setItemsPerPage()}. * * In order to reduce the amount of custom code required, the framework * provides some default configurations for common use cases: * * - {@link GridFieldConfig_Base} (added by default to GridField) * - {@link GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor} * - {@link GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor} */ class GridFieldConfig extends Object { /** * @var ArrayList */ protected $components = null; /** * */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->components = new ArrayList(); } /** * @param GridFieldComponent $component * @param string $insertBefore The class of the component to insert this one before * @return $this */ public function addComponent(GridFieldComponent $component, $insertBefore = null) { if ($insertBefore) { $existingItems = $this->getComponents(); $this->components = new ArrayList; $inserted = false; foreach ($existingItems as $existingItem) { if (!$inserted && $existingItem instanceof $insertBefore) { $this->components->push($component); $inserted = true; } $this->components->push($existingItem); } if (!$inserted) { $this->components->push($component); } } else { $this->getComponents()->push($component); } return $this; } /** * @param GridFieldComponent $component,... One or more components * @return $this */ public function addComponents($component = null) { $components = func_get_args(); foreach ($components as $component) { $this->addComponent($component); } return $this; } /** * @param GridFieldComponent $component * @return $this */ public function removeComponent(GridFieldComponent $component) { $this->getComponents()->remove($component); return $this; } /** * @param string $type Class name or interface * @return $this */ public function removeComponentsByType($type) { $components = $this->getComponentsByType($type); foreach ($components as $component) { $this->removeComponent($component); } return $this; } /** * @return ArrayList Of GridFieldComponent */ public function getComponents() { if (!$this->components) { $this->components = new ArrayList(); } return $this->components; } /** * Returns all components extending a certain class, or implementing a certain interface. * * @param string $type Class name or interface * @return ArrayList Of GridFieldComponent */ public function getComponentsByType($type) { $components = new ArrayList(); foreach ($this->components as $component) { if ($component instanceof $type) { $components->push($component); } } return $components; } /** * Returns the first available component with the given class or interface. * * @param string $type ClassName * @return GridFieldComponent */ public function getComponentByType($type) { foreach ($this->components as $component) { if ($component instanceof $type) { return $component; } } return null; } }