
 * SilverStripe-specific testing object designed to support functional testing of your web app.  It simulates get/post
 * requests, form submission, and can validate resulting HTML, looking up content by CSS selector.
 * The example below shows how it works.
 * <code>
 *   public function testMyForm() {
 *   // Visit a URL
 *   $this->get("your/url");
 *   // Submit a form on the page that you get in response
 *   $this->submitForm("MyForm_ID", "action_dologin", array("Email" => "invalid email ^&*&^"));
 *   // Validate the content that is returned
 *   $this->assertExactMatchBySelector("#MyForm_ID p.error", array("That email address is invalid."));
 *  }
 * </code>
 * @package framework
 * @subpackage testing
class FunctionalTest extends SapphireTest {
	 * Set this to true on your sub-class to disable the use of themes in this test.
	 * This can be handy for functional testing of modules without having to worry about whether a user has changed
	 * behaviour by replacing the theme.
	 * @var bool
	protected static $disable_themes = false;

	 * Set this to true on your sub-class to use the draft site by default for every test in this class.
	 * @var bool
	protected static $use_draft_site = false;

	 * @var TestSession
	protected $mainSession = null;

	 * CSSContentParser for the most recently requested page.
	 * @var CSSContentParser
	protected $cssParser = null;

	 * If this is true, then 30x Location headers will be automatically followed.
	 * If not, then you will have to manaully call $this->mainSession->followRedirection() to follow them.
	 * However, this will let you inspect the intermediary headers
	 * @var bool
	protected $autoFollowRedirection = true;

	 * @var string
	protected $originalTheme = null;

	 * Returns the {@link Session} object for this test
	 * @return Session
	public function session() {
		return $this->mainSession->session();

	public function setUp() {
		// Skip calling FunctionalTest directly.
		if(get_class($this) == "FunctionalTest") $this->skipTest = true;

		$this->mainSession = new TestSession();

		// Disable theme, if necessary
		if(static::get_disable_themes()) {
			$this->originalTheme = Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme');
			Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme', null);

		// Switch to draft site, if necessary
		if(static::get_use_draft_site()) {

		// Unprotect the site, tests are running with the assumption it's off. They will enable it on a case-by-case
		// basis.


	public function tearDown() {


		if(static::get_disable_themes()) {
			Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme', $this->originalTheme);

	 * Run a test while mocking the base url with the provided value
	 * @param string $url The base URL to use for this test
	 * @param callable $callback The test to run
	protected function withBaseURL($url, $callback) {
		$oldBase = Config::inst()->get('Director', 'alternate_base_url');
		Config::inst()->update('Director', 'alternate_base_url', $url);
		Config::inst()->update('Director', 'alternate_base_url', $oldBase);

	 * Run a test while mocking the base folder with the provided value
	 * @param string $folder The base folder to use for this test
	 * @param callable $callback The test to run
	protected function withBaseFolder($folder, $callback) {
		$oldFolder = Config::inst()->get('Director', 'alternate_base_folder');
		Config::inst()->update('Director', 'alternate_base_folder', $folder);
		Config::inst()->update('Director', 'alternate_base_folder', $oldFolder);

	 * Submit a get request
	 * @uses Director::test()
	 * @param string $url
	 * @param Session $session
	 * @param array $headers
	 * @param array $cookies
	 * @return SS_HTTPResponse
	public function get($url, $session = null, $headers = null, $cookies = null) {
		$this->cssParser = null;
		$response = $this->mainSession->get($url, $session, $headers, $cookies);
		if($this->autoFollowRedirection && is_object($response) && $response->getHeader('Location')) {
			$response = $this->mainSession->followRedirection();
		return $response;

	 * Submit a post request
	 * @uses Director::test()
	 * @param string $url
	 * @param array $data
	 * @param array $headers
	 * @param Session $session
	 * @param string $body
	 * @param array $cookies
	 * @return SS_HTTPResponse
	public function post($url, $data, $headers = null, $session = null, $body = null, $cookies = null) {
		$this->cssParser = null;
		$response = $this->mainSession->post($url, $data, $headers, $session, $body, $cookies);
		if($this->autoFollowRedirection && is_object($response) && $response->getHeader('Location')) {
			$response = $this->mainSession->followRedirection();
		return $response;

	 * Submit the form with the given HTML ID, filling it out with the given data.
	 * Acts on the most recent response.
	 * Any data parameters have to be present in the form, with exact form field name
	 * and values, otherwise they are removed from the submission.
	 * Caution: Parameter names have to be formatted
	 * as they are in the form submission, not as they are interpreted by PHP.
	 * Wrong: array('mycheckboxvalues' => array(1 => 'one', 2 => 'two'))
	 * Right: array('mycheckboxvalues[1]' => 'one', 'mycheckboxvalues[2]' => 'two')
	 * @see http://www.simpletest.org/en/form_testing_documentation.html
	 * @param string $formID HTML 'id' attribute of a form (loaded through a previous response)
	 * @param string $button HTML 'name' attribute of the button (NOT the 'id' attribute)
	 * @param array $data Map of GET/POST data.
	 * @return SS_HTTPResponse
	public function submitForm($formID, $button = null, $data = array()) {
		$this->cssParser = null;
		$response = $this->mainSession->submitForm($formID, $button, $data);
		if($this->autoFollowRedirection && is_object($response) && $response->getHeader('Location')) {
			$response = $this->mainSession->followRedirection();
		return $response;

