<?php /** * Represents a test usage session of a web-app * It will maintain session-state from request to request * @package sapphire * @subpackage testing */ class TestSession { private $session; private $lastResponse; /** * @param Controller $controller Necessary to use the mock session * created in {@link session} in the normal controller stack, * e.g. to overwrite Member::currentUser() with custom login data. */ protected $controller; /** * @var string $lastUrl Fake HTTP Referer Tracking, set in {@link get()} and {@link post()}. */ private $lastUrl; function __construct() { $this->session = new Session(array()); $this->controller = new Controller(); $this->controller->setSession($this->session); $this->controller->pushCurrent(); } function __destruct() { $this->controller->popCurrent(); } /** * Submit a get request * @uses Director::test() */ function get($url) { $headers = ($this->lastUrl) ? array('Referer'=>$this->lastUrl) : null; $this->lastResponse = Director::test($url, null, $this->session, null, null, $headers); $this->lastUrl = $url; if(!$this->lastResponse) user_error("Director::test($url) returned null", E_USER_WARNING); return $this->lastResponse; } /** * Submit a post request * @uses Director::test() */ function post($url, $data, $headers = null) { $headers = ($this->lastUrl) ? array('Referer'=>$this->lastUrl) : null; $this->lastResponse = Director::test($url, $data, $this->session, null, null, $headers); $this->lastUrl = $url; if(!$this->lastResponse) user_error("Director::test($url) returned null", E_USER_WARNING); return $this->lastResponse; } /** * Submit the form with the given HTML ID, filling it out with the given data. * Acts on the most recent response */ function submitForm($formID, $button = null, $data = array()) { $page = $this->lastPage(); if($page) { $form = $page->getFormById($formID); foreach($data as $k => $v) { $form->setField(new SimpleByName($k), $v); } if($button) $submission = $form->submitButton(new SimpleByName($button)); else $submission = $form->submit(); $url = Director::makeRelative($form->getAction()->asString()); $postVars = array(); parse_str($submission->_encode(), $postVars); return $this->post($url, $postVars); } else { user_error("TestSession::submitForm called when there is no form loaded. Visit the page with the form first", E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * If the last request was a 3xx response, then follow the redirection */ function followRedirection() { if($this->lastResponse->getHeader('Location')) { $url = Director::makeRelative($this->lastResponse->getHeader('Location')); $url = strtok($url, '#'); return $this->get($url); } } /** * Returns true if the last response was a 3xx redirection */ function wasRedirected() { $code = $this->lastResponse->getStatusCode(); return $code >= 300 && $code < 400; } /** * Get the most recent response, as an HTTPResponse object */ function lastResponse() { return $this->lastResponse; } /** * Get the most recent response's content */ function lastContent() { if(is_string($this->lastResponse)) return $this->lastResponse; else return $this->lastResponse->getBody(); } function cssParser() { return new CSSContentParser($this->lastContent()); } /** * Get the last response as a SimplePage object */ function lastPage() { require_once("thirdparty/simpletest/http.php"); require_once("thirdparty/simpletest/page.php"); require_once("thirdparty/simpletest/form.php"); $builder = &new SimplePageBuilder(); if($this->lastResponse) { $page = &$builder->parse(new TestSession_STResponseWrapper($this->lastResponse)); $builder->free(); unset($builder); return $page; } } /** * Get the current session, as a Session object */ function session() { return $this->session; } } /** * Wrapper around HTTPResponse to make it look like a SimpleHTTPResposne */ class TestSession_STResponseWrapper { private $response; function __construct(HTTPResponse $response) { $this->response = $response; } function getContent() { return $this->response->getBody(); } function getError() { return ""; } function getSent() { return null; } function getHeaders() { return ""; } function getMethod() { return "GET"; } function getUrl() { return ""; } function getRequestData() { return null; } }