state) { $this->setDirectivesFromArray(Config::inst()->get('HTTP', 'cache_control')); } } /** * Instruct the cache to apply a change with a given level, optionally * modifying it with a force flag to increase priority of this action. * * If the apply level was successful, the change is made and the internal level * threshold is incremented. * * @param int $level Priority of the given change * @param bool $force If usercode has requested this action is forced to a higher priority. * Note: Even if $force is set to true, other higher-priority forced changes can still * cause a change to be rejected if it is below the required threshold. * @return bool True if the given change is accepted, and that the internal * level threshold is updated (if necessary) to the new minimum level. */ protected function applyChangeLevel($level, $force) { $forcingLevel = $level + ($force ? self::LEVEL_FORCED : 0); if ($forcingLevel < $this->forcingLevel) { return false; } $this->forcingLevel = $forcingLevel; return true; } /** * Low level method for setting directives include any experimental or custom ones added via config * * @param string $directive * @param string|bool $value * * @return $this */ public function setDirective($directive, $value = null) { // make sure the directive is in the list of allowed directives $allowedDirectives = $this->config()->get('allowed_directives'); $directive = strtolower($directive); if (in_array($directive, $allowedDirectives)) { $this->state[$directive] = $value; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Directive ' . $directive . ' is not allowed'); } return $this; } /** * Low level method to set directives from an associative array * * @param array $directives * * @return $this */ public function setDirectivesFromArray($directives) { foreach ($directives as $directive => $value) { // null values mean remove if (is_null($value)) { $this->removeDirective($directive); } else { // for legacy reasons we accept the string literal "true" as a bool // a bool value of true means there is no explicit value for the directive if ($value && (is_bool($value) || strtolower($value) === 'true')) { $value = null; } $this->setDirective($directive, $value); } } return $this; } /** * Low level method for removing directives * * @param string $directive * * @return $this */ public function removeDirective($directive) { unset($this->state[strtolower($directive)]); return $this; } /** * Low level method to check if a directive is currently set * * @param string $directive * * @return bool */ public function hasDirective($directive) { return array_key_exists(strtolower($directive), $this->state); } /** * Low level method to get the value of a directive * * Note that `null` value is acceptable for a directive * * @param string $directive * * @return string|false|null */ public function getDirective($directive) { if ($this->hasDirective($directive)) { return $this->state[strtolower($directive)]; } return false; } /** * The cache should not store anything about the client request or server response. * * Set the no-store directive (also removes max-age and s-maxage for consistency purposes) * * @param bool $noStore * * @return $this */ public function setNoStore($noStore = true) { if ($noStore) { $this->setDirective('no-store'); $this->removeDirective('max-age'); $this->removeDirective('s-maxage'); } else { $this->removeDirective('no-store'); } return $this; } /** * Forces caches to submit the request to the origin server for validation before releasing a cached copy. * * @param bool $noCache * * @return $this */ public function setNoCache($noCache = true) { if ($noCache) { $this->setDirective('no-cache'); } else { $this->removeDirective('no-cache'); } return $this; } /** * Specifies the maximum amount of time (seconds) a resource will be considered fresh. * This directive is relative to the time of the request. * * @param int $age * * @return $this */ public function setMaxAge($age) { $this->setDirective('max-age', $age); return $this; } /** * Overrides max-age or the Expires header, but it only applies to shared caches (e.g., proxies) * and is ignored by a private cache. * * @param int $age * * @return $this */ public function setSharedMaxAge($age) { $this->setDirective('s-maxage', $age); return $this; } /** * The cache must verify the status of the stale resources before using it and expired ones should not be used. * * @param bool $mustRevalidate * * @return $this */ public function setMustRevalidate($mustRevalidate = true) { if ($mustRevalidate) { $this->setDirective('must-revalidate'); } else { $this->removeDirective('must-revalidate'); } return $this; } /** * Simple way to set cache control header to a cacheable state. * Use this method over `publicCache()` if you are unsure about caching details. * * Removes `no-store` and `no-cache` directives; other directives will remain in place. * Use alongside `setMaxAge()` to indicate caching. * * Does not set `public` directive. Usually, `setMaxAge()` is sufficient. Use `publicCache()` if this is explicitly required. * See * * @see * @param bool $force Force the cache to public even if its unforced private or public * @return $this */ public function enableCache($force = false) { // Only execute this if its forcing level is high enough if (!