jQuery.validator.defaults.debug = true; module("validator"); test("Constructor", function() { var v1 = $("#testForm1").validate(); var v2 = $("#testForm1").validate(); equals( v1, v2, "Calling validate() multiple times must return the same validator instance" ); equals( v1.elements().length, 3, "validator elements" ); }); test("validate() without elements, with non-form elements", function() { $("#doesn'texist").validate(); }); test("valid() plugin method", function() { var form = $("#userForm"); form.validate(); ok ( !form.valid(), "Form isn't valid yet" ); var input = $("#username"); ok ( !input.valid(), "Input isn't valid either" ); input.val("Hello world"); ok ( form.valid(), "Form is now valid" ); ok ( input.valid(), "Input is valid, too" ); }); test("valid() plugin method", function() { var form = $("#testForm1"); form.validate(); var inputs = form.find("input"); ok( !inputs.valid(), "all invalid" ); inputs.not(":first").val("ok"); ok( !inputs.valid(), "just one invalid" ); inputs.val("ok"); ok( inputs.valid(), "all valid" ); }); test("valid() plugin method, special handling for checkable groups", function() { // rule is defined on first checkbox, must apply to others, too var checkable = $("#checkable2"); ok( !checkable.valid(), "must be invalid, not checked yet" ); checkable.attr("checked", true); ok( checkable.valid(), "valid, is now checked" ); checkable.attr("checked", false); ok( !checkable.valid(), "invalid again" ); $("#checkable3").attr("checked", true); ok( checkable.valid(), "valid, third box is checked" ); }); test("addMethod", function() { expect( 3 ); $.validator.addMethod("hi", function(value) { return value == "hi"; }, "hi me too"); var method = $.validator.methods.hi; e = $('#text1')[0]; ok( !method(e.value, e), "Invalid" ); e.value = "hi"; ok( method(e.value, e), "Invalid" ); ok( jQuery.validator.messages.hi == "hi me too", "Check custom message" ); }); test("addMethod2", function() { expect( 4 ); $.validator.addMethod("complicatedPassword", function(value, element, param) { return this.optional(element) || /\D/.test(value) && /\d/.test(value) }, "Your password must contain at least one number and one letter"); var v = jQuery("#form").validate({ rules: { action: { complicatedPassword: true } } }); var rule = $.validator.methods.complicatedPassword, e = $('#text1')[0]; e.value = ""; ok( v.element(e) === undefined, "Rule is optional, valid" ); equals( 0, v.size() ); e.value = "ko"; ok( !v.element(e), "Invalid, doesn't contain one of the required characters" ); e.value = "ko1"; ok( v.element(e) ); }); test("form(): simple", function() { expect( 2 ); var form = $('#testForm1')[0]; var v = $(form).validate(); ok( !v.form(), 'Invalid form' ); $('#firstname').val("hi"); $('#lastname').val("hi"); ok( v.form(), 'Valid form' ); }); test("form(): checkboxes: min/required", function() { expect( 3 ); var form = $('#testForm6')[0]; var v = $(form).validate(); ok( !v.form(), 'Invalid form' ); $('#form6check1').attr("checked", true); ok( !v.form(), 'Invalid form' ); $('#form6check2').attr("checked", true); ok( v.form(), 'Valid form' ); }); test("form(): selects: min/required", function() { expect( 3 ); var form = $('#testForm7')[0]; var v = $(form).validate(); ok( !v.form(), 'Invalid form' ); $("#optionxa").attr("selected", true); ok( !v.form(), 'Invalid form' ); $("#optionxb").attr("selected", true); ok( v.form(), 'Valid form' ); }); test("form(): with equalTo", function() { expect( 2 ); var form = $('#testForm5')[0]; var v = $(form).validate(); ok( !v.form(), 'Invalid form' ); $('#x1, #x2').val("hi"); ok( v.form(), 'Valid form' ); }); test("check(): simple", function() { expect( 3 ); var element = $('#firstname')[0]; var v = $('#testForm1').validate(); ok( v.size() == 0, 'No errors yet' ); v.check(element); ok( v.size() == 1, 'error exists' ); v.errorList = []; $('#firstname').val("hi"); v.check(element); ok( !v.size() == 1, 'No more errors' ); }); test("hide(): input", function() { expect( 3 ); var errorLabel = $('#errorFirstname'); var element = $('#firstname')[0]; element.value ="bla"; var v = $('#testForm1').validate(); errorLabel.show(); ok( errorLabel.is(":visible"), "Error label visible before validation" ); ok( v.element(element) ); ok( errorLabel.is(":hidden"), "Error label