Damian Mooyman b7ac5c564d API / BUG Fix DBField summary methods
Cleanup DBField subclasses
Fixes #2929
Fixes #1381
Fixes #5547
Fixes #1751
2016-07-13 17:15:45 +12:00

580 lines
17 KiB

use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBHTMLText;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBField;
* @package framework
* @subpackage tests
class DBHTMLTextTest extends SapphireTest {
public function setUp() {
// Set test handler
->register('test_shortcode', array('DBHTMLTextTest_Shortcode', 'handle_shortcode'));
public function tearDown() {
* Test {@link Text->LimitCharacters()}
public function providerLimitCharacters()
// HTML characters are stripped safely
return [
['The little brown fox jumped over the lazy cow.', 'The little brown fox...'],
['<p>Short &amp; Sweet</p>', 'Short &amp; Sweet'],
['This text contains &amp; in it', 'This text contains &amp;...'],
* Test {@link DBHTMLText->LimitCharacters()}
* @dataProvider providerLimitCharacters
* @param string $originalValue
* @param string $expectedValue
public function testLimitCharacters($originalValue, $expectedValue) {
$textObj = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', $originalValue);
$result = $textObj->obj('LimitCharacters')->forTemplate();
$this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $result);
* @return array
public function providerLimitCharactersToClosestWord()
// HTML is converted safely to plain text
return [
// Standard words limited, ellipsis added if truncated
['<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>', 24, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit...'],
// Complete words less than the character limit don't get truncated, ellipsis not added
['<p>Lorem ipsum</p>', 24, 'Lorem ipsum'],
['<p>Lorem</p>', 24, 'Lorem'],
['', 24, ''], // No words produces nothing!
// Special characters are encoded safely
['Nice &amp; Easy', 24, 'Nice &amp; Easy'],
// HTML is safely converted to plain text
['<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>', 24, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit...'],
['<p><span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</span></p>', 24, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit...'],
['<p>Lorem ipsum</p>', 24, 'Lorem ipsum'],
['Lorem &amp; ipsum dolor sit amet', 24, 'Lorem &amp; ipsum dolor sit...']
* Test {@link DBHTMLText->LimitCharactersToClosestWord()}
* @dataProvider providerLimitCharactersToClosestWord
* @param string $originalValue Raw string input
* @param int $limit
* @param string $expectedValue Expected template value
public function testLimitCharactersToClosestWord($originalValue, $limit, $expectedValue) {
$textObj = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', $originalValue);
$result = $textObj->obj('LimitCharactersToClosestWord', [$limit])->forTemplate();
$this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $result);
public function providerSummary()
return [
'<p>Should strip <b>tags, but leave</b> text</p>',
'Should strip tags, but leave text',
// Line breaks are preserved
'<p>Unclosed tags <br>should not phase it</p>',
"Unclosed tags <br />\nshould not phase it",
// Paragraphs converted to linebreak
'<p>Second paragraph</p><p>should not cause errors or appear in output</p>',
"Second paragraph<br />\n<br />\nshould not cause errors or appear in output",
'<img src="hello" /><p>Second paragraph</p><p>should not cause errors or appear in output</p>',
"Second paragraph<br />\n<br />\nshould not cause errors or appear in output",
' <img src="hello" /><p>Second paragraph</p><p>should not cause errors or appear in output</p>',
"Second paragraph<br />\n<br />\nshould not cause errors or appear in output",
'<p><img src="remove me">example <img src="include me">text words hello<img src="hello"></p>',
'example text words hello',
// Shorter limits
'<p>A long paragraph should be cut off if limit is set</p>',
'A long paragraph should be...',
'<p>No matter <i>how many <b>tags</b></i> are in it</p>',
'No matter how many tags...',
'<p>A sentence is. nicer than hard limits</p>',
'A sentence is.',
* @dataProvider providerSummary
* @param string $originalValue
* @param int $limit
* @param string $expectedValue
public function testSummary($originalValue, $limit, $expectedValue) {
$textObj = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', $originalValue);
$result = $textObj->obj('Summary', [$limit])->forTemplate();
$this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $result);
public function testSummaryEndings() {
$cases = array(
' -> more',
$orig = '<p>Cut it off, cut it off</p>';
$match = 'Cut it off, cut';
