# URL Variable Tools ## Introduction This page lists a number of "page options" , "rendering tools" or "special URL variables" that you can use to debug your SilverStripe applications. These are consumed in PHP using the $_REQUEST or $_GET superglobals throughout the SilverStripe core. **General Usage** Append the option and corresponding value to your URL in your browser's address bar. You may find the [Firefox UrlParams extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1290) useful in order to debug a POST requests (Like Forms). http://yoursite.com/page?option_name=value http://yoursite.com/page?option_1=value&option_2=value ## Templates | URL Variable | | Values | | Description | | ------------ | | ------ | | ----------- | | flush=1 | | 1 | | Clears out all caches. Used mainly during development, e.g. when adding new classes or templates. Requires "dev" mode or ADMIN login | | showtemplate | | 1 | | Show the compiled version of all the templates used, including line numbers. Good when you have a syntax error in a template. Cannot be used on a Live site without **isDev**. | ## General Testing | URL Variable | | Values | | Description | | ------------ | | ------ | | ----------- | | isDev | | 1 | | Put the site into [development mode](../), enabling debugging messages to the browser on a live server. For security, you'll be asked to log in with an administrator log-in. Will persist for the current browser session. | | isTest | | 1 | | See above. | | debug | | 1 | | Show a collection of debugging information about the director / controller operation | | debug_request | | 1 | | Show all steps of the request from initial [HTTPRequest](api:SilverStripe\Control\HTTPRequest) to [Controller](api:SilverStripe\Control\Controller) to Template Rendering | ## Classes and Objects | URL Variable | | Values | | Description | | ------------ | | ------ | | ----------- | | debugfailover | | 1 | | Shows failover methods from classes extended | ## Database | URL Variable | | Values | | Description | | ------------ | | --------- | | ----------- | | showqueries | | 1\|inline | | List all SQL queries executed, the `inline` option will do a fudge replacement of parameterised queries | | previewwrite | | 1 | | List all insert / update SQL queries, and **don't** execute them. Useful for previewing writes to the database. | ## Security Redirects You can set an URL to redirect back to after a [Security](/developer_guides/security) action. See the section on [URL Redirections](/developer_guides/controllers/redirection) for more information and examples. | URL Variable | | Values | | Description | | ------------ | | ------ | | ----------- | | BackURL | | URL | | Set to a relative URL string to use once Security Action is complete | ## Building and Publishing URLS | Site URL | | Action | | -------- | | ------ | | http://localhost**/dev/build** | | Rebuild the entire database and manifest, see below for additional URL Variables | | http://localhost**/admin/pages/publishall/** | | Publish all pages on the site ### /dev/build | URL Variable | | Values | | Description | | ------------ | | ------ | | ----------- | | quiet | | 1 | | Don't show messages during build | | dont_populate | | 1 | | Don't run **requireDefaultRecords()** on the models when building. This will build the table but not insert any records |