['SHOWUPLOADFORM'] = 'Upload File';
$lang['en_US']['HtmlEditorField']['URL'] = 'URL';
$lang['en_US']['Image']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Image']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['ImageField']['IMAGE'] = 'Image';
$lang['en_US']['Image_Cached']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Image_Cached']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['']['TITLE'] = 'Image Uploading Iframe';
$lang['en_US']['LoginAttempt']['Email'] = 'Email Address';
$lang['en_US']['LoginAttempt']['IP'] = 'IP Address';
$lang['en_US']['LoginAttempt']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Login Attempts',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['LoginAttempt']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Login Attempt',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['LoginAttempt']['Status'] = 'Status';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['ADDRESS'] = 'Address';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['BUTTONCHANGEPASSWORD'] = 'Change Password';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['BUTTONLOGIN'] = 'Log in';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['BUTTONLOGINOTHER'] = 'Log in as someone else';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['BUTTONLOSTPASSWORD'] = 'I\'ve lost my password';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['CONFIRMNEWPASSWORD'] = 'Confirm New Password';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['CONFIRMPASSWORD'] = 'Confirm Password';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['CONTACTINFO'] = 'Contact Information';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['EMAIL'] = 'Email';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['EMAILSIGNUPINTRO1'] = 'Thanks for signing up to become a new member, your details are listed below for future reference.';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['EMAILSIGNUPINTRO2'] = 'You can login to the website using the credentials listed below';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['EMAILSIGNUPSUBJECT'] = 'Thanks for signing up';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['EMPTYNEWPASSWORD'] = 'The new password can\'t be empty, please try again';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['ENTEREMAIL'] = 'Please enter an email address to get a password reset link.';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['ERRORLOCKEDOUT'] = 'Your account has been temporarily disabled because of too many failed attempts at logging in. Please try again in 20 minutes.';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['ERRORNEWPASSWORD'] = 'You have entered your new password differently, try again';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['ERRORPASSWORDNOTMATCH'] = 'Your current password does not match, please try again';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['ERRORWRONGCRED'] = 'That doesn\'t seem to be the right e-mail address or password. Please try again.';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['FIRSTNAME'] = 'First Name';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['GREETING'] = 'Welcome';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['INTERFACELANG'] = array(
'Interface Language',
'Language of the CMS'
$lang['en_US']['Member']['INVALIDNEWPASSWORD'] = 'We couldn\'t accept that password: %s';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['LOGGEDINAS'] = 'You\'re logged in as %s.';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['MOBILE'] = 'Mobile';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['NAME'] = 'Name';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['NEWPASSWORD'] = 'New Password';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['PASSWORD'] = 'Password';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['PASSWORDCHANGED'] = 'Your password has been changed, and a copy emailed to you.';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['PERSONALDETAILS'] = array(
'Personal Details',
'Headline for formfields'
$lang['en_US']['Member']['PHONE'] = 'Phone';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Member']['PROFILESAVESUCCESS'] = 'Successfully saved.';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['REMEMBERME'] = 'Remember me next time?';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Member']['SUBJECTPASSWORDCHANGED'] = array(
'Your password has been changed',
'Email subject'
$lang['en_US']['Member']['SUBJECTPASSWORDRESET'] = array(
'Your password reset link',
'Email subject'
$lang['en_US']['Member']['SURNAME'] = 'Surname';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['USERDETAILS'] = array(
'User Details',
'Headline for formfields'
$lang['en_US']['Member']['VALIDATIONMEMBEREXISTS'] = 'A member already exists with the same %s';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['ValidationIdentifierFailed'] = array(
'Can\'t overwrite existing member #%d with identical identifier (%s = %s))',
'The values in brackets show a fieldname mapped to a value, usually denoting an existing email address'
$lang['en_US']['Member']['WELCOMEBACK'] = 'Welcome Back, %s';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['YOUROLDPASSWORD'] = 'Your old password';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['belongs_many_many_Groups'] = array(
'Security Groups this member belongs to'
$lang['en_US']['Member']['db_LastVisited'] = 'Last Visited Date';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['db_Locale'] = 'Interface Locale';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['db_LockedOutUntil'] = array(
