/* This attempts to do the opposite of Sizzle. Sizzle is good for finding elements for a selector, but not so good for telling if an individual element matches a selector */ (function($) { /**** CAPABILITY TESTS ****/ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = '<form id="test"><input name="id" type="text"/></form>'; // In IE 6-7, getAttribute often does the wrong thing (returns similar to el.attr), so we need to use getAttributeNode on that browser var getAttributeDodgy = div.firstChild.getAttribute('id') !== 'test'; // Does browser support Element.firstElementChild, Element.previousElementSibling, etc. var hasElementTraversal = div.firstElementChild && div.firstElementChild.tagName == 'FORM'; // Does browser support Element.children var hasChildren = div.children && div.children[0].tagName == 'FORM'; var FUNC_IN = /^\s*function\s*\([^)]*\)\s*{/; var FUNC_OUT = /}\s*$/; var funcToString = function(f) { return (''+f).replace(FUNC_IN,'').replace(FUNC_OUT,''); } // Can we use Function#toString ? try { var testFunc = function(){ return 'good' }; if ((new Function('',funcToString(testFunc)))() != 'good') funcToString = false; } catch(e) { funcToString = false; console.log(e.message);/*pass*/ } /**** INTRO ****/ var GOOD = /GOOD/g; var BAD = /BAD/g; var STARTS_WITH_QUOTES = /^['"]/g; var join = function(js) { return js.join('\n'); } var join_complex = function(js) { code = new String(js.join('\n')); // String objects can have properties set. strings can't code.complex = true; return code; } /**** ATTRIBUTE ACCESSORS ****/ var getAttr; // Good browsers if (!getAttributeDodgy) { getAttr = function(attr){ return 'var _'+attr+' = el.getAttribute("'+attr+'");' ; } } // IE 6, 7 else { // On IE 6 + 7, getAttribute still has to be called with DOM property mirror name, not attribute name. Map attributes to those names var getAttrIEMap = { 'class': 'className', 'for': 'htmlFor' }; getAttr = function(attr) { var ieattr = getAttrIEMap[attr] || attr; return 'var _'+attr+' = el.getAttribute("'+ieattr+'",2) || (el.getAttributeNode("'+attr+'")||{}).nodeValue;'; } } /**** ATTRIBUTE COMPARITORS ****/ var attrchecks = { '-': '!_K', '=': '_K != "V"', '!=': '_K == "V"', '~=': '__K.indexOf(" V ") == -1', '^=': '!_K || _K.indexOf("V") != 0', '*=': '!_K || _K.indexOf("V") == -1', '$=': '!_K || _K.substr(_K.length-"V".length) != "V"' } /**** STATE TRACKER ****/ var State = $.selector.State = Base.extend({ init: function(){ this.reset(); }, reset: function() { this.attrs = {}; this.wsattrs = {}; }, prev: function(){ this.reset(); if (hasElementTraversal) return 'el = el.previousElementSibling'; return 'while((el = el.previousSibling) && el.nodeType != 1) {}'; }, next: function() { this.reset(); if (hasElementTraversal) return 'el = el.nextElementSibling'; return 'while((el = el.nextSibling) && el.nodeType != 1) {}'; }, prevLoop: function(body){ this.reset(); if (hasElementTraversal) return join([ 'while(el = el.previousElementSibling){', body]); return join([ 'while(el = el.previousSibling){', 'if (el.nodeType != 1) continue;', body, ]); }, parent: function() { this.reset(); return 'el = el.parentNode;'; }, parentLoop: function(body) { this.reset(); return join([ 'while((el = el.parentNode) && el.nodeType == 1){', body, '}' ]); }, uses_attr: function(attr) { if (this.attrs[attr]) return; this.attrs[attr] = true; return getAttr(attr); }, uses_wsattr: function(attr) { if (this.wsattrs[attr]) return; this.wsattrs[attr] = true; return join([this.uses_attr(attr), 'var __'+attr+' = " "+_'+attr+'+" ";']); }, save: function(lbl) { return 'var el'+lbl+' = el;'; }, restore: function(lbl) { this.reset(); return 'el = el'+lbl+';'; } }); /**** PSEUDO-CLASS DETAILS ****/ var pseudoclschecks = { 'first-child': join([ 'var cel = el;', 'while(cel = cel.previousSibling){ if (cel.nodeType === 1) BAD; }', ]), 'last-child': join([ 'var cel = el;', 'while(cel = cel.nextSibling){ if (cel.nodeType === 1) BAD; }' ]), 'nth-child': function(a,b) { var get_i = join([ 'var i = 1, cel = el;', 'while(cel = cel.previousSibling){', 'if (cel.nodeType === 1) i++;', '}', ]); if (a == 0) return join([ get_i, 'if (i- '+b+' != 0) BAD;' ]); else if (b == 0 && a >= 0) return join([ get_i, 'if (i%'+a+' != 0 || i/'+a+' < 0) BAD;' ]); else if (b == 0 && a < 0) return join([ 'BAD;' ]); else return join([ get_i, 'if ((i- '+b+')%'+a+' != 0 || (i- '+b+')/'+a+' < 0) BAD;' ]); } }; // Needs to refence contents of object, so must be injected after definition pseudoclschecks['only-child'] = join([ pseudoclschecks['first-child'], pseudoclschecks['last-child'] ]); /**** SimpleSelector ****/ $.selector.SimpleSelector.addMethod('compile', function(el) { var js = []; /* Check against element name */ if (this.tag && this.tag != '*') { js[js.length] = 'if (el.tagName != "'+this.tag.toUpperCase()+'") BAD;'; } /* Check against ID */ if (this.id) { js[js.length] = el.uses_attr('id'); js[js.length] = 'if (_id !== "'+this.id+'") BAD;'; } /* Build className checking variable */ if (this.classes.length) { js[js.length] = el.uses_wsattr('class'); /* Check against class names */ $.each(this.classes, function(i, cls){ js[js.length] = 'if (__class.indexOf(" '+cls+' ") == -1) BAD;'; }) } /* Check against attributes */ $.each(this.attrs, function(i, attr){ js[js.length] = (attr[1] == '~=') ? el.uses_wsattr(attr[0]) : el.uses_attr(attr[0]); var check = attrchecks[ attr[1] || '-' ]; check = check.replace( /K/g, attr[0]).replace( /V/g, attr[2] && attr[2].match(STARTS_WITH_QUOTES) ? attr[2].slice(1,-1) : attr[2] ); js[js.length] = 'if ('+check+') BAD;'; }); /* Check against nots */ $.each(this.nots, function(i, not){ var lbl = ++lbl_id; var func = join([ 'l'+lbl+':{', not.compile(el).replace(BAD, 'break l'+lbl).replace(GOOD, 'BAD'), '}' ]); if (!(not instanceof $.selector.SimpleSelector)) func = join([ el.save(lbl), func, el.restore(lbl) ]) js[js.length] = func; }); /* Check against pseudo-classes */ $.each(this.pseudo_classes, function(i, pscls){ var check = pseudoclschecks[pscls[0]]; if (check) { js[js.length] = ( typeof check == 'function' ? check.apply(this, pscls[1]) : check ); } else if (check = $.find.selectors.filters[pscls[0]]) { if (funcToString) { js[js.length] = funcToString(check).replace(/elem/g,'el').replace(/return([^;]+);/,'if (!($1)) BAD;'); } else { js[js.length] = 'if (!$.find.selectors.filters.'+pscls[0]+'(el)) BAD;' } } }); js[js.length] = 'GOOD'; /* Pass */ return join(js); }); var lbl_id = 0; /** Turns an compiled fragment into the first part of a combination */ function as_subexpr(f) { if (f.complex) return join([ 'l'+(++lbl_id)+':{', f.replace(GOOD, 'break l'+lbl_id), '}', ]); else return f.replace(GOOD, ''); } var combines = { ' ': function(el, f1, f2) { return join_complex([ f2, 'while(true){', el.parent(), 'if (!el || el.nodeType !== 1) BAD;', f1.compile(el).replace(BAD, 'continue'), '}' ]); }, '>': function(el, f1, f2) { return join([ f2, el.parent(), 'if (!el || el.nodeType !== 1) BAD;', f1.compile(el) ]); }, '~': function(el, f1, f2) { return join_complex([ f2, el.prevLoop(), f1.compile(el).replace(BAD, 'continue'), '}', 'BAD;' ]); }, '+': function(el, f1, f2) { return join([ f2, el.prev(), 'if (!el) BAD;', f1.compile(el) ]); } }; $.selector.Selector.addMethod('compile', function(el) { l = this.parts.length; expr = this.parts[--l].compile(el); while (l) { combinator = this.parts[--l]; expr = combines[combinator](el, this.parts[--l], as_subexpr(expr)); } return expr; }); $.selector.SelectorsGroup.addMethod('compile', function(el) { var expr = [], lbl = ++lbl_id; for (var i=0; i < this.parts.length; i++) { expr[expr.length] = join([ i == 0 ? el.save(lbl) : el.restore(lbl), 'l'+lbl+'_'+i+':{', this.parts[i].compile(el).replace(BAD, 'break l'+lbl+'_'+i), '}' ]); } expr[expr.length] = 'BAD;'; return join(expr); }); $.selector.SelectorBase.addMethod('matches', function(el){ this.matches = new Function('el', join([ 'if (!el) return false;', this.compile(new State()).replace(BAD, 'return false').replace(GOOD, 'return true') ])); return this.matches(el); }); })(jQuery);