'DBSchemaManagerTest_SomeModel', 'checkAndRepairOnBuild' => false, 'expected' => false, ], // allowed because it's not in the ignore list [ 'tableName' => 'DBSchemaManagerTest_SomeModel', 'checkAndRepairOnBuild' => true, 'expected' => true, ], // not allowed because it's the base class for an ignored class [ 'tableName' => 'DBSchemaManagerTest_BaseClass', 'checkAndRepairOnBuild' => true, 'expected' => false, ], // not allowed because it's explicitly in the ignore list [ 'tableName' => 'DBSchemaManagerTest_ChildClass', 'checkAndRepairOnBuild' => true, 'expected' => false, ], // not allowed because it's a subclass of an ignored class [ 'tableName' => 'DBSchemaManagerTest_GrandChildClass', 'checkAndRepairOnBuild' => true, 'expected' => false, ], ]; } #[DataProvider('provideCanCheckAndRepairTable')] public function testCanCheckAndRepairTable(string $tableName, bool $checkAndRepairOnBuild, bool $expected) { // set config Config::modify()->set(DBSchemaManager::class, 'check_and_repair_on_build', $checkAndRepairOnBuild); Config::modify()->set(DBSchemaManager::class, 'exclude_models_from_db_checks', [ChildClass::class]); $manager = $this->getConcreteSchemaManager(); $reflectionCanCheck = new ReflectionMethod($manager, 'canCheckAndRepairTable'); $reflectionCanCheck->setAccessible(true); $result = $reflectionCanCheck->invoke($manager, $tableName); $this->assertSame($expected, $result); } /** * DBSchemaManager is an abstract class - this gives us an instance of a concrete subclass. * This allows us to test the original abstract implementations of methods without risking accidentally * testing overridden methods on something like MySQLSchemaManager */ private function getConcreteSchemaManager(): DBSchemaManager { return new TestDBSchemaManager(); } }