<?php /** * An object representing a query of data from the DataObject's supporting database. * Acts as a wrapper over {@link SQLQuery} and performs all of the query generation. * Used extensively by DataList. */ class DataQuery { protected $dataClass; protected $query; protected $collidingFields = array(); private $queryFinalised = false; // TODO: replace subclass_access with this protected $querySubclasses = true; // TODO: replace restrictclasses with this protected $filterByClassName = true; /** * Create a new DataQuery. * @param $dataClass The name of the DataObject class that you wish to query */ function __construct($dataClass) { $this->dataClass = $dataClass; $this->initialiseQuery(); } /** * Clone this object */ function __clone() { $this->query = clone $this->query; } /** * Return the {@link DataObject} class that is being queried. */ function dataClass() { return $this->dataClass; } /** * Return the {@link SQLQuery} object that represents the current query; note that it will * be a clone of the object. */ function query() { return $this->getFinalisedQuery(); } /** * Remove a filter from the query */ function removeFilterOn($fieldExpression) { $matched = false; foreach($this->query->where as $i=>$item) { if(strpos($item, $fieldExpression) !== false) { unset($this->query->where[$i]); $matched = true; } } if(!$matched) user_error("Couldn't find $fieldExpression in the query filter.", E_USER_WARNING); return $this; } /** * Set up the simplest intial query */ function initialiseQuery() { // Get the tables to join to $tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->dataClass); // Error checking if(!$tableClasses) { if(!SS_ClassLoader::instance()->hasManifest()) { user_error("DataObjects have been requested before the manifest is loaded. Please ensure you are not querying the database in _config.php.", E_USER_ERROR); } else { user_error("DataObject::buildSQL: Can't find data classes (classes linked to tables) for $this->dataClass. Please ensure you run dev/build after creating a new DataObject.", E_USER_ERROR); } } $baseClass = array_shift($tableClasses); $select = array("\"$baseClass\".*"); // Build our intial query $this->query = new SQLQuery(array()); $this->query->distinct = true; if($sort = singleton($this->dataClass)->stat('default_sort')) { $this->sort($sort); } $this->query->from("\"$baseClass\""); $this->selectAllFromTable($this->query, $baseClass); singleton($this->dataClass)->extend('augmentDataQueryCreation', $this->query, $this); } /** * Ensure that the query is ready to execute. */ function getFinalisedQuery() { $query = clone $this->query; // Get the tables to join to $tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->dataClass); $baseClass = array_shift($tableClasses); $collidingFields = array(); // Join all the tables if($this->querySubclasses) { foreach($tableClasses as $tableClass) { $query->leftJoin($tableClass, "\"$tableClass\".\"ID\" = \"$baseClass\".\"ID\"") ; $this->selectAllFromTable($query, $tableClass); } } // Resolve colliding fields if($this->collidingFields) { foreach($this->collidingFields as $k => $collisions) { $caseClauses = array(); foreach($collisions as $collision) { if(preg_match('/^"([^"]+)"/', $collision, $matches)) { $collisionBase = $matches[1]; $collisionClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($collisionBase); $caseClauses[] = "WHEN \"$baseClass\".\"ClassName\" IN ('" . implode("', '", $collisionClasses) . "') THEN $collision"; } else { user_error("Bad collision item '$collision'", E_USER_WARNING); } } $query->select[$k] = "CASE " . implode( " ", $caseClauses) . " ELSE NULL END" . " AS \"$k\""; } } if($this->filterByClassName) { // If querying the base class, don't bother filtering on class name if($this->dataClass != $baseClass) { // Get the ClassName values to filter to $classNames = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($this->dataClass); if(!$classNames) user_error("DataObject::get() Can't find data sub-classes for '$callerClass'"); $query->where[] = "\"$baseClass\".\"ClassName\" IN ('" . implode("','", $classNames) . "')"; } } $query->select[] = "\"$baseClass\".\"ID\""; $query->select[] = "CASE WHEN \"$baseClass\".\"ClassName\" IS NOT NULL THEN \"$baseClass\".