$this->applyChangeLevel(self::LEVEL_ENABLED, $force)) { SS_Log::log("Call to enableCache($force) didn't execute as it's lower priority than a previous call", SS_Log::DEBUG); return $this; } $this->removeDirective('no-store'); $this->removeDirective('no-cache'); return $this; } /** * Simple way to set cache control header to a non-cacheable state. * Use this method over `privateCache()` if you are unsure about caching details. * Takes precendence over unforced `enableCache()`, `privateCache()` or `publicCache()` calls. * * Removes all state and replaces it with `no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate`. Although `no-store` is sufficient * the others are added under recommendation from Mozilla ( * * Does not set `private` directive, use `privateCache()` if this is explicitly required. * See * * @see * @param bool $force Force the cache to diabled even if it's forced private or public * @return $this */ public function disableCache($force = false) { // Only execute this if its forcing level is high enough if (!$this->applyChangeLevel(self::LEVEL_DISABLED, $force )) { SS_Log::log("Call to disableCache($force) didn't execute as it's lower priority than a previous call", SS_Log::DEBUG); return $this; } $this->state = array( 'no-cache' => null, 'no-store' => null, 'must-revalidate' => null, ); return $this; } /** * Advanced way to set cache control header to a non-cacheable state. * Indicates that the response is intended for a single user and must not be stored by a shared cache. * A private cache (e.g. Web Browser) may store the response. Also removes `public` as this is a contradictory directive. * * @see * @param bool $force Force the cache to private even if it's forced public * @return $this */ public function privateCache($force = false) { // Only execute this if its forcing level is high enough if (!$this->applyChangeLevel(self::LEVEL_PRIVATE, $force)) { SS_Log::log("Call to privateCache($force) didn't execute as it's lower priority than a previous call", SS_Log::DEBUG); return $this; } // Update the directives $this->setDirective('private'); $this->removeDirective('public'); $this->removeDirective('no-cache'); $this->removeDirective('no-store'); return $this; } /** * Advanced way to set cache control header to a cacheable state. * Indicates that the response may be cached by any cache. (eg: CDNs, Proxies, Web browsers) * Also removes `private` as this is a contradictory directive * * @see * @param bool $force Force the cache to public even if it's private, unless it's been forced private * @return $this */ public function publicCache($force = false) { // Only execute this if its forcing level is high enough if (!$this->applyChangeLevel(self::LEVEL_PUBLIC, $force)) { SS_Log::log("Call to publicCache($force) didn't execute as it's lower priority than a previous call", SS_Log::DEBUG); return $this; } $this->setDirective('public'); $this->removeDirective('private'); $this->removeDirective('no-cache'); $this->removeDirective('no-store'); return $this; } /** * Generate and add the `Cache-Control` header to a response object * * @param SS_HTTPResponse $response * * @return $this */ public function applyToResponse($response) { $headers = $this->generateHeaders(); foreach ($headers as $name => $value) { $response->addHeader($name, $value); } return $this; } /** * Generate the cache header * * @return string */ protected function generateCacheHeader() { $cacheControl = array(); foreach ($this->state as $directive => $value) { if (is_null($value)) { $cacheControl[] = $directive; } else { $cacheControl[] = $directive . '=' . $value; } } return implode(', ', $cacheControl); } /** * Generate all headers to output * * @return array */ public function generateHeaders() { return array( 'Cache-Control' => $this->generateCacheHeader(), ); } /** * Reset registered http cache control and force a fresh instance to be built */ public static function reset() { Injector::inst()->unregisterNamedObject(__CLASS__); } }