mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 12:05:37 +00:00
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/sapphire/trunk@112157 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
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* This file is designed to be the new 'server' of sites using StaticPublisher.
* to use this, you need to modify your .htaccess to point all requests to
* static-main.php, rather than main.php. This file also allows for using
* static publisher with the subsites module.
* If you are using StaticPublisher+Subsites, set the following in _config.php:
* FilesystemPublisher::$domain_based_caching = true;
* and added main site host mapping in subsites/host-map.php after everytime a new subsite is created or modified
* If you are not using subsites, the host-map.php file will not exist (it is
* automatically generated by the Subsites module) and the cache will default
* to no subdirectory.
$cacheEnabled = true;
$cacheDebug = false;
$cacheBaseDir = '../cache/'; // Should point to the same folder as FilesystemPublisher->destFolder
// Optional settings for FilesystemPublisher::$domain_based_mapping=TRUE
$hostmapLocation = '../subsites/host-map.php';
$homepageMapLocation = '../assets/_homepage-map.php';
if ($cacheEnabled && empty($_COOKIE['bypassStaticCache'])) {
// Define system paths (copied from Core.php)
if(!defined('BASE_PATH')) {
// Assuming that this file is sapphire/static-main.php we can then determine the base path
define('BASE_PATH', rtrim(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
if(!defined('BASE_URL')) {
// Determine the base URL by comparing SCRIPT_NAME to SCRIPT_FILENAME and getting the common elements
if(substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],0,strlen(BASE_PATH)) == BASE_PATH) {
$urlSegmentToRemove = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],strlen(BASE_PATH));
if(substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],-strlen($urlSegmentToRemove)) == $urlSegmentToRemove) {
$baseURL = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, -strlen($urlSegmentToRemove));
define('BASE_URL', rtrim($baseURL, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
$url = $_GET['url'];
// Remove base folders from the URL if webroot is hosted in a subfolder
if (substr(strtolower($url), 0, strlen(BASE_URL)) == strtolower(BASE_URL)) {
$url = substr($url, strlen(BASE_URL));
$host = str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
// Custom cache dir for debugging purposes
if (isset($_GET['cacheSubdir']) && !preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]/', $_GET['cacheSubdir'])) {
$cacheDir = $_GET['cacheSubdir'].'/';
// Custom mapping through PHP file (assumed FilesystemPublisher::$domain_based_mapping=TRUE)
else if (file_exists($hostmapLocation)) {
include_once $hostmapLocation;
$subsiteHostmap['default'] = isset($subsiteHostmap['default']) ? $subsiteHostmap['default'] : '';
$cacheDir = (isset($subsiteHostmap[$host]) ? $subsiteHostmap[$host] : $subsiteHostmap['default']) . '/';
// No subfolder (for FilesystemPublisher::$domain_based_mapping=FALSE)
else {
$cacheDir = '';
// Look for the file in the cachedir
$file = trim($url, '/');
$file = $file ? $file : 'index';
// Route to the 'correct' index file (if applicable)
if ($file == 'index' && file_exists($homepageMapLocation)) {
include_once $homepageMapLocation;
$file = isset($homepageMap[$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']]) ? $homepageMap[$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']] : $file;
// Find file by extension (either *.html or *.php)
$file = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/\-_]/si', '-', $file);
if (file_exists($cacheBaseDir . $cacheDir . $file . '.html')) {
header('X-SilverStripe-Cache: hit at '.@date('r'));
echo file_get_contents($cacheBaseDir . $cacheDir . $file . '.html');
if ($cacheDebug) echo "<h1>File was cached</h1>";
} elseif (file_exists($cacheBaseDir . $cacheDir . $file . '.php')) {
header('X-SilverStripe-Cache: hit at '.@date('r'));
include_once $cacheBaseDir . $cacheDir . $file . '.php';
if ($cacheDebug) echo "<h1>File was cached</h1>";
} else {
header('X-SilverStripe-Cache: miss at '.@date('r') . ' on ' . $cacheDir . $file);
// No cache hit... fallback to dynamic routing
include 'main.php';
if ($cacheDebug) echo "<h1>File was NOT cached</h1>";
} else {
// Fall back to dynamic generation via normal routing if caching has been explicitly disabled
include 'main.php';