not visible after validation" ); }); test("hide(): radio", function() { expect( 2 ); var errorLabel = $('#agreeLabel'); var element = $('#agb')[0]; element.checked = true; var v = $('#testForm2').validate({ errorClass: "xerror" }); errorLabel.show(); ok( errorLabel.is(":visible"), "Error label visible after validation" ); v.element(element); ok( errorLabel.is(":hidden"), "Error label not visible after hiding it" ); }); test("hide(): errorWrapper", function() { expect(2); var errorLabel = $('#errorWrapper'); var element = $('#meal')[0]; element.selectedIndex = 1; errorLabel.show(); ok( errorLabel.is(":visible"), "Error label visible after validation" ); var v = $('#testForm3').validate({ wrapper: "li", errorLabelContainer: $("#errorContainer") }); v.element(element); ok( errorLabel.is(":hidden"), "Error label not visible after hiding it" ); }); test("hide(): container", function() { expect(4); var errorLabel = $('#errorContainer'); var element = $('#testForm3')[0]; var v = $('#testForm3').validate({ errorWrapper: "li", errorContainer: $("#errorContainer") }); v.form(); ok( errorLabel.is(":visible"), "Error label visible after validation" ); $('#meal')[0].selectedIndex = 1; v.form(); ok( errorLabel.is(":hidden"), "Error label not visible after hiding it" ); $('#meal')[0].selectedIndex = -1; v.element("#meal"); ok( errorLabel.is(":visible"), "Error label visible after validation" ); $('#meal')[0].selectedIndex = 1; v.element("#meal"); ok( errorLabel.is(":hidden"), "Error label not visible after hiding it" ); }); test("valid()", function() { expect(4); var errorList = [{name:"meal",message:"foo", element:$("#meal")[0]}]; var v = $('#testForm3').validate(); ok( v.valid(), "No errors, must be valid" ); v.errorList = errorList; ok( !v.valid(), "One error, must be invalid" ); reset(); v = $('#testForm3').validate({ submitHandler: function() { ok( false, "Submit handler was called" ); }}); ok( v.valid(), "No errors, must be valid and returning true, even with the submit handler" ); v.errorList = errorList; ok( !v.valid(), "One error, must be invalid, no call to submit handler" ); }); test("submitHandler keeps submitting button", function() { $("#userForm").validate({ debug: true, submitHandler: function(form) { // dunno how to test this better; this tests the implementation that uses a hidden input var hidden = $(form).find("input:hidden")[0]; same(hidden.value, button.value) same(hidden.name, button.name) } }); $("#username").val("bla"); var button = $("#userForm :submit")[0] $(button).triggerHandler("click"); $("#userForm").submit(); }); test("showErrors()", function() { expect( 4 ); var errorLabel = $('#errorFirstname').hide(); var element = $('#firstname')[0]; var v = $('#testForm1').validate(); ok( errorLabel.is(":hidden") ); equals( 0, $("label.error[for=lastname]").size() ); v.showErrors({"firstname": "required", "lastname": "bla"}); equals( true, errorLabel.is(":visible") ); equals( true, $("label.error[for=lastname]").is(":visible") ); }); test("showErrors(), allow empty string and null as default message", function() { $("#userForm").validate({ rules: { username: { required: true, minlength: 3 } }, messages: { username: { required: "", minlength: "too short" } } }); ok( !$("#username").valid() ); equals( "", $("label.error[for=username]").text() ); $("#username").val("ab"); ok( !$("#username").valid() ); equals( "too short", $("label.error[for=username]").text() ); $("#username").val("abc"); ok( $("#username").valid() ); ok( $("label.error[for=username]").is(":hidden") ); }); test("showErrors() - external messages", function() { expect( 4 ); var methods = $.extend({}, $.validator.methods); var messages = $.extend({}, $.validator.messages); $.validator.addMethod("foo", function() { return false; }); $.validator.addMethod("bar", function() { return false; }); equals( 0, $("#testForm4 label.error[for=f1]").size() ); equals( 0, $("#testForm4 label.error[for=f2]").size() ); var form = $('#testForm4')[0]; var v = $(form).validate({ messages: { f1: "Please!", f2: "Wohoo!" } }); v.form(); equals( $("#testForm4 label.error[for=f1]").text(), "Please!" ); equals( $("#testForm4 label.error[for=f2]").text(), "Wohoo!" ); $.validator.methods = methods; $.validator.messages = messages; }); test("showErrors() - custom