'Locked out until',
'Security related date'
$lang['en_US']['Member']['db_NumVisit'] = 'Number of Visits';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['db_Password'] = 'Password';
$lang['en_US']['Member']['db_PasswordExpiry'] = array(
'Password Expiry Date',
'Password expiry date'
$lang['en_US']['MemberAuthenticator']['TITLE'] = 'E-mail &amp; Password';
$lang['en_US']['MemberPassword']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Member Passwords',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['MemberPassword']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Member Password',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['MoneyField']['FIELDLABELAMOUNT'] = 'Amount';
$lang['en_US']['MoneyField']['FIELDLABELCURRENCY'] = 'Currency';
$lang['en_US']['MyEntity']['MyNamespace'] = 'My default natural language value';
$lang['en_US']['MyNamespace']['MYENTITY'] = 'Counting %s things';
$lang['en_US']['NullableField']['IsNullLabel'] = array(
'Is Null',
$lang['en_US']['NumericField']['VALIDATION'] = '\'%s\' is not a number, only numbers can be accepted for this field';
$lang['en_US']['NumericField']['VALIDATIONJS'] = 'is not a number, only numbers can be accepted for this field';
$lang['en_US']['Permission']['AdminGroup'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['en_US']['Permission']['FULLADMINRIGHTS'] = 'Full administrative rights';
$lang['en_US']['Permission']['FULLADMINRIGHTS_HELP'] = 'Implies and overrules all other assigned permissions.';
$lang['en_US']['Permission']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Permission']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['PermissionCheckboxSetField']['AssignedTo'] = 'assigned to "%s"';
$lang['en_US']['PermissionCheckboxSetField']['FromGroup'] = array(
'inherited from group "%s"',
'A permission inherited from a certain group'
$lang['en_US']['PermissionCheckboxSetField']['FromRole'] = array(
'inherited from role "%s"',
'A permission inherited from a certain permission role'
$lang['en_US']['PermissionCheckboxSetField']['FromRoleOnGroup'] = array(
'inherited from role "%s" on group "%s"',
'A permission inherited from a role on a certain group'
$lang['en_US']['PermissionRole']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['PermissionRole']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['PermissionRoleCode']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Permission Role Cods',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['PermissionRoleCode']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Permission Role Code',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Permissions']['CONTENT_CATEGORY'] = 'Content permissions';
$lang['en_US']['Permissions']['PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY'] = 'Roles and access permissions';
$lang['en_US']['PhoneNumberField']['VALIDATION'] = 'Please enter a valid phone number';
$lang['en_US']['QueuedEmail']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Queued Emails',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['QueuedEmail']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Queued Email',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['HASBEENSETUP'] = 'A redirector page has been set up without anywhere to redirect to.';
$lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['HEADER'] = 'This page will redirect users to another page';
$lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['OTHERURL'] = 'Other website URL';
$lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Redirector Pags',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['REDIRECTTO'] = 'Redirect to';
$lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['REDIRECTTOEXTERNAL'] = 'Another website';
$lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['REDIRECTTOPAGE'] = 'A page on your website';
$lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Redirector Page',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['YOURPAGE'] = 'Page on your website';
$lang['en_US']['']['ADD'] = 'Add';
$lang['en_US']['']['CSVEXPORT'] = 'Export to CSV';
$lang['en_US']['']['NOTFOUND'] = 'No items found';
$lang['en_US']['RemoveOrphanedPagesTask']['BUTTONRUN'] = 'Run';
$lang['en_US']['RemoveOrphanedPagesTask']['CHOOSEOPERATION'] = 'Choose operation:';
$lang['en_US']['RemoveOrphanedPagesTask']['DELETEWARNING'] = 'Warning: These operations are not reversible. Please handle with care.';
$lang['en_US']['RemoveOrphanedPagesTask']['HEADER'] = 'Remove all orphaned pages task';
$lang['en_US']['RemoveOrphanedPagesTask']['NONEFOUND'] = 'No orphans found';
$lang['en_US']['RemoveOrphanedPagesTask']['NONEREMOVED'] = 'None removed';
$lang['en_US']['RemoveOrphanedPagesTask']['OPERATION_REMOVE'] = 'Remove selected from all stages (WARNING: Will destroy all selected pages from both stage and live)';
$lang['en_US']['RemoveOrphanedPagesTask']['SELECTALL'] = 'select all';
$lang['en_US']['RemoveOrphanedPagesTask']['UNSELECTALL'] = 'unselect all';
$lang['en_US']['SearchForm']['GO'] = 'Go';
$lang['en_US']['SearchForm']['SEARCH'] = 'Search';
$lang['en_US']['SearchForm']['SearchResults'] = 'Search Results';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['ALREADYLOGGEDIN'] = array(
'You don\'t have access to this page. If you have another account that can access that page, you can <a href="%s">log in again</a>.',
'%s will be replaced with a link to log in.'
