#!/bin/sh VER=$1 # Get the version - a tag if possible, otherwise a short ref (not well tested code) if [ "$VER " = " " ] ; then \ VER=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref=strict HEAD` fi if [ "$VER" = "master" ] ; then \ VER=`git show --pretty=format:"%h" --quiet` fi # Specify the output file's name FILE="dist/jquery.concrete-$VER.js" mkdir -p dist rm dist/*.js echo "/* jQuery.Concrete - Copyright 2009 Hamish Friedlander and SilverStripe. Version $VER. */" > $FILE for x in \ vendor/jquery.selector/jquery.class.js \ vendor/jquery.selector/jquery.selector.js \ vendor/jquery.selector/jquery.selector.specifity.js \ vendor/jquery.selector/jquery.selector.matches.js \ src/jquery.focusinout.js \ src/jquery.concrete.js \ src/jquery.concrete.dommaybechanged.js \ src/jquery.concrete.events.js \ src/jquery.concrete.ctors.js \ src/jquery.concrete.properties.js do \ echo >> $FILE echo "/* $x */" >> $FILE echo >> $FILE cat $x >> $FILE echo ';' >> $FILE echo >> $FILE done ln -s `basename "$FILE"` dist/jquery.concrete-latest.js # cp LICENSE /tmp/ # cp $FILE /tmp/ # git checkout dist # mv /tmp/$FILE . # mv /tmp/LICENSE . # git add $FILE # git add LICENSE # git commit -m "Update dist to master version $VER" # git checkout master