handle(); * } * * and add an AddToCampaignHandler_FormAction to the EditForm, possibly through getCMSActions */ class AddToCampaignHandler { use Injectable; /** * The EditForm that contains the action we're being delegated to from * * @var Form */ protected $editForm; /** * The submitted form data * * @var array */ protected $data; /** * AddToCampaignHandler constructor. * * @param Form $editForm The parent form that triggered this action * @param array $data The data submitted as part of that form */ public function __construct($editForm, $data) { $this->editForm = $editForm; $this->data = $data; } /** * Perform the action. Either returns a Form or performs the action, as per the class doc * * @return DBHTMLText|SS_HTTPResponse */ public function handle() { $object = $this->getObject($this->data['ID'], $this->data['ClassName']); if (empty($this->data['Campaign'])) { return $this->Form($object)->forTemplate(); } else { return $this->addToCampaign($object, $this->data['Campaign']); } } /** * Get what ChangeSets are available for an item to be added to by this user * * @return ArrayList[ChangeSet] */ protected function getAvailableChangeSets() { return ChangeSet::get() ->filter('State', ChangeSet::STATE_OPEN) ->filterByCallback(function($item) { /** @var ChangeSet $item */ return $item->canView(); }); } /** * Safely get a DataObject from a client-supplied ID and ClassName, checking: argument * validity; existence; and canView permissions. * * @param int $id The ID of the DataObject * @param string $class The Class of the DataObject * @return DataObject The referenced DataObject * @throws SS_HTTPResponse_Exception */ protected function getObject($id, $class) { $id = (int)$id; $class = ClassInfo::class_name($class); if (!$class || !is_subclass_of($class, 'DataObject') || !Object::has_extension($class, 'Versioned')) { $this->editForm->httpError(400, _t( 'AddToCampaign.ErrorGeneral', 'We apologise, but there was an error' )); return null; } $object = DataObject::get($class)->byID($id); if (!$object) { $this->editForm->httpError(404, _t( 'AddToCampaign.ErrorNotFound', 'That {Type} couldn\'t be found', '', ['Type' => $class] )); return null; } if (!$object->canView()) { $this->editForm->httpError(403, _t( 'AddToCampaign.ErrorItemPermissionDenied', 'It seems you don\'t have the necessary permissions to add {ObjectTitle} to a campaign', '', ['ObjectTitle' => $object->Title] ) ); return null; } return $object; } /** * Builds a Form that mirrors the parent editForm, but with an extra field to collect the ChangeSet ID * * @param DataObject $object The object we're going to be adding to whichever ChangeSet is chosen * @return Form */ public function Form($object) { $inChangeSets = array_unique(ChangeSetItem::get_for_object($object)->column('ChangeSetID')); $changeSets = $this->getAvailableChangeSets()->map(); $campaignDropdown = DropdownField::create('Campaign', '', $changeSets); $campaignDropdown->setEmptyString(_t('Campaigns.AddToCampaign', 'Select a Campaign')); $campaignDropdown->addExtraClass('noborder'); $campaignDropdown->setDisabledItems($inChangeSets); $fields = new FieldList([ $campaignDropdown, HiddenField::create('ID', null, $this->data['ID']), HiddenField::create('ClassName', null, $this->data['ClassName']) ]); $form = new Form( $this->editForm->getController(), $this->editForm->getName(), new FieldList( $header = new CompositeField( new LiteralField( 'Heading', sprintf('


', _t('Campaigns.AddToCampaign', 'Add To Campaign')) ) ), $content = new CompositeField($fields) ), new FieldList( $action = AddToCampaignHandler_FormAction::create() ) ); $header->addExtraClass('add-to-campaign__header'); $content->addExtraClass('add-to-campaign__content'); $action->addExtraClass('add-to-campaign__action'); $form->setHTMLID('Form_EditForm_AddToCampaign'); $form->unsetValidator(); $form->loadDataFrom($this->data); $form->addExtraClass('add-to-campaign__form'); return $form; } /** * Performs the actual action of adding the object to the ChangeSet, once the ChangeSet ID is known * * @param DataObject $object The object to add to the ChangeSet * @param int $campaignID The ID of the ChangeSet to add $object to * @return SS_HTTPResponse * @throws SS_HTTPResponse_Exception */ public function addToCampaign($object, $campaignID) { /** @var ChangeSet $changeSet */ $changeSet = ChangeSet::get()->byID($campaignID); if (!$changeSet) { $this->editForm->httpError(404, _t( 'AddToCampaign.ErrorNotFound', 'That {Type} couldn\'t be found', '', ['Type' => 'Campaign'] )); return null; } if (!$changeSet->canEdit()) { $this->editForm->httpError(403, _t( 'AddToCampaign.ErrorCampaignPermissionDenied', 'It seems you don\'t have the necessary permissions to add {ObjectTitle} to {CampaignTitle}', '', ['ObjectTitle' => $object->Title, 'CampaignTitle' => $changeSet->Title] )); return null; } $changeSet->addObject($object); if (Director::is_ajax()) { $response = new SS_HTTPResponse(_t( 'AddToCampaign.Success', 'Successfully added {ObjectTitle} to {CampaignTitle}', '', ['ObjectTitle' => $object->Title, 'CampaignTitle' => $changeSet->Title] ), 200); $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'); return $response; } else { return $this->editForm->getController()->redirectBack(); } } } /** * A form action to return from geCMSActions or otherwise include in a CMS Edit Form that * has the right action name and CSS classes to trigger the AddToCampaignHandler. * * See SiteTree.php and CMSMain.php for an example of it's use */ class AddToCampaignHandler_FormAction extends FormAction { function __construct() { parent::__construct('addtocampaign', _t('CAMPAIGNS.ADDTOCAMPAIGN', 'Add to campaign')); $this->addExtraClass('add-to-campaign-action'); $this->setValidationExempt(true); } }