title: How to use a FixtureFactory # How to use a FixtureFactory The [FixtureFactory](api:SilverStripe\Dev\FixtureFactory) is used to manually create data structures for use with tests. For more information on fixtures see the [Fixtures](../fixtures) documentation. In this how to we'll use a `FixtureFactory` and a custom blue print for giving us a shortcut for creating new objects with information that we need. ```php class MyObjectTest extends SapphireTest { protected $factory; function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $factory = Injector::inst()->create('FixtureFactory'); // Defines a "blueprint" for new objects $factory->define('MyObject', array( 'MyProperty' => 'My Default Value' )); $this->factory = $factory; } function testSomething() { $MyObjectObj = $this->factory->createObject( 'MyObject', array('MyOtherProperty' => 'My Custom Value') ); echo $MyObjectObj->MyProperty; // returns "My Default Value" echo $myPageObj->MyOtherProperty; // returns "My Custom Value" } } ``` ## Related Documentation * [Fixtures](../fixtures) ## API Documentation * [FixtureFactory](api:SilverStripe\Dev\FixtureFactory) * [FixtureBlueprint](api:SilverStripe\Dev\FixtureBlueprint)