 * @package cms
 * @subpackage tests

class DiffTest extends SapphireTest {
	 * @see https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/silverstripe-dev/yHcluCvuszo
	function testTableDiff() {
		if(!class_exists('DOMDocument')) {
			$this->markTestSkipped('"DOMDocument" required');
		$from = "<table> 
			<tr class=\"blah\"> 
				<td colspan=\"2\">Row 1</td> 
			<tr class=\"foo\"> 
				<td>Row 2</td> 
				<td>Row 2</td> 
				<td>Row 3</td> 
				<td>Row 3</td> 

		$to = "<table class=\"new-class\"> 
			<tr class=\"blah\"> 
				<td colspan=\"2\">Row 1</td> 
			<tr class=\"foo\"> 
				<td>Row 2</td> 
				<td>Row 2</td> 
		$expected = "<ins>" . $to . "</ins>" . "<del>" . $from . "</del>";
		$compare = Diff::compareHTML($from, $to);
		// Very hard to debug this way, wouldn't need to do this if PHP had an *actual* DOM parsing lib,
		// and not just the poor excuse that is DOMDocument
		$compare = preg_replace('/[\s\t\n\r]*/', '', $compare);
		$expected = preg_replace('/[\s\t\n\r]*/', '', $expected);
		$this->assertEquals($compare, $expected);