isDelete = $value; } /** * @deprecated since version 4.0 */ public function getDelete() { Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'SQLQuery::getDelete is deprecated. Use SQLSelect or SQLDelete instead'); return $this->isDelete; } public function sql(&$parameters = array()) { return $this->toAppropriateExpression()->sql($parameters); } /** * Get helper class for flattening parameterised conditions * * @return SQLQuery_ParameterInjector */ protected function getParameterInjector() { return Injector::inst()->get('SQLQuery_ParameterInjector'); } /** * Return a list of SQL where conditions (flattened as a list of strings) * * @return array */ public function getWhere() { Deprecation::notice( '4.0', 'SQLQuery::getWhere is non-parameterised for backwards compatibility. '. 'Use ->toAppropriateExpression()->getWhere() instead' ); $conditions = parent::getWhere(); // This is where any benefits of parameterised queries die return $this ->getParameterInjector() ->injectConditions($conditions); } /** * Convert this SQLQuery to a SQLExpression based on its * internal $delete state (Normally SQLSelect or SQLDelete) * * @return SQLExpression */ public function toAppropriateExpression() { if($this->isDelete) { return parent::toDelete(); } else { return parent::toSelect(); } } public function toSelect() { if($this->isDelete) { user_error( 'SQLQuery::toSelect called when $isDelete is true. Use ' . 'toAppropriateExpression() instead', E_USER_WARNING ); } return parent::toSelect(); } public function toDelete() { if(!$this->isDelete) { user_error( 'SQLQuery::toDelete called when $isDelete is false. Use ' . 'toAppropriateExpression() instead', E_USER_WARNING ); } parent::toDelete(); } } /** * Provides conversion of parameterised SQL to flattened SQL strings * * @deprecated since version 4.0 */ class SQLQuery_ParameterInjector { public function __construct() { Deprecation::notice('4.0', "Use SQLSelect / SQLDelete instead of SQLQuery"); } /** * Given a list of parameterised conditions, return a flattened * list of condition strings * * @param array $conditions * @return array */ public function injectConditions($conditions) { $result = array(); foreach($conditions as $condition) { // Evaluate the result of SQLConditionGroup here if($condition instanceof SQLConditionGroup) { $predicate = $condition->conditionSQL($parameters); if(!empty($predicate)) { $result[] = $this->injectValues($predicate, $parameters); } } else { foreach($condition as $predicate => $parameters) { $result[] = $this->injectValues($predicate, $parameters); } } } return $result; } /** * Merge parameters into a SQL prepared condition * * @param string $sql * @param array $parameters * @return string */ protected function injectValues($sql, $parameters) { return DB::inline_parameters($sql, $parameters); } /** * Determines if the SQL fragment either breaks into or out of a string literal * by counting single quotes * * Handles double-quote escaped quotes as well as slash escaped quotes * * @param string $input The SQL fragment * @return boolean True if the string breaks into or out of a string literal */ protected function checkStringTogglesLiteral($input) { // Remove escaped backslashes, count them! $input = preg_replace('/\\\\\\\\/', '', $input); // Count quotes $totalQuotes = substr_count($input, "'"); // Includes double quote escaped quotes $escapedQuotes = substr_count($input, "\\'"); return (($totalQuotes - $escapedQuotes) % 2) !== 0; } }