<?php /** * Base class for widgets. * Widgets let CMS authors drag and drop small pieces of functionality into defined areas of their websites. * @package sapphire * @subpackage widgets */ class Widget extends DataObject { static $db = array( "Sort" => "Int" ); static $has_one = array( "Parent" => "WidgetArea", ); static $has_many = array(); static $many_many = array(); static $belongs_many_many = array(); static $defaults = array(); static $default_sort = "Sort"; static $title = "Widget Title"; static $cmsTitle = "Name of this widget"; static $description = "Description of what this widget does."; function getCMSFields() { return new FieldSet(); } function WidgetHolder() { return $this->renderWith("WidgetHolder"); } function Content() { return $this->renderWith($this->class); } function Title() { return Object::get_static($this->class, 'title'); } function CMSTitle() { return Object::get_static($this->class, 'cmsTitle'); } function Description() { return Object::get_static($this->class, 'description'); } function DescriptionSegment() { return $this->renderWith('WidgetDescription'); } function EditableSegment() { return $this->renderWith('WidgetEditor'); } function CMSEditor() { $output = ''; $fields = $this->getCMSFields(); foreach($fields as $field) { $name = $field->Name(); $field->setValue($this->getField($name)); $renderedField = $field->FieldHolder(); $renderedField = ereg_replace("name=\"([A-Za-z0-9\-_]+)\"", "name=\"Widget[" . $this->ID . "][\\1]\"", $renderedField); $renderedField = ereg_replace("id=\"([A-Za-z0-9\-_]+)\"", "id=\"Widget[" . $this->ID . "][\\1]\"", $renderedField); $output .= $renderedField; } return $output; } function ClassName() { return $this->class; } function Name() { return "Widget[".$this->ID."]"; } function populateFromPostData($data) { foreach($data as $name => $value) { if($name != "Type") { $this->setField($name, $value); } } $this->write(); // The field must be written to ensure a unique ID. $this->Name = $this->class.$this->ID; $this->write(); } function FormObjectLink($formName) { if(is_numeric($this->ID)) { return "WidgetFormProxy/index/$this->ID?executeForm=$formName"; } else { user_error("Attempted to create a form on a widget that hasn't been saved to the database.", E_USER_WARNING); } } } class Widget_Controller extends Controller { function editablesegment() { $className = $this->urlParams['ID']; if(class_exists($className) && is_subclass_of($className, 'Widget')) { $obj = new $className(); return $obj->EditableSegment(); } else { user_error("Bad widget class: $className", E_USER_WARNING); return "Bad widget class name given"; } } } ?>