objFromFixture('MoneyTest_DataObject', 'test1'); $this->assertType('Money', $obj->MyMoney); } function testLoadFromFixture() { $obj = $this->objFromFixture('MoneyTest_DataObject', 'test1'); $this->assertType('Money', $obj->MyMoney); $this->assertEquals($obj->MyMoney->getCurrency(), 'EUR'); $this->assertEquals($obj->MyMoney->getAmount(), 1.23); } function testDataObjectChangedFields() { $obj = $this->objFromFixture('MoneyTest_DataObject', 'test1'); // Without changes $curr = $obj->obj('MyMoney'); $changed = $obj->getChangedFields(); $this->assertNotContains('MyMoney', array_keys($changed)); // With changes $this->assertType('Money', $obj->MyMoney); $obj->MyMoney->setAmount(99); $changed = $obj->getChangedFields(); $this->assertContains('MyMoney', array_keys($changed), 'Field is detected as changed'); $this->assertEquals(2, $changed['MyMoney']['level'], 'Correct change level'); } function testCanOverwriteSettersWithNull() { $obj = new MoneyTest_DataObject(); $m1 = new Money(); $m1->setAmount(987.65); $m1->setCurrency('USD'); $obj->MyMoney = $m1; $obj->write(); $m2 = new Money(); $m2->setAmount(null); $m2->setCurrency(null); $obj->MyMoney = $m2; $obj->write(); $moneyTest = DataObject::get_by_id('MoneyTest_DataObject',$obj->ID); $this->assertTrue($moneyTest instanceof MoneyTest_DataObject); $this->assertEquals('', $moneyTest->MyMoneyCurrency); $this->assertEquals(0.0000, $moneyTest->MyMoneyAmount); } /** * Write a Money object to the database, then re-read it to ensure it * is re-read properly. */ function testGettingWrittenDataObject() { $local = i18n::get_locale(); i18n::set_locale('en_US'); //make sure that the $ amount is not prefixed by US$, as it would be in non-US locale $obj = new MoneyTest_DataObject(); $m = new Money(); $m->setAmount(987.65); $m->setCurrency('USD'); $obj->MyMoney = $m; $this->assertEquals("$987.65", $obj->MyMoney->Nice(), "Money field not added to data object properly when read prior to first writing the record." ); $objID = $obj->write(); $moneyTest = DataObject::get_by_id('MoneyTest_DataObject',$objID); $this->assertTrue($moneyTest instanceof MoneyTest_DataObject); $this->assertEquals('USD', $moneyTest->MyMoneyCurrency); $this->assertEquals(987.65, $moneyTest->MyMoneyAmount); $this->assertEquals("$987.65", $moneyTest->MyMoney->Nice(), "Money field not added to data object properly when read." ); i18n::set_locale($local); } public function testToCurrency() { $USD = new Money(); $USD->setLocale('en_US'); $USD->setAmount(53292.18); $this->assertSame('$53,292.18', $USD->Nice()); $this->assertSame('$ 53.292,18', $USD->Nice(array('format' => 'de_AT'))); } public function testGetSign() { $SKR = new Money(); $SKR->setValue(array( 'Currency' => 'SKR', 'Amount' => 3.44 )); $this->assertSame('€', $SKR->getSymbol('EUR','de_AT')); $this->assertSame(null, $SKR->getSymbol()); try { $SKR->getSymbol('EGP', 'de_XX'); $this->setExpectedException("Exception"); } catch(Exception $e) { } $EUR = new Money(); $EUR->setValue(array( 'Currency' => 'EUR', 'Amount' => 3.44 )); $EUR->setLocale('de_DE'); $this->assertSame('€', $EUR->getSymbol()); } public function testGetName() { $m = new Money(); $m->setValue(array( 'Currency' => 'EUR', 'Amount' => 3.44 )); $m->setLocale('ar_EG'); $this->assertSame('Estnische Krone', $m->getName('EEK','de_AT')); $this->assertSame('يورو', $m->getName()); try { $m->getName('EGP', 'xy_XY'); $this->setExpectedException("Exception"); } catch(Exception $e) { } } public function testGetShortName() { $m = new Money(); $m->setValue(array( 'Currency' => 'EUR', 'Amount' => 3.44 )); $m->setLocale('de_AT'); $this->assertSame('EUR', $m->getShortName('Euro', 'de_AT')); $this->assertSame('USD', $m->getShortName('US-Dollar','de_AT')); //$this->assertSame('EUR', $m->getShortName(null, 'de_AT')); $this->assertSame('EUR', $m->getShortName()); try { $m->getShortName('EUR', 'xy_ZT'); $this->setExpectedException("Exception"); } catch(Exception $e) { } } function testSetValueAsArray() { $m = new Money(); $m->setValue(array( 'Currency' => 'EUR', 'Amount' => 3.44 )); $this->assertEquals( $m->getCurrency(), 'EUR' ); $this->assertEquals( $m->getAmount(), 3.44 ); } function testSetValueAsMoney() { $m1 = new Money(); $m1->setValue(array( 'Currency' => 'EUR', 'Amount' => 3.44 )); $m2 = new Money(); $m2->setValue($m1); $this->assertEquals( $m2->getCurrency(), 'EUR' ); $this->assertEquals( $m2->getAmount(), 3.44 ); } function testHasValue() { $m1 = new Money(); $this->assertFalse($m1->hasValue()); $m2 = new Money(); $m2->setValue(array( 'Currency' => 'EUR', 'Amount' => 3.44 )); $this->assertTrue($m2->hasValue()); $m3 = new Money(); $m3->setValue(array( 'Currency' => 'EUR', 'Amount' => 0 )); $this->assertTrue($m3->hasValue()); } function testLoadIntoDataObject() { $obj = new MoneyTest_DataObject(); $this->assertType('Money', $obj->obj('MyMoney')); $m = new Money(); $m->setValue(array( 'Currency' => 'EUR', 'Amount' => 1.23 )); $obj->MyMoney = $m; $this->assertEquals($obj->MyMoney->getCurrency(), 'EUR'); $this->assertEquals($obj->MyMoney->getAmount(), 1.23); } function testWriteToDataObject() { $obj = new MoneyTest_DataObject(); $m = new Money(); $m->setValue(array( 'Currency' => 'EUR', 'Amount' => 1.23 )); $obj->MyMoney = $m; $obj->write(); $this->assertEquals( 'EUR', DB::query(sprintf( 'SELECT "MyMoneyCurrency" FROM "MoneyTest_DataObject" WHERE "ID" = %d', $obj->ID ))->value() ); $this->assertEquals( '1.23', DB::query(sprintf( 'SELECT "MyMoneyAmount" FROM "MoneyTest_DataObject" WHERE "ID" = %d', $obj->ID ))->value() ); } } class MoneyTest_DataObject extends DataObject implements TestOnly { static $db = array( 'MyMoney' => 'Money', //'MyOtherMoney' => 'Money', ); } ?>