foreach($cases as $add) {
$textObj = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', $orig);
$result = $textObj->obj('Summary', [4, $add])->forTemplate();
$this->assertEquals($match.Convert::raw2xml($add), $result);
public function providerFirstSentence()
return [
// Same behaviour as DBTextTest
['', ''],
['First sentence.', 'First sentence.'],
['First sentence. Second sentence', 'First sentence.'],
['First sentence? Second sentence', 'First sentence?'],
['First sentence! Second sentence', 'First sentence!'],
// DBHTHLText strips HTML first
['<br />First sentence.', 'First sentence.'],
['<p>First sentence. Second sentence. Third sentence</p>', 'First sentence.'],
* @dataProvider providerFirstSentence
* @param string $originalValue
* @param string $expectedValue
public function testFirstSentence($originalValue, $expectedValue) {
$textObj = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', $originalValue);
$result = $textObj->obj('FirstSentence')->forTemplate();
$this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $result);
public function providerToPlain()
return [
'<p><img />Lots of <strong>HTML <i>nested</i></strong> tags',
'Lots of HTML nested tags',
'<p>Multi</p><p>Paragraph<br>Also has multilines.</p>',
"Multi\n\nParagraph\nAlso has multilines.",
'<p>Collapses</p><p></p><p>Excessive<br/><br /><br>Newlines</p>',
* @dataProvider providerToPlain
* @param string $html
* @param string $plain
public function testToPlain($html, $plain) {
/** @var DBHTMLText $textObj */
$textObj = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', $html);
$this->assertEquals($plain, $textObj->Plain());
* each test is in the format input, charactere limit, highlight, expected output
* @return array
public function providerContextSummary()
return [
'This is some text. It is a test',
'... text. It is a <span class="highlight">test</span>'
// Retains case of original string
'This is some test text. Test test what if you have multiple keywords.',
'some test',
'This is <span class="highlight">some</span> <span class="highlight">test</span> text.'
. ' <span class="highlight">Test</span> <span class="highlight">test</span> what if you have...'
'Here is some text &amp; HTML included',
'... text &amp; <span class="highlight">HTML</span> inc...'
'A dog ate a cat while looking at a Foobar',
// test that it does not highlight too much (eg every a)
'A dog ate a cat while looking at a Foobar',
'A dog ate a cat while looking at a Foobar',
// it should highlight 3 letters or more.
'A dog <span class="highlight">ate</span> a cat while looking at a Foobar',
// HTML Content is plain-textified, and incorrect tags removed
'<p>A dog ate a cat while <span class="highlight">looking</span> at a Foobar</p>',
// it should highlight 3 letters or more.
'A dog <span class="highlight">ate</span> a cat while looking at a Foobar',
* @dataProvider providerContextSummary
* @param string $originalValue Input
* @param int $limit Numer of characters
* @param string $keywords Keywords to highlight
* @param string $expectedValue Expected output (XML encoded safely)
public function testContextSummary($originalValue, $limit, $keywords, $expectedValue)
$text = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', $originalValue);
$result = $text->obj('ContextSummary', [$limit, $keywords])->forTemplate();
// it should highlight 3 letters or more.
$this->assertEquals($expectedValue, $result);
public function testRAW() {
$data = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', 'This &amp; This');
$this->assertEquals('This &amp; This', $data->RAW());
$data = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', 'This & This');
$this->assertEquals('This & This', $data->RAW());
public function testXML() {
$data = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', 'This & This');
$this->assertEquals('This &amp; This', $data->XML());
$data = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', 'This &amp; This');
$this->assertEquals('This &amp;amp; This', $data->XML());
public function testHTML() {
$data = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', 'This & This');
$this->assertEquals('This &amp; This', $data->HTML());
$data = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', 'This &amp; This');
$this->assertEquals('This &amp;amp; This', $data->HTML());
public function testJS() {
$data = DBField::create_field('HTMLText', '"this is &amp; test"');
$this->assertEquals('\"this is \x26amp; test\"', $data->JS());
public function testATT() {
// HTML Fragment
$data = DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', '"this is a test"');
