(function($){ $.entwine('ss', function($){ /** * Lightweight wrapper around jQuery UI tabs for generic tab set-up * and special rules for two other use cases (ss-ui-action-tabset): * * Site tree action tabs (to perform actions on the site tree) * * Actions menu (Edit page actions) */ $('.ss-tabset').entwine({ /****************************************************** * Lightweight wrapper around jQuery UI tabs: * * onadd * * onremove * * redrawTabs * * rewriteHashlinks *******************************************************/ onadd: function() { // Can't name redraw() as it clashes with other CMS entwine classes this.redrawTabs(); this._super(); }, onremove: function() { if(this.data('uiTabs')) this.tabs('destroy'); this._super(); }, redrawTabs: function() { this.rewriteHashlinks(); this.tabs(); //Apply special behaviour to ss-ui-action-tabset if(this.hasClass('ss-ui-action-tabset')){ this.actionTabs(); } }, /** * Ensure hash links are prefixed with the current page URL, * otherwise jQuery interprets them as being external. */ rewriteHashlinks: function() { $(this).find('ul a').each(function() { if (!$(this).attr('href')) return; var matches = $(this).attr('href').match(/#.*/); if(!matches) return; $(this).attr('href', document.location.href.replace(/#.*/, '') + matches[0]); }); }, /*************************************************** * Custom functionality for special action tabsets * * actionTabs * * siteTreeActions * * actionsMenu * * closeTabs * * riseUp ***************************************************/ /* Apply generic rules for action tabs (collapsible, rise, and close), then call specific functions to handle each type of action tab */ actionTabs: function(){ var that = this; //Set actionTabs to allow closing and be closed by default this.tabs( 'option', 'collapsible', true ).tabs('option', 'active', false); //Call close function on beforeactivate event this.on( "tabsbeforeactivate", function(event, ui) { that.closeTabs(event, ui); }); // Call riseUp funciton on befporeactivate to check if tabs should // open upwards (based on available space) and adjust this.on( "tabsbeforeactivate", function(event, ui) { that.riseUp(event, ui); }); // Apply special behaviour depending on whether tabs are // sitetree actions, or an actionmenu if(this.parents('.cms-content-actions')){ this.actionsMenu(); } else if(this.hasClass('cms-actions-row')){ this.siteTreeActions(); } }, /* * Apply custom rules to the Actions Menu * Currently includes positioning logic */ actionsMenu: function(){ this.tabs({ beforeActivate:function(event, ui){ //Set options before tab activated (but after clicked) var activePanel = ui.newPanel; //panel about to open var activeTab = ui.newTab; //tab nav item about to become active //Set the position of the opening tab (if it exists) if($(activePanel).length > 0){ $(activePanel).css('left', activeTab.position().left+"px"); } } }); }, /* Apply rules to the siteTree actions. These action panels should recieve different positions and classes depending on whether they are appearing in the full page site tree view, or in the sidebar */ siteTreeActions: function(){ var that = this; var container = this.parent().parent(); //Remove open classes on beforeactivate this.on( "tabsbeforeactivate", function(event, ui) { // Remove tabset open classes (last gets a unique class // in the bigger sitetree, so remove this too) $(that).closest('.ss-ui-action-tabset') .removeClass('tabset-open') .removeClass('tabset-open-last'); }); /* Apply specific rules if the actions panel appears in the side-bar * Includes: * * a hover helper class for animation, * * reseting positioning of panels */ if($(container).hasClass('cms-tree-view-sidebar')){ /* If actions panel is within the sidebar, apply active class to help animate open/close on hover */ $('.ui-tabs-nav li').hover(function(){ $(this).parent().find('li .active').removeClass('active'); $(this).find('a').addClass('active'); }); /* Reset position of tabs, else anyone going between the large and the small sitetree will see broken tabs */ this.tabs({ // Note: beforeActivate runs when a tab is clicked, // but before it is visible. beforeActivate:function(event, ui){ var activePanel = ui.newPanel; //the new active panel //Apply styles with css, to avoid overriding currently applied styles $(activePanel).css({'left': 'auto', 'right': 'auto'}); //reset left and right positioning if($(activePanel).length > 0){ $(activePanel).parent().addClass('tabset-open'); } } }); }else{ /* If the tabs are in the full site tree view, do some positioning so tabPanel stays with relevent tab */ this.tabs({ beforeActivate:function(event, ui){ var activePanel = ui.newPanel; var activeTab = ui.newTab; if($(activePanel).length > 0){ if($(activeTab).hasClass("last")){ // Align open tab to the right (because opened tab is last) $(activePanel).css({'left': 'auto', 'right': '0px'}); //last needs to be styled differently when open, so apply a unique class $(activePanel).parent().addClass('tabset-open-last'); }else{ //Assign position to tabpanel based on position of relivent activeTab item $(activePanel).css('left', activeTab.position().left+"px"); // If this is the first tab, make sure the position doesn't include border // (hard set position to 0 ), and add the tab-set open class if($(activeTab).hasClass("first")){ $(activePanel).css('left',"0px"); $(activePanel).parent().addClass('tabset-open'); } } } } }); } }, /* * Generic function to close open tabs when something other than * the open tab is clicked. Stores event in a handler, and removes * the bound event once activated. Used by ss-ui-action-tabset. * * Note: Should be called by a tabsbeforeactivate event */ closeTabs: function(event, ui){ var that = this; var frame = $('.cms').find('iframe'); //get all iframes on the page // Create a handler for the click event so we can close tabs // and easily remove the event once done var closeHandler = function(event){ //close open tab if (!$(event.target).closest(that).length) { that.tabs('option', 'active', false); // close tabs //remove click event from objects it is bound to (iframe's and document) var frame = $('.cms').find('iframe'); frame.each(function(index, iframe){ $(iframe).contents().off('click', closeHandler); }); $(document).off('click', closeHandler); }; } //Bind click event to document, and use closeHandler to handle the event $(document).on('click', closeHandler); // Make sure iframe click also closes tab // iframe needs a special case, else the click event will not register here if(frame.length > 0){ frame.each(function(index, iframe){ $(iframe).contents().on('click', closeHandler); }); } }, /***************************************************************** * Function riseUp checks to see if a tab should be opened upwards * (based on space concerns). If true, the rise-up class is applied * and a new position is calculated and applied to the element. * * Note: Should be called by a tabsbeforeactivate event ******************************************************************/ riseUp: function(event, ui){ // Get the numbers needed to calculate positions var elHeight = $(this).find('.ui-tabs-panel').outerHeight(); var trigger = $(this).find('.ui-tabs-nav').outerHeight(); var endOfWindow = ($(window).height() + $(document).scrollTop()) - trigger; var elPos = $(this).find('.ui-tabs-nav').offset().top; var activePanel = ui.newPanel; var activeTab = ui.newTab; if (elPos + elHeight >= endOfWindow && elPos - elHeight > 0){ this.addClass('rise-up'); if (activeTab.position() != null){ var topPosition = -activePanel.outerHeight(); var containerSouth = activePanel.parents('.south'); if (containerSouth){ //If container is the southern panel, make tab appear from the top of the container var padding = activeTab.offset().top - containerSouth.offset().top; topPosition = topPosition-padding; } $(activePanel).css('top',topPosition+"px"); } } else { //else remove the rise-up class and set top to 0 this.removeClass('rise-up'); if (activeTab.position() != null){ $(activePanel).css('top','0px'); } } return false; } }); }); })(jQuery);