$lang['en_US']['Security']['BUTTONSEND'] = 'Send me the password reset link';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['CHANGEPASSWORDBELOW'] = 'You can change your password below.';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['CHANGEPASSWORDHEADER'] = 'Change your password';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['ENTERNEWPASSWORD'] = 'Please enter a new password.';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['ERRORPASSWORDPERMISSION'] = 'You must be logged in in order to change your password!';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['IPADDRESSES'] = 'IP Addresses';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['LOGGEDOUT'] = 'You have been logged out. If you would like to log in again, enter your credentials below.';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['LOGIN'] = 'Log in';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['LOSTPASSWORDHEADER'] = 'Lost Password';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['NOTEPAGESECURED'] = 'That page is secured. Enter your credentials below and we will send you right along.';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['NOTERESETLINKINVALID'] = '<p>The password reset link is invalid or expired.</p><p>You can request a new one <a href="%s">here</a> or change your password after you <a href="%s">logged in</a>.</p>';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['NOTERESETPASSWORD'] = 'Enter your e-mail address and we will send you a link with which you can reset your password';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['PASSWORDSENTHEADER'] = 'Password reset link sent to \'%s\'';
$lang['en_US']['Security']['PASSWORDSENTTEXT'] = 'Thank you! A reset link has been sent to \'%s\', provided an account exists for this email address.';
$lang['en_US']['SecurityAdmin']['GROUPNAME'] = 'Group name';
$lang['en_US']['SecurityAdmin']['IPADDRESSESHELP'] = '<p>You can restrict this group to a particular
IP address range (one range per line). <br />Ranges can be in any of the following forms: <br /><br />
203.96.152/24<br />
203.96/16<br />
203/8<br /><br />If you enter one or more IP address ranges in this box, then members will only get
the rights of being in this group if they log on from one of the valid IP addresses. It won\'t prevent
people from logging in. This is because the same user might have to log in to access parts of the
system without IP address restrictions.';
$lang['en_US']['SecurityAdmin']['MEMBERS'] = 'Members';
$lang['en_US']['SecurityAdmin']['NEWGROUPPREFIX'] = 'new-';
$lang['en_US']['SecurityAdmin']['PERMISSIONS'] = 'Permissions';
$lang['en_US']['SecurityAdmin']['ROLES'] = 'Roles';
$lang['en_US']['SecurityAdmin']['ROLESDESCRIPTION'] = 'This section allows you to add roles to this group. Roles are logical groupings of permissions, which can be editied in the Roles tab';
$lang['en_US']['SecurityAdmin']['VIEWUSER'] = 'View User';
$lang['en_US']['SilverStripeNavigatorLink']['ShareInstructions'] = 'To share a this to this page, copy and paste the link below.';
$lang['en_US']['SilverStripeNavigatorLink']['ShareLink'] = 'Share link';
$lang['en_US']['SilverStripeNavigatorLinkl']['CloseLink'] = 'Close';
$lang['en_US']['SimpleImageField']['NOUPLOAD'] = 'No Image Uploaded';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['DEFAULTTHEME'] = '(Use default theme)';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['EDITHEADER'] = 'Who can edit pages on this site?';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['EDIT_PERMISSION'] = 'Manage site configuration';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['EDIT_PERMISSION_HELP'] = 'Ability to edit global access settings/top-level page permissions.';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Site Configs',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Site Config',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['SITENAMEDEFAULT'] = 'Your Site Name';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['SITETAGLINE'] = 'Site Tagline/Slogan';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['SITETITLE'] = 'Site title';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['TAGLINEDEFAULT'] = 'your tagline here';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['THEME'] = 'Theme';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['TOPLEVELCREATE'] = 'Who can create pages in the root of the site?';
$lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['VIEWHEADER'] = 'Who can view pages on this site?';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ACCESSANYONE'] = 'Anyone';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ACCESSHEADER'] = 'Who can view this page?';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ACCESSLOGGEDIN'] = 'Logged-in users';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ACCESSONLYTHESE'] = 'Only these people (choose from list)';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ADDEDTODRAFT'] = 'Added to draft site';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ALLOWCOMMENTS'] = 'Allow comments on this page?';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['APPEARSVIRTUALPAGES'] = 'This content also appears on the virtual pages in the %s sections.';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['BUTTONCANCELDRAFT'] = 'Cancel draft changes';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['BUTTONCANCELDRAFTDESC'] = 'Delete your draft and revert to the currently published page';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['BUTTONSAVEPUBLISH'] = 'Save and Publish';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['BUTTONUNPUBLISH'] = 'Unpublish';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC'] = 'Remove this page from the published site';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['CHANGETO'] = array(