$this->assertEquals('&quot;this is a test&quot;', $data->ATT());
// HTML Text (passes shortcodes + tidy)
$data = DBField::create_field('HTMLText', '&quot;');
$this->assertEquals('&quot;', $data->ATT());
public function testShortcodesProcessed()
/** @var DBHTMLText $obj */
$obj = DBField::create_field(
'<p>Some content <strong>[test_shortcode]</strong> with shortcode</p>'
// Basic DBField methods process shortcodes
'Some content shortcode content with shortcode',
'<p>Some content <strong>shortcode content</strong> with shortcode</p>',
'&lt;p&gt;Some content &lt;strong&gt;shortcode content&lt;/strong&gt; with shortcode&lt;/p&gt;',
'&lt;p&gt;Some content &lt;strong&gt;shortcode content&lt;/strong&gt; with shortcode&lt;/p&gt;',
// Test summary methods
'Some content shortcode...',
'Some content shortcode content with shortcode',
'Some content shortco...',
public function testParse() {
// Test parse
/** @var DBHTMLText $obj */
$obj = DBField::create_field(
'<p>[b]Some content[/b] [test_shortcode] with shortcode</p>'
// BBCode strips HTML and applies own formatting
'<strong>Some content</strong> shortcode content with shortcode',
function testExists() {
$h = new DBHTMLText();
$h->setValue("<p> </p>");
$h->setValue("<img src=\"dummy.png\">");
$h->setValue("<img src=\"dummy.png\"><img src=\"dummy.png\">");
$h->setValue("<p><img src=\"dummy.png\"></p>");
$h->setValue("<iframe src=\"\"></iframe>");
$h->setValue("<embed src=\"test.swf\">");
$h->setValue("<object width=\"400\" height=\"400\" data=\"test.swf\"></object>");
function testWhitelist() {
$textObj = new DBHTMLText('Test', 'whitelist=meta,link');
'<meta content="Keep"><link href="Also Keep">',
$textObj->whitelistContent('<meta content="Keep"><p>Remove</p><link href="Also Keep" />Remove Text'),
'Removes any elements not in whitelist excluding text elements'
$textObj = new DBHTMLText('Test', 'whitelist=meta,link,text()');
'<meta content="Keep"><link href="Also Keep">Keep Text',
$textObj->whitelistContent('<meta content="Keep"><p>Remove</p><link href="Also Keep" />Keep Text'),
'Removes any elements not in whitelist including text elements'
public function testShortCodeParsedInRAW() {
$parser = ShortcodeParser::get('HTMLTextTest');
$parser->register('shortcode', function($arguments, $content, $parser, $tagName, $extra) {
return 'replaced';
/** @var DBHTMLText $field */
$field = DBField::create_field('HTMLText', '<p>[shortcode]</p>');
$this->assertEquals('<p>replaced</p>', $field->RAW());
$this->assertEquals('<p>replaced</p>', (string)$field);
'shortcodes' => false,
$this->assertEquals('<p>[shortcode]</p>', $field->RAW());
$this->assertEquals('<p>[shortcode]</p>', (string)$field);
public function testShortCodeParsedInTemplateHelpers() {
$parser = ShortcodeParser::get('HTMLTextTest');
$parser->register('shortcode', function($arguments, $content, $parser, $tagName, $extra) {
return 'Replaced short code with this. <a href="home">home</a>';
/** @var DBHTMLText $field */
$field = DBField::create_field('HTMLText', '<p>[shortcode]</p>');
'&lt;p&gt;Replaced short code with this. &lt;a href=&quot;home&quot;&gt;home&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;',
'&lt;p&gt;Replaced short code with this. &lt;a href=&quot;home&quot;&gt;home&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;',
'<p>Replaced short code with this. <a href="home">home</a></p>',
'\x3cp\x3eReplaced short code with this. \x3ca href=\"home\"\x3ehome\x3c/a\x3e\x3c/p\x3e',
'&lt;p&gt;Replaced short code with this. &lt;a href=&quot;home&quot;&gt;home&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;',
'&lt;p&gt;Replaced short code with this. &lt;a href=&quot;home&quot;&gt;home&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;',
$field->LimitCharacters(4, '...')
$field->LimitCharactersToClosestWord(10, '...')
$field->LimitWordCount(1, '...')
'<p>replaced short code with this. <a href="home">home</a></p>',
'Replaced short code with this. home',
Config::inst()->update('Director', 'alternate_base_url', '');
'<p>Replaced short code with this. <a href="">home</a></p>',
'Replaced short code with this.',
'Replaced short code with this.',
'Replaced short...',
'Replaced short code with...',
'Replaced short code with this. home[home]',
'Replaced <span class="highlight">short</span> <span class="highlight">code</span> with this. home',
$field->ContextSummary(500, 'short code')
class DBHTMLTextTest_Shortcode implements ShortcodeHandler, TestOnly {
public static function get_shortcodes()
return 'test';
public static function handle_shortcode($arguments, $content, $parser, $shortcode, $extra = array())
return 'shortcode content';