supportsTransactions()) { static::markTestSkipped('Current database does not support transactions'); } } public function testTransactions() { $conn = DB::get_conn(); if (!$conn->supportsTransactions()) { $this->markTestSkipped("DB Doesn't support transactions"); return; } // Test that successful transactions are comitted $obj = new TestObject(); $failed = false; $conn->withTransaction( function () use (&$obj) { $obj->Title = 'Save 1'; $obj->write(); }, function () use (&$failed) { $failed = true; } ); $this->assertEquals('Save 1', TestObject::get()->first()->Title); $this->assertFalse($failed); // Test failed transactions are rolled back $ex = null; $failed = false; try { $conn->withTransaction( function () use (&$obj) { $obj->Title = 'Save 2'; $obj->write(); throw new \Exception("error"); }, function () use (&$failed) { $failed = true; } ); } catch (\Exception $ex) { } $this->assertTrue($failed); $this->assertEquals('Save 1', TestObject::get()->first()->Title); $this->assertInstanceOf('Exception', $ex); $this->assertEquals('error', $ex->getMessage()); } public function testNestedTransaction() { if (!DB::get_conn()->supportsSavepoints()) { static::markTestSkipped('Current database does not support savepoints'); } $this->assertCount(0, TestObject::get()); try { DB::get_conn()->withTransaction(function () { $obj = TransactionTest\TestObject::create(); $obj->Title = 'Test'; $obj->write(); $this->assertCount(1, TestObject::get()); DB::get_conn()->withTransaction(function () { $obj = TransactionTest\TestObject::create(); $obj->Title = 'Test2'; $obj->write(); $this->assertCount(2, TestObject::get()); }); throw new \Exception('roll back transaction'); }); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('roll back transaction', $e->getMessage()); } $this->assertCount(0, TestObject::get()); } public function testCreateWithTransaction() { // First/Second in a successful transaction DB::get_conn()->transactionStart(); $obj = new TransactionTest\TestObject(); $obj->Title = 'First page'; $obj->write(); $obj = new TransactionTest\TestObject(); $obj->Title = 'Second page'; $obj->write(); DB::get_conn()->transactionEnd(); // Third/Fourth in a rolled back transaction DB::get_conn()->transactionStart(); $obj = new TransactionTest\TestObject(); $obj->Title = 'Third page'; $obj->write(); $obj = new TransactionTest\TestObject(); $obj->Title = 'Fourth page'; $obj->write(); DB::get_conn()->transactionRollback(); $first = DataObject::get(TransactionTest\TestObject::class, "\"Title\"='First page'"); $second = DataObject::get(TransactionTest\TestObject::class, "\"Title\"='Second page'"); $third = DataObject::get(TransactionTest\TestObject::class, "\"Title\"='Third page'"); $fourth = DataObject::get(TransactionTest\TestObject::class, "\"Title\"='Fourth page'"); //These pages should be in the system $this->assertTrue(is_object($first) && $first->exists()); $this->assertTrue(is_object($second) && $second->exists()); //These pages should NOT exist, we rolled back $this->assertFalse(is_object($third) && $third->exists()); $this->assertFalse(is_object($fourth) && $fourth->exists()); } public function testReadOnlyTransaction() { if (!DB::get_conn()->supportsTransactions()) { $this->markTestSkipped('Current database doesn\'t support transactions'); return; } if (!DB::get_conn()->supportsTransactionMode('READ ONLY')) { $this->markTestSkipped('Current database doesn\'t support READ ONLY transactions'); return; } // This feature is deprecated in 4.4, but we're still testing it. Deprecation::notification_version('4.3.0'); $page = new TestObject(); $page->Title = 'Read only success'; $page->write(); DB::get_conn()->transactionStart('READ ONLY'); try { $page = new TestObject(); $page->Title = 'Read only page failed'; $page->write(); DB::get_conn()->transactionEnd(); } catch (\Exception $e) { //could not write this record //We need to do a rollback or a commit otherwise we'll get error messages DB::get_conn()->transactionRollback(); } DataObject::flush_and_destroy_cache(); $success = DataObject::get_one(TestObject::class, "\"Title\"='Read only success'"); $fail = DataObject::get_one(TestObject::class, "\"Title\"='Read only page failed'"); //This page should be in the system $this->assertInternalType('object', $success); $this->assertTrue($success->exists()); //This page should NOT exist, we had 'read only' permissions $this->assertNull($fail); } }