'Change to "%s"',
'Pagetype selection dropdown with class names'
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['Comments'] = 'Comments';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['Content'] = array(
'Main HTML Content for a page'
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTABOUTCONTENT'] = '<p>You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.<br /></p>';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTABOUTTITLE'] = 'About Us';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTCONTACTCONTENT'] = '<p>You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.<br /></p>';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTCONTACTTITLE'] = 'Contact Us';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTHOMECONTENT'] = '<p>Welcome to SilverStripe! This is the default homepage. You can edit this page by opening <a href="admin/">the CMS</a>. You can now access the <a href="">developer documentation</a>, or begin <a href="">the tutorials.</a></p>';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTHOMETITLE'] = 'Home';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DELETEDPAGE'] = 'Deleted page';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDITANYONE'] = 'Anyone who can log-in to the CMS';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDITHEADER'] = 'Who can edit this page?';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDITONLYTHESE'] = 'Only these people (choose from list)';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDITORGROUPS'] = 'Editor Groups';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDIT_ALL_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Edit any page';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDIT_ALL_HELP'] = 'Ability to edit any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the "Access to Site Content" permission';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['Editors'] = 'Editors Groups';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['HASBROKENLINKS'] = 'This page has broken links.';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['HOMEPAGEFORDOMAIN'] = array(
'Listing domains that should be used as homepage'
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['HTMLEDITORTITLE'] = array(
'HTML editor title'
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['HomepageForDomain'] = 'Hompage for this domain';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['INHERIT'] = 'Inherit from parent page';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['LINKCHANGENOTE'] = 'Changing this page\'s link will also affect the links of all child pages.';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['MENUTITLE'] = 'Navigation label';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['METADESC'] = 'Description';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['METAEXTRA'] = 'Custom Meta Tags';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['METAHEADER'] = 'Search Engine Meta-tags';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['METAKEYWORDS'] = 'Keywords';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['METATITLE'] = 'Title';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['MODIFIEDONDRAFT'] = 'Modified on draft site';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['NOTEUSEASHOMEPAGE'] = 'Use this page as the \'home page\' for the following domains:
(separate multiple domains with commas)';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PAGELOCATION'] = 'Page location';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PAGESLINKING'] = 'The following pages link to this page:';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PAGETITLE'] = 'Page name';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PAGETYPE'] = array(
'Page type',
'Classname of a page object'
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PARENTID'] = array(
'Parent page',
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PARENTTYPE'] = array(
'Page location',
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PARENTTYPE_ROOT'] = 'Top-level page';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PARENTTYPE_SUBPAGE'] = 'Sub-page underneath a parent page (choose below)';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PERMISSION_GRANTACCESS_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Manage access rights for content';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PERMISSION_GRANTACCESS_HELP'] = 'Allow setting of page-specific access restrictions in the "Pages" section.';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Site Tres',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['REMOVEDFROMDRAFT'] = 'Removed from draft site';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['REORGANISE_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Change site structure';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['REORGANISE_HELP'] = 'Rearrange pages in the site tree through drag&drop.';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['SHOWINMENUS'] = 'Show in menus?';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['SHOWINSEARCH'] = 'Show in search?';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Site Tree',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABACCESS'] = 'Access';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABBACKLINKS'] = 'BackLinks';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABBEHAVIOUR'] = 