\"ClassName\" ELSE '$baseClass' END AS \"RecordClassName\""; // TODO: Versioned, Translatable, SiteTreeSubsites, etc, could probably be better implemented as subclasses of DataQuery singleton($this->dataClass)->extend('augmentSQL', $query, $this); return $query; } /** * Execute the query and return the result as {@link Query} object. */ function execute() { return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->execute(); } /** * Return this query's SQL */ function sql() { return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->sql(); } /** * Return the number of records in this query. * Note that this will issue a separate SELECT COUNT() query. */ function count() { $baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->dataClass); return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->count("DISTINCT \"$baseClass\".\"ID\""); } /** * Return the maximum value of the given field in this DataList */ function Max($field) { return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->aggregate("MAX(\"$field\")")->execute()->value(); } /** * Return the minimum value of the given field in this DataList */ function Min($field) { return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->aggregate("MIN(\"$field\")")->execute()->value(); } /** * Return the average value of the given field in this DataList */ function Avg($field) { return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->aggregate("AVG(\"$field\")")->execute()->value(); } /** * Return the sum of the values of the given field in this DataList */ function Sum($field) { return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->aggregate("SUM(\"$field\")")->execute()->value(); } /** * Return the first row that would be returned by this full DataQuery * Note that this will issue a separate SELECT ... LIMIT 1 query. */ function firstRow() { return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->firstRow(); } /** * Return the last row that would be returned by this full DataQuery * Note that this will issue a separate SELECT ... LIMIT query. */ function lastRow() { return $this->getFinalisedQuery()->lastRow(); } /** * Update the SELECT clause of the query with the columns from the given table */ protected function selectAllFromTable(SQLQuery &$query, $tableClass) { // Add SQL for multi-value fields $databaseFields = DataObject::database_fields($tableClass); $compositeFields = DataObject::composite_fields($tableClass, false); if($databaseFields) foreach($databaseFields as $k => $v) { if(!isset($compositeFields[$k])) { // Update $collidingFields if necessary if(isset($query->select[$k])) { if(!isset($this->collidingFields[$k])) $this->collidingFields[$k] = array($query->select[$k]); $this->collidingFields[$k][] = "\"$tableClass\".\"$k\""; } else { $query->select[$k] = "\"$tableClass\".\"$k\""; } } } if($compositeFields) foreach($compositeFields as $k => $v) { if($v) { $dbO = Object::create_from_string($v, $k); $dbO->addToQuery($query); } } } /** * Set the HAVING clause of this query */ function having($having) { if($having) { $clone = $this; $clone->query->having[] = $having; return $clone; } else { return $this; } } /** * Set the WHERE clause of this query */ function where($filter) { if($filter) { $clone = $this; $clone->query->where($filter); return $clone; } else { return $this; } } /** * Set the ORDER BY clause of this query */ function sort($sort) { if($sort) { $clone = $this; // Add quoting to sort expression if it's a simple column name if(!is_array($sort) && preg_match('/^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$/i', $sort)) $sort = "\"$sort\""; $clone->query->orderby($sort); return $clone; } else { return $this; } } /** * Set the limit of this query */ function limit($limit) { if($limit) { $clone = $this; $clone->query->limit($limit); return $clone; } else { return $this; } } /** * Add a join clause to this query * @deprecated Use innerJoin() or leftJoin() instead. */ function join($join) { if($join) { $clone = $this; $clone->query->from[] = $join; // TODO: This needs to be resolved for all databases if(DB::getConn() instanceof MySQLDatabase) $clone->query->groupby[] = reset($clone->query->from) . ".\"ID\""; return $clone; } else { return $this; } } /** * Add an INNER JOIN clause to this queyr * @param $table The table to join to. * @param $onClause The filter for the join. */ public function innerJoin($table, $onClause, $alias = null) { if($table) { $clone = $this; $clone->query->innerJoin($table, $onClause, $alias); return $clone; } else { return $this; } } /** * Add a LEFT JOIN clause to this queyr * @param $table The table to join to. * @param $onClause The filter for the join. */ public function leftJoin($table, $onClause, $alias = null) { if($table) { $clone = $this; $clone->query->leftJoin($table, $onClause, $alias); return $clone; } else { return $this; } } /** * Traverse the relationship fields, and add the table * mappings to the query object state. This has to be called * in any overloaded {@link SearchFilter->apply()} methods manually. * * @param $relation The array/dot-syntax relation to follow * @return The model class of the related item */ function applyRelation($relation) { // NO-OP if(!