
class SQLQueryTest extends SapphireTest {
	static $fixture_file = null;
	function testEmptyQueryReturnsNothing() {
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$this->assertEquals('', $query->sql());
	function testSelectFromBasicTable() {
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->from[] = "MyTable";
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM MyTable", $query->sql());
		$query->from[] = "MyJoin";
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM MyTable MyJoin", $query->sql());
	function testSelectFromUserSpecifiedFields() {
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->select = array("Name", "Title", "Description");
		$query->from[] = "MyTable";
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT Name, Title, Description FROM MyTable", $query->sql());
	function testSelectWithWhereClauseFilter() {
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->select = array("Name","Meta");
		$query->from[] = "MyTable";
		$query->where[] = "Name = 'Name'";
		$query->where[] = "Meta = 'Test'";
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT Name, Meta FROM MyTable WHERE (Name = 'Name') AND (Meta = 'Test')", $query->sql());
	function testSelectWithConstructorParameters() {
		$query = new SQLQuery(array("Foo", "Bar"), "FooBarTable");
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT Foo, Bar FROM FooBarTable", $query->sql());
		$query = new SQLQuery(array("Foo", "Bar"), "FooBarTable", array("Foo = 'Boo'"));
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT Foo, Bar FROM FooBarTable WHERE (Foo = 'Boo')", $query->sql());
	function testSelectWithChainedMethods() {
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->select("Name","Meta")->from("MyTable")->where("Name", "Name")->where("Meta", "Test");
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT Name, Meta FROM MyTable WHERE (Name = 'Name') AND (Meta = 'Test')", $query->sql());
	function testSelectWithChainedFilterParameters() {
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where("Name = 'Name'")->where("Meta","Test")->where("Beta", "!=", "Gamma");
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT Name, Meta FROM MyTable WHERE (Name = 'Name') AND (Meta = 'Test') AND (Beta != 'Gamma')", $query->sql());		
	function testSelectWithPredicateFilters() {
		$query = new SQLQuery();

		$match = new ExactMatchFilter("Name", "Value");

		$match = new PartialMatchFilter("Meta", "Value");

		$this->assertEquals("SELECT Name FROM SQLQueryTest_DO WHERE (`SQLQueryTest_DO`.`Name` = 'Value') AND (`SQLQueryTest_DO`.`Meta` LIKE '%Value%')", $query->sql());
	function testSelectWithLimitClause() {
		// numeric limit
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->from[] = "MyTable";
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM MyTable LIMIT 99", $query->sql());
		// array limit
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->from[] = "MyTable";
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM MyTable LIMIT 99", $query->sql());

		// array limit with start (MySQL specific)
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->from[] = "MyTable";
		$query->limit(array('limit'=>99, 'start'=>97));
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM MyTable LIMIT 97,99", $query->sql());
	function testSelectWithOrderbyClause() {
		// numeric limit
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->from[] = "MyTable";
		$query->orderby('MyName ASC');
		// can't escape as we don't know if ASC or DESC is appended
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM MyTable ORDER BY MyName ASC", $query->sql());
		// array limit
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->from[] = "MyTable";
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM MyTable ORDER BY `MyName`", $query->sql());

		// array limit with start (MySQL specific)
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->from[] = "MyTable";
		$this->assertEquals("SELECT * FROM MyTable ORDER BY `MyName` DESC", $query->sql());
	function testSelectWithComplexOrderbyClause() {
		// @todo Test "ORDER BY RANDOM() ASC,MyName DESC" etc.
	function testFiltersOnID() {
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "ID = 5";
			"filtersOnID() is true with simple unquoted column name"
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "ID=5";
			"filtersOnID() is true with simple unquoted column name and no spaces in equals sign"
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "Foo='Bar' AND ID=5";
			"filtersOnID() is true with combined SQL statements"
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "Identifier = 5";
			"filtersOnID() is false with custom column name (starting with 'id')"
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "ParentID = 5";
			"filtersOnID() is false with column name ending in 'ID'"
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "MyTable.ID = 5";
			"filtersOnID() is true with table and column name"
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "MyTable.`ID`= 5";
			"filtersOnID() is true with table and quoted column name "
	function testFiltersOnFK() {
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "ID = 5";
			"filtersOnFK() is true with simple unquoted column name"
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "Identifier = 5";
			"filtersOnFK() is false with custom column name (starting with 'id')"
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "MyTable.ParentID = 5";
			"filtersOnFK() is true with table and column name"
		$query = new SQLQuery();
		$query->where[] = "MyTable.`ParentID`= 5";
			"filtersOnFK() is true with table and quoted column name "

class SQLQueryTest_DO extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
	static $db = array(
		"Name" => "Varchar",
		"Meta" => "Varchar",
