describe("Custom Matchers", function() { var env; var fakeTimer; beforeEach(function() { env = new jasmine.Env(); env.updateInterval = 0; }); it("should be easy to add more matchers local to a spec, suite, etc.", function() { var spec1, spec2, spec1Matcher, spec2Matcher; var suite = env.describe('some suite', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { this.addMatchers({ matcherForSuite: function(expected) { this.message = "matcherForSuite: actual: " + this.actual + "; expected: " + expected; return true; } }); }); spec1 ='spec with an expectation').runs(function () { this.addMatchers({ matcherForSpec: function(expected) { this.message = "matcherForSpec: actual: " + this.actual + "; expected: " + expected; return true; } }); spec1Matcher = this.expect("xxx"); }); spec2 ='spec with failing expectation').runs(function () { spec2Matcher = this.expect("yyy"); }); }); suite.execute(); spec1Matcher.matcherForSuite("expected"); expect(spec1Matcher.message).toEqual("matcherForSuite: actual: xxx; expected: expected"); spec1Matcher.matcherForSpec("expected"); expect(spec1Matcher.message).toEqual("matcherForSpec: actual: xxx; expected: expected"); spec2Matcher.matcherForSuite("expected"); expect(spec2Matcher.message).toEqual("matcherForSuite: actual: yyy; expected: expected"); expect(spec2Matcher.matcherForSpec).toBe(jasmine.undefined); }); it("should generate messages with the same rules as for regular matchers when is not called", function() { var spec; var suite = env.describe('some suite', function() { spec ='spec with an expectation').runs(function () { this.addMatchers({ toBeTrue: function() { return this.actual === true; } }); this.expect(true).toBeTrue(); this.expect(false).toBeTrue(); }); }); suite.execute(); var passResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({passed: true, matcherName: 'toBeTrue', actual: true, expected: jasmine.undefined, message: "Passed." }); var failResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({passed: false, matcherName: 'toBeTrue', actual: false, expected: jasmine.undefined, message: "Expected false to be true." }); failResult.trace = jasmine.any(Object); expect(spec.results().getItems()).toEqual([passResult, failResult]); }); it("should pass args", function() { var matcherCallArgs = []; var spec; var suite = env.describe('some suite', function() { spec ='spec with an expectation').runs(function () { this.addMatchers({ toBeTrue: function() { matcherCallArgs.push(jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments)); return this.actual === true; } }); this.expect(true).toBeTrue(); this.expect(false).toBeTrue('arg'); this.expect(true).toBeTrue('arg1', 'arg2'); }); }); suite.execute(); var results = spec.results().getItems(); expect(results[0].expected).toEqual(jasmine.undefined); expect(results[1].expected).toEqual('arg'); expect(results[2].expected).toEqual(['arg1', 'arg2']); expect(matcherCallArgs).toEqual([[], ['arg'], ['arg1', 'arg2']]); }); });