	 * Return the most recent content
	 * @return string
	public function content() {
		return $this->mainSession->lastContent();

	 * Find an attribute in a SimpleXMLElement object by name.
	 * @param SimpleXMLElement $object
	 * @param string $attribute Name of attribute to find
	 * @return SimpleXMLElement object of the attribute
	public function findAttribute($object, $attribute) {
		$found = false;
		foreach($object->attributes() as $a => $b) {
			if($a == $attribute) {
				$found = $b;
		return $found;

	 * Return a CSSContentParser for the most recent content.
	 * @return CSSContentParser
	public function cssParser() {
		if(!$this->cssParser) $this->cssParser = new CSSContentParser($this->mainSession->lastContent());
		return $this->cssParser;

	 * Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
	 * The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page.  The content of every matching tag
	 * will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
	 * Note: &nbsp; characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
	 * @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
	 * @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of at least one of the matched tags
	 * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
	 * @return boolean
	public function assertPartialMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches) {
		if(is_string($expectedMatches)) $expectedMatches = array($expectedMatches);

		$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);

		$actuals = array();
		if($items) foreach($items as $item) $actuals[trim(preg_replace("/[ \n\r\t]+/", " ", $item. ''))] = true;

		foreach($expectedMatches as $match) {
		"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has a partial match to the expected elements:\n'"
			. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
					. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", array_keys($actuals)) . "'"
			return false;

		return true;

	 * Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
	 * The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page.  The full HTML of every matching tag
	 * will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
	 * Note: &nbsp; characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
	 * @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
	 * @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of *all* matching tags as an array
	 * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
	 * @return boolean
	public function assertExactMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches) {
		if(is_string($expectedMatches)) $expectedMatches = array($expectedMatches);

		$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);

		$actuals = array();
		if($items) foreach($items as $item) $actuals[] = trim(preg_replace("/[ \n\r\t]+/", " ", $item. ''));

			$expectedMatches == $actuals,
				"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has an exact match to the expected elements:\n'"
				. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
				. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", $actuals) . "'"

		return true;

	 * Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
	 * The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page.  The content of every matching tag
	 * will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
	 * Note: &nbsp; characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
	 * @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
	 * @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of at least one of the matched tags
	 * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
	 * @return boolean
	public function assertPartialHTMLMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches) {
		if(is_string($expectedMatches)) $expectedMatches = array($expectedMatches);

		$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);

		$actuals = array();
		if($items) foreach($items as $item) $actuals[$item->asXML()] = true;

		foreach($expectedMatches as $match) {
				"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has a partial match to the expected elements:\n'"
				. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
				. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", array_keys($actuals)) . "'"

		return true;

	 * Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.
	 * The given CSS selector will be applied to the HTML of the most recent page.  The full HTML of every matching tag
	 * will be examined. The assertion fails if one of the expectedMatches fails to appear.
	 * Note: &nbsp; characters are stripped from the content; make sure that your assertions take this into account.
	 * @param string $selector A basic CSS selector, e.g. 'li.jobs h3'
	 * @param array|string $expectedMatches The content of *all* matched tags as an array
	 * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError
	 * @return boolean
	public function assertExactHTMLMatchBySelector($selector, $expectedMatches) {
		$items = $this->cssParser()->getBySelector($selector);

		$actuals = array();
		if($items) foreach($items as $item) $actuals[] = $item->asXML();

			$expectedMatches == $actuals,
			"Failed asserting the CSS selector '$selector' has an exact match to the expected elements:\n'"
			. implode("'\n'", $expectedMatches) . "'\n\n"
			. "Instead the following elements were found:\n'" . implode("'\n'", $actuals) . "'"

	 * Log in as the given member
	 * @param $member The ID, fixture codename, or Member object of the member that you want to log in
	public function logInAs($member) {
		if(is_object($member)) $memberID = $member->ID;
		elseif(is_numeric($member)) $memberID = $member;
		else $memberID = $this->idFromFixture('Member', $member);

		$this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', $memberID);

	 * Use the draft (stage) site for testing.
	 * This is helpful if you're not testing publication functionality and don't want "stage management" cluttering
	 * your test.
	 * @param bool toggle the use of the draft site
	public function useDraftSite($enabled = true) {
		if($enabled) {
			$this->session()->inst_set('readingMode', 'Stage.Stage');
			$this->session()->inst_set('unsecuredDraftSite', true);
		else {
			$this->session()->inst_set('readingMode', 'Stage.Live');
			$this->session()->inst_set('unsecuredDraftSite', false);

	 * Return a static variable from this class.
	 * @param string $varName
	 * @return mixed
	public function stat($varName) {
		return static::$varName;

	 * @return bool
	public static function get_disable_themes() {
		return static::$disable_themes;

	 * @return bool
	public static function get_use_draft_site() {
		return static::$use_draft_site;