handler", function() { expect(5); var v = $('#testForm1').validate({ showErrors: function(errorMap, errorList) { equals( v, this ); equals( v.errorList, errorList ); equals( v.errorMap, errorMap ); equals( "buga", errorMap.firstname ); equals( "buga", errorMap.lastname ); } }); v.form(); }); test("option: (un)highlight, default", function() { $("#testForm1").validate(); var e = $("#firstname") ok( !e.hasClass("error") ); ok( !e.hasClass("valid") ); e.valid() ok( e.hasClass("error") ); ok( !e.hasClass("valid") ); e.val("hithere").valid() ok( !e.hasClass("error") ); ok( e.hasClass("valid") ); }); test("option: (un)highlight, nothing", function() { expect(3); $("#testForm1").validate({ highlight: false, unhighlight: false }); var e = $("#firstname") ok( !e.hasClass("error") ); e.valid() ok( !e.hasClass("error") ); e.valid() ok( !e.hasClass("error") ); }); test("option: (un)highlight, custom", function() { expect(5); $("#testForm1clean").validate({ highlight: function(element, errorClass) { equals( "invalid", errorClass ); $(element).hide(); }, unhighlight: function(element, errorClass) { equals( "invalid", errorClass ) $(element).show(); }, errorClass: "invalid", rules: { firstname: "required" } }); var e = $("#firstnamec") ok( e.is(":visible") ); e.valid() ok( !e.is(":visible") ); e.val("hithere").valid() ok( e.is(":visible") ); }); test("option: (un)highlight, custom2", function() { expect(6); $("#testForm1").validate({ highlight: function(element, errorClass) { $(element).addClass(errorClass); $(element.form).find("label[for=" + element.id + "]").addClass(errorClass); }, unhighlight: function(element, errorClass) { $(element).removeClass(errorClass); $(element.form).find("label[for=" + element.id + "]").removeClass(errorClass); }, errorClass: "invalid" }); var e = $("#firstname") var l = $("#errorFirstname") ok( !e.is(".invalid") ); ok( !l.is(".invalid") ); e.valid() ok( e.is(".invalid") ); ok( l.is(".invalid") ); e.val("hithere").valid() ok( !e.is(".invalid") ); ok( !l.is(".invalid") ); }); test("elements() order", function() { var container = $("#orderContainer"); var v = $("#elementsOrder").validate({ errorLabelContainer: container, wrap: "li" }); isSet( v.elements().get(), q("order1", "order2", "order3", "order4", "order5", "order6"), "elements must be in document order" ); v.form(); same( container.children().map(function() { return $(this).attr("for"); }).get(), ["order1", "order2", "order3", "order4", "order5", "order6"], "labels in error container must be in document order" ); }); test("defaultMessage(), empty title is ignored", function() { var v = $("#userForm").validate(); equals( "This field is required.", v.defaultMessage($("#username")[0], "required") ); }); test("formatAndAdd", function() { expect(4); var v = $("#form").validate(); var fakeElement = { form: $("#form")[0], name: "bar" }; v.formatAndAdd(fakeElement, {method: "maxlength", parameters: 2}) equals( "Please enter no more than 2 characters.", v.errorList[0].message ); equals( "bar", v.errorList[0].element.name ); v.formatAndAdd(fakeElement, {method: "range", parameters:[2,4]}) equals( "Please enter a value between 2 and 4.", v.errorList[1].message ); v.formatAndAdd(fakeElement, {method: "range", parameters:[0,4]}) equals( "Please enter a value between 0 and 4.", v.errorList[2].message ); }); test("formatAndAdd2", function() { expect(3); var v = $("#form").validate(); var fakeElement = { form: $("#form")[0], name: "bar" }; jQuery.validator.messages.test1 = function(param, element) { equals( v, this ); equals( 0, param ); return "element " + element.name + " is not valid"; }; v.formatAndAdd(fakeElement, {method: "test1", parameters: 0}) equals( "element bar is not valid", v.errorList[0].message ); }); test("error containers, simple", function() { expect(14); var container = $("#simplecontainer"); var v = $("#form").validate({ errorLabelContainer: container, showErrors: function() { container.find("h3").html( jQuery.validator.format("There are {0} errors in your form.", this.size()) ); this.defaultShowErrors(); } }); v.prepareForm(); ok( v.valid(), "form is valid" ); equals( 0, container.find("label").length, "There should be no error labels" ); equals( "", container.find("h3").html() ); v.prepareForm(); v.errorList = [{message:"bar", element: {name:"foo"}}, {message: "necessary", element: {name:"required"}}]; ok( !v.valid(), "form is not valid after adding errors manually" ); v.showErrors(); equals( container.find("label").length, 2, "There should be two error labels" ); ok( container.is(":visible"), "Check that the container is visible" ); container.find("label").each(function() { ok( $(this).is(":visible"), "Check that each label is visible" ); }); equals( "There are 2 errors in your form.", container.find("h3").html() ); v.prepareForm(); ok( v.valid(), "form is valid after a reset" ); v.showErrors(); equals( container.find("label").length, 2, "There should still be two error labels" ); ok( container.is(":hidden"), "Check that the container is hidden" ); container.find("label").each(function() { ok( $(this).is(":hidden"), "Check that each label is hidden" ); }); }); test("error containers, with labelcontainer I", function() { expect(16); var container = $("#container"), labelcontainer = $("#labelcontainer"); var v = $("#form").validate({ errorContainer: container, errorLabelContainer: labelcontainer, wrapper: "li" }); ok( v.valid(), "form is valid" ); equals( 0, container.find("label").length, "There should be no error labels in the container" ); equals( 0, labelcontainer.find("label").length, "There should be no error labels in the labelcontainer" ); equals( 0, labelcontainer.find("li").length, "There should be no lis labels in the labelcontainer" ); v.errorList = [{message:"bar", element: {name:"foo"}}, {name: "required", message: "necessary", element: {name:"required"}}]; ok( !v.valid(), "form is not valid after adding errors manually" ); v.showErrors(); equals( 0, container.find("label").length, "There should be no error label in the container" ); equals( 2, labelcontainer.find("label").length, "There should be two error labels in the labelcontainer" ); equals( 2, labelcontainer.find("li").length, "There should be two error lis in the labelcontainer" ); ok( container.is(":visible"), "Check that the container is visible" ); ok( labelcontainer.is(":visible"), "Check that the labelcontainer is visible" ); var labels = labelcontainer.find("label").each(function() { ok( $(this).is(":visible"), "Check that each label is visible1" ); equals( "li", $(this).parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase(), "Check that each label is wrapped in an li" ); ok( $(this).parent("li").is(":visible"), "Check that each parent li is visible" ); }); }); test("errorcontainer, show/hide only on submit", function() { expect(14); var container = $("#container"); var labelContainer = $("#labelcontainer"); var v = $("#testForm1").bind("invalid-form.validate", function() { ok( true, "invalid-form event triggered called" ); }).validate({ errorContainer: container, errorLabelContainer: labelContainer, showErrors: function() { container.html( jQuery.validator.format("There are {0} errors in your form.", this.numberOfInvalids()) ); ok( true, "showErrors called" ); this.defaultShowErrors(); } }); equals( "", container.html(), "must be empty" ); equals( "", labelContainer.html(), "must be empty" ); // validate whole form, both showErrors and invalidHandler must be called once // preferably invalidHandler first, showErrors second ok( !v.form(), "invalid form" ); equals( 2, labelContainer.find("label").length ); equals( "There are 2 errors in your form.", container.html() ); ok( labelContainer.is(":visible"), "must be visible" ); ok( container.is(":visible"), "must be visible" ); $("#firstname").val("hix").keyup(); $("#testForm1").triggerHandler("keyup", [jQuery.event.fix({ type: "keyup", target: $("#firstname")[0] })]); equals( 1, labelContainer.find("label:visible").length ); equals( "There are 1 errors in your form.", container.html() ); $("#lastname").val("abc"); ok( v.form(), "Form now valid, trigger showErrors but not invalid-form" ); }); test("option invalidHandler", function() { expect(1); var v = $("#testForm1clean").validate({ invalidHandler: function() { ok( true, "invalid-form event triggered called" ); start(); } }); $("#usernamec").val("asdf").rules("add", { required: true, remote: "users.php" }); stop(); $("#testForm1clean").submit(); }); test("findByName()", function() { isSet( new $.validator({}, document.getElementById("form")).findByName(document.getElementById("radio1").name), $("#form").find("[name=radio1]") ); }); test("focusInvalid()", function() { expect(1); var inputs = $("#testForm1 input").focus(function() { equals( inputs[0], this, "focused first element" ); }); var v = $("#testForm1").validate(); v.form(); // have to explicitly show input elements with error class, they are hidden by testsuite styles inputs.show(); v.focusInvalid(); }); test("findLastActive()", function() { expect(3); var v = $("#testForm1").validate(); ok( !v.findLastActive() ); v.form(); v.focusInvalid(); ok( !v.findLastActive() ); try { $("#testForm1 input:last").trigger("focusin"); //$("#testForm1").triggerEvent("focusin", $("#testForm1 input:last")[0]); v.focusInvalid(); equals( lastInput, v.findLastActive() ); } catch(e) { ok( true, "Ignore in IE" ); } }); test("validating multiple checkboxes with 'required'", function() { expect(3); var checkboxes = $("#form input[name=check3]").attr("checked", false); equals(5, checkboxes.size()); var v = $("#form").validate({ rules: { check3: "required" } }); v.form(); equals(1, v.size()); checkboxes.filter(":last").attr("checked", true); v.form(); equals(0, v.size()); }); test("dynamic form", function() { var counter = 0; function add() { $("").appendTo("#testForm2"); } function errors(expected, message) { equals(expected, v.size(), message ); } var v = $("#testForm2").validate(); v.form(); errors(1); add(); v.form(); errors(2); add(); v.form(); errors(3); $("#testForm2 input[name=list1]").remove(); v.form(); errors(2); add(); v.form(); errors(3); $("#testForm2 input[name^=list]").remove(); v.form(); errors(1); $("#agb").attr("disabled", true); v.form(); errors(0); $("#agb").attr("disabled", false); v.form(); errors(1); }); test("idOrName()", function() { expect(4); var v = $("#testForm1").validate(); equals( "form8input", v.idOrName( $("#form8input")[0] ) ); equals( "check", v.idOrName( $("#form6check1")[0] ) ); equals( "agree", v.idOrName( $("#agb")[0] ) ); equals( "button", v.idOrName( $("#form :button")[0] ) ); }); test("resetForm()", function() { function errors(expected, message) { equals(expected, v.size(), message ); } var v = $("#testForm1").validate(); v.form(); errors(2); $("#firstname").val("hiy"); v.resetForm(); errors(0); equals("", $("#firstname").val(), "form plugin is included, therefor resetForm must also reset inputs, not only errors"); }); test("message from title", function() { var v = $("#withTitle").validate(); v.checkForm(); equals(v.errorList[0].message, "fromtitle", "title not used"); }); test("ignoreTitle", function() { var v = $("#withTitle").validate({ignoreTitle:true}); v.checkForm(); equals(v.errorList[0].message, $.validator.messages["required"], "title used when it should have been ignored"); }); test("ajaxSubmit", function() { expect(1); stop(); $("#user").val("Peter"); $("#password").val("foobar"); jQuery("#signupForm").validate({ submitHandler: function(form) { jQuery(form).ajaxSubmit({ success: function(response) { equals("Hi Peter, welcome back.", response); start(); } }); } }); jQuery("#signupForm").triggerHandler("submit"); }); module("misc"); test("success option", function() { expect(7); equals( "", $("#firstname").val() ); var v = $("#testForm1").validate({ success: "valid" }); var label = $("#testForm1 label"); ok( label.is(".error") ); ok( !label.is(".valid") ); v.form(); ok( label.is(".error") ); ok( !label.is(".valid") ); $("#firstname").val("hi"); v.form(); ok( label.is(".error") ); ok( label.is(".valid") ); }); test("success option2", function() { expect(5); equals( "", $("#firstname").val() ); var v = $("#testForm1").validate({ success: "valid" }); var label = $("#testForm1 label"); ok( label.is(".error") ); ok( !label.is(".valid") ); $("#firstname").val("hi"); v.form(); ok( label.is(".error") ); ok( label.is(".valid") ); }); test("success option3", function() { expect(5); equals( "", $("#firstname").val() ); $("#errorFirstname").remove(); var v = $("#testForm1").validate({ success: "valid" }); equals( 0, $("#testForm1 label").size() ); $("#firstname").val("hi"); v.form(); var labels = $("#testForm1 label"); equals( 3, labels.size() ); ok( labels.eq(0).is(".valid") ); ok( !labels.eq(1).is(".valid") ); }); test("successlist", function() { var