$relation) return $this->dataClass; if(is_string($relation)) $relation = explode(".", $relation); $modelClass = $this->dataClass; foreach($relation as $rel) { $model = singleton($modelClass); if ($component = $model->has_one($rel)) { if(!$this->query->isJoinedTo($component)) { $foreignKey = $model->getReverseAssociation($component); $this->query->leftJoin($component, "\"$component\".\"ID\" = \"{$modelClass}\".\"{$foreignKey}ID\""); /** * add join clause to the component's ancestry classes so that the search filter could search on its * ancester fields. */ $ancestry = ClassInfo::ancestry($component, true); if(!empty($ancestry)){ $ancestry = array_reverse($ancestry); foreach($ancestry as $ancestor){ if($ancestor != $component){ $this->query->innerJoin($ancestor, "\"$component\".\"ID\" = \"$ancestor\".\"ID\""); $component=$ancestor; } } } } $modelClass = $component; } elseif ($component = $model->has_many($rel)) { if(!$this->query->isJoinedTo($component)) { $ancestry = $model->getClassAncestry(); $foreignKey = $model->getRemoteJoinField($rel); $this->query->leftJoin($component, "\"$component\".\"{$foreignKey}\" = \"{$ancestry[0]}\".\"ID\""); /** * add join clause to the component's ancestry classes so that the search filter could search on its * ancestor fields. */ $ancestry = ClassInfo::ancestry($component, true); if(!empty($ancestry)){ $ancestry = array_reverse($ancestry); foreach($ancestry as $ancestor){ if($ancestor != $component){ $this->query->innerJoin($ancestor, "\"$component\".\"ID\" = \"$ancestor\".\"ID\""); $component=$ancestor; } } } } $modelClass = $component; } elseif ($component = $model->many_many($rel)) { list($parentClass, $componentClass, $parentField, $componentField, $relationTable) = $component; $parentBaseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($parentClass); $componentBaseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($componentClass); $this->query->innerJoin($relationTable, "\"$relationTable\".\"$parentField\" = \"$parentBaseClass\".\"ID\""); $this->query->leftJoin($componentBaseClass, "\"$relationTable\".\"$componentField\" = \"$componentBaseClass\".\"ID\""); if(ClassInfo::hasTable($componentClass)) { $this->query->leftJoin($componentClass, "\"$relationTable\".\"$componentField\" = \"$componentClass\".\"ID\""); } $modelClass = $componentClass; } } return $modelClass; } /** * Select the given fields from the given table */ public function selectFromTable($table, $fields) { $fieldExpressions = array_map(create_function('$item', "return '\"$table\".\"' . \$item . '\"';"), $fields); $this->select($fieldExpressions); } /** * Query the given field column from the database and return as an array. */ public function column($field = 'ID') { $query = $this->getFinalisedQuery(); $query->select($this->expressionForField($field, $query)); return $query->execute()->column(); } protected function expressionForField($field, $query) { // Special case for ID if($field == 'ID') { $baseClass = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->dataClass); return "\"$baseClass\".\"ID\""; } else { return $query->expressionForField($field); } } /** * Clear the selected fields to start over */ public function clearSelect() { $this->query->select = array(); return $this; } /** * Select the given field expressions. You must do your own escaping */ protected function select($fieldExpressions) { $this->query->select = array_merge($this->query->select, $fieldExpressions); } //// QUERY PARAMS /** * An arbitrary store of query parameters that can be used by decorators. * @todo This will probably be made obsolete if we have subclasses of DataList and/or DataQuery. */ private $queryParams; /** * Set an arbitrary query parameter, that can be used by decorators to add additional meta-data to the query. * It's expected that the $key will be namespaced, e.g, 'Versioned.stage' instead of just 'stage'. */ function setQueryParam($key, $value) { $this->queryParams[$key] = $value; } /** * Set an arbitrary query parameter, that can be used by decorators to add additional meta-data to the query. */ function getQueryParam($key) { if(isset($this->queryParams[$key])) return $this->queryParams[$key]; else return null; } } ?>