--- title: Form Templates summary: Customize the generated HTML for a FormField or an entire Form. icon: file-code --- # Form Templates Most markup generated in Silverstripe CMS can be replaced by custom templates. Both [Form](api:SilverStripe\Forms\Form) and [FormField](api:SilverStripe\Forms\FormField) instances can be rendered out using custom templates using `setTemplate`. ```php $form = new Form(..); $form->setTemplate('MyCustomFormTemplate'); // or, just a field $field = new TextField(..); $field->setTemplate('MyCustomTextField'); ``` To override the template for CMS forms, the custom templates should be located in **/app/templates**. Front-end form templates can be located in **/app/templates** or in the active theme's **/templates** directory. [notice] It's recommended to copy the contents of the template you're going to replace and use that as a start. For instance, if you want to create a `MyCustomFormTemplate` copy the contents of `Form.ss` to a `MyCustomFormTemplate.ss` file and modify as you need. *The default Form.ss can be found in `/vendor/silverstripe/framework/templates/SilverStripe/Forms/Includes/`* [/notice] By default, Form and Fields follow the Silverstripe CMS Template convention and are rendered into templates of the same class name (i.e EmailField will attempt to render into `EmailField.ss` and if that isn't found, `TextField.ss` or finally `FormField.ss`). [alert] While you can override all templates using normal view inheritance (i.e defining a `Form.ss`) other modules may rely on the core template structure. It is recommended to use `setTemplate` and unique templates for specific forms. [/alert] For [FormField](api:SilverStripe\Forms\FormField) instances, there are several other templates that are used on top of the main `setTemplate`. ```php $field = new TextField(); $field->setTemplate('CustomTextField'); // Sets the template for the tag. i.e '' $field->setFieldHolderTemplate('CustomTextField_Holder'); // Sets the template for the wrapper around the text field. i.e // '
' // // The actual FormField is rendered into the holder via the `$Field` // variable. // // setFieldHolder() is used in most `Form` instances and needs to output // labels, error messages and the like. $field->setSmallFieldHolderTemplate('CustomTextField_Holder_Small'); // Sets the template for the wrapper around the text field. // // The difference here is the small field holder template is used when the // field is embedded within another field. For example, if the field is // part of a `FieldGroup` or `CompositeField` alongside other fields. ``` All templates are rendered within the scope of the [FormField](api:SilverStripe\Forms\FormField). To understand more about Scope within Templates as well as the available syntax, see the [Templates](../templates) documentation. ## Related Documentation * [How to: Create a lightweight Form](how_tos/lightweight_form) ## API Documentation * [Form](api:SilverStripe\Forms\Form) * [FormField](api:SilverStripe\Forms\FormField)