v = $("#form").validate({ success: "xyz" }); v.form(); equals(0, v.successList.length); }); test("success isn't called for optional elements", function() { expect(4); equals( "", $("#firstname").removeClass().val() ); $("#something").remove(); $("#lastname").remove(); $("#errorFirstname").remove(); var v = $("#testForm1").validate({ success: function() { ok( false, "don't call success for optional elements!" ); }, rules: { firstname: "email" } }); equals( 0, $("#testForm1 label").size() ); v.form(); equals( 0, $("#testForm1 label").size() ); $("#firstname").valid(); equals( 0, $("#testForm1 label").size() ); }); test("all rules are evaluated even if one returns a dependency-mistmatch", function() { expect(6); equals( "", $("#firstname").removeClass().val() ); $("#lastname").remove(); $("#errorFirstname").remove(); $.validator.addMethod("custom1", function() { ok( true, "custom method must be evaluated" ); return true; }, ""); var v = $("#testForm1").validate({ rules: { firstname: {email:true, custom1: true} } }); equals( 0, $("#testForm1 label").size() ); v.form(); equals( 0, $("#testForm1 label").size() ); $("#firstname").valid(); equals( 0, $("#testForm1 label").size() ); delete $.validator.methods.custom1; delete $.validator.messages.custom1; }); test("messages", function() { var m = jQuery.validator.messages; equals( "Please enter no more than 0 characters.", m.maxlength(0) ); equals( "Please enter at least 1 characters.", m.minlength(1) ); equals( "Please enter a value between 1 and 2 characters long.", m.rangelength([1, 2]) ); equals( "Please enter a value less than or equal to 1.", m.max(1) ); equals( "Please enter a value greater than or equal to 0.", m.min(0) ); equals( "Please enter a value between 1 and 2.", m.range([1, 2]) ); }); test("jQuery.validator.format", function() { equals( "Please enter a value between 0 and 1.", jQuery.validator.format("Please enter a value between {0} and {1}.", 0, 1) ); equals( "0 is too fast! Enter a value smaller then 0 and at least -15", jQuery.validator.format("{0} is too fast! Enter a value smaller then {0} and at least {1}", 0, -15) ); var template = jQuery.validator.format("{0} is too fast! Enter a value smaller then {0} and at least {1}"); equals( "0 is too fast! Enter a value smaller then 0 and at least -15", template(0, -15) ); template = jQuery.validator.format("Please enter a value between {0} and {1}."); equals( "Please enter a value between 1 and 2.", template([1, 2]) ); }); test("option: ignore", function() { var v = $("#testForm1").validate({ ignore: "[name=lastname]" }); v.form(); equals( 1, v.size() ); }); test("option: subformRequired", function() { jQuery.validator.addMethod("billingRequired", function(value, element) { if ($("#bill_to_co").is(":checked")) return $(element).parents("#subform").length; return !this.optional(element); }, ""); var v = $("#subformRequired").validate(); v.form(); equals( 1, v.size() ); $("#bill_to_co").attr("checked", false); v.form(); equals( 2, v.size() ); delete $.validator.methods.billingRequired; delete $.validator.messages.billingRequired; }); module("expressions"); test("expression: :blank", function() { var e = $("#lastname")[0]; equals( 1, $(e).filter(":blank").length ); e.value = " "; equals( 1, $(e).filter(":blank").length ); e.value = " " equals( 1, $(e).filter(":blank").length ); e.value= " a "; equals( 0, $(e).filter(":blank").length ); }); test("expression: :filled", function() { var e = $("#lastname")[0]; equals( 0, $(e).filter(":filled").length ); e.value = " "; equals( 0, $(e).filter(":filled").length ); e.value = " " equals( 0, $(e).filter(":filled").length ); e.value= " a "; equals( 1, $(e).filter(":filled").length ); }); test("expression: :unchecked", function() { var e = $("#check2")[0]; equals( 1, $(e).filter(":unchecked").length ); e.checked = true; equals( 0, $(e).filter(":unchecked").length ); e.checked = false; equals( 1, $(e).filter(":unchecked").length ); }); module("events"); test("validate on blur", function() { function errors(expected, message) { equals(v.size(), expected, message ); } function labels(expected) { equals(v.errors().filter(":visible").size(), expected); } function blur(target) { target.trigger("focusout"); } $("#errorFirstname").hide(); var