'Behaviour';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABCONTENT'] = 'Content';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABMAIN'] = 'Main';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABMETA'] = 'Metadata';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABREPORTS'] = 'Reports';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TODOHELP'] = '<p>You can use this to keep track of work that needs to be done to the content of your site. To see all your pages with to do information, open the \'Site Reports\' window on the left and select \'To Do\'</p>';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TOPLEVEL'] = 'Site Content (Top Level)';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TOPLEVELCREATORGROUPS'] = 'Top level creators';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ToDo'] = 'Todo Notes';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['URL'] = 'URL';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['URLSegment'] = array(
'URL Segment',
'URL for this page'
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VALIDATIONURLSEGMENT1'] = 'Another page is using that URL. URL must be unique for each page';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VALIDATIONURLSEGMENT2'] = 'URLs can only be made up of letters, digits and hyphens.';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIEWERGROUPS'] = 'Viewer Groups';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIEW_ALL_DESCRIPTION'] = 'View any page';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIEW_ALL_HELP'] = 'Ability to view any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the "Access to Site Content" permission';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT'] = 'View draft content';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT_HELP'] = 'Applies to viewing pages outside of the CMS in draft mode. Useful for external collaborators without CMS access.';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIRTUALPAGESLINKING'] = 'The following virtual pages pull from this page:';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['Viewers'] = 'Viewers Groups';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['has_one_Parent'] = array(
'Parent Page',
'The parent page in the site hierarchy'
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['many_many_BackLinkTracking'] = 'Backlink Tracking';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['many_many_ImageTracking'] = 'Image Tracking';
$lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['many_many_LinkTracking'] = 'Link Tracking';
$lang['en_US']['TableField']['ISREQUIRED'] = 'In %s \'%s\' is required.';
$lang['en_US']['']['ADD'] = 'Add a new row';
$lang['en_US']['']['ADDITEM'] = 'Add %s';
$lang['en_US']['']['CSVEXPORT'] = 'Export to CSV';
$lang['en_US']['TableListField']['CSVEXPORT'] = 'Export to CSV';
$lang['en_US']['TableListField']['PRINT'] = 'Print';
$lang['en_US']['TableListField']['SELECT'] = 'Select:';
$lang['en_US']['']['NOITEMSFOUND'] = 'No items found';
$lang['en_US']['']['SORTASC'] = 'Sort in ascending order';
$lang['en_US']['']['SORTDESC'] = 'Sort in descending order';
$lang['en_US']['']['DISPLAYING'] = 'Displaying';
$lang['en_US']['']['OF'] = 'of';
$lang['en_US']['']['TO'] = 'to';
$lang['en_US']['']['VIEWFIRST'] = 'View first';
$lang['en_US']['']['VIEWLAST'] = 'View last';
$lang['en_US']['']['VIEWNEXT'] = 'View next';
$lang['en_US']['']['VIEWPREVIOUS'] = 'View previous';
$lang['en_US']['TimeField']['VALIDATEFORMAT'] = 'Please enter a valid time format (%s)';
$lang['en_US']['']['HIDE'] = 'Hide';
$lang['en_US']['']['SHOW'] = 'Show';
$lang['en_US']['ToggleField']['LESS'] = 'less';
$lang['en_US']['ToggleField']['MORE'] = 'more';
$lang['en_US']['Translatable']['CREATE'] = 'Create new translation';
$lang['en_US']['Translatable']['CREATEBUTTON'] = 'Create';
$lang['en_US']['Translatable']['EXISTING'] = 'Existing translations:';
$lang['en_US']['Translatable']['NEWLANGUAGE'] = 'New language';
$lang['en_US']['Translatable']['NOTICENEWPAGE'] = 'Please save this page before creating a translation';
$lang['en_US']['Translatable']['TRANSLATEALLPERMISSION'] = 'Translate into all available languages';
$lang['en_US']['Translatable']['TRANSLATEPERMISSION'] = array(
'Translate %s',
'Translate pages into a language'
$lang['en_US']['Translatable']['TRANSLATIONS'] = 'Translations';
$lang['en_US']['TreeSelectorField']['CANCEL'] = 'cancel';
$lang['en_US']['TreeSelectorField']['SAVE'] = 'save';
$lang['en_US']['Versioned']['has_many_Versions'] = array(
'Past Versions of this page'
$lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['CHOOSE'] = 'Choose a page to link to';
$lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['EDITCONTENT'] = 'click here to edit the content';
$lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['HEADER'] = 'This is a virtual page';
$lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['NOTFOUND'] = 'We could not find the content for this virtual page.';
$lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Virtual Pags',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Virtual Page',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Widget']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['Widget']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['WidgetArea']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
'Widget Areas',
'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
$lang['en_US']['WidgetArea']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
'Widget Area',
'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'