e = $("#firstname"); var v = $("#testForm1").validate(); $("#something").val(""); blur(e); errors(0, "No value yet, required is skipped on blur"); labels(0); e.val("h"); blur(e); errors(1, "Required was ignored, but as something was entered, check other rules, minlength isn't met"); labels(1); e.val("hh"); blur(e); errors(0, "All is fine"); labels(0); e.val(""); v.form(); errors(3, "Submit checks all rules, both fields invalid"); labels(3); blur(e); errors(1, "Blurring the field results in emptying the error list first, then checking the invalid field: its still invalid, don't remove the error" ); labels(3); e.val("h"); blur(e); errors(1, "Entering a single character fulfills required, but not minlength: 2, still invalid"); labels(3); e.val("hh"); blur(e); errors(0, "Both required and minlength are met, no errors left"); labels(2); }); test("validate on keyup", function() { function errors(expected, message) { equals(expected, v.size(), message ); } function keyup(target) { target.trigger("keyup"); } var e = $("#firstname"); var v = $("#testForm1").validate(); keyup(e); errors(0, "No value, no errors"); e.val("a"); keyup(e); errors(0, "Value, but not invalid"); e.val(""); v.form(); errors(2, "Both invalid"); keyup(e); errors(1, "Only one field validated, still invalid"); e.val("hh"); keyup(e); errors(0, "Not invalid anymore"); e.val("h"); keyup(e); errors(1, "Field didn't loose focus, so validate again, invalid"); e.val("hh"); keyup(e); errors(0, "Valid"); }); test("validate on not keyup, only blur", function() { function errors(expected, message) { equals(expected, v.size(), message ); } var e = $("#firstname"); var v = $("#testForm1").validate({ onkeyup: false }); errors(0); e.val("a"); e.trigger("keyup"); e.keyup(); errors(0); e.trigger("focusout"); errors(1); }); test("validate on keyup and blur", function() { function errors(expected, message) { equals(expected, v.size(), message ); } var e = $("#firstname"); var v = $("#testForm1").validate(); errors(0); e.val("a"); e.trigger("keyup"); errors(0); e.trigger("focusout"); errors(1); }); test("validate email on keyup and blur", function() { function errors(expected, message) { equals(expected, v.size(), message ); } var e = $("#firstname"); var v = $("#testForm1").validate(); v.form(); errors(2); e.val("a"); e.trigger("keyup"); errors(1); e.val("aa"); e.trigger("keyup"); errors(0); }); test("validate checkbox on click", function() { function errors(expected, message) { equals(expected, v.size(), message ); } function trigger(element) { element.click(); } var e = $("#check2"); var v = $("#form").validate({ rules: { check2: "required" } }); trigger(e); errors(0); trigger(e); equals( false, v.form() ); errors(1); trigger(e); errors(0); trigger(e); errors(1); }); test("validate multiple checkbox on click", function() { function errors(expected, message) { equals(expected, v.size(), message ); } function trigger(element) { element.click(); } var e1 = $("#check1").attr("checked", false); var e2 = $("#check1b"); var v = $("#form").validate({ rules: { check: { required: true, minlength: 2 } } }); trigger(e1); errors(0, "Minlength must be skipped"); trigger(e2); errors(0); trigger(e2); equals( false, v.form() ); errors(1); trigger(e2); errors(0); trigger(e2); errors(1); }); test("validate radio on click", function() { function errors(expected, message) { equals(expected, v.size(), message ); } function trigger(element) { element.click(); } var e1 = $("#radio1"); var e2 = $("#radio1a"); var v = $("#form").validate({ rules: { radio1: "required" } }); errors(0); equals( false, v.form() ); errors(1); trigger(e2); errors(0); trigger(e1); errors(0); }); module("ajax"); test("check the serverside script works", function() { stop(); $.getJSON("users.php", {value: 'asd'}, function(response) { ok( response, "yet available" ); $.getJSON("users.php", {username: "asdf"}, function(response) { ok( !response, "already taken" ); start(); }); }); }); test("check the serverside script works2", function() { stop(); $.getJSON("users2.php", {value: 'asd'}, function(response) { ok( response, "yet available" ); $.getJSON("users.php", {username: "asdf"}, function(response) { ok( !response, "asdf is already taken, please try something else" ); start(); }); }); });